Ram (ReZERO Collab)/Stories

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Episode 1
Despite Slacking

Saddled with a babysitting job that Subaru accepted, Ram forces Alk and Nimbus to watch the kids with her. Ram, despite her initial reluctance, eventually bonds with the children, steaming potatoes for them and teaching them history lessons.

Ram: You're finally here. Now help me.

Alk: Uh, we don't mind lending a hand, but... What exactly do you need help with?

Ram: No time to explain. Follow me.

Nimbus: What, she can't be bothered to explain? She's the one that asked us to come...

Alk: Maybe it's an emergency? We should at least check things out.

Ram: I'm Ram. I'll be watching over you today. But for the most part, you should look after yourselves.

Ram: If you need anything, ask the two behind me. Understood?

Nimbus: Whoooa, hold on... Are you telling us to babysit these kids?

Ram: You're not as slow as you look. Yes, that's what I'm saying. I didn't want to do this job alone.

Alk: Is this a request from the Guild? If it wasn't something you wanted to do, why'd you accept it?

Ram: I didn't. Barusu got carried away and randomly accepted it.

Ram: This extra work is his fault.

Alk: O-oh...

Nimbus: Sounds to me like this is YOUR mess to clean up, not ours-

Children: Fluffy kitty!

Children: Big fluffy kitty! You can talk? So cool!

Ram: Yes, he's a big fluffy kitty that can talk. Pet him as much as you like.

Little Girl: Ram, read this book for me.

Ram: Don't you remember what I said? If you need anything, ask those two-

Little Girl: But I don't wanna. I want you.

Ram: You can wait for your mother and father to come home and read it to you instead.

Little Girl: But I don't have a mom anymore.

Little Girl: She got attacked by monsters in the village we lived in before.

Ram: All right, I understand. For you, I'll read the book.

Ram: Come sit. Once we're done reading, I'll give you some helpful life tips.

Little Girl: Okay!

Ram: Time for lunch, everyone.

Nimbus: Finally, a break...

Alk: Are those... potatoes? That's a lot of them.

Ram: I made steamed potatoes- and I had some help, as you can see. Don't tell me you're a picky eater.

Alk: N-no, of course not! Steamed potatoes are great, high in nutrition... They seem to be the "in" food recently...

Ram: Ngh...

Little Girl: Ram, what's wrong? Are you okay?

Ram: I'm just a little tired, that's all. Don't worry about me.

Ram: Let's dig in. They're cooked- no, steamed to perfection.

Nimbus: Urk, I'm gonna be sick... Stomach's so full... Can't move...

Ram: I guess with those two out of commission, it's my turn to look after you all.

Ram: Everyone, gather around. I'll read books to you and teach you useful life lessons.

Ram: Pay attention, and you'll be able to help your father out someday.

Ram: If you have any questions, look up the answers on your own later.

Ram: I'm going to read you a book about the Farlan faith. Have any of you heard about the Star Angel?

Alk: That's something the Palpebran church believes in, right? I'm surprised you know so much...

Ram: I learned of it when I was gathering information. You never know when something might come in handy.

Little Boy: I know about the angel! They're someone amazing, right?

Ram: That's a vague way to put it. It seems you'll need to learn about the founding of Palpebra and the Farlands as well.

Ram: History can teach you surprising lessons, you know.

Nimbus: You look surprised.

Alk: That's because I am. She probably knows more about this than I do. It's honestly impressive...

Alk: Those kids loved you, Ram! Aren't you glad you went through with the job?

Ram: I'm more concerned about finding a way back to our real home.

Ram: I'll have even less time for that if I'm asked to babysit again.

Ram: What? I'm not wrong, am I?

Alk: Nah, you're not. Don't mind me.

Ram: Anyway, I'm off. I appreciate your help today.

Ram: I look forward to your assistance if they ask us to babysit again.

Ram: As repayment, I'll help you on your adventures when you need a hand.

Alk: Sounds good to me! Thanks, Ram.

Ram: It's only fair. See you later, Alk. Nimbus.

Episode 2
Others First

When Ellie, one of the children she babysit, goes missing, Ram uses her Clairvoyance ability and finds her in the mountains. She goes to bring Ellie back, taxing her body to keep the girl safe from monsters, before Alk and the others arrive to save the day. After being scolded by Rem, Ram asks Alk and co. for help to replenish the mana in her body.

Ram: It's almost time. Is everything ready?

Stella: The decorations are complete.

Alk: Hmm, the food's still gonna take a bit... I don't think we can serve it right away.

Ram: All right. Then let's buy time by serving the sweets first.

Nimbus: Next time you need a party prepped, ask us earlier, yeah?

Ram: There's no point complaining to me. it was decided on suddenly.

Ram: I'm going to fetch the children. Good luck with the rest.

Ram: It's time for the party. Are you ready?

Little Boy: Ram, Ellie's missing!

Ram: I don't understand. What happened? Calm down and explain.

Little Boy: Ellie said she was only going to be gone for a little bit! But she hasn't come back yet!

Little Boy: Dad won't be home until late tonight... We don't know what to do...

Ram: She must be lost. I'll find her.

Ram: (She's not in town... I'll have to search from higher up.)

Ram: She's up on a mountain...

Little Boy: That has to be the same mountain Dad took us to before! It's got a weird sign at the entrance.

Ram: I did see a sign. I'll head over right away.

Little Boy: We'll come too-

Ram: No. You wait here. I'll bring her back, safe and sound.

Alk: Ram's taking a while... You think something happened?

Nimbus: You know how kids are. Maybe they're messing around.

Stella: We should check on them.

Rem: Is something happening? Why do you all look so panicked...

Alk: Ram went to go fetch the kids, but she's been gone for a while now...

Rem: Sister is missing? Allow me to join your search for her.

Alk: Ram went up the mountain?!

Little Boy: Yeah, she said she'd bring Ellie back...

Rem: Sister is in danger! We have to find her right away!

Rem: She doesn't have enough mana in her body right now!

Rem: If she runs into trouble, she won't be able to defend herself for long...

Alk: Sounds like we've got no time to waste! Let's go!

Alk: Stella, you watch over the kids. Nimbus... Can you track Ram's scent?

Stella: I'll keep the children safe.

Nimbus: I'm not hunting dog, you know. Don't get your hopes up... But yeah, I'll do what I can.

Ram: There you are! Ellie, why did you wander out here?

Ellie: Ram? How...

Ram: It's dangerous to hike into the mountains alone. What were you thinking?

Ellie: The angel lives here... I wanted to see if she could help me see my mom.

Ram: ...You mean the one from the book I read? I see your memory is sharp.

Ram: But you should at least ask your father to join you when you go out on a trip. Everyone's been very worried about you.

Ram: (I took too long to find her!)

Alk: Watch out!

Ram: Thank... goodness...

Rem: Sister, how are you feeling?

Ram: Rem... I'm fine. Where's the girl?

Rem: We brought her home just fine. You kept her completely safe.

Alk: Everyone decided to throw the party another day, so no need to worry about that either.

Ram: I see... That's good.

Rem: Good? There's nothing good about it. You're too kind...

Rem: If you keep putting yourself in danger like that, who knows what will happen next time?

Ram: I'm sorry, Rem.

Stella: We'll make sure she stays safe.

Alk: You said the problem is her ack of mana, right? We might be able to help with that.

Alk: I think the kids will be able to enjoy the party better if Ram is in tip-top shape too.

Rem: If there's any way you can help my sister, please...

Ram: Your assistance is unnecessary. We'll one day return to our world, so there's no need-

Rem: Sister.

Ram: ...All right. Fine. I suppose I'll impose on your kindness.

Stella: Please do.

Episode 3
Gem Science

After consulting with a professor at the Academy, Alk and co. go to collect elemental gems to power a machine that will replenish Ram's mana. With Ram's help, the group manages to collect a huge haul of gems from the Kaleidoscope. However, only the purest of gems will work for the machine, so Ram enlists Alk's help to raise money for more gems.

Ram: Are we finished yet? I'm starting to grow bored.

Academy Professor: Relax, the scan's finally done. Your physical make-up is quite extraordinary- though not in a good way, I'm afraid.

Academy Professor: Keep utilizing your powers, and you'll find yourself bedridden before long.

Alk: I-it's that bad?! We should've gotten you checked out sooner...

Ram: I refuse to leave all the work to Rem, Miss Emilia, and especially Barusu.

Alk: Er... I get where you're coming from, but..

Ram: Anyway, can you fix me? Or can you not?

Academy Professor: Based on the scan result, I have a potential solution. You could use elemental gems as a source of power, much like this tool does.

Academy Professor: However, for the amount of energy you require, the conversion machine will have to run on only the purest gems.

Alk: ...In other words, you need us to get you some rare gems.

Academy Professor: You catch on quickly. Honestly, I'd prefer to simply charge money for the prototypes I'm going to lend you...

Academy Professor: But I suppose I can make a few extra and let you walk away with them.

Ram: Hold it. Are you trying to leave me behind?

Ram: You should have called for me. Come on, let's go.

Alk: Whoa, hey, wait! You're not supposed to be pushing yourself, remember?

Alk: Besides, we're the ones with plenty of experience in the Kaleidoscope. You should wait back-

Ram: Your search will go faster with the aid of my power. Or do you intend to track down gems with your nose?

Alk: No, but... Well...

Ram: It will be fine. I even told Rem I'm coming and have her permission to do so.

Alk: All right, in that case... You'll leave the fighting to us, yeah?

Ram: Of course, I intend to slack off as much as possible.

Ram: Wait a moment.

Ram: Punch that wall there as hard as you can.

Nimbus: Who the hell designed this place?! No way a normal person would've found this path...

Ram: See, bringing me was the correct decision. Now move.

Alk: No way.. How often do you come across a natural deposit this big?

Ram: The professor should be able to make plenty of prototypes with all this.

Ram: Do your best to carry everything back.

Nimbus: Yeah, yeah, we got it, Your Highness.

Academy Professor: Here, try this prototype bracelet on. If it fits, attach a gem to it.

Ram: I just felt a rush of mana...

Academy Professor: It was a brief reaction, but that proves it works! Now if you attach a gem of higher quality...

Alk: Good thing we've got plenty! Use as much as you need!

Academy Professor: The experiment was a grand success! Well, what do you think?

Rem: It worked? Sister, how do you feel?

Ram: I'm not fully healed... But I think it's easier to move around now.

Alk: Hey, that's good, right? Sounds like you'll be able to stay decently healthy.

Ram: It's better than nothing at the very least. This might work out better than I expected.

Rem: I'm relieved that we actually found somethin that can help you, sister...

Ram: I'm sorry I worried you, Rem. I won't be falling over anymore.

Academy Professor: Ahem... I don't mean to break up the party, but what are you going to do about your gem supply going forward.

Alk: Huh? Don't tell me this isn't enough...

Academy Professor: I would say, out of everything here, you have about five gems that are useable.

Alk: That few?!

Academy Professor: Most of what you brought is lacking in quality. Only the purest of gems will suffice as a power supply for the young lady here.

Ram: They sell gems in Palpebra, don't they?

Academy Professor: For hefty prices, yes. You could probably afford a mansion for the amount of money you'll need to shell out.

Ram: You said you'd help me if I'm ever in trouble, remember?

Rem: You should keep your promises, especially to Sister.

Alk: Okay, no need to gang up on me! Full disclaimer: we're pretty broke-

Ram: Do you hear that, Rem? He'll find high-paying jobs for us.

Rem: Yes, Sister. Not only that, but he'll also help us do those jobs.

Alk: Right... I'll look out for you guys until the day you find a way home.

Ram: I'm glad to hear that you'll honor your promise.

Ram: I'll help you out on your adventures, so I expect the same level of cooperation from you.