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Episode 1
Blessings for Sale

Alk and Light stumble upon a little girl named Piamo selling blessings in the middle of the Kaleidoscope. After finding out that Piamo is risking her life in order to pay for her living expenses, Alk and Light invite her to stay in Starview Village.

Alk: We're pretty deep in, huh? Think we should head back soon?

Light: Well... Repairing our equipment would certainly be a wise-

Alk: Hm? There's a kid over there.

Alk: Hey, are you okay? What are you-

Alk: Huh? Umm... "Welcome to Piamo's. Now selling Blessing of the Wind. Inquire for current prices."

Piamo: Greetings, customer. My Blessing of the Wind will increase your defenses and restore your stamina, thereby increasing your survival rate. All that can be yours for one hundred gold.

Alk: A hundred?! Wait, more importantly, are you really opening up shop here?!

Piamo: That I am. What about it?

Light: This is not the place for children to play. Why in the world would you come somewhere so dangerous?

Piamo: This is where the customers are. Isn't it obvious? My goodness.

Piamo: So, are you buying or not?

Alk: U-um... We're gonna pass on the sales pitch, but that's not important! We need to get you out of-

Alk: Darn it, they're here! Run away, kid!

Piamo: I'm not the one you should be worrying about.

Piamo: Oho... Pretty good. But there's more where that came from. Hope you're ready...

Alk: Ugh, there's no end to them!

Piamo: Tired, are we? Perhaps now would be a good time to purchase a Blessing of the Wind.

Alk: What? No! I-

Piamo: With a Blessing of the Wind, even flying projectiles will be a breeze.

Piamo: You'll also be as limber as a twig in the wind. Now available for one hundred and fifty gold.

Alk: Why'd you RAISE the price?!

Light: F-fine! We accept your offer! Now, quickly, cast the blessing!

Piamo: Good luck out there. Ah, don't worry. My verbal support does not have a price tag. Go get 'em.

Piamo: With three blessings, your total comes to four hundred and fifty gold.

Alk: Urgh... I didn't think we'd need two more after that...

Light: Are you always selling your services here, child? I will admit that it is a sound business decision, but... Are you not worried about your safety?

Piamo: The bills don't pay themselves.

Piamo: Thank you for your business. I hope to see you again.

Light: Wait, little one. We can at least escort you back to town.

Piamo: Sorry, you're not making any money off of me, buster.

Alk: We're not gonna charge you. Promise.

Light: We are merely concerned for your safety. Now, let us be off.

Piamo: Welcome to my humble abode.

Piamo: Make yourselves at home.

Piamo: I'll make some tea. Please have a seat.

Alk: Whoa, did you do all that? That's so cool, Piamo!

Piamo: Indeed I did. Wind magic is my specialty. You might even call me... a genius.

Light: There's a school for the arcane arts here in Palpebra, correct? Are you a pupil there?

Piamo: ...No, I am not.

Alk: Wait... Do you live here alone?

Piamo: That I do. My papa died last month.

Piamo: Please don't worry. All he ever did was drink or sleep. Just another jobless drunk.

Piamo: If anything, my life is easier now that he's gone.

Light: Hmm... I see. That certainly puts things into perspective.

Light: Piamo... Would you perhaps like to come with us?

Alk: Our home is a bit far from here, but you won't need to work so hard to make a living. We won't even charge you rent...

Piamo: What kind of shady-

Alk: There's nothing shady about it! I promise!

Piamo: You two are... very strange. Normal adults simply look the other way. Nobody just HELPS others.

Alk: All right, in that case... How about we buy your magic?

Alk: You give us unlimited access to your Blessing of the Wind, and in exchange, you can live with us rent-free. We'll even throw in the cost of food... How's that sound?

Piamo: My, my... Not having to waste my days waiting for customers is certainly appealing...

Light: Do we have a deal, then?

Piamo: Does this new living space have room for my books?

Alk: Oh, yeah, plenty. In fact... we actually have a whole library.

Piamo: Oho, an enticing offer indeed...

Piamo: All right, I accept your offer. Now, for the terms of my employment...

Piamo: When can I expect a copy of the contract?

Episode 2
Protect Me!

Alk and Nimbus realize that Piamo does not like to overly rely on others, even in the face of danger. They decide to follow her on her next quest and before long, the trio is attacked. After the fight, Nimbus and Alk comfort a scared Piamo, who realizes that she could have been killed. She then reveals that she wants to study at Voluntas Academy.

Pur Lilie: Okey dokey, here's your reward! Feel free to check that it's the right amount.

Piamo: Hehehe... Pleasure doing business with you.

Alk: Piamo?

Piamo: Urk... Caught in the act.

Alk: So... you've been taking on quests by yourself?

Piamo: Yes, just as another source of income. My deal with you means I don't need to worry about dwellings and food, but I still need cash.

Piamo: Please do not tell Light. He'll never agree to this.

Alk: Well, yeah, and neither do I... Why do you need money, anyway?

Piamo: I just... want to build up my savings. The future is unpredictable, so better to save for a rainy day.

Nimbus: Ha, pretty serious talk for a brat with ketchup on her cheek.

Piamo: That has nothing to do with the current conversation.

Alk: Is there something we forgot to get you? Whatever it is, we can fix that-

Piamo: No, that isn't what I meant.

Piamo: I have no complaints about my life in Starview Village. You don't need to worry about that.

Alk: All right. If you say so... I guess you're just being your practical self, huh?

Piamo: Precisely. I must prepare for the possibility that I will be on my own again someday.

Piamo: Thank you for lunch. Now then, I have another job, so I'll be off.

Piamo: Don't worry, the target is weak to wind magic, so I have the upper hand. It'll be easy money!

Alk: Wait, Piamo!

Nimbus: "Application for Admission to Voluntas Arcane Arts Academy." There's also some math written here. A budget maybe?

Alk: That's it. We're following her.

Nimbus: We?

Alk: Come on, you're worried too, right? Better safe than sorry.

Nimbus: I never said I was, but fine. Whatever.

Alk: Piamo!

Alk: Why don't we help you out with your quest? That should be fine, right?

Piamo: Sorry, I'm not interested in sharing the reward.

Alk: Th-that's not what we're after.

Piamo: Th-then what is it you want?

Alk: Oh, come on. I just want to be NICE. That's all, I promise!

Alk: Both of us feel the same way as Light. You shouldn't be in the Kaleidoscope on your ow-

Nimbus: Tch! What happened to this being easy money?

Piamo: M-my wind magic should work against it! I just need to, umm...

Nimbus: Watch it, kid! You lose focus for one second, and you're done for!

Piamo: I-I'm sorry. I'll cast my magic right awa- no, wait, I need time, but how much?! I... I...

Piamo: P-please, run away! I'll handle it from here!

Nimbus: You crazy? You think we're gonna leave this monster to a CHILD?!

Nimbus: If you've got a plan, then go with it! Spit it out and tell me what to do!

Piamo: I... need time to cast my spell.

Nimbus: Then what should I do?

Piamo: P-protect me!

Nimbus: Don't have to tell me twice!

Piamo: O grand winds that surge through the sky! I call upon the wings of fortune!

Piamo: S-send this foe flying!

Nimbus: Looks like that's taken care of.

Piamo: Waaah!

Alk: It's okay, Piamo. You're safe now... You know, it's okay to tell us when you want something.

Piamo: I... I want something to eat.

Piamo: I want something warm and tasty... and...

Piamo: I-I want to attend Voluntas Arcane Arts Academy!

Nimbus: Hmph. Fine by me. No one's gonna stop you.

Alk: We'll help, and I'm sure Light and Stella will too. Guess we should start by looking into the school's programs and stuff, right?

Piamo: R-right!

Episode 3
I'm Off!

While attending a trial lesson at Voluntas Academy, a nervous Piamo loses control of her magic and runs from the room. Another student finds her and praises her magic before it's discovered that a golem is on a rampage. Piamo stops the golem, and the impressed instructor asks her to join the academy as a student and instructor.

Piamo: S-so this is Voluntas Academy... It's huge!

Alk: Ready to go inside?

Light: Is that permitted? None of us are affiliated with this academy.

Alk: They're doing an open campus today, so it's fine. I heard about it from the Guild. They even have a trial lesson!

Piamo: M-my stomach feels funny...

Alk: Oh? That's interesting. I don't think I've ever seen you nervous before.

Piamo: O-of course I get nervous! Everyone does! Now hurry up, we're going to be late for class!

Kind Professor: So depending on one's senses and elemental projection, the properties of the elements are rather malleable...

Light: Intriguing. This world seems to share much with my world's teaching regarding the arcane arts.

Alk: Uh... Is that so? It's all gibberish to me.

Kind Professor: Now then, I'd like to ask one of our visitors to give it a try.

Kind Professor: Let's see... You there, young lady! Would you mind coming up here?

Piamo: O-o-okay!

Light: Oh dear... I've never seen her so nervous.

Alk: M-me neither... Hope she's okay.

Piamo: H-here I go!

Light: Hmm... Does this seem less... controlled than usual?

Alk: Yeah... Something's not right...

Kind Professor: Th-that's enough! P-please, stop!

Piamo: O-okay!

Piamo: U-um... I... I...

Piamo: I'm very sorry!

Alk: Piamo! Light, quick, we have to follow her!

Kind Professor: That girl... Just what was that?

Piamo: I'm sorry... I wasn't able to control my magic.

Alk: Don't sweat it. Everybody has days like that. You were probably just nervous.

Piamo: No. If I was a normal student, studying at a proper school learning proper magic, this wouldn't have happened!

Piamo: But because I'm self-taught, I... I'll never be good enough...

???: Ah, there you are!

Excited Student: Your magic sure was something else! What a surprise!

Excited Student: Are you an adventurer? You must be, right?! Your magic felt built for combat! So when are you starting school?

Piamo: Huh? U-um, well...

Alk: Light, Piamo! Something's wrong!

Excited Student: Oh no, that's the school golem! Is it going haywire?

Alk: Come on, Piamo! This is your chance to show them your magic is just as good as theirs!

Kind Professor: Students should head inside! Leave the rest to us instructors!

Strict Professor: Now... what fool woke up the golem?!

Piamo: That's enough!

Kind Professor: You're... the girl from before!

Light: Piamo, can you handle this?

Piamo: Yes! Alk, I need you to finish it off! I'll cast a blessing on you!

Alk: Got it!

Piamo: *pant* *pant* I-I did it!

Thoughtful Professor: You're the girl from the trial lesson, correct? Could I have a word with you?

Alk: Ah, that's right! You start school today, don't you?

Nimbus: Huh? What are you going on about?

Alk: Voluntas Academy is having her attend special classes as a student AND a combat instructor.

Nimbus: That so? Well, look at you, Teach!

Stella: Have fun today, Piamo.

Piamo: I will! I'm off!