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Ultimate One-Upper
Fullshot 1

Quinvere fullshot 0.png

Fullshot 2

Quinvere fullshot 1.png

Quinvere is an airship captain and the CEO of Code Individual, an advertising company not affiliated with either Noxel Group or AltMeme. Roaming around doing as she pleases, she is driven entirely by her desire to "set new high scores in life".
Max HP 3812
Max Attack 970
Power 20x
Hit 1
Rarity 5★
Element Light Light
Class Special Special
Race Human/Mecha
Gender Female
VA Chiaki Takahashi
Release Date December 26, 2023
Leader Talent
Living My Best Life
When battle begins, light characters' skill gauge +100% / If there are 6 light characters in the party, during fever, light characters' ATK +100% / If there are 6 light characters in the party,, fever mode duration +20%
Dropping Anchor
Skill Gauge: 520
Takes a step toward the nearest enemy and swings her anchor, dealing light damage (20x) in an area [damage is calculated using direct attack damage] / Grant self regeneration (80/12s) + direct attack damage buff (+120%/15s)
1 When self recovers HP, fever gauge +35
2 When self recovers HP, own direct attack damage while in fever +5% [MAX: +120%] / While in fever, own direct attack damage +80%
3 [Main] Every 5 seconds of fever, light characters' direct attack damage dealt to enemies while in fever +1% [MAX: +20%] / While in fever, own direct attack damage +120% / Fever mode duration +15%
4 -
5 -
6 -

Wording for skills and abilities copied from https://eliya-bot.herokuapp.com/gl/
Stats copied from https://wasuku.gamewiki.jp/