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Episode 1
There's Something in the Water...

Alk finds himself drifting alone in the sea and sends out a distress signal for help. A young cadet from the Gaean Naval Academy by the name of Rain saves him after initially mistaking the signal to be hostile. Alk declines the invitation to join the academy, seeing as he's already on friendly terms with pirates. Rain sees this as his ticket to get closer with the Crimson Blades for his own reasons, inviting himself to join Alk and the others.

Alk: Oookay.

Alk: Doesn't look like anyone's coming to my rescue anytime soon... Sticking around here isn't gonna do me any good.

Alk: Wait, that's right! The Crimson Blades gave me something for this.

Young Sailor: You all right?

Alk: I was until now!

Alk: I'm sure glad both navy and pirate ships use the same SOS signal.

Rain: Oh, I've yet to introduce myself. I'm Rain, a cadet in the Gaea Royal Navy.

Rain: And that certainly was fortunate. The red signal, yes? A request for backup fire.

Alk: It was ORANGE!

Rain: Oh, was it? Oh, dear. I might have to take another makeup exam...

Rain: Well, I suppose all's well that ends well.

Alk: A makeup exam?

Rain: Indeed! I'll soon be graduating from the academy, you see. This ship isn't mine, but one assigned to me for field experience.

Alk: Wow, and they let you sail all the way out here by yourself?

Rain: Not exactly. I saw the signal and thought someone needed help. I don't think they'll be pleased about this.

Alk: A yellow one? Or was it green?

Rain: Hard to tell. Some sort of yellow-green, I think? Which means...

Rain: ...Someone requires our rescue!

Alk: I'll do what I can to help!

Rain: Appreciate it! And sorry about this.

Alk: The water's teeming with monsters!

Rain: Alk, take care of the ship!

Alk: Wait, what?!

Alk: Nice work out there, Rain! I've never seen anyone run on the water like that before.

Rain: These shoes were designed by the Royal Navy, but they're quite difficult to use.

Rain: I'm the only person able to use them. It's because of that reason I was able to enroll in the naval academy.

Alk: Wow, that's quite the feat!

Rain: O-oh, I wouldn't say it's anything that special. Heh... I mean, I still have a long ways to go.

Alk: Yeah? I take it you're still pretty young then?

Rain: I... I'm fifteen. Why do you ask?

Alk: I thought you were someone older at first, but you're still a kid, huh?

Rain: I'll have you know that I am a navy officer, and won't tolerate being treated like a—

Alk: Also, your voice is getting higher.

Alk: Sorry, I didn't mean to tease you! Truth is, I'm impressed someone as young as you are being this accomplished.

Alk: Not only that, you sailed that ship by yourself and ran on water! You're really something.

Rain: Oh, I wouldn't... It's nothing special, really...

Rain: Actually, would you be interested in enlisting in the Gaea Royal Navy yourself?

Rain: Even after being rescued, you offered to help without a moment's hesitation. That's seaworthy courage if I've ever seen it!

Rain: We're always looking for recruits! And we could go busting pirates together!

Alk: B-busting... pirates, huh?

Nimbus: Alk!

Nimbus: You're seriously gonna give me a heart attack one of these days... Would you stop falling into the sea already?!

Burly Pirate: It's not like you have nine lives, you know.

Alk: Ow, ow, ow! I'm sorry!

Rain: ...Pirates?

Alk: Yeah... Sorry, Rain. These pirates are actually—

Rain: The Crimson Blades! The pirate crew feared across all seas, led by the one and only Captain Marina!

Alk: Y-yeah, actually.

Rain: As an aspiring sailor, I'll need to have my finger on the pulse of the sea—including pirates! I can't let this opportunity go to waste!

Rain: Please, allow me to join your crew! I mean, we've already fought together once, right?

Alk: Oh, uh... sure.

Alk: Yeesh... People here sure are intense. Maybe it's something in the water.

Episode 2
Future Ensign

Alk, Light, and Stella visit Rain's hometown, where he is adored and coddled by his many fans. However, they share their disdain for his decision to join the Gaean Navy, which has garnered a negative reputation among the Float's residents. Rain shares his ambitions to join the navy to make a real difference. Although they playfully tease him, the navy officers in town have a soft spot for Rain.

Rain: Whew... This sure takes me back.

Light: I guess I shouldn't be surprised you grew up on a vessel.

Rain: Most people in our world live on floats like this one. Only a small percentage live on solid ground.

Rain: I appreciate you all coming out here, but as I said, there's not much to see.

Stella: Are you sure? I wouldn't say that.

Alk: Yeah, this is all new to us! Plus, I bet there's a ton of seafood to try out!

Rain: Well, I suppose that is true.

Fan Girls: No way! It's really him, isn't it?

Fan Girls: You're right! Rainy-Raaain!

Rain: Yes! Rain of the Gaea Naval Academy, reporting in!

Rain: Wh-why are you laughing?! I'll have you know I am a full-fledged—

Fan Girls: D'aww, look at him! Acting like such a big strong man with his widdle sailor cappy!

Rain: Argh! L-let me go! And stop messing with my hair!

Rain: Why are you guys always like this to me!

Fan Girls: Because you're just so dang adorable!

Fan Girls: You're STILL going through with the whole navy thing?

Rain: Of course. That's the reason I left this place after all.

Fan Girls: Aww, laaaame. You should just forget about that.

Fan Girls: They're here again today. You'd better not turn into another one of them, okay?

Alk: What did she mean by that?

Rain: The people who live here aren't fond of the Gaean Navy—especially the ones in uniform.

Rain: Well, since you're here, how about attending a speech?

Navy Commander: ...Thus, we will continue to rely on the support from floatdwellers to identify the cause of these rising waters. On the other hand...

Alk: ...

Alk: He's been going on for like an hour now but hasn't actually said anything.

Rain: Well, simply put, we haven't accomplished any of our goals, but are asking the residents here to front the payment.

Rain: And if you think an hour was long, this story's been the same since I was just a kid.

Stella: They're certainly taking their time, aren't they?

Light: Yeah... I saw a lot of their kind back at the palace.

Rain: They're not bad people—the rank and file seem to have no complaints about them at least.

Alk: So why did you want to become an officer?

Rain: I mean, we can't let people like that stay in charge, right?

Rain: I've realized during my time as a sailor that we can't let things stay the way they are. Someone has to step up and do something.

Alk: And you think that someone will be you one day?

Rain: But of course!

Navy Officer: So we're incompetent is what yer saying, huh?

Navy Officer: This cadet's gonna need a new hat if his head got any bigger!

Rain: Wait, I—

Navy Officer: Rain, you little rascal! We'll show you to mouth off about us all the time!

Rain: Hey, ow! Not the hair—I mean, get your hands off of me!

Alk: Uh, do you know these people?

Navy Officer: Ah, hello there. Thanks for watching over our cheeky little friend.

Alk: Oh, certainly. Rain's been a huge help to us.

Navy Officer: Yeah, he's a real helper, ain't he? You don't see a lotta sailors gunnin' to be officers.

Navy Officer: Cuz of that, he's got all sorts of eyes on him at the academy. I suppose that's nothin' new for him though.

Navy Officer: I'm tellin' ya, people are obsessed with the guy!

Alk: I suppose he is quite an impressive character.

Navy Officer: By the way, I'm the president of the Rain fan club.

Alk: I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I follow.

Navy Officer: We're all waitin' to see him graduate, but there's a bit of a problem, you see...

Navy Officer: The kid's a bit slow, right? I mean, you'd never guess by lookin' at him.

Rain: Hey, I heard that!

Stella: It does seem that he isn't quite equipped for classroom-style learning.

Stella: But that's all right—I'll see what I can do.

Light: How commendable.

Alk: I'll do whatever I can to help too!

Stella: We won't let him down.

Rain: You could start by cutting the chit-chat and helping me already!

Episode 3
Aim for the Stars!

Rain reveals that while he has confidence in his book smarts, his weakest subject is long-distance swimming. Alk and the others train him, preparing him for his swimming exam. Things seem to be going well when a Kraken suddenly appears in the waters. Rain decides to attack the monster in order to protect a civilian ship. After successfully finishing his swimming exam, Rain graduates from the academy. Although he was able to enlist in the Gaean navy, he was scolded for his actions, learning that he needs to trust in those around him if he plans to become a leader.

Alk: Still hitting the books, huh? How does a tea break sound?

Nimbus: That sounds great, actually. How about you, Rain?

Alk: Rain... you still with us, buddy?

Stella: Your final exam is coming up soon, isn't it, Rain?

Rain: Yeah... It's sink or swim now.

Nimbus: I mean, you can already handle a ship on your own as a sailor, right? You don't need a test score to tell you that.

Light: It is not only seafaring. If Rain graduates, he will become a sublieutenant—a position of leadership.

Nimbus: Is that what's got you so worried about your test?

Light: Still not cut out for classroom learning, huh?

Rain: No, not exactly. Stella's helped me get over that.

Rain: I'm quite embarrassed to admit this, but...

Alk: So part of the test involves a long-distance swim?

Light: I never thought you of all people would be averse to swimming.

Rain: I'm usually able to walk on water, so I've never really needed to get better at it...

Stella: The solution is simple, is it not? Practice.

Rain: Yes, I suppose. I... I just don't want to embarrass myself in front of everyone.

Rain: You didn't have to throw me in!

Nimbus: Less talkin', more swimmin'. You don't wanna keep your fan club waiting, right?

Proctor: The next portion of your exam will be long-distance swimming. Cadet Rain, are you ready?

Rain: Y-yes!

Alk: You can do it!

Proctor: Spectators, please refrain from any outbursts so that we may proceed. Now then, if you'd please.

Alk: Hey... You guys see something out there?

Light: A monster?!

Proctor: Hmm. We may need to reschedule this.

Nimbus: Get back here, Rain! There's a monster out there!

Rain: I can't! There's a ship! And it's a civilian vessel!

Rain: I need to save them!

Nimbus: Of all the reckless...

Proctor: Hey! Get in contact! Request cannon fire, on the double!

Alk: We'll help too!

Proctor: O-okay! If you'd please!

Light: There should be cannons near the waterfront. Let's move!

Rain: I... I managed to swim the entire way!

Rain: Sublieutenant Rain, Gaea Naval Academy graduate, reporting for duty!

Stella: Well done, Rain.

Light: Second Lieutenant, huh? Has a nice ring to it.

Alk: I'll whip up something to celebrate! You say something too, Nimbus.

Nimbus: Why'd you go off on your own back there?

Rain: About that... I apologize. The officers at the academy gave me an earful about it too.

Nimbus: As they should have.

Rain: They're right. If I'm to be in charge of people, I'll need to learn to trust in them.

Rain: I wouldn't have made it this far without everyone's help. Thank you.

Rain: That being said... would it be all right if I stuck around for a little longer?

Nimbus: Hmph... Do as you like.