Rebecca (New Year)/Stories

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Episode 1
Sweet Shiruko

Rebecca and the others visit a shop in Yamato to try a traditional dish: shiruko. With some uninvited help from her shadows, she wins a shiruko eating contest—as well as the title of Shiruko Shogun.

Rebecca: Wow... So this is what New Year's looks like in Yamato. Everyone's dressed to the nines!

Light: You've got quite an ensemble going on yourself.

Rebecca: Hee-hee... Oh, this? I mean, it's not every day I get to try on traditional Yamato garb, right?

Rebecca: Does... Does it look weird?

Light: Not exactly. It is a little, er, short, don't you think?

Rebecca: I knew it! I can't believe I let the lady at the shop convince me it looked fine.

Rebecca: Wait... I was scammed, wasn't I?!

Alk: Now, now, let's not get carried away—I think it looks fine on you!

Alk: So what if it's a little, er, revealing, right?

Rebecca: Oh no... I think I'll change back to my usual outfit after all!

Nimbus: Huh. I thought you were in a big hurry to try that, uh... what's it called again?

Rebecca: A dessert called shiruko! And you're right—food over fashion!

Rebecca: If we don't make it in time, we might miss out on the event they're having at the shop today!

Alk: H-hey, wait up!

Bartender: Welcome, welcome! And what can I do you fer, miss?

Rebecca: Um, one bowl of shiruko, please!

Bartender: One bowl of shiruko for the pretty lady!

Bartender: Careful now—eat it too quickly and you might burn yer tongue right off!

Rebecca: Ooh, I can't WAIT to dig in!

Rebecca: Mmm... MMM! It's deeelish!

Alk: Mmm... Perfect for a cold day, don't you think?

Nimbus: You can have the rest of mine. This sugary-sweet stuff ain't for me.

Rebecca: Really? That's the best part—the perfect harmony of sweet bean goodness and chewy mochi is to die for!

Bartender: Hah! This little missy gets it. In fact, you'd be a perfect contender for our annual shiruko eatin' contest!

Bartender: If you win, everything's on the house! You'll also get a chance to try our deluxe, limited-time-only New Year's shiruko with all the works!

Rebecca: With all... the works? Ooough, I... I want it!

Rebecca: But I don't know how I'd feel about entering something like this all by myself...

Nimbus: Hey, don't look at me—I couldn't even put my own bowl away.

Light: Regrettably, I can only consume so much in my current form.

Alk: I'll give it a shot. Plus, I'm dying to know what's in their New Year's shiruko.

Stella: I, too, would like to participate.

Rebecca: Really? Thank you, thank you! Let's win this thing!

Bartender: Come one, come, all! It's time for our annual shiruko extravaganza! Eaters, are you ready?

Bartender: On your mark, get set... mochi!

Rebecca: Ngh... I think I've reached my limit...

Alk: Oof... Same... I'm about to burst...

Stella: I cannot... go on. Rebecca, please complete the remainder of our objective.

Rebecca: O-okay! I think I have room for a little more!

Rebecca: H-HEY! Now's not a good time!

Rebecca: What are you—wait, you want some too?

Rebecca: N-no, you can't! That'd be against the rules! No shadows allowed!

Light: Is she employing help from her shadows?

Alk: Is that even allowed?

Rebecca: I-I'm not doing it on purpose, you guys! I just... I can't get them under control!

Bartender: And two more contestants have thrown in the towel, ladies and gents! That leaves... the lovely miss Rebecca as your shiruko superstar!

Rebecca: Wait, what?!

Bartender: What's that, missy? Cheating? Shadow magic?

Rebecca: I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for this to happen—sometimes they just come out like this, and, well…

Bartender: Eh. As long it wasn't on purpose, right? No harm, no foul. In fact, this might give our shop the boost it's been lookin' for!

Light: Is that supposed to be... Rebecca's face?

Stella: "Queen Rebecca, the Great Shiruko Shogun". ...Fascinating.

Bartender: Whatcha think of it? We're gonna leave this up all year until next year's contest!

Rebecca: You mean this is going to be here... for an entire year?! I wasn't told about any of this!

Rebecca: I-I never asked to be a... a shiruko shogun!

Episode 2
Fame and Misfortune

While visiting a nearby shrine in Yamato, Rebecca and others drive away a monster attack. Impressed by her actions, the shrine priest bestows upon her a new title: Shiruko Daimyo.

Rebecca: Wow, that shopkeeper wasn't kidding—this place is completely packed!

Alk: From what I've heard, people come here to make their wishes for the new year. Got anything in mind?

Rebecca: I do, in fact! To become a famous adventurer someday.

Nimbus: It'll take more than a simple prayer to make that happen.

Rebecca: I-I know that! I'll be putting in my own effort too!

Rebecca: I mean, I've already grown so much exploring the Kaleidoscope with you guys—even the people in the guild are starting to respect me!

Light: Your efforts have not gone unnoticed, Rebecca. Just keep at it at your own pace.

Stella: I believe in you too, Rebecca.

Rebecca: Thanks, everyone!

Alk: I've been meaning to ask you, by the way—what's in those boxes over there? They look an awful lot like the one you're holding.

Rebecca: They're fortune boxes! The shopkeeper told me all about them when I bought my outfit.

Rebecca: Inside the boxes are numbers you can draw to see your fortune for the new year, and... um...

Rebecca: More importantly, why is everyone staring at me?!

Alk: Wait, what?

Rebecca: I KNEW this skirt was way too short!

Light: Now that I get a good look at the others, I suppose yours does stand out a bit...

Rebecca: Waaaaugh! Okay, I'm gonna change for real this time!

Alk: H-hey, relax! It looks fine!

Rebecca: But everyone's staring! Why else would they look at me?!

Boy: It really IS you! You're the Shiruko Shogun!

Rebecca: Shiruko what now? Wait, why do you know about that?

Boy's Father: I thought your face looked familiar! Your shiruko stuffing prowess has become the talk of all of Yamato!

Boy's Mother: Good luck in all your future endeavors, Lady Shogun!

Shrine Visitors: Three cheers for the Shiruko Shogun! Hip hip, hooray! Hip hip, hooray! Hip hip, hooray!!!

Rebecca: Nooo! How far has that stupid nickname spread?!

Nimbus: Would ya look at that. You're already famous.

Rebecca: I didn't want to be famous—I mean, not like this!

Shrine Visitors: AAAAAHHH!

Shrine Visitors: Monsters! Ruuun!

Rebecca: Yaaah!

Nimbus: Damn! They aren't letting up!

Alk: We've gotta stop them before somebody gets hurt!

Light: We can't let them get past us!

Rebecca: Now! Shadow Whip! Shadow Veil!

Rebecca: Uh-oh... What am I supposed to do now?

Rebecca: Grr... Why won't you guys listen to me at a time like this?!

Rebecca: Phew... I did it! Somehow!

Light: Well done, Rebecca.

Rebecca: Th-thanks, but it was mostly the shadows that did the heavy lifting.

Shrine Priest: Is everyone all right?!

Shrine Maiden: Thanks to you, nobody was hurt.

Shrine Priest: We are forever indebted to you, Miss Shogun—no, Miss DAIMYO!

Rebecca: D-Daimyo?! What even is that?!

Shrine Priest: Ah, yes. A perfectly fitting title for someone so utterly distinguished such as yourself!

Shrine Visitors: Praise be to her glutinousness, the honorable Shiruko Daimyo, Rebecca the Great!

Rebecca: Can someone PLEASE tell me what's going on here?!

Nimbus: Way to move up the ranks, Rebecca. I'm impressed.

Rebecca: I... Huh?! This isn't what I meant when I said I wanted to become famous!

Rebecca: I really have to be careful what I wish for!

Episode 3
Shady Portions

Rebecca discovers she's gained weight during the holidays due to the gluttinous behavior of her shadows. Alk decides to make her a seven-herb porridge to help her trim down. Unfortunately, she's unable to wrangle her shadows' healthy appetites.

Rebecca: Siiiigh.

Alk: Something on your mind?

Rebecca: Help me... Alk... It's hopeless...

Alk: What happened?!

Rebecca: I thought my outfit felt a little tight today—when I went to weigh myself, I...

Rebecca: I discovered that... I gained a whole FIVE pounds!

Light: Well... We all could stand to watch our waistlines after the holiday festivities.

Rebecca: It just doesn't make any sense! I mean, I didn't even eat that much!

Nimbus: Didn't you JUST win an eating contest recently?

Rebecca: That wasn't even me though! It was the shadows' doing!

Alk: Hmm... Where does all that food go anyway?

Rebecca: What... do you mean?

Light: I see. It makes sense you would absorb any energy consumed by your shadows.

Rebecca: So you're saying it's THEIR fault I can barely fit into my clothes lately?!

Light: I-I suppose that's one way of putting it.

Rebecca: And not only that, I didn't even get to taste any of it...

Rebecca: Shadows, come out here this instant!

Alk: They're not coming out, huh?

Rebecca: So NOW you wanna hide, huh? Is that how it is?!

Rebecca: Ngh... Sniff... Waaaaugh!

Nimbus: H-hey! I'm sure you'll be back to your old self in no time.

Rebecca: You just don't get it, do you, Nimbus?

Rebecca: Why is it that if my SHADOWS do something, I'M the one who has to deal with the consequences!

Rebecca: It's not fair! I shouldn't be punished for THEIR behavior!

Alk: I have an idea, actually. Have you heard of seven-herb porridge?

Rebecca: Is that some kind of miracle food that'll change me back to normal?

Alk: Not exactly, but I hear it does a body good if you've had a bit too much to eat.

Rebecca: That sounds perfect! Let's make some right away!

Alk: The herbs can only be found in Yamato... Did you want to go look for them?

Rebecca: Yes, please!

Nimbus: Sheesh, all this fuss over a few pounds. Well, good luck out there.

Rebecca: What are you saying, Nimbus? You're coming too!

Nimbus: You're kidding.

Rebecca: The more help we can get, the faster we'll be done!

Stella: I've never seen Rebecca look this serious about anything before.

Alk: Careful, guys. There have been reports of monsters in this area, so—

Rebecca: Out of my way!

Rebecca: Okay! That should be everything. Alk, do your magic!

Alk: I, uh, I'll try.

Stella: Mmm. That was delicious, Alk.

Light: Phew... I ended up eating quite a bit myself.

Nimbus: Appreciate you mixing it up with the meatballs for mine, Alk. Meat makes everything better!

Stella: I was quite fond of the tomato risotto arrangement for mine as well.

Rebecca: That sounds... delicious...

Rebecca: But I just have to bear with it for now! And then I can treat myself later to one with... melted... cheese...

Rebecca: Huh?

Alk: What's the matter?

Rebecca: N-nothing, it's just... I thought I still had some left over.

Rebecca: Not again... Not like this...

Alk: Uh-oh. Those shadows of yours, uh, really have an appetite, huh?

Rebecca: You have GOT to be kidding me!

Rebecca: Grr... I am SO done with this!

Rebecca: Come out here and answer for your crimes already!