Phiria (Flipperversary)/Stories

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Episode 1
A Friendly Exchange

Phiria is having trouble approaching her first friends, so Alk and Light try to offer her advice. After witnessing a carefree Arum rushing to see Phiria, Alk suggests enlisting Arum's help. With Arum by her side, Phiria is able to invite Cecilia and Arly out for a day at the festival.

Phiria: *sigh* What do I do...

Phiria: Eep!

Arum: Phiria! Whatcha doing?

Phiria: A-Arum! I-I'm sorry... I'm a bit busy right-

Arly: Everything okay? What did Arum do this time?

Phiria: N-nothing! I just, um...

Phiria: N-never mind! Forget I was here!

Cecilia: Ah, Lady Phiria, wait!

Phiria: D-do friends really do such things?

Phiria: I-I don't know if I'm ready for this... But I must! I... Oh...

Alk: Ah, there she is. Everything okay, Phiria?

Light: You were acting rather strange back there...

Light: Hm? What is this?

Phiria: Huh? Ah! Th-this is, uh-

Light: "The Oculus Times Special Edition: 100 Tips and Tricks to Becoming More than Just Friends"?

Phiria: Um, you see, I was telling Inaho I wanted to become closer to someone, and she gave me this as a reference...

Alk: Of course she did...

Alk: Uh... Just in case you didn't know, this is for a romantic kind of love...

Phiria: R-romantic?! I-I had no idea!

Phiria: I just... wanted to ask Cecilia and Arly to go to the festival with me...

Alk: Aren't you guys friends already?

Phiria: We are, but... They're my first friends... So asking them out is a bit nerve-racking...

Alk: Ah... I think I get it.

Light: Simply inviting them should be more than enough. Those two have no reason to decline.

Alk: Well, the first time is scary. You're still figuring out where the boundaries are, plus you wanna give them plenty of notice before you make plans.

Phiria: Exactly... The more I ponder what to do, the more difficult approaching them becomes...

Phiria: Wh-what's more, I'm terrible at speaking, and I know nothing about the world... How could I possibly be a respectable date?

Alk: Uh, yeah, you don't call it a date when it's friends, but I get what you're saying...

Arum: There you are, Phiria!

Arum: Hey, let's go to the festival! It'll be just the two of us. No Cecilia or Sisty allowed!

Phiria: A-Arum... Why aren't they allowed to come?

Arum: Because Sisty is a big meanie doo-doo head! She told me to stop bothering you!

Arum: Sisty doesn't get it at all. We're "kind red" spirits, right?

Phiria: Kindred spirits... Hehe, yes... Yes, we are.

Phiria: Still, leaving them out like that is bad.

Arum: Awww, why?

Alk: Looks like you have no problem talking to Arum.

Phiria: Huh? W-well... it's different because Arum always comes rushing to me.

Alk: Uh-huh... In that case, why not get her to help you?

Phiria: ...U-um, Arum, can we invite Arly and Cecilia?

Arum: Awww... DO we hafta?

Phiria: I'd like to become better friends with them. DO you think you could help me?

Arum: Weeell, if you're gonna ask like that, I guess I can't say no.

Arum: Come on, Phiria.

Phiria: Okay!

Light: Heh... They've both grown a lot.

Alk: ...You're starting to sound like their father.

Arly: Arum, quit dragging Phiria around everywhere.

Arum: I'm nooot! Phiria asked me for help!

Arum: Cecilia! Sisty! We should go to the festival together!

Phiria: U-um... Would you all mind... going with me?

Cecilia: Of course! I shall accompany you. I am your knight, am I not?

Arly: I don't think she's asking for a security detail.

Phiria: Th-that's right! I want to go... as friends!

Cecilia: I-I see... Well, then, understood!

Cecilia: Um, but what exactly do we do at a festival... as friends?

Arly: D-don't look at me! I have no idea!

Arum: What are you guys talking about? It doesn't hafta be any different from before. Let's just go already.

Phiria: o-okay! She's right... L-let's go!

Arly: She's a strange one, isn't she?

Cecilia: ...Yes, I suppose so.

Episode 2
The Oracle's Ordeal

As Phiria and the others explore the festival, a member of a performance approaches Phiria with a request to replace their injured sprite user. She accepts, but finds it difficult to control her output. Just then, Arum appears and asks to join her practice. Impressed by their synergy, the troupe member suggests a combat demonstration, and the show is a hit.

Suspicious Man: Y-you there! The beautiful lady with the long black hair!

Cecilia: Stand back! What is your business with Lady Phiria?

Suspicious Man: M-my apologies! I mean no harm!

Suspicious Man: You're the sprite user who fought during the incident the other day, correct?

Suspicious Man: Please help us! I beg of you!

Cecilia: A performance troupe? Why would you need Lady Phiria's help?

Troupe Member: We do have a sprite user in our troupe, but they were injured in rehearsal...

Troupe Member: We told them to rest, but they're insisting on performing unless we can find a replacement!

Alk: Ah, you're in a real bind then... There aren't exactly a ton of sprite users in Palpebra.

Phiria: There aren't?

Troupe Member: No, the ones that do exist rarely leave the countryside.

Troupe Member: But you should know that right? You came from outside Palpebra too, don't you?

Light: So you would like to ask Phiria to be that replacement, correct? When is the show?

Troupe Member: ...In three days.

Arly: I don't know much about performing, but I'm guessing it's not something you can pick up that quickly.

Cecilia: Indeed... A performance is quite different from combat...

Troupe Member: W-we prepare a simple routine for her!

Troupe Member: Please, I beg of you! If we don't find a replacement, our sprite user will end up hurting themselves!

Phiria: Um... I'd like to give performing a try.

Light: Are you sure? You do realize this will involve showing off your powers, correct?

Phiria: I understand that, but... Um...

Phiria: I want to use this power to help others. Besides...

Phiria: This is to help people smile, right?

Light: I see.

Cecilia: B-but... Performing carries its own set of dangers! What's more-

Arly: Come on, it'll be fine. Besides, she wants to do it, and that's what's important.

Arly: If you're too overprotective, she'll end up rebelling, you know? Do you want another Arum running around?

Phiria: Please let me do this! I'll work really hard!

Phiria: Here I do! Yah!

Phiria: Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! I-I'm so very sorry!

Alk: Jeez... Talk about overkill...

Light: I suppose this provides an opportunity for her to practice controlling her output...

Light: However, at this rate, even the golem made by the Academy isn't going to stand a chance against her.

Arum: Phiria!

Arly: Arum! I told you not to bother Phiria during practices, didn't I?

Phiria: Hehe, it's fine. I'm happy to see you all.

Cecilia: I see rehearsal is going... not well. Are you having troubles, my lady?

Phiria: Yes... I've memorized the routine, but I can't seem to release the correct amount of power...

Arum: Did you do all this, Phiria? Cooool!

Arum: Can I make things go boom too?

Arly: What? Of course not. Now come here, we don't want to bother Phiria during pratice.

Arum: Nooo! I wanna go boom too!

Phiria: Um... Could Arum practice with me for a moment?

Arly: Come on, you don't have to do that... She's just throwing a tantrum.

Phiria: I-I was just thinking it might be good for me to take a break and cut loose a bit. It might help me focus.

Troupe Member: I don't see anything wrong with it. As long as it's just one scarecrow...

Arum: Yippee! Come to me, Shadow Chariot!

Phiria: All right, Arum, just do as I do.

Arum: Kay!

Troupe Member: Wait... I've got an idea!

Arum: Ahaha! You can keep going, right?

Phiria: Yes, keep it up!

Audience: Whoa! Look at them go!

Light: ...How is everyone okay with this?!

Alk: Who would've thought the troupe would like them have a combat demonstration...

Cecilia: You can do it, Lady Phiria!

Arly: That's it, Arum! Nice and steady!

Phiria: Did you hear that, Arum?

Arum: Yeah! This is so much fun!

Phiria: Yes... It really is!

Episode 3
Branching Futures

During a stroll though town, Phiria and the others reunite with the troupe member, and he asks Phiria to join their troupe full-time. After talking with Light, Phiria rejects the invitation, but offers to teach the troupe's sprite user instead. With a little help from Cecilia, Phiri is able to convey her teachings, bringing a smile to both student and teacher.

Passerby: Oh, Ms. Sprite User! I saw your performance the other day! What a show!

Phiria: Ah, I see! Um... Thank you very much!

Alk: Looks like someone's popular. You're the talk of the Guide too, right?

Phiria: Y-yes! Since then, I've been given a number of jobs related to sprites...

Cecilia: Hehe, you're keeping me busy as well.

Phiria: Ah... I'm sorry about that... There are all sorts of festivities going on, yet you have to watch me.

Cecilia: Fret not, Lady Phiria. I am enjoying myself all the same.

Troupe Member: Well, look who it is! Perfect timing!

Phiria: What is it, sir? Ah, don't tell me it happened again.

Troupe Member: Oh, no, our sprite user is healthy as a horse now! They were able to get plenty of bed rest thanks to you.

Troupe Member: I was actually looking for you for a different reason.

Phiria: Y-you... want to make me a member of your troupe?

Troupe Member: Well, it's hard to ignore a performance like that.

Troupe Member: Everyone was amazed by your powers. Even our own sprite user.

Light: Hmmm... Do you require an answer right away?

Troupe Member: Of course not! We couldn't possibly force your hand like that.

Troupe Member: We're not a traveling troupe, either, so feel free to stop by any time.

Light: I see... What would you like to do, Phiria?

Phiria: I'll... need some time to think about it.

Phiria: What do you think? ...It was fun? Hehe, is that so?

Phiria: I suppose it was. Practice was hard, but there was a true sense of accomplishment... It was strange.

Light: Sounds to me it was a good experience for you.

Light: This happened before, didn't it? It seems I'm always interrupting your time with the sprites.

Phiria: No, it's fine... I've been pacing around this whole time, so I appreciate having you here.

Phiria: I'm not... opposed to joining the troupe. Rehearsal was tough, but it was also fun...

Light: You need not worry about us. Just do as you please. That's what others in this town are doing.

Phiria: I'm just... afraid.

Phiria: I thought I knew what my dream was, but the minute I figured it out, suddenly I couldn't move forward...

Phiria: I-isn't that strange? I'm able to fight now, and my life is no longer in danger, but-

Light: It's not strange at all.

Light: There's no telling whether you have what it takes, nor can we guarantee that things will work out. Nevertheless, we all continue to walk down our own paths.

Light: Perhaps courage is what we truly need.

Phiria: Courage...

Light: ...I believe I only realized that after coming to this village.

Light: Being nervous is natural. Moving forward despite it is admirable, but that doesn't make retreating reproachable. Other opportunities will present themselves.

Light: So if I had one piece of advice, I would say...

Light: It's okay, Phiria. It's okay to have regrets... No matter what, we'll be there for you.

Phiria: ...It's okay... to have regrets...

Phiria: I'm sorry. I wish to stay with these people.

Troupe Member: You don't need to apologize! I had a feeling you would reject our offer.

Troupe Member: That being said, I am a little disappointed. I wanted to see what kind of show you and our sprite user would put on.

Phiria: A-actually, about that! If you don't mind... Perhaps I could make a suggestion...

Phiria: Um, how do I explain it... It depends on how much you can actually talk to the sprites... I-I think...

Arly: I knew this would happen... There's no way she can teach others like that.

Light: Well, I'm sure with practice, she'll get used to it... But I agree. She's not ready to teach.

Cecilia: Ah, Lady Phiria... If you say it like that, their self-esteem will surely-

Cecilia: Allow me to assist you!

Arly: ...I think you all might be a tad overprotective of her too.

Light: W-well...

Cecilia: This is nice, isn't it?

Phiria: Yes, it really is!