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Episode 1
Laying Eyes on Starview

Pleased to become acquainted with Nimbus, Prika decides to treat all her new friends to steamed potatoes. With Alk's help, she also makes some potato salad. Life in this new place is off to a good start.

Prika: Wow, this is one impressive village! The architecture's completely different from what I'm used to seeing back home!

Prika: This could be a handy reference when building my next town... It's as gorgeous of a place as I imagined it to be!

Alk: Your next town, huh... Guess it's about time for a little remodeling.

Stella: I'm looking forward to it.

Prika: Simon'll be living there too from now on, so I HAVE to make it an even more amazing place than before!

Nimbus: You guys are back. Looks like we have company.

Stella: Prika here's a friend.

Prika: Look, Stella... It's a giant fluffball!

Prika: I mean, Light's a fluffball too—just a lot smaller.

Prika: Are you a person too?

Nimbus: Huh? What's that supposed to mean?

Prika: You look different from everyone else... From Light too...

Prika: I guess it just means people come in all different types!

Nimbus: I take it the mission went well? Wish I could've been there.

Alk: Prika's going to stay with us for a while. Be nice to her, Nimbus.

Prika: Hold on a sec... D-does that mean you'll be my friend?!

Nimbus: Whoa! Gimme some space, will ya? No need to shake me either—

Nimbus: All right already! I'll be your bestie if that's what you want! There, happy?!

Prika: Hooray! I made a new friend!

Nimbus: Sheesh...

Light: People from all walks of life gather here. I have no doubt you'll make many friends.

Prika: You think so? Whatever the case, I'm looking forward to meeting everyone!

Prika: I just remembered... I should do something for my friends... to show my appreciation—

Prika: Hey! Do you have a place I can cook? Can someone show me the way?

Light: Prika cooking for us? I should've guessed it would be potatoes...

Prika: Hm, I'm not sure if that's enough for all of us. I messed up, didn't I...

Nimbus: It's good eatin' nonetheless. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

Stella: It's okay, Prika. You did well.

Prika: Really? That's a relief.

Prika: What would you consider to be quality cuisine though?

Prika: Grey's cooking was a lot better than mine... It was good, but it's all I've ever had.

Alk: Why don't we try making something together next time, Prika?

Alk: There's still plenty of steamed potatoes... Potato salad might be a good choice.

Prika: Potato sell-it? Are we going to sell the potatoes? But... I thought we were going to eat them.

Alk: Haha, you'll see what I mean in just a sec.

Alk: For starters, can you crush and mix these potatoes for me? I'll chop the vegetables in the meantime.

Prika: Crush the potatoes... I suppose changing the shape of ingredients lets you make different dishes. Grey did something similar.

Alk: Whoa, whoa, whoa! We have tools for that! Let's try to keep the kitchen in one piece!

Prika: A-am I doing it wrong? Grey told me the same thing before...

Alk: Oh yeah? He must've had it rough...

Alk: Well, there's a first time for everything! C'mon, I'll show you how to mix the potatoes.

Prika: Thanks! I don't have to worry about messing up if I'm just following your lead!

Prika: It's ready, everyone! Alk and I made potato salad!

Light: Nice job. It tastes great, Prika.

Stella: Mm-hm. This food is delicious.

Prika: You really think so? Hooray! We did it, Alk!

Alk: We sure did. Thanks to you, Prika.

Prika: I didn't know cooking together could be so much fun!

Prika: You should join us next time, Stella!

Stella: Yes, maybe I will. That does sound nice.

Nimbus: I think we're gonna have our hands full for a while again... Not a problem with me though.

Prika: I'm sure you have lots of stories to tell, Nimbus. I can't wait to hear them all!

Prika: Starview Village... It's just like I imagined!

Episode 2
A Use for My Magic

A wide-eyed Prika stumbles upon a flower shop in Palpebra and meets a little girl named Leila. Upon learning that a package Leila ordered is late, Prika helps by repairing the broken bridge that was slowing down the courier.

Prika: Guys! Look at all the people out here!

Prika: Are they all your friends too, Alk?

Alk: Well, not exactly... All sorts of people live in town.

Prika: So this is what a lively town is like...

Nimbus: Don't stray too far from us. Wouldn't want to see you get lost.

Nimbus: Eh, she's not even listening...

Prika: What a small house this is... It's almost too small for anyone to live in.

Alk: This is the shopping district. And those are market stalls, not houses. The people you see are working.

Prika: Work... Market stalls... I've heard of this before! And now I get to see it in person...

Spirited Shopkeep: Why, hello there, miss! Feel free to look around!

Prika: What a surprise... It feels so different here from Starview Village.

Friendly Florist: Those flowers strike your fancy? The vivid red really pops, doesn't it?

Friendly Florist: They're a rare breed known as murash. Sound familiar by any chance?

Prika: Murash... I've heard of them before!

Prika: The prince mentioned them once! And what a beautiful red they are!

Prika: Um, what am I supposed to do if I want one...

Girl: Are you looking to buy a flower, miss? You just have to pay the fee, and it's yours.

Prika: Oh, right! I'm sure I have some money on me!

Prika: Got one! Thanks, little girl!

Girl: The flower's for me? Th-thank you.

Prika: What's your name, little girl?

Leila: Me? I'm Leila.

Prika: Leila! My name's Prika! Would you like to be friends with me?

Alk: Prika! There are you... I was afraid you might've gotten lost...

Prika: Guys, let me introduce you to my newest friend: Leila!

Alk: Newest friend? Hey there... Um, is it just me, or are you having a tough day?

Prika: Nonsense! She's not— Wait a sec...

Stella: You look upset, Leila. Is everything okay?

Leila: The package didn't come...

Prika: Huh? What's this about a package? Is something bothering you, Leila?

Friendly Florist: She's been waiting since this morning for a package that should've arrived hours ago...

Prika: You ordered something? Which way is it supposed to come from?

Friendly Florist: It should be coming in from the west bridge. They're usually on time with deliveries...

Prika: That way, huh? Thanks! Off we go!

Prika: What's keeping you guys? C'mon, we're checking it out! You too, Leila!

Alk: Wow, this definitely explains a lot...

Nimbus: You can't exactly repair a bridge in a day either.

Prika: Repair? We just have to make it possible to get from one side to the other, right?

Stella: Do you think you can do it, Prika?

Prika: I sure can! Just you watch!

Prika: I'm sure there was a better way to repair the bridge... But at least it's accessible now!

Stout Merchant: You the one who repaired the bridge, miss? I dunno how you pulled that off so fast, but color me impressed.

Lanky Merchant: Now we can get on with our deliveries... Thank you so much.

Prika: I... managed to help everyone?

Nimbus: You can say that again. You're pretty handy to have around, even if you don't look it.

Prika: You could've left out that last part, you know!

Stella: I wonder if Leila's package arrived safely.

Leila: I'm going to check. Thank you again, miss. For the flower too.

Prika: Glad I could help! Let me know if you ever need anything again!

Leila: Hope to see you around!

Prika: It's a strange feeling to see everyone using something that I created...

Nimbus: I bet you could use your construction skills to land a job. You'd be a huge asset anywhere.

Stella: I wholeheartedly agree.

Prika: You think so? That was such a thrill for me too! I'm a happy girl as long as I get to help people!

Prika: And don't you guys forget to ask me too if you ever need anything!

Episode 3
A New Tomorrow

Prika invites a downcast girl named Saana she meets in a back alley to play ball with her and the Alk crew. Leila later joins in on the fun. Prika is pleased to make so many new friends.

Prika: Hehe... I saved up enough to treat myself. I've been wanting my own ball for a really long time...

Prika: Huh? It'd be boring to play by myself? Well, I have YOU to play with me!

Prika: Okay, you're right. This feels kind of pointless...

Prika: I guess I'll just have to find someone who wants to play ball with me!

Prika: The architecture in this area's a bit different...

Prika: Hey there, little girl. Do you live in the area? Can you tell me what kind of place this is?

Grim-Looking Girl: Beats me.

Prika: Hm... For one thing, I'm seeing a lot of gray.

Grim-Looking Girl: Are you here just to make a fool of m—whoa, you look like one of those rich people.

Prika: Rich? Me? I just used up all my money, so I'm hardly rich!

Prika: What are you doing out here all alone anyway?

Grim-Looking Girl: Nothing...

Prika: Hehe, I get it. You must be alone.

Grim-Looking Girl: What's wrong with that? I just had a fight with another kid at the orphanage...

Prika: Sounds like somebody's free. Care to play a game with me?

Prika: You know, your eyes really remind me of my brother's.

Grim-Looking Girl: You... Never mind... Why are you even talking to me?

Prika: Does it matter? Come with me; I have something to show you.

Nimbus: Not again... I just hope you're not dragging her around against her will.

Prika: Come to think of it, I don't even know her name yet, but... I'm sure it'll be fine!

Stella: I'm Stella. What's your name?

Alk: Talk about déjà vu... Did you have any activity in mind?

Prika: Hehe... You bet I do. I spent my hard-earned money just for this!

Prika: Gah, not again! How could you miss such an easy shot?!

Alk: Um, I probably should've asked sooner, but why are the teams split up so that it's you vs. us?

Prika: If I had to split my poppets between the teams, it'd get confusing and I'd lose track...

Prika: Besides, I don't mind being my own team! I just need one more point to turn the tables!

Prika: And I need YOU to focus! We're doing this!

Prika: I lost... every round...

Alk: I noticed you go after every ball...

Alk: I'm going to take a wild guess—you don't actually know the rules, do you?

Grim-Looking Girl: Pfft—ahahaha! No offense, but you kind of suck at this, miss!

Prika: Hold it right there! Is that a smirk I see? Grr!

Grim-Looking Girl: Teehee... Sorry. Thank you so much for inviting me, miss. I had fun.

Grim-Looking Girl: ...

Saana: Saana. That's my name.

Stella: It's nice to meet you, Saana.

Prika: Saana, huh? Pleasure to meet you! I'm always happy to make another friend!

Alk: You're definitely catching up in the friends department.

Prika: You know, I just thought of something!

Prika: Wait here, everyone!

Alk: Um... Leila, right? From the bridge—

Prika: Mm-hm! I though maybe she and Saana could be friends!

Leila: I hope you weren't too pushy about this, Prika...

Leila: I mean, what if she's the type that prefers to be alone?

Prika: Prefers to be alone? There are people like that? I had no idea...

Prika: I hope I didn't come on too hard, Saana.

Saana: Not at all. I just... don't know if many people would want to be friends with me...

Leila: As long as you're okay with it, let's play together from now on, Saana.

Alk: You did well, Prika.

Prika: I... didn't mess up, did I?

Stella: No, Prika. You did great.

Nimbus: If you ever do fumble, just figure out what you did wrong. That's all there is to it.

Leila: Hey, miss. Saana said she wants to play another round of whatever game you were playing.

Saana: Prika took us all on by herself, even though she's not the greatest player. Haha...

Prika: You're on! You guys against me again!

Prika: I'll win this time for sure!