Renoir (Halloween)/Stories

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Episode 1
Little Lab of Horrors

Alk accidently hits a switch that unleashes a ghost Renoir was using for experimental purposes. Unfortunately during his attempt to retrieve it, he accidently destroys it. Renoir employs his help in finding another one.

Alk: Renoir? You there?

Monster: Trick... Or... Treat!

Monster: If you haven't brought candy... prepare to be dissected!

Alk: Uh, it's not candy, but how does some dinner sound?

Renoir: A home-cooked meal prepared by Alk, eh? That... is more than acceptable!

Alk: Phew... Glad to hear it.

Alk: I'd better get some candy for the rest of the gang just in case.

Renoir: Talk about a letdown. You used to be so adorable when I scared you!

Light: Yeah... before he realized you would do this EVERY time.

Alk: Ahaha...

Renoir: But yeah, some grub would hit the spot right now— I've just reached a breakthrough in my experiment!

Alk: Another one, huh? Well, I'll just leave a plate and be on my way then—

Alk: Uh... Oops.

Renoir: Did you press what I think you just pressed?

Renoir: There goes the ghost I was experimenting on.

Alk: Why'd you put such an important switch in a place like that?!

Alk: ...Wait, did you say ghost?

Renoir: Well, I knew where the button was, so it was fine— or so I thought.

Renoir: Anyway, looks like it scurried off somewhere outside.

Alk: What?!

Renoir: Good thing no one here's afraid of ghosts, right?

Light: Yes... quite the contrary, actually. I'd be more concerned for the ghost at this point

Renoir: Hehe... That's Starview for you, right?

Alk: Still, we've got a situation on our hands!

Renoir: Not to worry! I present to you... The Boogie Catcher!

Alk: The what now?

Renoir: Don't worry about it- ready to bust a ghost?

Alk: I... I'll try my best.

Alk: Yikes. I suppose I'll be the one to clean this up.

Alk: H-hey, those are ingredients for tonight's dinner!

Alk: Don't just eat them raw!

Renoir: Oh, Alk... Never change.

Light: I'll draw its attention to the kitchen, so just ready to catch it. Ready?

Alk: Born ready! Nobody messes with MY ingredients.

Light: Begone, evil spirit!

Vengeful Ghost: Graaaaugh!

Alk: There!

Vengeful Ghost: Gyraaaugh!

Alk: Eeep! Uh... M-Meteor Break!

Alk: Uh... Sorry. I don't think this one's goona be of much use anymore.

Light: You failed to mention their ectoplasm would be so... slimy.

Renoir: No worries. 'Preciate the help, you two!

Renoir: And Light, would you mind sharing some of that slimy stuff with me later? And while you're at it, let me dissect you- for science, of course!

Light: No, and absolutely not!

Alk: Why are you experimenting on ghosts anyway?

Renoir: I've recently taken an interest in the relationship between energy and life-forms.

Renoir: And wouldn't you know it, ghosts are an anomaly in both fields!

Renoir: Not only that, but catching a low-level ghost in Palpebra is a cinch- especially on a Halloween!

Alk: Wait, really?

Renoir: Oh, yeah. Ghosts totally love a good shindig!

Renoir: Here's an idea. Since you're the one who lost my specimen, you'll help me catch a new one. Deal?

Alk: Fine...

Renoir: Heh. Don't you worry, I'll make sure it's worth your while!

Alk: Worth my while? Don't tell me...

Renoir: You guessed it! Seasquirt candy! Just in time for Halloween.

Alk: Of course it is. Why would I ever think it could've been something else?

Renoir: Enough chatter, Alk! There's science to be captured!

Episode 2
Banquet of the Dead

Alk and the others head to Palpebra during a Halloween festival in order to find a replacement ghost. Using a box-shaped device, Renoir successfully procures a new one.

Alk: Whoa, look at the turnout! And it's not even Halloween yet.

Renoir: This should make capturing another specimen a piece of cake- er, candy!

Alk: You really think there are ghosts in a crowded place like this?

Renoir: According to my research, they tend to gather at parties and other crowed events, contrary to what you might have heard.

Renoir: Perhaps they're just naturally attracted to human emotions. Or maybe there's a magnetic field that pulls them in. Who know?

Alk: Huh. I didn't know you researched the supernatural too.

Renoir: An excellent observation, Alk.

Renoir: Science and the supernatural may be like oil and water, but statistics never lie.

Alk: Statistics? You mean like... ghost sightings?

Renoir: Precisely. No matter how you spin it, data is data. If so many people claim to have seen something, it can't be ignored!

Renoir: Observe, hypothesize, experiment, conclude.

Renoir: It's all part of the scientific method!

Alk: So you're saying the existence of ghosts can be proven by science?

Renoir: Nope. Not at all.

Renoir: It's well-known that ghosts are formed from lingering resentments of the dead, but nobody wants to help me experiment.

Alk: Lingering resentments...

Renoir: Yup! Just think of it as, er, emotional residue! Something that'll emotionally cool off and fade away.

Renoir: Of course, we're only talking in hypotheticals, since it technically hasn't been proven that a soul actually-

Renoir: Oops, sorry! Got carried away again, didn't I?

Renoir: You're just such an honor student, Alk- I couldn't help it!

Light: Careful, Alk. Her praise can only lead to no good.

Renoir: And you're quite the lovely specimen yourself, Light...

Light: Urk...

Man in Tears: Eeeyargh! I-I already said I didn't have any candy! I'm sorry!

Alk: You think it's a ghost?

Renoir: The Boogie Catcher's responding! Let's move!

Pink Spirit: Waaaant... candyyyyy!

Renoir: Perhaps this was the spirit of someone who died of starvation... Or someone too sick to eat.

Light: Less observing, more Boogie Catching!

Renoir: That old thing? I threw it out.

Alk: Already?!

Renoir: Who needs that, when you've got THIS!

Alk: A... box?

Renoir: Hehe... Watch and learn.

Pink Spirit: Graaaaurgh!

Renoir: Oh, don't look directly into the light, 'kay?

Alk: Tell me that sooner next time!

Renoir: Get... in... this... box!

Renoir: Boom! And that's how it's done!

Alk: Incredible!

Light: I can't believe it. And you didn't even need to use your ghost-capturing machine or anything!

Renoir: Don't ever estimate the power of science!

Renoir: And to be honest, I forgot to charge it...

Alk: I don't know if we can chalk this one up to the power of science...

Renoir: Okay! Let's ride this momentum and round up a few more while we're at it!

Alk: Seriously?

Renoir: You'll help too, right, Alk? I'll make it worth your while...

Alk: Seasquirt candy again?

Renoir: Quick to the draw, aren't you? I knew they'd grow on you.

Renoir: Anyway, I'm kidding about the candy. I'll find something else for ya!

Renoir: Come on, you two! Those ghosts aren't gonna capture themselves!

Episode 3
Science Never Sleeps!

Renoir explains the relationship between ghosts and souls to Alk. When the ghost specimen they've captured responds to music, Renoir once again throws herself into her research.

Renoir: It's time... for SCIENCE!

Renoir: Now, then. Let's take a look at our captured specimen, shall we?

Alk: Um... Sure.

Renoir: Let's kick things off with a blast of infrared rays!

Pink Spirit: Ugraaaugh!

Renoir: Interesting... Okay, ultraviolet rays!

Pink Spirit: Ugraaaugh!

Renoir: Just as I expected... they seem to react more to something resembling sunlight...

Renoir: Hehehe... Alk, you look like you have something to say.

Alk: Er, um, nope...

Renoir: No need to hold back- let's hear it!

Alk: Don't you... feel kind of sorry for it? I know it's not a living creature, but still.

Renoir: Don't forget, these ghosts are supposedly the lingering resentments of the dead. Think of them as supernatural phenomena.

Renoir: After all, they don't have souls, right?

Alk: I guess not...

Renoir: Aw, Alk... You're just a big softie, aren't you?

Alk: It's not that, just...

Renoir: Of course, that's just a hypothesis. Nothing is 100% certain when it come to science.

Renoir: And either way, I think that's enough testing for today.

Renoir: Rather, let's hypothesize!

Renoir: What do you think a soul consists of, Alk?

Alk: Huh? Well, if I had to say... I guess it'd be some kind of life energy or something?

Renoir: In that case, do you think androids have souls?

Alk: Y-yes?

Renoir: Fascinating. it seems that you and I... are in complete agreement!

Alk: We are?

Renoir: If the souls is something that doesn't exist in these lingering regrets, what exactly have these ghosts lost?

Renoir: They've lost the ability to change. Or to be more exact, the free will to change.

Renoir: That's my working hypothesis for now, at least.

Alk: The free will to change- Dia and the others definitely have that in spades.

Alk: So does that mean Regitare has a soul too?

Renoir: According to my research, yes! Although it's still a mystery regarding how he's been able to hold on to it even after death.

Renoir: As much as I'd love to experiment on him, I'm even more curious about androids!

Alk: What, you're not thinking of dissecting one, are you?

Renoir: Hehe...

Alk: I, uh... I think we'll just leave that alone for now.

Light: Untrustworthy as ever, that one...

Light: Is there some merit in studying ghosts?

Renoir: Who can say?

Renoir: But that's the fun part about science!

Renoir: Experiments should always have an objective- whether or not it'll prove useful at all is an entirely different equation.

Light: It just seems like a lot of wasted time and effort...

Renoir: Exactamundo!

Renoir: But with the limited knowledge we currently have, there's only so much we can learn.

Renoir: And isn't it more fun when you don't know what's gonna happen?

Light: I don't know if I can agree with that, but...

Renoir: Wait- a reaction!

Renoir: To... music?

Renoir: And just like that, another mystery gets added to the pile.

Renoir: What was it about this song, exactly? I'll need to test its waveforms through other mediums!

Light: Looks like we've already lost her.

Alk: Yup. We might as well not even be here to her.

Alk: We'll being you supper, okay? Make sure to eat it!

Renoir: Yes, I see... So that's how it is, huh?

Renoir: Heh-heh... I'm totally in my element!