Rem (ReZERO Collab)/Stories

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Episode 1
Operation: Remodeling

Seeking to remodel the mansion to better protect Subaru, Rem is advised by Alk and Light that she'll need money to do so. She takes a demolition job at the Guild and easily levels the building on her own, to their surprise. Grateful for her friends' advice, Rem promises to aid them in return.

Rem: Will you assist me in keeping Subaru safe?

Rem: I have a plan, but I can't do it alone-

Alk: Whoa, slow down. Mind explaining what's going on first?

Alk: We just got here, so...

Rem: My apologies, I got ahead of myself.

Rem: I'd like your help installing security measures across the mansion.

Alk: I assume this is because of what happened before. Are you worried it'll happen again?

Rem: Yes. Better to be safe than sorry.

Rem: I'm not familiar with Palpebra, which is why I'd like to ask for your help.

Light: In that case, we would be happy to lend our aid.

Rem: First of all, I'd like to set up a barrier around the mansion that will detect intruders.

Light: Hmm, the Academy should be able to do that- though it might be expensive.

Rem: Next, I'd like to install security devices inside individual rooms and by windows. Some sort of shock trap would be preferable.

Rem: We should also have offensive mechanisms in the hallways and walls for optimum protection-

Alk: Okay, hold it right there! You're gonna turn the place into a fort with those kind of measures!

Rem: But this is the bare minimum for a satisfactory level of security.

Light: Y-your standards are quite high. Surely the mansion doesn't require that much in terms of defenses-

Rem: Yesterday, we had thieves break in. I don't think a simple barrier is enough.

Alk: You had what now?! D-did anybody get hurt?

Rem: Only the thieves. I rounded them all up and delivered them to the Guild. I even received a thank-you letter for it.

Alk: Surely just a barrier is fine then, if you're that strong...

Rem: It's not enough! We need far more to keep Subaru safe!

Rem: I want to protect him from any and all danger. I can't stand the thought of a single hair on his head being harmed. That's how I feel about this!

Light: I do understand where you're coming from, but...

Alk: Trust me, we do want to help. There's just a big problem with this...

Rem: I see. With the monetary rewards being so low, even erecting just the barrier will be difficult.

Alk: Not much you can do about that... This is about average for work around these parts.

Rem: What a shame. I would have liked to be able to remodel the mansion and add room for traps and magical devices...

Alk: Y-you were willing to do all that?!

Rem: Yes, I want to do all I can to ensure that Subaru can live a pleasant life.

Light: You are quite passionate when it comes to Subaru...

Alk: Hmm... Why don't we see how much we can realistically get done then?

Alk: Maybe there's some other way to get the money, but it may take some time-

Rem: No. Before we consider other options, there's something I'd like to check first.

Pur Lilie: You're looking for high-paying jobs that haven't been officially listed yet?

Rem: Yes. What's your highest-paying one?

Pur Lilie: Give me a moment. The one that comes to mind is...

Pur Lilie: Here we go- a demolition job for an old building! Been waiting for a construction team to swing by-

Rem: Demolition? I can do that. I'll accept this job.

Pur Lilie: ...You will?

Alk: Whoa, wait, are you seriously considering letting Rem have it?

Pur Lilie: Er, I'm more confused. You sure just the three of you can demolish a whole building?

Rem: I already signed the contract. Now where's the building?

Rem: Rest assure, I'll get the job done. I can be fanatical as a demon when it comes to doing something for Subaru's sake- more than anyone else.

Alk: Yep, here it is. No monsters... Just a regular old building.

Light: You know, it's not too late to go back to the Guild and tell them we can't do it-

Rem: As you can see, the structure is already weak. I can destroy all of it just fine.

Rem: Please wait right there. I'll be done soon.

Rem: Phew... That's that!

Rem: I had trouble with a few parts, but I think this counts as demolished, yes?

Alk: That was AMAZING. She was like a wrecking ball!

Light: H-her strength certainly is a sight to behold. Is that what they call... the power of love?

Rem: All that's left is to report our success to the Guild and have someone else remove the debris.

Rem: With all the other jobs we got done, we finally have enough money.

Rem: I don't know how I can possibly thank you... But I really appreciate it!

Alk: Er... You're welcome, I guess.

Light: I'm not sure we contributed anything whatsoever...

Rem: You accompanied me throughout everything on such short notice. Your emotional support was crucial.

Alk: Now that we've spent some time together, I think I've learned a thing or two about you.

Alk: Especially how, when it come to Subaru, you don't hold back.

Rem: That's right! I want to do whatever I can for Subaru.

Rem: In exchange for all your help today, I'll help you whenever you need it.

Rem: So the next time you go on an adventure, don't hesitate to call on me.

Alk: Sounds good to me. It'll be a relief to have someone as strong as you on our side.

Episode 2
For Subaru's Sake

Alk and co. come across Rem coddling Subaru, holding his hand everywhere they go. In order to prove himself, Subaru tries to fight monsters in the Kaleidoscope on his own, and is successful due to Rem's advice. Though saddened by Subaru's wish to stand on his own, Rem respects and supports what he wants to do.

Rem: Hello. Are you two out shopping?

Alk: Y-yeah. Same for you guys?

Light: Well, well. You two are quite close, aren't you? You're even holding hands!

Rem: Yes. Subaru and I get along very well.

Subaru: Come on, you know this isn't what it looks like... Hey, Rem, can't we cut this out?

Rem: If you really don't like holding hands with me...

Subaru: Hold on, that's what what I said! And don't give me that look! Now I feel bad...

Ram: I actually agree with Barusu for once. Even though he's likely to get lost, I don't like seeing him hold your hand.

Rem: But Sister, if anything happened to Subaru-

Rem: See? We have to be careful. Subaru, you mustn't let your guard down.

Subaru: Y-yeah, but... I think you're being too paranoid...

Rem: No, I'm not! This is the bare minimum of caution you need!

Alk: I mean, I agree he could use the help, but... isn't this overkill?

Ram: It's his own fault for being so careless.

Subaru: Ow, that stings... Hey, I'm back. Sorry for being late.

Rem: Welcome back, Subaru. Today's dinner is...

Rem: What happened?! What are those injuries? Are you okay?

Subaru: Uh, just a little mishap on a job, It's nothing serious-

Rem: This is unacceptable. Let me see. I'll heal you right away.

Subaru: You're always so good at this. Thanks, I feel a lot better.

Rem: ...This is why I'm always worried when you leave my sight.

Subaru: Hey, come on, I didn't get hurt that bad-

Rem: But you did get hurt. If anything worse happened to you, I...

Ram: ...And that's why Rem is stuck to Barusu like glue.

Alk: I feel like I should've seen this coming, given how intense you were about all that security stuff...

Subaru: It's not like I don't appreciate how much Rem cares, but...

Subaru: It's pretty embarrassing to be babied day and night, at home and in town...

Rem: It's okay, Subaru. I'm not embarrassed at all. In fact, I would hold your hand forever if I could!

Subaru: Ah! I think I just took critical cute damage!

Rem: What do you think? Am I overstepping?

Alk: Er, I mean, Subaru does look kinda bothered.

Light: Subaru, I assume you don't want things to continue on like this, correct?

Subaru: It just doesn't feel right to be treated like a kid all the time, you know?

Ram: Maybe you should stop acting like one then.

Subaru: Ugh, no one asked you!

Light: I believe the easiest solution is to prove to Rem that you will be fine on your own.

Subaru: That's a good idea! Rem, I bet you're worried only because you don't know how capable I am!

Light: Why not join us on our next job? We just picked up a new one.

Rem: All right. If Subaru insists, then let's put him to the test.

Rem: The results should be showing themselves soon.

Light: Start with those monsters there. We'll stand back and observe from a distance.

Rem: That's fine by me. However, encouragement is allowed, correct?

Light: I suppose there's no problem with that...

Rem: Subaru, fight while remembering all the time you spent with me.

Rem: You can do this. Show me what you're capable of.

Rem: Subaru! Remember what it was like to hold hands with me!

Subaru: Huh? O-oh, like this?

Rem: Keep that memory in your mind as you fight!

Light: His movements are much steadier than usual? How is he doing it?

Alk: ...Rem, did you do something to him?

Rem: All I did was stay by his side, holding his hand without letting go.

Rem: Though I made sure to hold his hand in a way that would help him instinctively move better in battle.

Alk: That was all training?! You're kidding...

Subaru: How's that? See, I can handle this much-

Subaru: Gah!

Rem: Ah! Subaru!

Alk: Guess he's still got a ways to go before he can fully stand on his own two feet.

Rem: True, but... I have faith in him!

Rem: I feel better now, after seeing his progress today. Please look after him in my stead.

Light: Of course. If anything happens, you'll be the first to know.

Ram: Rem, what are you doing this late?

Rem: I'm preparing a boxed lunch for Subaru.

Rem: He's going to set out early tomorrow on a job for the Guild.

Ram: Even when he's not by your side, your feelings for him never change.

Rem: No matter the distance between us, I'll always find ways to support him.

Rem: This is what I want to do.

Episode 3
A Day in the Life

Alk and Stella help Rem search through books to find a way home. Eventually, they take a break, then assist Rem with her daily house chores and cooking. Once Subaru, Emilia, and Ram return home, everyone enjoys a happy meal together. Later, Rem reflects on how nice it is to live a peaceful life together.

Stella: Good day. We brought a delivery.

Rem: Hello, Stella. I assume that's what I requested from the Guild.

Rem: Thank you very much. My hands are full at the moment, so if you wouldn't mind setting it down somewhere over there.

Stella: Why are you carrying so many books?

Rem: I'm going to go through them. Miss Emilia gathered these and many more to search for a way home.

Rem: I thought since I am watching over the mansion today, I could use this chance to consolidate some information.

Stella: I'll help you.

Rem: Are you sure?

Stella: Yes, I'm interested in that information too.

Alk: Huh, guess there's a lot of people throughout history who were cast adrift from their home world...

Rem: There are many accounts, yes... But none of them describe those people finding a way home.

Alk: It's possible some of them did, but never came back to Palpebra, so nobody in this world made a record of their success.

Rem: Maybe a different kind of book will give us a hint.

Rem: But perhaps that's enough research for now. Shall we take a break?

Alk: We didn't really find much though. I'm fine with reading through more-

Rem: The thing is, we actually received an excess of sweets from the Guild earlier.

Rem: It's too much for us to eat alone, so why don't you both have some too?

Stella: We would love to.

Alk: How's Subaru been doing lately? Is he holding up all right?

Rem: He's doing well. Yesterday, he came home from a job full of energy and told me all about it. He sounded quite excited.

Rem: He often comes back injured, of course, but he's growing more reliable day by day.

Alk: Seems like you don't need to worry as much about him anymore.

Rem: Yes, so long as he's doing his best, then I'd like to respect his efforts.

Rem: Though a part of me still wishes I could stay by his side, I won't force the issue.

Stella: Rem, you remind me of a caring mother.

Rem: Oh, please. I'm not nearly old enough.

Rem: Besides, Sister is far more affectionate and patient than me.

Rem: I'm sorry for cutting the conversation short, but I do need to finish the house chores soon...

Stella: ...Can we help?

Rem: No, no. I could never ask a guest to do menial work...

Alk: Hey, we've gone on adventures together. You can consider us friends, you know?

Stella: I can help with everything but cooking.

Rem: Understood. Then I'll gratefully accept your help.

Rem: If you could make the bed just like I showed you.

Stella: It's still very wrinkly.

Rem: Thick blankets made out of feathers need to be patted like this.

Stella: There. Now it's neat.

Rem: Your movements are very practiced. I'm curious as to what exactly you're making...

Alk: Oh, it's nothing fancy. Most of my dishes are pretty simple.

Alk: Would you mind tasting the food for me later? I'd like to adjust the flavors to something you guys like.

Rem: It would be my pleasure.

Rem: I won't lose to you in the kitchen. It's time to get serious.

Rem: Thank you both for all the help. I was able to finish early today.

Stella: I'm glad to be of assistance.

Alk: Swing by Starview sometime with the others, We'll treat you to dinner and show you the sights.

Rem: That sounds wonderful.

Subaru: We're back! Huh? What're you doing here, Alk?

Alk: Just stopped by with a package delivery. You guys must be tired and hungry, right? Stella and I were just about to leave-

Subaru: Hey, why don't you join us for dinner? The more the merrier!

Emilia: That's a good idea. If you haven't eaten yet, you should eat with us.

Alk: You sure? Well, thanks for having us.

Rem: Actually, Alk helped make dinner.

Rem: He inspired me to make a better meal than usual.

Subaru: Whoa, seriously? I can't wait to see how good everything tastes!

Ram: Excuse you, Barusu. You should already know that Rem's cooking is always excellent.

Ram: Good night, Rem.

Rem: Good night, Sister.

Rem: (It's kind of nice to spend our days relaxing and not fighting for our lives.)

Rem: (I don't know when we'll be able to go back home, but...)

Rem: (For now, I'll do what I can while we're here. I'm excited to see what tomorrow brings.)