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Episode 1
Reunion Lunch

Alk and friends find a starving Pecorine collapsed in the Kaleidoscope and treat her to a packed lunch. From the ingredients used, she immediately figures out that they are capable of traveling across worlds and accepts their offer to help her return to Landosol one day.

Alk: Damn it!

Alk: Phew! The Kaleidoscope's no walk in the park once you get to the lower levels.

Light: Agreed. Let us head back up after a moment of respite—

Pecorine: Ngh...

Alk: Are you okay there? Wait... Pecorine?

Pecorine: Huh? Oh, it's you guys from the other day...

Light: Are you hurt? Did the monsters give you a hard time?

Alk: I don't see any injuries... Oh no—you're not poisoned, are you?!

Pecorine: Nuh-uh... I can't move because... I'm running on an empty stomach...

Alk: An empty stomach, huh? We need to get you treated right away—

Alk: Wait... An empty stomach?

Pecorine: Mm, I can already feel the nutrition flowing into every part of my body! A nice picnic like this is just what I needed!

Pecorine: The best part was the chef's attention to nutritional balance.

Pecorine: Did you make all this food, Alk? How crazy is that?!

Stella: Yes. Alk's culinary skills are top-notch. Though I do not find that to be crazy.

Alk: Ahaha... Now you're making me blush.

Light: For you to brave the Kaleidoscope alone must mean you've taken on the role of adventurer.

Pecorine: Mm-hm. I figured I have to make ends meet first before I can even figure out how to get back home.

Light: But to explore these ruins until you've collapsed of hunger is surely a bit extreme. How long have you been at it?

Pecorine: Only half a day actually. I guess I'm not exactly the most energy-efficient adventurer. I go hungry sooo fast.

Alk: Energy efficiency? Is that a thing?

Pecorine: But thanks to your food, Alk, I'm feeling so much better now! I owe you one!

Pecorine: *nom nom* Mm! Thanks again!

Alk: My pleasure.

Pecorine: I have to say, I sure wasn't expecting to bump into you guys in the Kaleidoscope.

Alk: We were just as surprised. It's a good thing we met here though. I'm sure Light would agree.

Light: I missed my chance to bring this up during our last encounter, but...

Light: We may be able to help you.

Light: I wanted you to know that.

Pecorine: You mean... you might be able to help me get back to my world?

Light: How did you come to that conclusion?

Pecorine: The taste of Alk's cooking was distinctly different from the typical fare you find in this world—it felt much more culturally varied.

Pecorine: It got me wondering if you might've drifted here like us.

Pecorine: Except the ingredients, seasoning, and taste all seemed remarkably fresh from what I could tell.

Pecorine: I figured you must have some way of transporting things from other worlds into this one.

Pecorine: At least that's what my gut tells me. So? Am I right?

Stella: That's crazy.

Alk: It's definitely crazy how you can figure out so much just from eating one of my packed lunches...

Pecorine: Ehehe. I'll have you know I'm not a gourmet for nothing!

Light: Impressive. That'll make explaining things much easier. The truth is...

Pecorine: The World Flipper?! That sounds really handy...

Pecorine: I bet you could use it to munch on the food of every world out there! How crazy is that?!

Alk: I mean, we have our own travels to worry about, so it's not like we can take you around for food all the time, but we can at least help you get back.

Alk: Of course, it's entirely up to you.

Pecorine: My answer's a resounding YES! In fact, I can't thank you enough for going out of your way to—

Light: *sigh* Here they come again.

Pecorine: You guys watch—I'll show you just what I'm capable of!

Pecorine: Here goes!

Alk: Wow!

Pecorine: Hraaah! Princess Strike!

Light: Impressive swordsmanship.

Pecorine: Ehehe... Consider it my way of saying thanks for the lunch.

Alk: It sure is a relief knowing you can take care of yourself. Welcome aboard.

Stella: Pecorine. We welcome you.

Pecorine: Glad to join the group!

Episode 2
Satisfied Tummy

Pecorine bests the former champion at an eating contest in Endless Blue. Prize money in hand, she invites the crew to a feast at a nearby restaurant.

Alk: *sigh* Not a single lead on helping you get back to Landosol...

Pecorine: Oh, it's fine! I knew it wouldn't be that easy; I'm willing to put in the work!

Pecorine: Besides, in my family we're expected to hone our martial skills by traveling far and wide.

Pecorine: If we just think of this as part of my travels, then I'm in no rush!

Alk: True. It's always good to stay on the bright side.

Pecorine: That's for sure! What do you say we go for some food to lift our spirits? It'll also be a chance for me to get acquainted with the local restaurants!

Nimbus: Heh, nice to know you've got your priorities straight.

Pecorine: Well, we've already done a fair bit searching for leads today. Wouldn't hurt to rejuvenate ourselves with some yummy eats!

Pecorine: ...! Isn't that...

Light: Is something the matter, Pecorine?

Pecorine: Th-this is...

Nimbus: What's the big deal? Something catch your eye?

Pecorine: You have to see this poster!


Alk: Wha?

Pecorine: ALL THE SEAFOOD YOU COULD POSSIBLY WANT! ENTER NOW!How crazy is that?! I have no choice but to join!

Pecorine: I'm off to sign up!

MC: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Food Colosseum's Kraken Cup! We will be beginning shortly! This competition—

Stella: Pecorine, please give it your best.

Nimbus: No worries. With her appetite, she's got this in the bag.

MC: May our voracious participants eat to their hearts' content! Now without further ado... On your mark, get set... GO!

Light: Strange... Pecorine seems to have gotten a late start.

Nimbus: It's an eating contest after all. Must be part of her strategy. Not like I'd know though.

Alk: She sure doesn't seem too serious about it... Maybe she's just in it for the good food.

Pecorine: *nom nom* Mm!Aaah, I'm in love...

Pecorine: *munch* Carpaccio! Fried prawns! Meunière! Sauté! Al ajillo! Acqua pazza!

Pecorine: *chomp* The plump, juicy texture of this freshly caught fish makes me feel like I'm in heaven...

MC: Pecorine may have gotten a slow start, but she's kept up the pace and now leads the pack!

Light: That's quite the comeback...

Nimbus: Just goes to show she's been holding back whenever eating with us...

MC: The competition is revving up! It's practically a duel now between former champion Oliver and the mysterious newcomer Pecorine!

Oliver: Grrrr! Impossible! This can't be happening!

Oliver: I refuse to accept it! 'Scuse me, sir! This lady's gotta be cheating somehow!

Pecorine: Now that's just rude! I'm definitely playing fair and square!

Pecorine: Why would I spoil all the fun I'm having with this wonderful feast by cheating?!

Oliver: Shut yer trap! No way is a little girlie like you gonna take the crown from me!

Pecorine: Whew, that was a close one.

Pecorine: Where are you manners?! Never interrupt someone in the middle of their meal!

Pecorine: Food is the spark that gives us life! And I won't forgive anyone who treats food with such carelessness!

Oliver: D-d-don't you dare talk to me like that!

Pecorine: Oh my... What could that be?

MC: Half-eaten food galore... Gosh, no... You've had us duped this whole time, Oliver!

MC: I must hereby disqualify you for cheating! Which means...

MC: Give it up for Pecorine, winner of the Kraken Cup!

Pecorine: Hehe! Feels great to be the champion!

Pecorine: Eating contests are so much fun! I'd rank them up there with all-you-can-eat buffets!

Nimbus: That was a good time. Loved seeing the crowds go wild.

Light: Congratulations on your victory.

Alk: As much as I'd love to celebrate your big win, we should probably save it for another day. Seeing as you're probably full to bursting by now.

Pecorine: Actually, I was just thinking of going for some dessert. So now's fine too.

Nimbus: Your stomach must be one heck of a bottomless pit.

Pecorine: Well, for one thing, my specially crafted armor offers great protection, but it causes me to burn calories really fast.

Pecorine: So after a tough battle or really intense movement like at the eating contest, you wouldn't believe how fast I go hungry.

Alk: Meaning your armor's the secret to your four-dimensional appetite, huh...

Pecorine: Not really. The armor might make me starve easily, but I've always been a big eater.

Pecorine: Oh my gosh! Do you guys smell that? Mmm!

Pecorine: Let's hold the celebration here! I got prize money for winning earlier, so I'll treat you all!

Nimbus: I think you've got it backwards—we're the ones who should be treatin' ya.

Alk: Agreed. I guess we're in for a feast, everyone!

Pecorine: So you're okay with it then?!

Stella: Of course. Let us go inside, Pecorine.

Pecorine: Hooray!

Episode 3
Dear Friends

Pecorine and friends rescue a group of girls kidnapped by bandits in a Yamato village. As they feast on the rice balls received as compensation, Pecorine reveals a bit of her tragic past. Fortunately, she still has hope for the future and shows her readiness to move forward.

Pecorine: Yaaagh! That's what you get for disrespecting food!

Flustered Bandit: Who the hell do ya think you are comin' into our hideout like you own the place!

Pecorine: And who do you think YOU are for messing with the village?!

Pecorine: While going about my business looking for a way to get home, I happened to pass by a rice farm...

Pecorine: No thanks to you crooks, the farmers were in no mood to be serving any food!

Flustered Bandit: So you're with them! Then you'd better behave yourself if ya hope to see the hostages in one piece!

Nimbus: We cleaned up nicely back there. Alk and them are seein' to the captured girls.

Pecorine: Good timing! All that's left is to hand these bandits over to the authorities!

Flustered Bandit: Cripes, no... Gaaaaah!

Villager: You saved not only our village but our children as well! I don't know how we can ever repay you!

Light: We only did what was right. No thanks needed.

Villager: Surely there must be something we can do to show our gratitude!

Pecorine: Um, I have an idea! Since you folks specialize in rice...

Pecorine: I'd be more than happy to try a few of your rice balls!

Pecorine: Mm! Rice balls are so much better when the ingredients are fresh!

Pecorine: I could eat these all day long! How crazy is that?!

Nimbus: Is the rice really that different?

Pecorine: You bet it is! You won't find rice this sticky and sweet at your usual restaurant!

Alk: I know what you mean. It's definitely different from Palpebra rice.

Pecorine: To be fair though, I've tried some really tasty varieties in other worlds too.

Pecorine: The rice here in Yamato is really similar to what we have in Landosol—which is my favorite.

Nimbus: Heh, reminds me of how I sometimes get a craving for salamanders.

Pecorine: I can stand my cravings for other foods, but not Landosol rice balls. Life's just not the same without them...

Pecorine: That's why I'm so happy with today's treat!*nom nom*

Pecorine: Aahhh...

Stella: You appear to be enjoying yourself.

Village Girl: Sorry to keep you waiting! Here's an extra batch of rice balls!

Pecorine: Wow, this is a lot! Thank you so much!

Village Girl: Ahaha, that smile on your face makes all the effort we put into tending the rice fields worth it.

Village Girl: Please eat much as you'd like!

Nimbus: Careful now... You could end up with another situation in the village if she interprets that too literally.

Villager: Hey, I could really use an extra pair of hands.

Village Girl: Coming, Father.

Pecorine: Ah...

Pecorine: Phew... What a satisfying meal that was!

Pecorine: They even gave us a few bags of rice as a parting gift... I definitely won't be going hungry anytime soon!

Pecorine: Huh? What's the matter, Alk?

Alk: Tell me, Pecorine. Did something happen?

Pecorine: What do you mean?

Alk: I'm wondering because you're pretty good at hiding things...

Alk: And there was something off about the way you acted when eating those rice balls earlier.

Alk: But I could just be imagining things.

Pecorine: Hrm... I guess there's no point trying to pull the wool over your eyes, Alk!

Pecorine: It's nothing major really. Eating those rice balls and seeing that family get along so well...

Pecorine: It brought back memories of Landosol... and my family.

Pecorine: Thing is, even when I do get back home, there won't be much of a family reunion waiting for me. Ahaha...

Stella: By that, you mean...

Pecorine: The truth is my name and my family have been taken from me...

Pecorine: No one remembers me anymore... To top it all off, I've been branded a criminal.

Stella: That does sound crazy.

Pecorine: Haha... They took all they could from me, but it wasn't ALL bad.

Pecorine: Take my current name, Pecorine, for instance. It's such a beautiful fit for me, don't you think? Kokkoro came up with it.

Pecorine: Not to mention all the wonderful friends I've made at the Gourmet Guild... I've also met someone I really care about...

Pecorine: As long as everyone's with me...

Stella: I'm sure you'll get back what's rightfully yours one day, Pecorine.

Pecorine: Right! You're so sweet, Stella!*glomp*

Stella: Huh?

Pecorine: Thank you so much, everyone. If you don't mind me asking...

Pecorine: Will you be my friends?

Nimbus: Heh... Do you even have to ask?

Stella: Yes. We already are friends.

Alk: Let's head back. Maybe you can save some of that rice as a souvenir for when you get back to the Gourmet Guild.

Pecorine: Right! Of course, I'll be sharing some with you guys too!