Oath to the Dawn Event/The Titan

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The Titan

Haridal despairs at the Titan's overwhelming might, but Nimbus snaps him out of it. The two of them go to rescue Rashid and the others from an attack.

Sotieth: Where... am I?

The Voices: The time has come.

The Voices: We are the chosen proxy- those who have been entrusted with their will.

Sotieth: Who is speaking? Reveal yourself!

The Voices: Here and now we shall prevail against our subjugators. We will crush the stars, and shatter the night.

The Voices: Activating Purger Eradication Protocol.

Sotieth: Wait! What are you doing?!

Sotieth: Rashid!

Nimbus: Are you KIDDING me?! You had something like TYHAT hidden up your sleeves this whole time?

Furious GD Member: Haha... Hahahaha! Isn't it a sight to behold? This is the Titan that shall shatter the stars!

Furious GD Member: With the power of a god at our side, even the kingdom stands no chance against us-

Nimbus: GAAAHH!

Nimbus: Urk...

Nimbus: This is insane... Forget the kingdom... The whole world's in trouble!

Nimbus: Sonia! Denah! Rashid!

Nimbus: Damn it...

Nimbus: Of course I find you instead!

Haridal: Hellcat of the Dunes!

Haridal: Did you and yours summon that gigantic monster? Answer me!

Haridal: What the hell is that thing?!

Nimbus: Rashid and his comrades called it a Titan.

Haridal: A... Titan?!

Haridal: How gullible do you think I am? There's no way an actual god exists...

Nimbus: Listen, I'm just telling you what they said! They only summoned it because you pushed them into a corner!

Nimbus: So now what? You want that powerful monster for yourself too?

Nimbus: Well, do whatever you want. I'm gonna put a stop to this.

Haridal: I swung my bloodied blade again and again, believing that I was doing it for the good of the borderlands... But if this is the result of that...

Rashid: Stay out... of my way!

Haridal: Rashid?

Nimbus: Take this!

Nimbus: Found you faster than I expected, thanks to these hunks of junk!

Denah: Oh! Glad to see you made it out okay, Nimbus!

Haridal: After all the fighting we've been through...

Haridal: Even still...