Oath to the Dawn Event/The Unearthing

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The Unearthing

Deep within old ruins, Rashid awakens Sotieth, a weapon of the ancients. Elsewhere, Alk and co. search through the desert to find ancient ruins before the kingdom beats them to it.

Bewildered Man: Wh-what is this place?!

Fervent Man: Who knew this was lying underneath our hideout this whole time...

Bewildered Man: W-wait, Rashid!

Rashid: A person? What is she doing here?

???: Genome Code detected. Activating Sotieth.

Sotieth: Awaiting your orders, Keeper.

Rashid: Who... or what in the world are you?

Denah: Eurgh... So... hot... Water... Waaateeer...

Nimbus: See, this is why we told you to conserve some for later.

Stella: Denah, have some of mine.

Denah: You're a lifesaver, Stella! I'll just have a sip...

Denah: Pwah! I LIVE! Oh, mighty Lord, your strength flows through me once more...

Nimbus: Focus up, will you? This ain't no time for horsing around.

Denah: You don't need to remind me... We're here on a mission: to check if there might be ancient ruins in the borderlands that the kingdom hasn't discovered yet.

Light: Yes. It's important that we conduct a thorough search, considering the World Flipper was found among similar ruins.

Light: If there is truly something out there, then we need to find it before the kingdom does.

Denah: When you put it like that, I feel like I wasted my time searching in those other ruins...

Sonia: My information came from an old acquaintance, so it should be trustworthy-

Sonia: Ah, see? There's the town!