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Guider to the Edge
Fullshot 1

Rakisha fullshot 0.png

Fullshot 2

Rakisha fullshot 1.png

A wayfarer who traverses the desert's borderlands, Rakisha wields an ancient brush that can direct the course of water. She is troubled by the portent of war between the borderlands and royal family, and rues that her powers alone are not enough to stem the flood of violence.
Max HP 4181
Max Attack 837
Power 0x
Hit 0
Rarity 5★
Element Water Water
Class Support Support
Race Human/Sprite
Gender Female
VA Marina Inoue
Release Date Jan. 18, 2022 4:59
Leader Talent
Blessed Brush
When a water character's skill activates, water characters' ATK +17.5% [MAX: +210%]
Ain Arama
Skill Gauge: 530
Using the water from her brush, douse the party in water and grant party members ATK buff (+100%/20s) and fire resistance buff (+30%/20s)
1 When a water character's skill activates, grant that character ATK buff (+30%/10s)
2 When a water character gains an ATK buff, that character's ATK +2.5% [MAX: +50%]
3 [Main] When battle begins, water characters' skill gauge +100%
4 When battle begins, grant water characters ATK buff (+30%/20s)
5 Water characters' skill damage +20%
6 For every ATK buff on a water character, that character's fire resistance +3% [MAX: +15%]

Wording for skills and abilities copied from https://eliya-bot.herokuapp.com/gl/
Stats copied from https://wasuku.gamewiki.jp/