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Episode 1
The Felder Arbiter

Arbiter Reticia's investigation of the Star Augurs leads her to Alk, who's a known ally of the Crimson Blades. She decides to crash Starview and assess the crew's allegiances.

Alk: Yaaaaah!

Light: Victory is ours. Now, surrender and come peacefully.

Crewmate: Gwegege... I was just stallin' fer me crew. Any second now, they'll be-

Light: Another pirate?! No... Alk, we've got a bounty hunter on our hands!

Alk: Hey! You're not with these guys, right?! Maybe we can talk this ou-

Spunky Girl: Nah, I don't do splits. Fastest gun gets the gold, And YOU'VE got a dinky old SWORD.

Alk: At least it doesn't run out of ammo. ...How many rounds did you just waste?

Spunky Girl: Oh? You're not as dumb as you look.

Spunky Girl: But still dumb enough to think I don't carry backup firepower.

Light: Wait! We're not pirates; we simply-

Spunky Girl: I know who you are. And you're comin' with me.

Butler: Lady Felder. The rest of the pirates have been apprehended.

Spunky Girl: Kay. Thanks.

Light: La...dy?

Reticia: Reticia Felder, heir to the Felder line of arbiters.

Reticia: Now that the pirates are cleaned up, I'll be talkin; to YOU two at the manor.

Reticia: And don't even TRY to pretend you don't know the Crimson Blades. C'mon.

Alk: Hmm... Well, at least they're not chucking us straight into the slammer.

Light: Yet. We've still to hear their motives for detaining us. Stay alert.

Reticia: All right, let's get to business.

Lucretia: It's a pleasure to meet you, Alk and Light. I am Lucretia, acting regent for House Felder.

Reticia: Now, you have talking to do. Just what are you plotting.

Alk: Uhhh... What is this about, exactly?

Reticia: The Star Augurs.

Reticia: Heard the Crimson Blades caused a fuss off the coast of Paradise Isle.

Light: ...And why would that involve you?

Reticia: Like I said, we're arbiters. It's our job to keep the seas in order.

Reticia: We keep an eye on mercenaries to make sure none of the powers that be get their hands on TOO many pawns.

Lucretia: But lately, the power balance has been tipping.

Lucretia: On the surface, it seems related to the Crimson Blades' disappearance. But we suspect that the Star Augurs are responsible as well.

Reticia: There's trouble brewing, and if we don't stop it, it'll just escalate.

Light: I see. At the very least, neither we nor Marina have any designs on the local politics.

Reticia: You got proof?

Alk: Um... Not really?

Reticia: Sounds about right. But lucky for you, we already thought of that.

Reticia: You let us station an arbiter at your base, and we'll collect the info we need ourselves.

Reticia: Of course, House Felder'll reimburse you for any expenses our agent incurs- within reason, anyway.

Light: And if we decline the investigation?

Reticia: Then things get unpleasant. And to be real, I'd rather NOT have to deal with you the hard way, thanks.

Lucretia: We'd much prefer to conduct our business peacefully. On Felder's honor, all information collected will be kept strictly confidential.

Light: Very well. We accept.

Lucretia: Thank you. All right, then. The rest is up to you, Reticia. Good luck.

Light: Wait! By "an arbiter," you meant- but I thought Reticia's the heir to the house!

Reticia: Yep. That's how big this case is to us. I'm handling it personally.

Reticia: Heh, you mercenary thugs should consider yourselves lucky.

Lucretia: Reticia! Goodness, why are you always like this?

Lucretia: Just minutes ago, you were gushing over the chance to see more of Alk's swordsmanship.

Reticia: Wha- NO I WASN'T!

Lucretia: Weren't you? It was right after you told me what a polite, gentile look he-

Reticia: AAAAAAH! Lucretia! I-I never said anything like that!

Lucretia: Hmm... But she DID, didn't she?

Butler: She did, indeed.

Maid: I heard it too.

Reticia: Oooh... You jerks!

Alk: Uh... Thanks? I guess?

Reticia: CAN IT! It's not like you're THAT good with a sword.

Alk: Oookay...

Reticia: Ugh, ENOUGH! Let's just get this over with! Your hideout can't possibly be THAT-

Reticia: HUUUUGE?!

Reticia: Y-you're JOKING, right? We were just underwater, but now we're in the sky, and- what are those giant orbs out there?!

Stella: Welcome to Starview Village, Reticia. I am its Keeper, Stella.

Reticia: Oh, it's nice to meet-

Reticia: WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, hang on. I'm supposed to be monitoring the power balance!

Reticia: You thugs have an entire TOWN at your disposal?!

Reticia: Looks like this case'll be tougher than I thought... You idiots better not try anything funny!

Episode 2
More than a Name

Reticia pushes herself to fill her late parent's shoes, but a heart-to-heart with Alk restores her confidence- and makes her acutely aware of his pretty smile. Embarrassed, Reticia runs off.

Reticia: Listen up, you pirate wannabes! These waters are under Felder's protection- and you damn well know what that means!

Crewmate: Hah! Try us, princess. Felder's washed up, and we all know it!

Reticia: Hah! You'll pay for that!

Alk: Wait!

Reticia: Hmph, all bark, no bite.

Light: Reticia, that was a risky move, even for a seasoned fighter.

Light: You need to keep your wits in check. Or else... one of these days, you'll bite off more trouble than you can chew.

Reticia: Gee, thanks, Mom. ...I already know I'm too gutsy.

Reticia: But I... I can't sit back and do nothing!

Reticia: I have to draw faster! Shoot sharper!

Reticia: *pant* Hahh, I'm pushing my self too hard again, huh?

Alk: Reticia? Sorry, have you seen Nimbus?

Reticia: You just missed him. Dunno where he went though. Want me to help look?

Alk: Oh, no, it's fine. I can just carry the grocery bags by myself.

Reticia: ...I could help if you want.

Alk: You're a life saver! I was afraid I wouldn't make it in time for the sale.

Reticia: No problem. I was done training anyways, so it's not like I had anything else to do.

Alk: I'm amazed you managed to find time to train every day. Don't you have mountains of paperwork too?

Reticia: I'm used to it. Besides, you do all the chores, and YOU still find time to practice.

Alk: Mmm, I think it's more that... I dunno. I get worried that I don't train enough.

Reticia: Just like me...

Reticia: I'm nowhere near as good as the others, so I have to work twice as hard, or I'll never catch up.

Alk: ...What do you mean?

Reticia: Well, I'm the YOUNGER sister, right? Lucretia was supposed to be the next head arbiter.

Reticia: But years back, when Zegra vanished, things got... rough.

Reticia: Our parents did everything they could to prevent it, but there was a huge battle and... they never made it home.

Reticia: Lucretia survived, but only barely. Even now, her injuries prevent her from handling much beyond the bureaucratic side of arbiter work.

Reticia: I'm the only one who can fight, but... I'm a sorry excuse for a Felder.

Alk: I... I'm so sorry.

Reticia: It's fine. I swore that I'd train harder- for their sakes.

Reticia: I'm Reticia, heir to House Felder- and I'm gonna act like it!

Reticia: I won't let ANYONE disturb the seas!

Alk: Then you REALLY can't afford to fight so recklessly. If something happened to you...

Reticia: I-I know that! I just- I get caught up in the moment.

Reticia: I've been trying not to overwork myself, but... *sigh*

Alk: At the very least, you don't have to be "Lady Felder" around us.

Alk: I'm sure there's lots of pressure on you back home, but...

Alk: This is Palpebra. You're just a normal girl as far as anyone here knows.

Reticia: Yeah. You're right.

Angry Adventurer: Why should I care?! Who do you think you are?!

Crabby Adventurer: Who do you think YOU are?! You're the one who bumped into ME!

Reticia: You there! By order of House Felder, cease and desist!

Alk: Reticia!

Reticia: Oh. Wait. Oops...

Angry Adventurer: Am I supposed to've heard of you? Stay out of this, kid!

Reticia: Uh, um... Ahem!

Reticia: Have a look around you. You're scaring people.

Reticia: This little fight isn't gonna do your reputations any favors.

Reticia: If you can't reconcile your differences peacefully, I can be your witness for a proper duel.

Crabby Adventurer: A duel?! It's not THAT big of a deal...

Reticia: Hmm. Then how about you both take a deep breath, explain your grievances... and then I'll help mediate. Okay?

Alk: You had that fight settled in seconds. You really ARE a pro.

Reticia: Stop. I just rushed in without thinking, and you know it.

Reticia: But, um. I guess I did okay, even without the Felder name to rely on.

Reticia: Thanks, Alk.

Alk: I didn't do anything. I should be thanking YOU for all the help.

Alk: Besides, it was fun getting to know you better.

Reticia: Huh? Oh, uh. Y-yeah.

Reticia: It was nice talking to you too!

Alk: Really? ...That's good to hear.

Reticia: Eh? Um...

Alk: Huh?


Reticia: I, uh... gotta run!

Alk: Wait, Reticia?!

Reticia: Wh-wh-what WAS that?! Why do I feel so...

Reticia: Ooooh...

Episode 3
A Mighty Match

Reticia's sister jokingly suggests a strategic wedding between Alk and Reticia, who realizes she's not actually against the idea. Though Alk turns her down, Reticia swears to one day change his mind.

Alk: Hm? Sorry, am I distracting you?

Reticia: Dis... N-nope! Wh-why would you think that?!

Alk: No, really. You're hard at work, so if I'm being too loud, I can go somewhere else.

Reticia: You're not! If I wanted things SILENT, I'd just work in my room, so... stay here.

Alk: Oh, uh... Okay.

Reticia: Oooh, what am I doing?!

Stella: Watching Alk?

Reticia: AAAH! Huh? S-Stella?

Reticia: Wait. W-wait, I can explain! I was just, uh... OBSERVING Alk! For my investigation!

Stella: I see.

Nimbus: Riiight. Anyways, I thought you had to report back to the family today. Shouldn't you be getting ready?

Reticia: I-is it that late already? I'll be right back!

Light: Hmm, Reticia's usually quite punctual... Though I'm glad she's started to ease her guard around us.

Nimbus: Light... C'mon, man, she was bright red.

Lucretia: After reviewing reports from our arbiter, House Felder has deemed you... no threat.

Light: Thank you. It's a relief to have this misunderstanding resolved.

Lucretia: Agreed. However, a force of your crew's capabilities may well find itself at the crux of current events regardless.

Lucretia: As such, House Felder wishes to dispatch an arbiter to Starview- both as your aide, and to continue fostering cooperation between us.

Stella: Of course.

Lucretia: We appreciate the warm reception. I also have one other proposal.

Lucretia: Alk, would you marry me?

Reticia: Lu-LUCRETIA?!

Alk: *cough* S-sorry, I think I must've misheard you.

Lucretia: Starview is one of the greatest powers in this world- in MANY worlds. Naturally, I would like to be on good terms with its key figures.

Reticia: But you don't have to MA-marry... him...

Alk: Lucretia, I'm sorry, but I can't.

Lucretia: Ah, a pity. Am I perhaps not your type?

Alk: It's not a matter of "types." I barely even know you.

Alk: And it's not like you love me, either. Right?

Lucretia: Ahaha, to marry for love... How sweet.

Lucretia: You've been getting along well with Reticia, I've heard. Could I interest you in her hand?

Reticia: My WHAT?! Y-you mean like, ME? M-marry Alk?!


Reticia: Huh?!

Lucretia: Oh? Whyever not?

Alk: Reticia's partner is for HER to decide. Not you.

Lucretia: Yes, my apologies. I only meant to tease you two, but I see the joke was in poor taste.

Reticia: ...Hold it.

Alk: Reticia?

Reticia: That WAS sudden, and I don't want Lucretia putting words in my mouth, but... But!

Reticia: D-don't get the wrong idea! It's not like I WOULDN'T marry you!

Alk: Uh... what?

Reticia: Nnnnn, what I'm trying to say is... I... I!

Reticia: I LIKE YOU!

Alk: You... huh?!

Reticia: Hehe... B-bet you weren't expecting that! G-gotcha! Haha...

Reticia: B-be grateful I have low standards!

Nimbus: HAHA! Haaah, my sides. Well, Alk? When's the wedding?

Alk: NIMBUS! Okay, pause, PAUSE! E-everybody calm down.

Reticia: Calm?! I-I've never been clammer! ...Calmer.

Reticia: ...You don't have to give me an answer. Y'know, about the, uh... confession....

Alk: Reticia. Reticia, I-

Reticia: I said you don't have to say anything! I know I jumped the gun.

Reticia: A-and we're both busy with other stuff.

Reticia: So, um... SOMEDAY! When you're ready to settle down, we can talk about it then.

Alk: I'm sorry, but... No.

Reticia: ALK! L-let's save the details and decisions for when we're ready!

Alk: I can't promise I ever will be. So I'm sorry, but my answer is no.

Reticia: ...Oh. Okay.

Reticia: But we can still be friends! ...Right?

Alk: Y-yeah! Of course.

Reticia: Then friends it is.

Reticia: But just to start! Before you know it, just the THOUGHT of me'll give you butterflies!

Alk: Reticia...

Reticia: Hah! You didn't think I'd throw in the towel after ONE setback, did you?

Reticia: I swear- by the time this journey ends, you'll be head over heels!

Reticia: And then you WILL marry me, y'hear?!

Alk: W-wait! I didn't-

Alk: *sigh* Why does this always happen to ME?