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Episode 1
The Figurehead

Far away from her home of the Farlands, a young priestess of the Farlan faith is frustrated at the amount of meaningless work thrust upon her at the Palpebran parish. Desperately wanting to slack off, she slips out of the cathedral. Later on, she awakens in the woods to find members of the church pursuing her. She asks Alk and co. for their help, and eventually finds her way to Starview Village.

Young Priestess: Even in this distant land of Palpebra, far from the sacred lands, we must endeavor to walk in the path of the Stars, and heed their teachings.

Young Priestess: O Stars, bless all your children, no matter where they be. Come, let us say a prayer together.

Priests: All hail Lady Orvelle! You bring honor to our faith!

Priest: Lady Orvelle. Here are the requisite documents for the day.

Priest: As usual, if you would be so kind as to provide your signature on each one, we would be grateful. Blessings upon you.

Orvelle: Gah. More cooking the books... Every form here is falsified in some way! I suppose they'll be begging the merchant's guild for donations again soon.

Orvelle: Day in, day out, it's always the exact same thing! I've had it up to HERE with this...

Orvelle: Grr! I can't take this anymore.

Orvelle: Why am I stuck with all of this meaningless busy work? I just want to spend a day doing NOTHING for once...

Orvelle: Agh... If only I could...

Orvelle: Ah, that's more like it. There's nothing like a day on the town, eating spit-roasted skewers!

Orvelle: Why, it's terribly unhealthy for a young maiden like me to stay cooped up in a church all day! I need to slack off- or rather, take a breather!

Orvelle: Excuse me, could I have one churro please?

Orvelle: Ooh, now that is delicious!

Alk: Man, it'd be a shame to have to spend a lovely day like this plowing through the Kaleidoscope. I'm glad we went for a walk!

Light: I agree completely. Let's stop by the guild and see if there are any outdoor requests today-

Alk: Someone's fainted?!

Light: Alk!

Alk: Wh-what was that just now? Some sort of attack?

Light: Alk, take care. It looks like there might be someone else collapsed over there as well.

Light: What on earth happened here?

Orvelle: Ngh... Ahhh... *yawn* What is it? Way to interrupt me during my hard-earned full-day nap!

Orvelle: Oh dear... What were these scoundrels up to while I slept? Perhaps I should refrain from napping outside of Palpebra in the future...

Light: Do you have any idea what could have happened here?

Orvelle: Ah, there's no need to worry. They're merely unconscious from having divine punishment inflicted upon them.

Alk: D-divine punishment?!

Orvelle: That's right. I prayed that whenever someone approaches me with malice in their heart, the Stars would strike them down.

Alk: That is downright terrifying...

Imposing Voice: Keep looking! You know how quickly she tires, she can't have gone far!

Orvelle: Ah! This isn't good...

Orvelle: Please, I am being pursed and am in need of help. Would you be willing to grant me shelter?

Alk: Huh? Who would want to go after you?

Stella: Of course we will help you. Let's go.

Orvelle: Whoa! What is this place?!

Stella: This is Starview Village, a place at the intersection of many worlds.

Orvelle: Starview? Many different worlds?! How is this possible, I've never even heard of this...

Orvelle: Were we... teleported? Is this perhaps... as it was written in the secret scriptures... *mumble* But if... Farl.. modern history... fabricated...

Orvelle: Wait. Are you God?

Stella: No, I am not.

Light: A-anyway. Your pursuers will not be able to make their way here. You've safe for now.

Alk: Could you maybe give us an explanation about that? Why were you being chased?

Orvelle: My apologies for failing to elaborate sooner. My name is Orvelle Libra.

Orvelle: My pursuers are from the order of holy knights. They were searching for me, as I... am conspicuously absent from my post at the cathedral.

Alk: Absent...? Holy knights?! Wait a minute!

Orvelle: I am a priestess of the Farlan faith. I'm the current head of the Palpebran parish. Through my office is purely a symbolic one...

Light: You mean to tell us you're a priestess?! At your age?!

Orvelle: Well, technically speaking, I've actually been officially canonized as a saint!

Alk: You're a literal SAINT? What are you doing away from the church?

Orvelle: I just... I got sick of working there! I just wanted to spend ONE day doing absolutely nothing, you know?

Alk: Are you sure you're actually a saint?!

Light: I suppose this means we've now involved ourselves in your unscheduled holiday...

Orvelle: Don't worry, when it comes time to work, I make sure to give it my all.

Orvelle: The only work I skipped was all that suspicious paperwork for "donations" to the church.

Orvelle: If anything, I was morally in the right to do so!

Orvelle: Anyway, forgetting all that! I was wondering if it would be okay for me to visit Starview Village again in the future?

Orvelle: Of course, I won't be divulging any information about it to anyone. That would only further complicate things. What do you say?

Stella: Of course, Miss Orvelle. We welcome you.

Alk: Really? Are we sure about that? Doesn't that mean she has to play hooky from the church again?

Orvelle: That won't be a problem. I've done it countless times before! So long as I wait for the right opportunity to slip out, I'll be fine.

Orvelle: I'd love to explore this mysterious town. it certainly beats rifling through shady donation requests and dealing with internal church politics.

Alk: I... see... Well, if that's what you think is best, then I guess it's okay!

Light: Perhaps it would be best to have her nearby for observation. That might prevent any further... incidents.

Orvelle: Hehe, thank you so much! I'll definitely be coming by again soon!

Episode 2
The Power of Prayer

Orvelle takes a great liking to Alk's buckwheat chaff pillow and decides to go on a trip to Yamato to get one made for herself. Once there, she takes part in a local ritual, releasing a blessing of light which entices the villagers, leading them to think she is a Kami. She has a pillow made for herself, but leaves it in her room in the church. While in Starview, she makes use of Alk's pillow and loafs around in his room, much his chagrin.

Acolyte: Lady Orvelle... I wanted to thank you about the matter we discussed yesterday. Your contribution to the orphanage was greatly appreciated!

Orvelle: You needn't thank me. I did little; the majority of the hard work was put in by you and your fellows. It is your accomplishment- be proud of it, my child

Priest: My lady, you must exercise more caution when using church funds in the future... Our coffers are not endless, after all! What if they were to run dry

Priest: Whatever am I suppose to report to the cardinal? I pray that you continue to remember the esteemed position you hold and-

Orvelle: I had to listen to him reprimand me like that for so long... And it was all because HIS cut of the money was shrinking!

Orvelle: Agh. As if I don't know all too well that my position is entirely symbolic. I have no power to change things!

Orvelle: But if they don't want me to make decisions, they should really just stop giving me so much work to do! Let me REST for once!

Alk: Wow, that sounds rough.

Orvelle: Hmm? "That sounds rough"? What a generic response! You'll have to do better than that, Master Alk!

Orvelle: Wait a minute. This pillow... It feels odd to the touch. Firm, but... crunchy?

Orvelle: Whoa! This is quite comfortable! Master Alk, where did you get this?

Alk: Oh, right! That pillow is stuffed with buckwheat chaff, which is why it's so crunchy. I got it from a village in Yamato.

Orvelle: Chaff?! Interesting...

Orvelle: I've made up my mind! I'd like my own pillow, one of this exact same type!

Orvelle: Hehe. This must be the way to the village! Which means I'm one step closer to my promised pillow!

Nimbus: I get that you're psyched about this, but don't go running ahead of us, all right? There are yokai around here.

Nimbus: Tsk, what did I tell you?!

Orvelle: Divine judgment rain upon you!

Orvelle: Nobody is getting between me and my pillow! Let's go, everyone!

Nimbus: We're finally at the village, Little Miss Saint.

Orvelle: *gasp* Aaaah... *pant* I...

Stella: Orvelle, are you all right?

Orvelle: I'm... fine... It's just... that path was... very, very steep... and long! *heave*

Light: It would perhaps be a good idea to work on your stamina a bit, young lady!

Orvelle: Hey... It's not my fault! I've spent most of my waking hours stuck in a church! It's a wonder my muscles haven't atrophied!

Alk: But I bet you'll be glad you worked so hard to climb up the mountain. Take a look!

Alk: Today's the day of a special festival. Our timing was perfect.

Orvelle: Hmm, you know, I've never been to a festival before... Well, one that I wasn't forced to attend, at least.

Orvelle: Oh gosh, I might have overdone it... I think I'm going to vomit...

Alk: Huh?! Okay, okay, let's sit you down somewhere so you can get some rest!

Orvelle: This festival is wonderful! I managed to get my hands on some of that buckwheat chaff, too, so I'm more than satisfied!

Orvelle: What are those people over there doing?

Light: That's an ancient Yamato ritual. They're offering a prayer in thanks for this year's harvest and wishing for a bountiful one next year too.

Orvelle: I see. I'm familiar with this sort of ceremony. I would like to participate and join them in prayer.

Alk: Is that all right? Your faiths are quite different, would it be okay for someone of your standing to take part?

Orvelle: Of course. There's no one from my church here. And luckily, the Stars are far more understanding than most men.

Orvelle: The most important thing is to never forget to be thankful. We must use our prayers to convey gratitude.

Orvelle: Faith's ultimate purpose is to share in happiness and blessings, after all.

Alk: Hmm. I see.

Orvelle: Stars, we thank you for leading us, and for the great blessings you have provided us.

Orvelle: Continue to guide us Starseekers down a righteous path.

Alk: Huh? Orvelle, what's happening?

Orvelle: Oh, don't you mind that! That's just a side effect of my prayer. It happens almost every time.

Orvelle: I'm forbidden from selling miracles, so to speak, so I rarely show off my abilities. But I felt today was a special occasion.

Orvelle: How about it? Did this light convince you I'm actually a saint yet, or what?

Alk: It might have... Though I feel like saints are supposed to be a bit more humble...

Villagers: Oh my! Young maiden... Are you a manifestation of the Kami?!

Villagers: How fortuitous! We have been blessed by a maiden from the heavens!

Orvelle: Waaaa!

Orvelle: Oh my gosh! I don't know how tom feel about this! Haha!

Orvelle: Oh... Uh-oh, I'm starting to feel sick again. Oh no, the nausea-

Alk: Yikes! Everyone, please put her down right now!

Orvelle: Ahh... This pillow is amazing after all!

Alk: Why are you using mine, then? We went though all that trouble to make you your own!

Orvelle: I put that one in my bedroom in the church! I only have one, after all. That means I'm pillow-less here in Starview.

Alk: Then why not go to the Yamato village and make another pillow?

Orvelle: No way... Just thinking about climbing that mountain road again makes my stomach churn!

Orvelle: which means, for the foreseeable future, I'll be loafing around here, in this room!

Alk: Make yourself at home, I guess...

Episode 3
The Farlan Saint

Through conflicted, Orvelle decides not to intervene when a priest and some adventurers get into a loud dispute on the streets of Palpebra. Suddenly, a horde of monsters appear at the Kaleidoscope and threaten to overwhelm the city. Orvelle helps out, unleashing a powerful attack that finishes the monsters off. The priests and adventurers both praise Orvelle and start to find common ground with each other. Orvelle tells the party how she really feels about her role as a figurehead.

Orvelle: Lying around in bed all day is wonderful, but aimlessly strolling through town isn't half bad either!

Alk: That's great and all, but are you sure it's okay for someone as famous as you to be out here? If someone recognizes you...

Orvelle: It should be fine. The people of Palpebra aren't all that pious. They probably don't even know who I am!

Adventurer: Well, well, if it isn't our favorite saint! Are you taking another day off again, miss? Don't overdo it!

Alk: So much for not being recognized.

Orvelle: I mean, it happens occasionally, I suppose!

Orvelle: There seems to be a commotion over there... Let's go take a look!

Priest: How many times must I tell you! That light you call "magic" is actually the guidance of the Star! It's a miracle of the Church of Farlana!

Priest: We cannot permit those who are not Starseekers- much less ruffians like you- to gallivant around using such holy light! It is blasphemy!

Adventurer: Huh? Your religion doesn't mean crap to me, old man. I'm not in the mood to be lectured by some preacher who knows nothing about the world.

Alk: Hmm, you see this sort of thing from time to time. People from the church sometimes get into arguments with adventurers.

Orvelle: They must not be used to how things work here in Palpebra. The rules of the Farlands and other parishes don't apply to the adventurers here...

Orvelle: I have read many reports describing clashes between locals and... those who place great importance on upholding our doctrine.

Nimbus: Well, what are we gonna do about it? Can you step in and... I don't know, arbitrate?

Orvelle: No, I don't think I will... I'm just a figurehead, remember? If I were to butt in, it would only make matters worse.

Light: I see... If you were to intervene, it could further fan the flames.

Orvelle: Yes. As a figurehead, it's my duty to be a beacon for all people, equally. I cannot take sides or involve myself in conflicts.

Stella: Is that difficult for you?

Orvelle: It... I...

Pur Lilie: Terrible news, everyone!

Pur Lilie: We're getting reports that there was a quake at the Kaleidoscope and a whole ton of monsters just suddenly appeared!

Pur Lilie: They're about to penetrate our defensive perimeter... There's even the chance they might make their way into the city!

Pur Lilie: A whole hosts of adventurers have already assembled and are heading to the Kaleidoscope. They need help- we need to start evacuations!

Orvelle: We will go as well!

Priest: Lady Orvelle?! What are you doing in a place like this?

Orvelle: This is neither the time nor place. We must hurry.

Orvelle: Please start taking care of the wounded. Sound the alarm across town and alert everyone you can!

Alk: Meteor Break!

Nimbus: Was that all of them?

Light: Don't let your guard down! Another wave is coming in.

Priest: Be at ease, you are safe now!

Stella: Are there still people inside?

Wounded Adventurer: N-no... I think we were the last.

Orvelle: Understood. You can leave the rest to us!

Orvelle: O sacred Light! Grant us the guidance of the Stars, that we may find a way to triumph over this adversity!

Orvelle: Starseeker's Radiance!

Alk: That was insane!

Orvelle: Phew. That should take care of most of the remaining monsters!

Adventurers: Whoooa! Little Miss Saint, you're incredible!

Adventurers: And here I thought you were just slacking off the whole time. Looks like you lived up to your title!

Priest: What did you just call her? Watch your tongue when you address Lady Orvelle! She may be a bit.. rough around the edges, but she is a canonized Saint!

Adventurer: Heh, you're right. My bad! Either way, she's really something!

Priest: Hmm... Well, I suppose it's to be commended that a boorish adventurer like you can come to understand that much.

Priest: Lady Orvelle is the very manifestation of the miracles the Stars are capable of!

Adventurer: Mhm. Thanks, by the way. For using your healing magic- er, your healing "light power" or whatever. You saved a buddy of mine.

Priest: Ah, yes, well... Though your attitude and demeanor leaves much to be desired, I cannot deny your fighting prowess.

Alk: Well, look at that. They're starting to see eye to eye! A little bit, at least.

Nimbus: Heh. These guys aren't all that complicated after all.

Light: Any progress is welcome. This is far better than having them snarling at each other on the streets.

Orvelle: Lady Stella... You asked me earlier if it was difficult...

Orvelle: To tell you the truth, it is. Very. Honestly, I'm probably losing hair 'cause of all the stress!

Orvelle: But... If my role as a figurehead for the church allows people to come together like this, to overlook their differences...

Orvelle: Then I think it's worth it. It drives to me keep working hard to fulfill my role as a saint.

Stella: I'm very glad to hear that.

Orvelle: That being said! I have no intention of sacrificing my ME time! If you don't mind, I'll be going to Starview Village and indulging myself!

Alk: Um... That's great and all, but could you loaf around somewhere other than my room this time?

Orvelle: Whaaat? How could you say something like that, Alk!

Alk: H-huh? That's a perfectly normal request! Okay. how about we make you another pillow? Just one more trip up the mountain.

Orvelle: *blech* Oh no, my stomach...

Alk: AAH! How does that even work? Just THINKING about it makes you want to throw up? Are you okay?!

Priest: Lady Orvelle!