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Episode 1
The Ostentatious Spy

Zekhel, the leader of the Guild Knights, introdices Alk and co. to one of the Guild's spies- a young man by the name of Quade. Having already known of the existence of Alk's group, Quade asks to join them on the pretense of going into hiding. Before they leave, Zekhel warns Alk that Quade is often less than truthful, leaving poor Alk rather flustered and confused.

???: Hum hum hum...

???: Come out already. I know you're there.

Hooded Man: Quade Arsalett... This is where you meet your end!

Quade: Damn. You went and found out my last name. You really hunkered down and did your research, huh?

Quade: And here I was, thinking you were completely incompetent. Maybe I misjudged you?

Quade: Eh, or maybe I didn't. You never learn. I won't be beaten, not this way.

???: Flashy as always. Not sure why I dragged myself out here. You seem fine on your own.

Zekhel: These guys from our favorite organization? Or are they from the Farlands?

Quade: Possibly... both?

Zekhel: *sigh* That's the one answer I didn't want to hear, Quade.

Zekhel: If you keep this up, you'll get yourself killed, you know.

Quade: I know. That would really ruin my day.

Zekhel: At least pretend to be concerned when you say that.

Zekhel: Well, in that case... Allow this old man to introduce you to a certain somebody.

Quade: You mean... Alk and the others?! Yes! to think that I can finally meet them...

Zekhel: You really do know too much for your own good, kid.

Zekhel: Anyway, I'd appreciate it if you could welcome him already.

Stella: Okay. We welcome you to-

Alk: H-hold on a minute, Stella! He hasn't even said a single WORD yet!

Alk: I think we're going to need a bit more of an explanation than that...

Zekhel: He knows too much. He flies off the rails sometimes. I need you to look after him. The end.

Alk: Well that was... concise, I guess? Doesn't exactly put my mind at ease... Smells like trouble, really.

Quade: It was a short explanation, but it basically hit all the correct points.

Quade: The name is Quade Arsalett. Pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Alk: Y-yes, likewise.

Zekhel: Oh? You sure it's okay to give away your family name just like that?

Quade: I already know so much about them- I figured it was only fair to even the playing field.

Quade: You are the decorated heroes who helped defended Palpebra from the dragon attack AND defeated the flying golems, are you not?

Quade: I'm somewhat of a spy, you see. I specialize in intelligence- and I've had my eye on your group for quite a while now!

Zekhel: He's a big help to Kugala. We've had him look into that one organization we've been after as well.

Quade: But I'm afraid I may have gone and made myself- and my origins- known to all the wrong people.

Alk: You mentioned something about a family name earlier... What was that about?

Quade: Have you heard of a city called Tiatha, by any chance?

Stella: Yes. Tiatha is a port city situated to the southwest of Palpebra. It was once a prosperous place with a long history.

Stella: However, Palpebra's rapid development has reversed the power balance. Tiatha has been practically absorbed into Palpebra, and the two have a joint partnership.

Stella: The merchant family that rules Tiatha are known as the Arsalett.

Quade: How wonderfully knowledgeable you are! Indeed, I am the second son of the Arsalett family- disinherited though I may be.

Alk: You're a spy here, but you're also from the ruling family of Palpebra's biggest rival? How does that work?

Quade: Your suspicion of me is written all over your face.

Quade: Both Tiatha and the Arsalett family failed to keep up with the times and have declined- that much is evident.

Quade: As their disinherited son, all I want is to be at the forefront of major events- to ensure that I do not repeat the same mistake again.

Alk: That's why you became a spy? But... wouldn't that mean trouble for the Guild?

Zekhel: If people found out his true identity, sure. You'd want to keep him from the front lines.

Zekhel: Though interestingly enough, Kugala didn't seem to share that opinion.

Quade: All that being said, now that our enemy has sniffed out my identity, I have no choice but to go into hiding.

Quade: That's why I was hoping you'd let me in!

Alk: Er... Well...

Zekhel: Listen here, Alk. You've got a bit of a debt to me, don't you?

Zekhel: Would you be a dear and welcome the poor kid?

Alk: F-fine... Go for it, Stella.

Stella: Okay. We welcome you, Quade.

Quade: Incredible! Every single one of those is a different world?!

Quade: To tell you the truth, the whole bit about "going into hiding" was... somewhat exaggerated.

Quade: The biggest reason I did this was to meet you guys- it's all about who you know, after all.

Quade: And now YOU know a spy. I'm sure I'll be able to sniff out some valuable information to help you in your journey.

Quade: Doing away with old, useless traditions and forging new paths ahead... Now THIS is the type of work I can get behind!

Zekhel: Right, right. Just remembered I had one more thing to tell you, Alk.

Zekhel: He's a liar. So, uh, be careful. You need to learn to deal with people like that, so just think of it as... practice.

Alk: Huh?!

Alk: *sigh* Now I have even more on my plate to worry about...

Episode 2
The Liar

Quade is reunited with his sister, Elena, and alongside Alk, they discuss the circumstances surrounding an incident caused by their father. Elena asks Quade to help not their house, but her specifically. Though uncertain, Quade agrees. When his sister tells him that their father's actions hurt her too, Quade feels a sense of pride in how much his younger sister has grown.

Quade: And that's checkmate.

Alk: Gah...

Alk: I'm out of my league here... That was brutal.

Quade: Nah, if anything, I'm the one who should lose face here- you just picked up the game, after all.

Quade: Though I must say; I'm surprised. I thought these types of games would be your strong suit.

Alk: Nope. I don't like having so many possible options... And I'm not good at thinking three or four moves ahead either.

Quade: You just need to memorize the most common moves. Everything can fit into patterns, you see. Otherwise it's too overwhelming...

Quade: If you eliminate the suboptimal choices first, you'll be less indecisive- and able to make more use of your natural talents.

Alk: I... see...

Quade: By the by, if Palpebra and the Farlands were to ever clash, who would you side with?

Alk: Hmm, that's a hard-

Alk: Wait a minute, what are you even talking about?! Why bring that up all of a sudden?

Quade: Patterns, Alk. This is one conceivable scenario- totally within the realm of possibility. No harm just thinking about it, right?

Alk: Palpebra and the Farlands signed a treaty of friendship.

Quade: Hmm... And do you know why they did that?

Quade: Palpebra has wealth, knowledge, and technology. What is it they need? What are they willing to pay for?

Alk: People? Or... pawns? Is that what you want me to say?

Quade: Precisely. You've heard Zekhel grumbling about how understaffed the Guild Knights always are, right?

Quade: Most of Palpebra's fighting-capable populace are busy adventuring in the Kaleidoscope.

Quade: The entire city is in quite the predicament when it comes to keeping the peace.

Alk: Isn't that all the more reason to avoid a conflict with the Farlands?

Quade: In theory, yes. But in reality, both places harbor dissident factions. In fact, signs of even further division are on the horizon.

Quade: Said dissidents would suggest bolstering our military forces. They're even willing to join with others to make that possible.

Quade: That's why I think it'd be worth your time to consider this problem. Before both sides come calling to you for aid, that is.

???: Quade? Are you here, Quade?

Alk: Lilie? I didn't expect you to come out all this way.

Pur Lilie: That's because... Well, someone came to the Guild looking for you.

Quade: ...A foe? No, they wouldn't approach the Guild directly if that were the case...

Pur Lilie: It was a woman calling herself Elena. She bears a resemblance to you!

Alk: Do you know this person, Quade?

Quade: That would be none other than my little sister, Elena.

Elena: It has been far too long, Brother. I am pleased you were able to see me.

Quade: Likewise, Elena. You've grown so much I hardly recognized you.

Alk: I... Uh... Do I really need to be here?

Quade: Of course. You still have your suspicions about me, don't you?

Quade: What better way to win your trust than to tell you everything?

Elena: If this boy has your confidence, Brother, then I take no issue with his presence.

Elena: I will be forthright with my request. Brother, will you consider returning to Tiatha? Our family has need of your help.

Elena: I trust you have already heard that father lost his seat on the Palpebran High Council.

Quade: That I have. I also heard he was quite... vocal about his disapproval of Palpebra's strengthened relations with the Farlands.

Quade: Tiatha losing influence on the global stage meant that he, as its symbol, would lose face too.

Quade: All of that is to say that he is without a doubt one of the "dissidents" of which I spoke earlier.

Elena: Brother-

Quade: Elena. I will not save our family.

Quade: Helping Tiatha itself won't be a problem- the shipping industry there alone might prove profitable for Palpebra.

Quade: But in forging such a relationship, the fools of House Arsalett will no doubt take a blow to their reputation.

Quade: I'm sorry I can't help, Elena. But to tell you the truth... I don't regret my actions in the slightest.

Quade: Father failed to act in time- yet again.

Elena: I'm more than well aware of all these facts, Brother.

Quade: Hmm?

Elena: I remember when our house fell five years ago, you laughed. Despite the fact that it was all your doing.

Elena: It was not entirely due to your machinations, perhaps, but I'm sure you foresaw it.

Quade: You would have just turned ten at the time, no? Quite shrewd for someone so young

Elena: Father has established communication with the Farlands.

Elena: There is something within the Farlands that threatens to engulf all of Tiatha- and perhaps more- into conflict.

Elena: I'm prepared to leave Father behind, should the circumstances demand it. I trust you will find that to be a fitting judgement.

Elena: But I nonetheless must ask again: will you not help me?

Quade: Ah, I see...

Elena: You could do nothing to change the person Father was and in your disappointment, you found great pain.

Elena: I wish for you to know that you, are not alone in this. I share your troubles.

Elena: I will be taking my leave.

Quade: What are you snickering about?

Alk: Oh, nothing really.

Alk: It's just... you look happy.

Quade: Do I now?

Quade: For a moment there... Was I truly happy?

Episode 3
The Worthy Rival

After nipping an incident in the bud thanks to his Starview Village connections, Quade meets his sister at a cafe. He rejoices at the fat that his sister won a seat on the Guild High Council, and declares that he sees her as a perfect rival. After parting ways with Elena, Quade defeats a group of attackers. He walks away from the scene smirking and in high spirits.

Quade: And that's that- I'm more or less done.

Alk: R-really?! Wasn't that way too fast?

Light: Are you sure this is wise? You're a marked man- going alone could be dangerous.

Quade: In times like these, working solo is the best- allows you to be quick on your feet.

Quade: That and... this is something I must do. I'm well aware of the dangers involved.

Stella: Take care, Quade.

Quade: I will. Till next time!

Alk: It hasn't even been a week since you left!

Quade: I made sure to put many things in motion beforehand.

Quade: Having those connections with the Swes family was certainly a huge help.

Quade: If we're going to have talks with the Farlands, I'd prefer everything be done properly- and with the right people.

Quade: What's more is, it seems the internal strife in the Swes house had something to do with this matter as well.

Quade: In the end, what we really need right now is friends.

Alk: Well... At least you managed to rip it in the bud, right?

Quade: For the time being, yes.

Alk: Are you going to report this to your sister?

Quade: Yes, about that. I'm afraid I've been a terrible brother.

Quade: I must find a way to make amends.

Quade: Elena! Over here!

Quade: The pancakes here are to die for. Or, if you're feeling adventurous, they've got all sorts of other wild dishes. What do you say?

Elena: I'm afraid I can stomach neither sweet nor spicy food. I will have to pass.

Elena: ...I would like to once again extend my gratitude for this meeting, Brother.

Quade: You're most welcome. My congratulations on successfully stealing the Guild Council seat.

Quade: But thwarting Father's foolish plots is something you could have done yourself, no?

Quade: What you really wanted was the connections I have at my disposal- the Sweses and Dul Kugala.

Quade: Regardless, it seems you've managed to make a positive impression on them, so I have nothing to worry about.

Elena: I knew you were sharp, Brother, but I must admit...I am nonetheless taken aback.

Quade: I suppose if I had a bone to pick... it would be hat you weren't more honest with me earlier.

Elena: If you were a gentler man, I might have done so.

Quade: This makes it clear enough then- we are both siblings and rivals.

Quade: That combination will make us wonderful collaborators, don't you think?

Elena: Is that to say you have a request of me? Depending on the content, I could perhaps oblige.

Quade: There's a man looking at us from the second floor window of a house right behind me.

Quade: He'll probably follow you as well. This type of nuisance will only get in our way- I'd like you to help me do something about him.

Elena: Do I really have a say in the matter?

Quade: It's likely you'll get stuck dealing with his kind sooner or later. Best to get used to it now.

Quade: He's part of a group of people smuggling all sorts of curious artifacts from Palpebra. Some are likely headed to Tiatha.

Quade: I want to follow him and see the route he takes. Will you assist me?

Elena: I see. In that case, yes. I will.

Quade: One more thing- have you ever heard of the Star Augurs?

Elena: The name sounds familiar... Is the man following us one of them?

Quade: No, I doubt it. They're probably a few layers deeper. This isn't the only place they operate, after all...

Quade: Still, it's plainly clear that they are our enemies. You'd do well to remember their name.

Quade: Congratulations again on your new position, Elena. Till we meet again.

Elena: Quade...

Elena: I won't lose to you, you know. I'll be a fierce rival.

Quade: Excellent. I'm counting on it.

Quade: Hum hum hum...

Quade: Ah, sorry- I got a little excited there. I don't usually shoot first and ask questions later, but I'm just in such a fine mood today.

Quade: Well, anything to say for yourself?

Hooded Man: Gah... I.. I saw everything! We know who you are, Quade Arsalett!

Hooded Man: Now that we know how to get to you... That girl... is your weakness!

Quade: My... weakness? You can't be serious.

Quade: She's my rival and kindred spirit.

Quade: And I won't stand to lose to her.

Quade: Ahh... What a lovely day.