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Episode 1
Visitor From Beyond

Olivia's battle with the ashen savior carries over into the Kaleidoscope, where a portion of her mana is drained as the savior escapes. She senses people in danger from the savior's servants and rushes to the aid of Alk and friends.

Ashen Savior: The suffering of mankind is ever present.

Ashen Savior: I may have alighted upon a different plane, but the cries of the weak still call out to me. How unfortunate... I shall make everything right.

Ashen Savior: For I am their shepherd. You will be lost sheep no more...

Ashen Savior: Come, my servants. Bring salvation unto this world.

???: Found you.

Ashen Savior: Fallen angel Olivia. I see you've come after me.

Olivia: An unfamiliar place, an unknown mana source... Could this be the new world?

Ashen Savior: Yes, that does appear to be the case. Who'd have imagined we'd end up here in the midst of our battle.

Ashen Savior: Regardless, I extend my salvation to all, no matter where I am.

Olivia: The salvation you speak of only breeds destruction. I won't let it happen.

Ashen Savior: Such power... I suppose I don't stand a chance with my current vessel. However...

Olivia: ...

Ashen Savior: Though you may have been able to traverse the portal, it's apparently taken a toll on you.

Ashen Savior: You're full of openings in your weakened state. I'll be taking your mana.

Ashen Savior: You have my gratitude, fallen angel Olivia. I am now able to extend the hand of salvation to this world as well.

Olivia: You're not getting away!

Ashen Savior: Struggle as you might, my salvation is absolute.

Olivia: Rgh!

Olivia: He's gone. More importantly...

Man: Uwaaagh!

Olivia: Going after them comes first.

Alk: What's with these guys!

Olivia: Fall back.

Olivia: You're not hurt, are you?

Alk: I-I'm okay. But...

Olivia: Forgive me. I shall fight them off.

Alk: Huh?

Episode 2
A Promise Made

Olivia helps Alk and friends save a girl from a monster, after which she accepts their help in going after the ashen savior. Before they depart, Olivia promises the girl she will save her parents as well.

Alk: Here we are, the forest where the ashen monster was spotted.

Light: An ashen monster that sends its prey into deep slumber, a state with no known cure as of yet...

Alk: We can't just let it be! I'll slay the monster myself if I have to!

Alk: Are you okay?! Good thing you're not hurt too badly. Is anyone else with you?

Children: *sniff* It's just me. Mommy and Daddy won't wake up, so I was gathering herbs for them...

Children: I figured with the right medicine, maybe they could wake up from that pale ghost's curse.

Alk: Pale ghost?

Light: I assume it's the very same ashen monster we seek. And this girl's parents are its victims.

Alk: Oh no...

Light: It's far too dangerous to be alone in the forest right now. We'll take you back to the village.

Scared Child: It's scary out here, but...

Scared Child: I can't stand the thought of Mommy and Daddy never waking up again! So I'm going to keep doing what I can!

Alk: Well... Can you imagine how worried your parents would be if you're not around when they wake up?

Alk: Leave the herbs to us. Stay by your parents' side in the meanwhile.

Children: Um... Okay!

Alk: Could that be...

Light: Alk... Our priority should be getting the girl back to the village. Let us make haste.

Alk: Oh no... Not this guy again!

Alk: What do we do?!

Light: We'll have to carve an opening and then buy time for the child to escape.

Alk: Okay, let's do this!

Alk: Ngh!

???: Fall back!

Alk: It's you again... Thanks!

Olivia: No thanks needed. I'm just glad I made it in time.

Alk: Oh yeah—I haven't introduced myself yet! I'm Alk, and this here's—

Light: Light. We thank you for your assistance.

Olivia: I'm Olivia. What brings you three out here?

Alk: Truth is...

Alk: And that about sums it up. We were escorting the kid home.

Olivia: I'm sorry. This is all my fault.

Scared Child: Huh?

Alk: What do you mean?

Olivia: The ashen savior is the true culprit. I managed to chase him down at one point but failed to finish the job.

Alk: The... ashen savior?

Olivia: Upon our arrival in this new world, he quickly began his quest of what he considers to be salvation.

Olivia: He unleashed his ashen monsters onto the land, attacking people and draining their mana.

Olivia: Those attacked fall into deep slumber—likely a result of the sudden loss of mana.

Alk: Where are you going?

Olivia: I must continue searching for the ashen savior. If I can finish him off, his victims will awaken.

Alk: Sounds like we have a common enemy! Let us help you!

Olivia: I appreciate the sentiment, but I would rather not drag you into a situation that I am solely responsible for.

Alk: Wait!

Light: We may not be as strong as you, but we can't just sit around while people are in danger.

Alk: I'm sure we'll come in handy. Let us join you!

Olivia: I see how determined you are...

Olivia: Very well. Lend me your strength.

Alk: We can start by asking around at the Guild.

Light: Yes, looking into the areas that were attacked and gathering eyewitness accounts should give us a lead.

Man: Gwaaagh! Wh-what the heck?!

Olivia: I'll look into the situation while the rest of you usher the child to safety.

Scared Child: Miss!

Olivia: ...

Scared Child: Thank you for saving me!

Olivia: ...I promise to save your parents as well.

Episode 3
A Whole New World

With Alk's help, Olivia vanquishes the ashen savior at the Kaleidoscope. Having lost any means of returning to her home world, she decides to remain with Alk and see what hope has in store for him.

Light: There were reports at the Guild of multiple ashen monsters coming in here.

Alk: They drain mana from people, right? The fact that they've gathered together must mean the ashen savior himself is here...

Light: Everything becomes distorted inside the Kaleidoscope. It makes for the perfect hideout.

Olivia: A labyrinth that changes shape... Perhaps that's why I couldn't sense him earlier.

Light: Let us press on. People are still under attack even as we speak.

Light: It's strangely quiet here...

Alk: Nothing seems out of the ordinary though.

Olivia: Brace yourselves, you two.

Ashen Savior: Fallen angel Olivia... I knew you would stand in my way again.

Olivia: Such power... Draining mana from the masses has worked for you, I see.

Ashen Savior: But it's not enough... My vessel thirsts for more.

Alk: Why are you doing such a horrible thing?!

Ashen Savior: Mortals couldn't be more pitiful. Their frailty begets the fear of solitude—too easily are they crushed by the pain of loss.

Ashen Savior: Beings so weak that they must depend on others to survive... Surely you yourselves would understand...

Ashen Savior: There is no hope in such a life. I cannot bear to see such despair. A purge is the only path forward.

Ashen Savior: Once I've freed you from your pain and suffering, all will find deliverance!

Alk: You'll do no such thing!

Light: Curses... How foul can you be!

Ashen Savior: Perhaps I should extend the hand of salvation to you little ones as well. For all is equal in the face of destruction.

Olivia: Mortals are pitiful, you say...

Olivia: In truth, they are much stronger than you believe them to be.

Ashen Savior: I suppose you and I will never see things the same way.

Olivia: Rgh!

Light: Olivia! She's struggling...

Ashen Savior: Your mana's a part of me now... Cast aside your pride and bow down to me.

Ashen Savior: You're full of openings in your weakened state. I'll be taking your mana.

Light: This is bad! I can't believe he's already drained Olivia of her power!

Alk: If we can just get that power back somehow... I'm sure Olivia will find a way!

Ashen Savior: You cling to hope that does not exist... How pitiful.

Ashen Savior: Your friends will accept my salvation soon enough. But first...

Ashen Savior: Had you been at full strength, you would have put up a better fight. But perhaps this is your fate.

Olivia: ...!

Ashen Savior: Dropping your weapon in the midst of battle? How foolish. How sad.

Olivia: I didn't drop it; I merely placed it in the hands of hope.

Alk: I'm borrowing your sword, Olivia! Haaaagh!

Ashen Savior: ...! No, this can't be...

Light: The mana he drained from everyone is seeping out of him, including Olivia's!

Olivia: Thank you, Alk. I shall take it from here.

Ashen Savior: This should not be possible... Mankind is far too weak to resist salvation...

Olivia: As you put it, frailty leads to a fear of solitude. And mortals do indeed find the pain of loss to be soul-crushing.

Olivia: But when they are able to overcome it all, the strength of mankind is unmatched.

Olivia: Therein lies their true potential—the power of hope!

Ashen Savior: Such hope is meaningless against what I stand for...

Olivia: Your mistake was underestimating mankind!

Light: The mana he absorbed is returning to its rightful owners... Everyone should be waking up soon!

Alk: That little girl's parents should be okay too!

Olivia: Indeed... I believe they should now be conscious.

Olivia: My promise is fulfilled.

Alk: So it's all over?

Olivia: Yes, the root of the problem is no more.

Olivia: And I have you to thank for that.

Light: Olivia. Now that you've completed your mission, will you be returning to your world?

Light: You came here in pursuit of the ashen savior after all.

Olivia: The dimensional pathway I crossed is no longer open.

Olivia: I thus have no means of returning home.

Olivia: But I'm not worried, and nor should you be.

Olivia: Your unwavering courage in this battle has given me much to consider.

Olivia: The power of your hope overcame the destruction the ashen savior would have wrought.

Olivia: I plan on staying in this new world and seeing for myself what path hope leads you down.

Alk: You mean...

Olivia: Until I find a way to return home, I'd like to stay with you if you'll have me.