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Episode 1

Alk and co. face off against Rengetsu, a girl from a tribe that specializes in the extermination of yokai. They manage to avoid further conflict thanks to Suizen's intervention, and the chairman of the Diviners' Commission informs Rengetsu that the commandments she once abided by have been abolished. Confused and at a loss, Rengetsu is invited by the group to Starview Village.

Swordswoman: Why do you refuse to see the error of your ways?!

Swordswoman: Cease your brigandry, withdraw from here at once, and I will overlook your crimes!

Swordswoman: I warned you!

Swordswoman: Hidden Arts... Fluttering Blade!

???: Now, now!

Swordswoman: H-huh? Huh? Huh?!

Inaho: Hehehe. That settles that. Another case of a rampaging yokai successfully CLOSED!

Alk: Sorry about butting in like that, the thing is we-

Inaho: We heard it all from the dango vendor on the mountain pass! A youth had undertaken the task of fighting off a dangerous yokai!

Inaho: You need not even thank us- dispatching evil yokai comes to me as easily as breathing!

Swordswoman: ...If you had at least assumed the form of a human, I could have turned a blind eye to you.

Inaho: Paaardon me? I will have you know, I am an upstanding, morally PRISTINE yokai!

Swordswoman: The first commandment of the Spirit Hunt states clearly- Suffer not a yokai to live!

Swordswoman: If you truly are not evil as you claim, then run now!

Inaho: How silly! Why would I run if I have done NOTHING wrong?!

Swordswoman: If you are yokai, then I must cut you down. The law of the Spirit Hunt commands me to do so!

Alk: Then why are you telling her to run, exactly?!

Swordswoman: B-because.... Because...

???: My, my... Things are certainly getting out of hand here. Mind if I step in?

Swordswoman: Lord Suizen?

Rengetsu: My name is Rengetsu. I belong to a clan whose sole calling is to exterminate yokai- we refer to it as the Spirit Hunt.

Rengetsu: I fear I have been most disrespectful. I had no idea you were acquaintances of Lord Suizen...

Rengetsu: However, I merely acted in accordance with the commandments...

Suizen: Rengetsu. The commandments of the Spirit Hunt have been abolished. You need no longer heed them.

Rengetsu: A-abolished?

Rengetsu: H-how could that be?! But... My whole life, I've been told how crucial it is that I abide by those laws!

Suizen: We walk a path of cooperation with the yokai now. The Diviners' Commission has decreed it so.

Rengetsu: I... I had no idea of this change! Why am I only hearing of this now?!

Suizen: Regardless, it would be best if you rid your mind of the commandments going forward.

Rengetsu: Y-yes... Understood...

Suizen: The Spirit Hunt is a tradition which came from the West- much like the diviners. We only recently added the Hunt's followers to the Commission.

Suizen: It seems that my instructions were not thorough enough. I apologize for any inconvenience I have caused you.

Rengetsu: Inaho... I am terribly sorry!

Rengetsu: I had no idea the commandments were abolished. My behavior toward you was inexcusable.

Inaho: Why, there is no need for such apologies! Besides, deep in your heart, you did not TRULY wish to hurt me, right?

Rengetsu: I... That...

Suizen: Unfortunately, it seems there are still those who cling to the old ways of the Spirit Hunt...

Alk: What do you plan to do about them?

Suizen: A very good question... Rengetsu. What would you have me do?

Rengetsu: I... I do not know!

Rengetsu: I was always skeptical of the commandments... And I'm quite frustrated that the elders lied to me all this time.

Rengetsu: But... for them to be abolished so abruptly... I don't know what to do.

Suizen: Well, you certainly are an honest one, aren't you?

Suizen: Stella, Alk. Could I ask you to take this young lady with you to Starview Village?

Suizen: I will settle the matter here myself. I feel it's best to keep Rengetsu from being involved any further.

Stella: Okay. We welcome you, Rengetsu.

Rengetsu: Starview... Village?

Rengetsu: H-huh? Huh? Huh?!

Rengetsu: You mean those aren't just stars, but entire worlds?!

Rengetsu: But... What am I even supposed to do in a place like this?

Alk: I mean... Whatever you want? Nobody here's going to tell you otherwise.

Rengetsu: Whatever... I... want?

Rengetsu: S-so-just for example- I could go shopping for stylish clothes, or go buy some of the most popular sweets?!

Stella: Yes.

Rengetsu: I could also- theoretically- spend the day out with friends, chatting and talking about nothing at all?!

Rengetsu: Or, I could go see live plays? or read the latest romance mangas?!

Inaho: ...Goodness, Rengetsu! You have more worldly desires than you led on!

Rengetsu: I just can't help wanting to indulge myself! I know it's terribly selfish, but...

Alk: Nah, it isn't. You're free to go wild. Welcome to the group, Rengetsu.

Rengetsu: B-but I shouldn't have such desires! I am a swordsman of the Spirit Hunt, after all...

Rengetsu: N-never mind! More than any of that, I am grateful for your hospitality.

Rengetsu: What have I gone and gotten myself into? What will become of me...

Episode 2

Rengetsu struggles to decide between enjoying time with her friends and pursuing the path of the Spirit Hunt. Stella advises her that perhaps it's not necessary for her to choose just one. This inspires Rengetsu to attempt to change the Spirit Hunt from the inside.

Rengetsu: Now it's my turn!

Alk: Paper talismans, huh? Attacking with those AND your sword was a bit too much for me...

Alk: But forget that- YOU were incredible there! Suizen told me how difficult it is to use those kinds of moves!

Rengetsu: ...Seek not pleasures of the senses. I grew up with that commandment, so all I've known in my life is training.

Alk: Seriously? That's... a bit strict. Were there any other commandments?

Rengetsu: Suffer not a yokai to live. Seek not pleasures of the senses. War not without cause.

Rengetsu: ...I always had my doubts about the commandments.

Rengetsu: But all my questioning only made me feel guilty, and I was never able to act.

Inaho: Perhaps... BUT! The commandments are no more- there is no need to follow such stuffy rules!

Inaho: The time has come to do WHATEVER your heart desires!

Rengetsu: Commandments or no, I still need to keep up my training.

Inaho: How diligent of you! Luckily, it seems your training for the day is now over!

Inaho: This means it is time... to TREAT yourself and ENTICE your senses! Let us taste true freedom, Rengetsu!

Rengetsu: H-huh? Huh? Huh?!

Rengetsu: U-um... Goodness, this is hard. They all look so delicious.

Inaho: Then you are within your rights to try them ALL!

Rengetsu: But that would be... far too indulgent!

Rengetsu: ...I'll have strawberry, rum raisin, mint chocolate, and almond banana, please!

Inaho: Oh. She really DID order them all!

Rengetsu: Oh no! It's hit me- the overwhelming sense of guilt!

Inaho: You get discouraged far too easily! Allow ME to help you eat it all!

Rengetsu: Huh? No way, this is mine!

Rengetsu: Aaahh... Wh-what is this?!

Rengetsu: It's... so sweet, yet refreshingly cool... It tastes like heaven!

Inaho: If that is to your liking, then I, the magnanimous Inaho, will allow you to have a bite of mine! Food is best shared, after all.

Rengetsu: I-is it?! I've never heard of that! Regardless, I'll have a taste!

Rengetsu: Inaho... Stella... This is simply too much- gluttony is a vice, after all! Is this really okay?

Stella: It's okay. You're allowed to. There's always room for dessert.

Inaho: Indeed! A dish this size is MEANT for many people to partake in! We will devour it in no time.

Rengetsu: We will take down the delicious, mountainous foe before us by working together! How inspirational!

Rengetsu: Fascinating... I've seen dango before, but never ones where you can choose your own filling like this!

Rengetsu: A piece of Yamato culture, altered... for the better!

Inaho: Ooof... It looks... so appetizing... Yet my stomach refuses its call!

Stella: There's always... room... for dessert?

Rengetsu: What are you talking about? With sweets so expertly crafted right in front of you, how can your appetite NOT be whet?

Inaho: The spirit is willing... but the body... is not...

Rengetsu: Delicious! It's incredible to be able to make your own flavors!

Rengetsu: Say, what's our next destination? I read in the Oculus about a shop that sells wonderful lemon pies!

Rengetsu: Oh, oh! Or... we could try out this "Palpebra Parfait"! That sounds wonderful too!

Inaho: W-wait... WAIT, I said! My stomach... threatens to explode...

Rengetsu: I'm so sorry!

Rengetsu: I got carried away... It's just my habit, you see. When I set my sights on something, I can't look away.

Inaho: Haha! We should have known better than to agree- you truly are a bottomless put, aren't you?

Inaho: But at least it seems you've gotten over that which haunted you!

Inaho: How about also severing ties with the troublesome organization that forced those commandments onto you?

Rengetsu: Inaho, Stella... Thank you both.

Rengetsu: It was my wish to spend a wonderful time like this with my friends.

Rengetsu: But I still love my work... Defeating yokai, helping people, hearing their words of thanks...

Rengetsu: Do I quit... or continue?

Stella: Do you have to choose?

Inaho: Hehe. You want EVRYTHING, do you not, Rengetsu? That is your nature!

Rengetsu: Maybe I don't... have to choose? I can just do... whatever I want?

Rengetsu: Yes... Perhaps there's no need to make compromises.

Rengetsu: I... will return to Yamato, and to the Spirit Hunt!

Inaho: You will WHAT?

Rengetsu: I will change the Hunt, so that people and yokai may come together, and that I may hep all who are in need!

Inaho: You really ARE a greedy one, wanting everything!

Inaho: But what about that irksome diviner boy? What will he say?

Rengetsu: I... think he will want to put an end to the Hunt.

Rengetsu: And that is understandable. But... to leave all those people in the dark just doesn't sit with me.

Stella: You wish to tell them the truth?

Rengetsu: Yes... You're right, I DO wish for too much.

Inaho: Indeed! An insatiable, bottomless pit of desires you are- one who has my FULL support.

Rengetsu: Thank you, Inaho! I will be on my way now!

Rengetsu: But first, another helping of dango, to keep me going on the road!

Episode 3

In order to change the minds of the elders, who are still fixated on the old-fashioned rules of the Spirit Hunt, Rengetsu teams up with Inaho to defeat a pair of yokai. Once they do so, their teamwork is recognized and the reforms to the Hunt go through. Pleased with this, Rengetsu declares that from now on, she'll do whatever she wants to.

Spirit Hunt Elder: A report has arrived regarding the quest put out by the Diviners' Commission. The one to slay the yokai brothers- it has ended in failure.

Spirit Hunt Elder: Such reports are alarmingly common as of late... How idle and useless they have become.

Dignified Old Woman: It is clear to me that we should not speaking of ENDING the Hunt, but of implementing more rigid commandments!

Dignified Old Woman: Allow us to oversee the Hunt- we know it best. Only a life led in loathing of yokai and in dedication to training can yield success.

Suizen: I see. Is there anyone else who wishes to speak their mind?

Rengetsu: I do!

Dignified Old Woman: Rengetsu, you fool! You speak out of line!

Rengetsu: I am aware of my own insolence, but I would implore you to heed my words regardless.

Rengetsu: I...

Rengetsu: Ahh, that was terrifying! I was so nervous.

Inaho: So you told them that removing the commandments would actually improve your work? Hehe, how fascinating!

Rengetsu: It was terribly embarrassing... They demanded that I provide proof of my claims!

Alk: So you got tasked with taking out the two problematic yokai?

Rengetsu: Yes. I wish to show them that yokai and humans can work together to take down a common foe!

Inaho: And that is PRECISELY what we shall do- because we share a dream!

Stella: Rengetsu, were you able to say everything you wanted to say?

Rengetsu: Yes! But it wasn't enough.

Inaho: Only total victory will convince them!

Alk: Well then... Let's do this! Just like we planned.

???: You swindled travelers out of their hard-earned funds!

???: You robbed villages of their precious rations AND injured many.

???: You committed arson, while intoxicated, merely to stave off boredom.

Rengetsu: If you do not repent for your crimes and turn yourselves in willingly, then prepare to fight!

Younger Yokai: Heheheh. You think your petty human rules have any meaning to us? Fool.

Older Yokai: Shall we make of her a new plaything? Or simply rob her blind?

Rengetsu: So you have chosen punishment.

Inaho: Princess Inaba- NO, wait, that is not right. I mean... Princess INAHO, at your service!

Rengetsu: Quite the flashy entrance, Inaho!

Rengetsu: Let's finish this.

Inaho: Are you not forgetting to say something VERY important?

Rengetsu: Oh, you're right. I'd forgotten.

Rengetsu: Witness the power of humans and yokai, in unison!

Rengetsu: Witness a NEW Spirit Hunt!

Rengetsu: Hidden Art: Fluttering Chaos!

Rengetsu: Wow! That was so incredibly cool, Inaho!

Inaho: Did you SEE that joint attack? We moved as one!

Rengetsu: Total victory for us! Spectacular!

Spirit Hunt Soldier: Do you mean to interfere?

Alk: Yep. I'm not going to let you get in Rengetsu and Inaho's way.

Spirit Hunt Soldier: Quiet! This doesn't concern you. We must stop that foolish, arrogant girl before she gains even more renown!

Alk: Your timing is really quite something.

Rengetsu: Oh, that was excellent! So thrilling!

Rengetsu: Then I looked those elders in the eyes and told them!

Rengetsu: When humans and yokai work together, the end result is undeniable!

Inaho: That triumphant look on your face is well-deserved, Rengetsu!

Stella: What happened to the Spirit Hunt?

Rengetsu: Lord Suizen spoke out in favor of me and the elders were forced to acknowledge it- the commandments have been ended.

Rengetsu: From now on, members will not be bound to rigid rules, and will hunt evil yokai however they wish- even with the help of other yokai!

Rengetsu: And when we aren't working, we are free to do what we please.

Inaho: You realized your dream- you can help others AND enjoy life's finer pleasures!

Rengetsu: Hehe. I guess all of my wishes did come true, didn't they?

Suizen: You popped up out of nowhere back there, without so much as a warning. What ever will I do with you?

Rengetsu: L-Lord Suizen! My sincerest apologies for my rudeness the other day...

Suizen: Think nothing of it- it led to positive change, after all.

Alk: It certainly didn't hurt that you pulled some strings to make it all happen.

Rengetsu: Lord Suizen! I swear that I will continue to give it my all!

Suizen: Yes. I'm counting on that.

Suizen: However, I would advise you to stay away from that fool of a fox. She is likely to impede your work.

Inaho: E-excuse me?! Why-

Rengetsu: It's okay. I can have fun AND do my work at the same time. I've learned to accept both parts of myself.

Rengetsu: And I've realized that I need to have it all! I suppose I'm greedy like that.

Rengetsu: From now on, I'm going to do everything I want to, whenever I want to- and I'll always do my best!