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Episode 1
Fishy Business

Alk delivers a parcel to a man named Raul, who runs a seaside bar. There, he utilizes his cooking prowess and the World Flipper to help finish an incomplete dish.

Alk: Raul's Bar... This must be the place.

Raul: Oh? Here's a new face. The name's Raul, and welcome to my bar.

Alk: Hi there. I've got a package for you, actually.

Raul: For me? Let's see it then.

Raul: Very interesting. What was your name, son?

Alk: Er, Alk.

Raul: Alk, my boy. You must've been in desperate straits to deliver this to me.

Alk: Huh?

Raul: This was sent by pirates, was it not? You ought to fraternize with a better crowd.

Alk: Oh. Yeah... I think it's a bit late for that.

Raul: Regardless, thank you for the delivery. If you're not in a hurry, how about a drink?

Alk: Sure. Well, uh... Do you have juice?

Fisherman: Hey, barkeep.

Raul: Long time no see, friend. What'll it be?

Fisherman: Nothin' fer me today, Raul. I'm still tryna make enough to pay off my tab here.

Raul: That's very noble of you—and greatly appreciated.

Fisherman: Yeah, well, that was the plan, but... the fish ain't bitin' lately!

Fisherman: I was wonderin' if for the time being, you'd take this as payment.

Raul: What's this?

Fisherman: I was thinkin' I could offer you this instead o' cash.

Alk: What's in there?! It reeks!

Raul: Ah, anchovy sauce. Considered a delicacy in some regions, it's made from fish that have been fermented for years. A perfect seasoning or base for some dipping sauces.

Alk: And people... like it?

Raul: Quite so. But this one... It's not complete, is it?

Fisherman: Ngh... You got me there. Hard to get a hold of the right herbs this time of year.

Raul: Unfortunate. With the right herbs and spices, it would be much more... palatable than its current state.

Alk: Yeah, it might be a bit TOO strong.

Raul: It can't be easy to grow herbs out at sea, I imagine. Although I don't think I could get much use of it in its current state, unfortunately.

Alk: What kind of herbs do you need?

Alk: Got it. I think I can make this work somehow!

Raul: Yes! This is it! How in the world did you obtain this so quickly?

Raul: Scratch that—we can talk about it later. For now, there's a sauce that needs saving!

Alk: Whoa!

Fisherman: *sniff* Oho! This is it! It's been so long since I've smelled such a fragrant sauce!

Alk: I just realized how hungry I was.

Raul: Wait right there. I've just got the dish for this.

Raul: Thank you for waiting. Enjoy.

Alk: Wow, this looks delicious!

Fisherman: Hot, hot, hot! B-but so... so good!

Alk: I'm workin' up a sweat too, but I can't stop eating it!

Raul: We'll be able to serve this dish for some time thanks to you, Alk.

Raul: You've done me a great favor, so if there's anything you should need, don't be a stranger.

Raul: Actually, it seems that you're involved with some potentially dubious fellows. Perhaps you could use some protection?

Fisherman: ...! Raul here doesn't offer his services to just anybody, you know! In the underworld, he was once feared as—

Raul: Now, now. There's no need for any of that.

Alk: You'd be more than welcome to join.

Alk: And could you teach me how you made that dish with the anchovy sauce? I'd like to try making it myself.

Raul: Of course. It's the least I could do.

Episode 2
Bistro Brawlers

Alk gets into a tangle with a pirate with a bone to pick at Raul's Bar. When a fight breaks out, the restaurant's patrons begin to take bets, to Alk's surprise. Alk easily trumps his foe, and Raul collects the winnings to buy everyone drinks.

Raul: Welcome to Raul's Bar.

Alk: Hey, Raul! I've brought you the spices.

Raul: Ah, Alk, my boy! Much obliged.

Alk: Hey, we're happy to swing by any time to get a taste of your cooking!

Raul: Hahaha! Excellent. Just sit tight and I'll have something ready for you soon.

Light: I take it business has been good lately. This place seems much more—

Flirty Guy: Here, babe. Say "ahh".

Flirty Girl: Oh, gosh... How embarrassing. Okay. Ahh...

Flirty Guy: Ahaha! You love it, didn't you? I'll bet it was delicious... Not as delicious as you though...

Light: R-Raul! A-are you okay with such a shameless display of affection here?!

Raul: As long as they aren't disturbing the other customers, I don't see a problem.

Alk: Yeah... Just relax and eat your food before it gets cold, Light.

Raul: My customers are happy, and I make a profit. All is well.

Raul: Although with my newfound popularity, there HAS been an increase in incidents.

Sailor: Hey, barkeep.

Alk: C-can I help you?

Sailor: Hey... Haven't we met somewhere before?

Light: Alk...

Alk: Uh, you must be thinking of someone else! My face is pretty generic, you know?

Sailor: Wait, I remember now! You're that punk who's sailin' with the Crimson Blades!

Sailor: I had to file for unemployment because of you!

Alk: That doesn't even make sense!

Sailor: Shut up! I've got unfinished business with you!

Light: Raul! I'd say we have a real incident on our hands now, right?!

Customers: This is what we've been waiting for, baby!

Raul: Showtime, ladies and gentlemen! As usual, all bets require a minimum order of one drink and start at one gold coin.

Swashbuckler: Seaside Chardonnay! And two gold on the sailor!

Thrill Seeker: Five on the sailor! And I'll have a Sunset Cocktail!

Raul: Excellent. Anyone else wishing to partake, please do so before all bets are off.

Light: What is happening here?!

Raul: Now then... What's this? It seems no one's placed a bet on poor Alk yet.

Swashbuckler: Yeah, well, I guess we ain't tryna throw away our hard-earned cash today, y'know? Ahahah!

Raul: Is that so?

Raul: Let us begin, then! The hardened sailor versus the lad with the sword! FIGHT!

Sailor: You ain't getting away this time, chump!

Alk: Seriously?I just wanna eat, man.

Alk: I guess we'll do this the hard way.

Raul: K.O.! Winner: Alk!

Customers: You're kidding me!

Swashbuckler: No way... I was on a roll today too! Then this guy had to show up and ruin everything!

Raul: Let's see here... Oh? It seems that no one bet on Alk.

Swashbuckler: Hah! You really cleaned up this time, Raul!

Thrill Seeker: A lesson well learned... Next time I'm putting it all on the underdog!

Alk: Yeesh... I can't believe you're using local kerfuffles to profit your restaurant.

Raul: Anywhere there's a profit to be made, yes?

Raul: And the customers are more than happy to partake.

Alk: Let me guess—everyone's happy, and you still profit?

Raul: Now you understand how I run my business.

Raul: Enjoy, everyone! Tonight's meals are on the house!

Swashbuckler: Mighty generous of you, Raul! Is it really okay?

Raul: Not to worry. You've all technically paid for it, after all!

Thrill Seeker: Hah! Cheers, I'll drink to that, friend!

Alk: Wait, so we basically did this all for free?

Alk: Light?! Hey, are you okay?

Light: They made me... drink... How... unbecoming...

Raul: My sincerest apologies. Allow me to make you our house specialty

Light: Ah, Princess... Lily...

Alk: Hoo, boy. Here we go...