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Episode 1
Seasoned Veteran

While looking for guild quests to take on, Alk and co. encounter a mage named Rebecca. Despite her claims of being a veteran mage, she ends up in trouble after losing control of her own shadows.

Beastfolk Woman: *sigh* There's no way I'd be able to take on this quest... Or this one either…

Alk: Excuse me, miss. Is this the quest board?

Beastfolk Woman: EEP! Oh. Erm, wh-who might you be?

Alk: Sorry, didn't mean to scare you there. I'm still figuring out where everything is.

Alk: The name's Alk. I guess you could say I'm an adventurer of sorts.

Rebecca: Oh... I'm Rebecca. A mage... of sorts.

Light: Have you been here long?

Alk: We've just arrived in town, so it's all new to us.

Rebecca: ...Just arrived? Are you novice adventurers?

Light: Not exactly. You see, we're—

Rebecca: F-feel free to ask me any questions you might have! I'm, um, quite experienced with the guild here, actually!

Rebecca: Here. You can take on a quest of your choice from this bulletin board. They're mostly material gathering in the Kaleidoscope, but you'll get the occasional business opportunity as well.

Rebecca: Hmm... For novice adventurers such as yourselves, perhaps a quest like this one would be suitable.

Alk: Hey, this looks pretty doable to me! How about it, Light?

Alk: ...Wait! What about this one? You up for a challenge?

Alk: Might be too much of a challenge, though... What do you think, Rebecca?

Rebecca: Th-that one? Yes, er, it might be a little too—

Rebecca: A-actually, allow me to join you! Th-that way you'll have a little more protection!

Rebecca: O darkness, slumbering in the void— rise from the shadows!

Rebecca: Shadow Veil!

Alk: Whoa... Way to make quick work of them, Rebecca!

Rebecca: Ehehe... See? I've got your back!

Rebecca: I-I'm a veteran around these parts, after all!

Rebecca: I, er, also know a lot about Palpebra, so I can answer any q-questions you might have!

Rebecca: So um, if you'd like, w-we could maybe join—

Rebecca: ...? That's odd. They usually disappear by now.

Rebecca: H-hey, what do you think you're doing?! Wh-who said you could disobey my orders!

Alk: Uh... You okay there?

Rebecca: I-I'm fine! This is just a shadow I've created with—eep!

Rebecca: H-hey, cut it out! Get off, get off!

Rebecca: N-not now! Can't you see they're watching us?!

Light: Do you usually play with your shadows like this?

Rebecca: N-not at all! Oh, geez... Sorry, but could you please do something about this?

Rebecca: Ngh... Thank you for your help.

Alk: No worries. We're allies, right?

Alk: You can count on us to have your back too!

Rebecca: Sorry about that... *sigh* There goes my only chance of making a good first impression.

Episode 2
I'm Not Giving Up!

Rebecca opens up about her shortcomings as an adventurer to Alk and co. When a monster is sighted in Palpebra, her instinct is to run. However, Alk encourages her to have a little more faith in herself.

Rebecca: ...And after my ship sank, I found myself here in another world. Ever since, I've put my all into becoming the best adventurer I can be.

Rebecca: So much for that, though. I ALWAYS end up choking at the most important times.

Rebecca: I've even garnered a reputation around here for it. Some people only know me as the "half-baked witch".

Light: Regardless, I don't think it wise to push yourself beyond your limits.

Alk: Yeah, sorry... We would've chosen an easier quest if you'd told us.

Rebecca: N-no, it's completely my fault... I wanted to impress you guys and, well, I guess I screwed that up too.

Alk: Hey, don't be so down on yourself.

Alk: Manipulating your own shadows with magic? That's no easy feat! Give yourself some more credit.

Rebecca: Y-you think so? ...Yeah. You're right!

Rebecca: Shadow Veil!

Rebecca: Look, see? I can even use them for everyday tasks—like bringing food to the table!

Light: ...I see. They have a personality of their own.

Rebecca: Ohmigosh, I'm so sorry!

Rebecca: *sigh* I guess I'm really not cut out for this kind of stuff, am I?

Alk: Even if that were true, what's important is what you want to do, Rebecca—

Bystander: Wh-what's a monster from the Kaleidoscope doing here?!

Rebecca: Oh no... We'd better get out of here!

Alk: But someone might get hurt if we don't do something.

Light: Indeed. Can we count on your support, Rebecca?

Rebecca: M-me? But you saw how I was back there... I'm just a screwup.

Alk: Don't worry. We'll be with you all the way, so just have a little faith in yourself!

Alk: I mean, you want to go, don't you?

Rebecca: O-of course! Anything to protect the citizens of Palpebra!

Alk: That's the spirit. Still, though... I dunno if we'll be able to make it in time.

Rebecca: ...I've got an idea, actually!

Rebecca: O darkness, slumbering in the void— rise from the shadows! Shadow Veil!

Rebecca: Here, get on! Quickly!

Rebecca: Hyeeeah!

Light: Nicely done, Rebecca!

Alk: Thanks to your quick thinking, it looks like no one got hurt. That's some veteran mage energy if you ask me!

Rebecca: V-veteran... mage? Me? N-no... You're just being nice.

Rebecca: B-but still, I'm glad you two were here to encourage me.

Rebecca: I know there's still a lot I have to learn, but I hope we can continue journeying together!

Light: Of course. The more the merrier, right?

Alk: You said it. Let's all get stronger together!

Rebecca: Yeah!