Oath to the Dawn Event/Golden Dawn

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Golden Dawn

Alk and friends are dragged into the Golden Dawn's plan to free enslaved people. Right when they are about to escape, a man named Haridal stands in their way.

Denah: OH! This place is... MASSIVE!

Alk: Surely we can gather some info in a town this big...

Sonia: That's true, but I think we've got a bigger problem to worry about first.

Light: A checkpoint... Oh dear.

Nimbus: No way I'm getting through that, no matter what we try to pull.

Nimbus: Guess I'll just hang around here while you guys go through.

Light: I should stay with him, just in case anything happens. Go on-

Merchant: Pardon me, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. I think I might be able to lend a hand.

Denah: Uh, who are you?

Merchant: Just your average merchant. Due to the nature of my job, I know different ways to get around these pesky checks.

Merchant: For a suitable fee, you too can share in this knowledge.

Nimbus: Yeah? Guessing you got a few secret routes for goods you don't want inspected.

Light: All right, we'll take you up on that offer.

Merchant: Very good. If you'll follow me.

Merchant: You know the drill. No killing. We can sell these folks off for a pretty penny.

Light: Good grief... I had hoped my suspicions were unfounded.

Merchant: Hey, I'm still keeping my end of the deal- you'll get into town...

Merchant: Just in shackles instead!

Denah: Heh... Pathetic fools. Very well! For your ignorance, may you drown in an ABYSSAL NIGHTMARE of your own making!

Denah: ...Huh?

Alk: Is that... an Alter Device?!

Rashid: Whoa, Sotieth?! You didn't have to do that! This was my idea, so I should-

Sotieth: Your objection is denied. It would be troublesome if you are injured before the plan is executed.

Rashid: Hey there, folks. What a day, huh? Almost kidnapped by slavers!

Light: ...We appreciate the timely rescue.

Light: Tell me, is that woman behind you the one controlling this Alter Device?

Rashid: Oh, you recognize it?

Rashid: Well, we shouldn't stick around chatting here. You're trying to get into town, right? Come with us.

Rashid: My comrades and I have a secret entrance in. No inspections or extortion money required.

Light: Your comrades? Just who in the world are you?

Rashid: Ah, I skipped right over introductions, didn't I?

Rashid: I'm Rashid, leader of the Golden Dawn- a group that aims to free the borderlands.

Rashid: I gotta say, I'm still blown away by the fact that you recognized an Alter Device.

Alk: Well, we actually have a friend who's got one too. Her name's Nephtim.

Rashid: Huh, very interesting. It'd be nice to meet her someday!

Rashid: Not that I meant anything weird by that! I'm just curious!

Sotieth: Why are you directing that comment to me? I did not say anything.

Nimbus: You said you found her in some ruins, yeah?

Nimbus: ...Don't tell me you're planning on using an ancient weapon like her to start a war with the kingdom.

Rashid: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Sure, I rely on Sotieth sometimes to fight, but I swear that's not what we're trying to do!

Rashid: The Golden Dawn's mission is to free the borderlands- not pick a long and bloody fight.

Rashid: ...Not that the current situation makes it look that way.

Rashid: Truth is, we're here to free people from the borderlands who've been enslaved.

Nimbus: ...You sure you should be telling us that?

Rashid: I am, since I'm hoping you'll lend us a hand.

Rashid: The kingdom's military might is nothing to sneeze at. I'll take any help we can get, especially if it's someone who's already carved a name for himself.

Rashid: Someone like... the Hellcat of the Dunes.

Nimbus: You're really gonna ask me, a guy you barely know, to stick my neck out and wrangle with those kingdom assholes?

Alk: Still, it wouldn't sit right with me to turn away someone in need.

Light: There's also the matter of how you intend to treat Sotieth-

Townspeople: Th-those borderlands folks are going crazy!

Rashid: What's going on?!

Sotieth: The logical conclusion is that someone acted early. There is a high probability this will result in large-scale riots and executions of any captured parties.

Rashid: Are you serious? Guess we have no choice but to put the plan into action!

Sotieth: Understood.

Rashid: You folks should come with us! Once the plan kicks off, it's gonna be hard to get out of town!

Denah: Oh, come on! I haven't even had a pint yet!

Rashid: We're bringing the gate down! Anyone who wants to keep their head intact, stay back!

Sotieth: Star, fall before me. Mut Nu!

GD Member: Rashid, everyone from the western side has been freed! The other sections should be coming soon too!

Rashid: Got it! Everyone, it's time to run as fast as you can!

Rashid: Phew, I was worried for a bit there. Looks like everything went well-

???: Stop right there, criminal scum.

Rashid: Is... Is that you, Haridal?

Nimbus: Tch! Gonna call us scum, huh? Should take a look in the mirror yourself, punk.

Haridal: ...Capture them all. Don't let a single one escape!

Rashid: Haridal! Why are you doing this?!

Nimbus: Get it together, idiot! You can chat it out later!