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Episode 1
The Memento

A young girl named Rhode asks Alk and co. to take her to the place her father died. With the help of the mermaids, they arrive and find a large creature in a diving suit. Rhode tells the group that this is Verikion, a hero from a bedside story her father made up for her. Rhode swears to be with Verikion, whom she calls Vriki for short, forever. Since he would draw too much attention in Rhode's world, however, Stella welcomes the two of them to Starview Village instead.

???: I am... You are... We...

???: Who... are... Who... am...

???: Rho...de... Rhode.

Sun-Kissed Sailor: Get outta here! This ain't no kindergarten- we don't have time to look after kids like you!

Stella: Are you okay?

Girl with a Stuffed Toy: Yes... Vriki says he's fine, too.

Girl with a Stuffed Toy: Vriki is... my doll's name. His real name is Verikion, but I call him Vriki for short... He says he wants you to call him Vriki too.

Girl with a Stuffed Toy: This is my fault... Vriki warned me over and over, "Don't do it, Rhode!" But I was too stubborn. I went and asked that man to take me...

Alk: I see... So, your name is Rhode, I take it? Where exactly did you want the sailor to take you?

Rhode: To the place where my dad died...

Rhode: He disappeared somewhere far down in the depths of the ocean...

Rhode: But they refused to help me... What am I going to do, Vriki?

Alk: The bottom of the ocean, huh? I think I know a way to get there.

Alk: But you'll have to promise to keep it a secret!

Amelia: Hearing you loud and clear, Alk! This sounds right up my alley!

Rhode: Thanks, Amelia. Sorry for the inconvenience. We wouldn't be asking you if this wasn't important.

Amelia: No problemo! Besides, how could I say no if there's a crying little girl involved?

Stella: She's actually not crying right now.

Rhode: I always wondered what the bottom of the ocean was like... Vriki is very happy to be able to go. He says thank you.

Rhode: So this is what my dad saw...

Alk: You said your dad was an underwater salvager, right? The kind that wears those big diving suits?

Rhode: Yes. But about a year ago, he got into an accident... He never came home.

Amelia: He didn't come home? But... that means he could still be out there, doesn't it?

Rhode: I understand what really happened. Vriki says you don't need to be worried about me.

Rhode: I miss my dad a lot, but I'll be okay. I have Vriki with me...

Alk: The two of you get along really well, don't you?

Rhode: Yes, we do. We're best friends.

Rhode: Vriki- or Verikion- is an incredible hero who can defeat any monster that comes his way. He always saves the day.

Light: Is this Verikion a legendary figure in your homeland?

Rhode: No. He's just a fairy tale my dad made up for me.

Rhode: He always used to tell me stories before bed. Nobody else knows them- they were just for us.

Alk: Right. That sounds like a wonderful memory of your father, Rhode.

Rhode: It is. And now that Vriki is by my side, I'm not afraid of anything!

Light: So this is the place Rhode's father was exploring before he disappeared.

Rhode: Dad...

Light: Everyone, get down!

Amelia: Something's like, super fishy about this! Where did all these monsters even come from?!

Light: It is odd. They seem... almost frightened.

???: Vrooo!

Alk: This isn't good! That thing looks like it means business...

???: *whirr*

Alk: What the-

Rhode: ...Vriki?

Rhode: Vriki! Is that you? It is! You're the real Verikion!

Vriki: *hum*

Rhode: I've missed you so much! Don't ever leave me along again...

Rhode: rom now on, we'll be together forever. Let's go home.

Vriki: *thrum*

Alk: Is... this even possible? That's supposed to be the real Vriki?

Light: There's no denying it bears a resemblance to the doll she carries with her. Could it be her father's doing?

Amelia: That's all cool and stuff, but uh... Are you really going to take that giant thing to the surface? People would freak out!

Alk: She has a good point there...

Stella: Rhode. You and Vriki should come with us.

Stella: I think that will be best for everyone.

Rhode: With you? Is that really okay?

Vriki: Vrooo...

Stella: Yes. You two are welcome to join us.

Alk: Yeah... That's probably for the best...

Amelia: That's our reliable Stella for you! Always saving the day!

Rhode: Let's go, Vriki. ...From now on, we do everything together.

Episode 2
What Lies Within

With every passing day, Rhode starts to view Vriki more like her real father. One day, while defeating monsters in the Kaleidoscope, Vriki's helmet comes off during a battle. Seeing the suit's content shocks the party, and they stand in awe of its terrifying power as it takes out the monsters that dared hurt Rhode.

Rhode: ...That's the story my father would tell me when I couldn't fall asleep.

Rhode: The story of the champion of the ocean, Verikion.

Rhode: He would wear a huge diving suit and defeat any monster that stood in his way. He was an unbeatable hero.

Rhode: In the story, Verikion was actually my dad. He kept his identity a secret from everyone but me.

Rhode: But I thought it was just a fairy tale. One he made up just for me.

Light: Real or not, this Verikion sounds like quite the hero.

Rhode: Yeah, but now I know he is real! Vriki really exists!

Vriki: *hum*

Rhode: If Vriki is with me, I feel like I can handle anything.

Light: I heard that you've been taking Vriki along with you when you play with other children... Is that really safe?

Rhode: Of course. He's not dangerous or scary! Vriki said so himself.

Alk: I mean, as long as you let other people know he's harmless, I don't see a problem.

Rhode: O-okay. I'll do that.

Alk: Don't worry- I'll be there too. If Vriki just stands still and doesn't spook anyone, we should be fine.

Little Girl: Hey, Rhode!

Rhode: Oh, hi there. Are you on your way somewhere.

Little Girl: Yeah, to see my dad! He's finally coming back!

Little Girl: He was off working somewhere in the west. My mom and I are going to meet him!

Mother: I'm sorry, dear... She didn't mean to be so inconsiderate.

Alk: N-no, ma'am, there's no need to apologize.

Little Girl: I'm sorry...

Rhode: It's okay. I'm fine! Vriki says so.

Rhode: Actually, I'm heading out right now too.

Rhode: And I'm also going with my dad!

Rhode: Well... Not exactly, I guess... But I am going with Vriki!

Light: This... is concerning.

Alk: Your dad, huh... And Vriki is... Hmm...

Rhode: Take them out, Vriki!

Vriki: *bellow*

Rhode: Wow, Vriki! They didn't stand a chance against you!

Vriki: *whirr*

Alk: Rhode...

Alk: You promised that you wouldn't get too close to the front line! At least wait until we take the enemies out...

Rhode: But I'm not in any danger.

Rhode: I have Vriki with me! He can't be defeated... I'm totally safe.

Nimbus: Don't let your guard down! The next wave's comin' in fast!

Rhode: Verikion is undefeatable! He's a hero!

Vriki: *roar*

Alk: Rhoade? Get back!

Rhode: I'll be fine! I... I'm with my dad, after all!

Nimbus: You idiot!

Light: Alk! Nimbus! It's okay... She's merely fainted.

Alk: Vriki! You dropped this-

Alk: ...Vriki? What's wrong?

Vriki: *bellow*

Vriki: Vrrrrrr!

Light: Wh-what is this power emanating from him? It doesn't seem to be the spirits of the dead...

Rhode: D-Dad?

Rhode: Dad!

Rhode: I'm so sorry... This is all my fault. I was just... so lonely without you...

Vriki: *hum*

Nimbus: Alk, you got a good look inside, right? What'd you see?

Alk: I... I honestly have no idea. I definitely saw something, but... I couldn't tell...

Alk: All I know is... There's no way that thing is her father.

Rhode: Dad... Don't ever leave me alone again. We'll be together forever.

Episode 3
Unbreakable Bonds

A mysterious man captures Rhode in an effort to lure and capture a servant of the Devourer of Stars. While trying to protect Rhode, Vriki manages to speak words in a human tongue. Despite knowing the truth about Vriki, Rhode states that she still wants to be with him forever. Finally, Alk and co. help her out by defeating the strange man.

Light: A man who was looking for Rhode and Vriki, you say?

Alk: Yeah. A work associate of her dad's, by the sound of it. He said he wants to tell Rhode exactly what happened.

Light: I can't help but find the whole thing rather suspicious. Why has this man appeared now, of all times?

Alk: I agree... But if it means Rhode can get closure about her father...

Alk: It might be worth meeting this guy. I figure I'll go and see him by myself. I do have a favor to ask you, though.

Alk: I'm sorry. I don't think I can let you meet Rhode after all.

Alk: If you have something to tell her, you can relay the message through me.

Bespectacled Man: Hahaha. Come on, no need to be like that. I'd very much like to speak with her directly. Would you kindly oblige me?

Alk: I'm afraid that's not possible. I have nothing else to say to you, so-

Bespectacled Man: That's all right. I guess I'll have the rest of this conversation with Rhode herself. Lucky for me, she's right here.

Alk: Rhode!

Rhode: Alk... I'm so sorry...

Bespectacled Man: Let's continue this conversation somewhere a little more private.

Bespectacled Man: I'm surprised to see that you didn't take that walking diving suit along with you. What did you call him? Vriki?

Rhode: I left him behind because I knew Alk would get suspicious...

Alk: If you so much as lay a hand on her, Vriki will make you regret it. He'll come rushing to save her.

Bespectacled Man: That's precisely what I'm counting on.

Alk: Stop it! Don't you dare hurt her!

Bespectacled Man: My, my... That was faster than I expected.

Vriki: *roar*

Rhode: Vriki!

Vriki: Vrr... Vrr... Vrr...

Rhode: Vriki? What's wrong?

Bespectacled Man: This barrier was designed to contain dragons, you know. Good to know that even a follower of the Devourer of Stars cannot break its hold.

Bespectacled Man: With this, I am one step closer to my goal... To throw off these mortal shackles... To transcend humanity!

Rhode: Break free, Vriki! Don't give up! Dad!

Bespectacled Man: Heh. Let me give you a closer look at this thing you call your father.

Alk: Stop! She doesn't need to see that!

Rhode: N-no... I don't understand... What...

Rhode: NO!

Vriki: Rh...ode...

Vriki: Rh...ode... Do... not... cry...

Bespectacled Man: Impossible! A follower of the Devourer of Stars possesses the ability of human speech? Or is it merely due to the consciousness that it absorbed...

Vriki: Rho...de...

Alk: I'm sorry... You were just trying to protect Rhode this whole time.

Alk: Nibmus!

Nimbus: Sorry I'm late. Let's get out of here, Rhode.

Bespectacled Man: The Devourer of Stars is already within my grasp! I have no further need of you-

Alk: Vriki... He was just acting as your protector, Rhode.

Alk: He may not be your real father, but... he cars for you.

Alk: Can you accept him for what he is, Rhode?

Rhode: I... was so alone. I missed my dad so much.

Rhode: But even if you're not actually my dad...

Vriki: Vr... Vr...

Rhode: I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry.

Rhode: Let's go home, Vriki.

Rhode: I... I still want to be with you! Forever!

Rhode: So please, stand up, Vriki!

Vriki: VRRRRR!

Alk: Get them!

Alk: That's enough, Vriki! No more!

Vriki: Vrr?

Rhode: You've done enough.

Vriki: *rumble*

Rhode: The great hero Verikion doesn't hurt the weak and helpless.

Rhode: So just toss that man aside.

Rhode: Don't leave my side, Vriki...

Rhode: Let's go home with everyone.

Vriki: *hum*

Alk: That's right, having a wash does brighten the mood!

Nimbus: Oh come on, don't pretend you understand him. All he does is make weird, low whirring noises.

Alk: I was just going off feeling, you know? I have no idea what he actually said.

Rhode: You two have to listen more carefully to what he says! He can speak.

Rhode: Vriki and I are going shopping today, so he wants to look his best. Isn't that right?

Vriki: *hum*

Rhode: See! He understands.

Nimbus: Nope. Still just sound like a broken refrigerator to me.