Razelt (Summer)/Stories

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Episode 1
Surfing in the Solution

Razelt often finds himself cowering in battle and unable to keep up with the front line. He takes up surfing as a potential solution, using his shield-Lord's Aegis- as a surfboard.

Razelt: Hah-hah-hah! You monsters underestimated me!

Razelt: My Lord's Aegis is impenetrable! Acknowledge your mistake in challenging me and end this reckless attack at once!

Alk: I think your knees are shaking...

Razelt: W-wait! Take another step forward, and you'll be exposing yourself to danger!

Alk: Well, we won't exactly be able to attack if we stay back here...

Alk: Maybe you can just follow along.

Razelt: H-how do you expect me to do that when my knees are trembling with the force of a thousand earthquakes?!

Razelt: No matter how great the shield, it cannot strike at foes beyond the wielder's reach.

Razelt: Too often, I find myself quaking in my greaves while my allies charge full speed ahead, widening the distance between us!

Razelt: But then epiphany struck- there may be a way for me to remain in the front lines besides my allies without moving my legs! The solution would be...

Razelt: Yes! Surfing!

Alk: Wha?

Razelt: Bwahahaha! Surfing, I said!

Alk: Why surfing though? Wait, do you mean to use your shield as a surfboard?

Razelt: My Lord's Aegis automatically grants absolute defense! Image what would happen if I were to ride the shield!

Razelt: I'd gain the mobile yo protect you anywhere you are! It couldn't be more perfect!

Stella: An interesting idea.

Razelt: But that's... Well, I guess it's worth trying...

Alk: Exactly! We won't know until we try! Now, Lord's Aegis- off we go to the horizon and beyond!

Razelt: Urk, no! Why do you refuse me, Lord's Aegis?!

Alk: Think it might have something to do with your shaking knees?

Stella: If you have trouble riding the shield, how about affixing yourself to it?

Alk: By that you mean affixing the shield to Razelt's legs?

Stella: Yes. that way, Razelt won't be knocked off.

Alk: Hm... I know it's only a replica, but modifying it would be-

Razelt: I don't mind in the least!

Alk: Oh, so you're okay with it...

Razelt: As prince and fourteenth in line to the throne, I'll allow it!

Razelt: I appreciate you coming up with the idea! Do with the Lord's Aegis whatever you deem necessary!

Alk: Okay, we'll try to get it done without hurting you.

Stella: Figuring out how to attach it to Razelt's legs comes first.

Alk: There, that should do it for the leg fasteners.

Stella: We made sure nothing else is affected. All that's left is to surf.

Razelt: V-very well. Prepare to shower me with praise and applause.

Razelt: Ward thy people, Lord's Aegis!

Stella: You haven't fallen.

Alk: You're all hunched over, but... at least you're standing! Now try moving forward, Razelt!

Razelt: R-right!

Razelt: Bwahahahaha! Now, Lord's Aegis- off we go to the horizon and beyond!

Razelt: Bwahahahaha! You may as well call me the Prince of the Open Seas now!

Razelt: Gahahaha-

Razelt: Urk!

Razelt: A-Alk! I'm losing balance fast! *glug*

Alk: We should've seen this coming...

Stella: The experiment has failed.

Razelt: Don't just stand there! Help me already!

Alk: That's quite the speed you're going on the water... Any chance you can remove the fasteners on your legs and try to swim back to shore?

Razelt: What a foolish thing to ask of someone who's never taken a single swimming lesson in their life! *glug glug*

Stella: What a shame. I wonder what exactly went wrong.

Alk: Hm, I can think of at least a few things...

Razelt: *glug glug glug*

Episode 2
A Cowardly Prince's Pride

Razelt eventually learns to maintain balance on the surfboard, but continues to have trouble figuring out which direction he's going. Nonetheless, his pride as royalty keeps him practicing diligently.

Alk: It's amazing you went this far into the ocean, Razelt. That's quite the sense of direction you have...

Stella: You appear unharmed.

Razelt: Would you stop speaking of me like a compass without a needle! And I may be physically fine, but my heart is in tatters!

Sun-Kissed Sailor: Hi there. I thought maybe you guys were testing out were some kind of mini-ship, but that was your idea of surfing, huh?

Sun-Kissed Sailor: In that case, getting used to riding the board on the ground-not on the sea- should be the first step!

Stella: That might be a good idea.

Razelt: I suppose that makes sense. Just like how the soldiers of Tris, who only have a mind for swinging their swords, are said to never miss a day of practice...

Razelt: I, too, shall devote myself to training! I ask for your support, everyone!

Alk: Yep, yep. Can you handle the other side, Stella?

Stella: I will.

Stella: I'm letting go.

Razelt: Prepare to be surprised like never before.

Razelt: NWAAAH! Why, Aegis? Do you hate being stepped on THAT much?

Stella: Will you proceed with training?

Razelt: Of course I will!

Razelt: The goal is to be mobile while shielding my allies! I shan't give up until I'm capable of that!

Alk: Personally, I don't mind you as you are now. I think you already put up a fine defense for us.

Razelt: ...What are you saying, Alk?

Razelt: You trust in my cowardice but not in my valor?!

Razelt: Watch as my knees tremble with all the timidity of a newborn fawn just dying to run off to its hiding place!

Alk: Well, why aren't you running then?

Razelt: Is it not obvious? The job of royalty is to safeguard the citizenry.

Razelt: I doubt I am worthy of becoming king, but that does not give me the right to bring shame to those in my family who truly deserve the title!

Razelt: That is my pride as royalty! I will not use my cowardice as an excuse to forfeit my duty!

Alk: Yeah? That's pretty admirable.

Razelt: Although I've yet to grow accustomed to it, I feel as if my bond with Lord's Aegis has strengthened.

Razelt: Nevertheless, I shall continue to have faith! Ward thy people, Lord's Aegis!

Stella: He's keeping his balance, it's a success.

Alk: A "success"? Maybe we could call it that if he could also control his direction.

Stella: You seem to be having fun, Alk.

Alk: Oh yeah? Hm, maybe I am.

Stella: I'm enjoying this as well.

Alk: Welp, it's time we went to save Razelt again. We'll have to call another ship.

Stella: Mm-hm. He went straight ahead this time so he should be easy to find.

Alk: I just wonder if he's considered how he's going to protect himself when his shield's busy protecting others.

Stella: A fair point...

Episode 3
A Prince's Support

With Alk and Stella latching onto him, Razelt streaks ahead on his surfboard to a drowning child's aid. Despite this heroic rescue, he ends up stumbling again at the very end. Alk and Stella discuss the unpredictability of Razelt's surfing skills.

Children: That must be the tenth time he fell!

Children: You're gonna keep at it, Gramps? Is it okay if we bet on you falling again?

Razelt: I'll have you kids know that I'm still a strapping young lad at the age of twenty-two! Be mindful who you call "Gramps"!

Razelt: As for the wager, I'm betting that I DON'T fall again! So don't come bawling to me later if I end up taking all your lunch money!

Children: Talk about scary! We're nice kids though, so we'll buy you some candy if WE win!

Children: Hooray! That's eleven wins in a row!

Stella: You've been so focused on practicing your surfing ever since coming here, Razelt.

Razelt: But of course! I must remain fit in order to protect! It's also a far better use of my time than whiling away at the casino!

Alk: How admirable.

Alk: But what are you REALLY thinking?

Razelt: As much as I'd like to partake in the fun and games, I cannot risk the chance of losing all my possessions- especially not the Lord's Aegis!

Alk: Except you just lost to those kids a bunch of times...

Razelt: A-anyway! I need to take this seriously, so you munchkins should go play somewhere else!

Children: You're okay staying a loser then? Want us to buy you some candy?

Razelt: I have not fallen so far from grace as to require alms from children! Enjoy your candy- you've earned it!

Stella: You are truly kind at heart, Razelt.

Razelt: As royalty, I consider it my duty to ensure that the country's children can put on carefree smiles.

Razelt: I can only hope my actions contribute to that goal. Does that make sense, Stella?

Stella: Yes. I suppose that's also related to your pride?

Razelt: Indeed. You're starting to get it!

Alk: That's one of the kids from earlier...

Razelt: He's about to drown. He won't last long.

Stella: Let us save him.

Alk: We need to get a boat fast-

Razelt: Hold it, you two!

Razelt: Hang on tight! The Aegis and I will be your boat!

Alk: Razelt... Can you do it?

Razelt: I haven't exactly fully mastered the technique yet, but for now, I believe our bonds should more than suffice.

Razelt: I trust in the both of you. Give me your support!

Alk: You got it!

Stella: Fasteners attached.

Alk: Some on this side!

Razelt: Sally forth, Lord's Aegis! So that we may grant salvation to those who seek it!

Stella: This is remarkably fast...

Alk: Can't really call this surfing anymore! It's something else entirely!

Razelt: Frightened out of your wits, are we? Hah, this may be the ideal speed after all!

Razelt: Alk, Stella, we're saving that child! I'm counting on you two!

Alk: We did it! Razelt, can you get us back to land?

Razelt: Certainly! I'll manage somehow!

Razelt: Are you safe, child?

Children: Grampy?

Razelt: Hah-hah-hah! As I said before...

Razelt: I'm no grampy; I'm a prince!

Razelt: Gah, not again! Just when things were going so well!

Alk: Might have something to do with our support, or lack thereof.

Razelt: Gah, that defeats the whole purpose! I must try again!

Stella: The speed the Lord's Aegis was going at earlier could not have been possible without our support alone.

Alk: Maybe Razelt just got into the flow for a moment.

Stella: Perhaps. But now he's awful at it again.

Alk: No argument there...

Alk: I guess that's Razelt for ya.

Stella: Possibly.

Razelt: *sigh* This is going nowhere!

Razelt: I've had enough for the day! Alk, Stella, what say we got for a meal?

Alk: Sure. You have a place in mind?

Razelt: I'm feeling chilly, so any place that serves something nice and warm would be preferable!

Stella: Let's go for some red soup.

Razelt: Wait, Stella. What do you mean by "red"? I must warn you I do not handle spicy food well.

Alk: You'll be fine. Even kids eat the stuff.