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Episode 1
The Champion and the Undead Lord

Light seeks out Regitare for advice regarding the Lord of Shadow.

Regitare: Ah... Tis a fine evening indeed.

Regitare: And what's this? A visitor in the night?

Regitare: Well met, Champion. What brings you to our forest?

Light: I have something I wish to discuss with you.

Regitare: Aye, very well. If there is anything I can share with you, I shall.

Regitare: How to break the spell of the undead?

Light: Yes... As you know, I was defeated in my battle against the Lord of Shadow.

Light: I know for a fact I pierced his heart. Yet he stood once more. Perhaps...

Regitare: Perhaps he is under the spell of the undead? Aye, but I must ask...

Regitare: In your life, you've defeated other undead kings and vampires, have you not?

Light: Yes, I suppose I have.

Regitare: Of course—you're the champion, after all!

Regitare: Unfortunately... I have no additional insight I can share with you. After all, I have my limits with these things.

Light: You're much too humble.

Light: As one of the great sages of our time, you possess knowledge beyond the others I know

Regitare: Nay, champion. I am but the same.

Regitare: There is nothing all that different between myself and those you fell.

Regitare: I was simply never granted the opportunity to be punished.

Light: I don't see what you're getting at.

Regitare: Fret not. What I will say is that if you couldn't slay this monstrous foe, then I see no reason why my style of arts would be any more effective.

Regitare: Tis a shame, but I don't think I can be of much help to you here.

Light: I see...

Regitare: However! If you wish to know about trimming bonsai trees or gardening, my knowledge is boundless! but alas...

Light: Be that as it may, would you ever consider perhaps accompanying us on our journey?

Regitare: What's this all of a sudden? I just told you, my undying arts won't work on—

Light: That's fine. You can teach us about bonsai trees then!

Regitare: ...Pray tell, what are you trying to get at, champion?

Light: Before all of this, I never realized just how much there was to life outside my own world.

Light: I would've never imagined that someone undead such as yourself, one who defies the laws of life itself, would love and nurture this forest and its sprites.

Light: I think I have a lot to learn from you, wise Regitare. That I have to learn, really, to continue forward with those kids.

Light: The World Flipper is open. If you decide to join us, we would be honored to have you.

Light: Your guidance may be just what I need.

Regitare: Oho...

Regitare: I didn't take the champion to be such a passionate fellow.

Regitare: That being said, he could've stood to be a little more... insistent with his invitation.

Regitare: Does he not realize how difficult it is to follow after him when he leaves so stridently?

Regitare: Hmph... He should know that things aren't so easy to change when you get to my age!

Regitare: How old am I, anyway? Hmm... Either way, it IS certainly tempting.

Regitare: Although... having said what I said, it would be a tad awkward to go right away.

Regitare: Aha! I'll simply wait three hours before making my way there as to not embarrass myself!

Regitare: What to do, what to do...

Episode 2
Dinner With a Skeleton

Alk wonders how Regitare can consume food as a skeleton. Regitare explains the "chippies" inside him that not only allow him to "taste" food, but at a heightened level beyond normal taste buds.

Regitare: Ahh! I feel ALIVE!

Regitare: Tis a grand day indeed! I can feel the warmth of the sun down to me bones!

Regitare: Truly, the perfect day for a good walk! What better way is there to maintain a healthy body? None, I'd reckon!

Nimbus: Are you serious about this, Alk?

Alk: I know. But I'm not sure when to interject.

Stella: Lunch is ready, everyone.

Regitare: Oho! Is it that time already? I can hardly wait!

Alk: Y-you can eat?!

Regitare: Mm-mmm! What a lovely spread!

Regitare: It's been centuries since I've had such a fine meal!

Regitare: What's the matter, laddie?

Alk: Huh? Oh, er—I was just wondering... can you actually taste anything?

Light: Don't be rude, Alk!

Alk: S-sorry... But aren't you curious too?

Light: I admit it is an enigma to me as well...

Regitare: Ohoho! It's only natural to be curious. Truth be told...

Regitare: I can't taste a thing! In fact, I have no stomach to hold all this food!

Alk: I... I knew it!

Nimbus: Then where does it all go? Do it just fall on the floor?

Regitare: Heavens, no! I would never do something so uncouth!

Regitare: The chippies that reside in me eat any food I consume.

Alk: Your... chippies?

Stella: Then does that mean... you couldn't taste anything after all?

Regitare: Aye... But it's not quite that simple, lassie.

Regitare: The chippies react in all sorts of ways to the things they eat, such as when something's spicy or sweet, bitter or noxious.

Regitare: I observe those reactions and interpret them as though they were me own senses—and that includes taste!

Alk: H-huh... So it's not the flavor you're tasting, but the vibe, basically?

Regitare: That's a solid understanding of the principles. However, my feel more real and precise than you may imagine.

Regitare: Take this soup, for instance. It uses a broth made from red mushrooms found in me forest, yes?

Alk: That's so specific... and so accurate!

Regitare: What's more, I believe you're using... ragwort as your secret ingredient?

Alk: Y-you could tell?! No one was supposed to know about that...

Nimbus: What the hell are you putting in our lunches?

Regitare: Tis a right savory dish you've created, but perhaps it could use some spice to liven up the flavor!

Alk: Y-yes, chef!

Nimbus: You're sayin' it's savory, but how do we know your sense of taste is the same as ours?

Alk: Wait, Nimbus—he's absolutely right! What this soup needs... is pepper!

Nimbus: Right... I-if you say so.

Regitare: Hahaha! Your skepticism is well-founded, I assure you.

Regitare: Which begs the question—how can we be sure that anyone's sense of taste is the same?

Alk: That's true. You being a cat, you can't handle hot food, right?

Nimbus: I suppose that's true.

Regitare: Such differences are easy enough to uncover among individuals. But doing so is uncouth and misses the point!

Regitare: If anything's for certain, it's that this soup is delicious and that Alk is a great chef for making it. Surely we can all agree on that?

Light: Hear, hear! If a fellow so savory as yourself says so, it must be true!

Regitare: Aha! Don't think I didn't see what you did there, champion!

Nimbus: Hey, uh, Alk?

Alk: Um... I think it's best if we just let the two of them do their thing together.