Oath to the Dawn Event/The Coming Dawn

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The Coming Dawn

Once the dust settles, Sotieth joins Alk and co. in Starview. Rashid and Haridal share a quiet heart to heart, during which Haridal swears to carry on his friend's work to usher in a new dawn for the borderlands.

Sotieth: Rashid!

Rashid : Waead... Sadiq!

Sotieth: Now is my chance!

Rashid: Sotieth!

The Voices: We are... the chosen... proxy...

The Voices: Mortals... what do you... wish for?

Sotieth: Sleep.

Sotieth: I shall not become like you. This, I swear.

Rashid : The World Flipper, huh? Never expected something like that to exist...

Haridal: We'll handle things from here.

Haridal: There's no telling when the kingdom's troops will show up. so you should leave while you can.

Sonia: That's true. Guess we're off then.

Nimbus: ...See you, Rashid.

Rashid: Yeah...

Rashid: Wait!

Rashid: Would you... let Sotieth join your crew and travel with you?

Sotieth: ...Rashid?

Rashid: I mean, they can travel to all sorts of different worlds, right?

Rashid: I want you to experience those places... and learn more about people...

Rashid: So that when the time comes... you'll know what it means to stand strong and never give up.

Sotieth: ...Is that an order?

Rashid: ...It is.

Rashid: You'll be going in my place.

Stella: Sotieth. We welcome you.

Rashid: Before you go... Take this.

Rashid: Yeah... Looks good on you.

Sotieth: ...!

Sotieth: Rashid, I... I think I... might I-

Sotieth: ...Never mind.

Rashid: I hope that one day... you'll stop thinking of yourself as a weapon...

Rashid: And start thinking of yourself as a person.

Sotieth: I... will try!

Haridal: ...You aren't very good at acting.

Rashid: It's her chance to start anew... Didn't want rain on her parade, y'know?

Haridal: ...You didn't fool any of them.

Rashid: Still, I had to try.

Haridal: I see.

Rashid: This takes me back... to the day we made that oath together...

Rashid: We were just kids, but... we really believed we could bring a new dawn to the borderlands...

Haridal: Who knew things would turn out like this?

Rashid: Haha... We both did what we could...

Rashid: Guess we've still got a while... before dawn, huh?

Haridal: Yeah.

Rashid: Come morning, you'll have to handle the rest... in my place...

Rashid: You've got what it takes... right?

Haridal: ...You always ask way too much of me.

Rashid: Is that a no... then?

Haridal: ...I'll do it.

Rashid: Hehe... Thanks...

Rashid: Now I can... rest easy...

Haridal: You idiot...

Haridal: I swear... I'll keep this oath, Rashid...

Haridal: I'll usher in a new dawn for all of us!