Polychromatic Earrings

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Polychromatic Earrings
Icon Polychromatic Earrings.png
Rarity 3★
Element Water Water
Base HP 174
Base Attack 72
Max HP 260
Max Attack 108
Release Date November 26, 2023
A well-crafted piece uncovered in the Kaleidoscope, likely from a distant world. The crystals of these earrings change color depending on humidity.
Base Skill
If self is a water character, for every 1% of own HP remaining, own skill damage +0.65% [MAX: +65%]
Max Skill
If self is a water character, for every 1% of own HP remaining, own skill damage +1.3% [MAX: +130%]
Awaken Level 3
Awaken Level 5
If self is a water character, when battle begins, grant self barrier with strength equating 5% of max HP
Ability Core
Polychromatic Earrings (Core) [Main] If self is a water character, for every 1% of own HP remaining, own skill damage +0.65% [MAX: +65%]