Oath to the Dawn Event/Friends Again

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Friends Again

After receiving first aid, Rashid joins up with the others. Just when the Titan is about to obliterate them, Nephtim shows up just in time to help.

Rashid: I don't have time for this!

Rashid: Haridal!

Rashid: Rgh...

Haridal: How did you get this injury?

Rashid: This is... none of your business... More importantly, the Titan... Argh!

Haridal: I know where we can find medical supplies. Follow me.

Haridal: So he was betrayed by his own comrades...

Rashid: Ngh... Ah! Where...

Haridal: The garrison my troops were stationed at... Though now it's more rubble than anything else.

Rashid: ...I'm guessing you're the one who patched me up.

Rashid: Sorry for the trouble. I appreciate it though.

Rashid: Where are Nimbus and his friends?

Haridal: Already gone. They're headed for the Titan.

Haridal: Don't move around so much. Your wound's deep. Open it back up, and you might actually die.

Rashid: So what... Should I just sit back and do nothing? I won't stand idly by while everyone else risks their lives to stop that thing!

Haridal: Are you telling me you can't control it?

Haridal: ...This might actually be the end of the world.

Rashid: Not if I can help it.

Haridal: Are you kidding? No regular person can stand up to something like that...

Rashid: Doesn't matter how impossible it seems. I still have to try!

Rashid: All of this is MY fault! I was helpless to prevent it from happening...

Rashid: But I'll take responsibility somehow!

Haridal: ...You really think you're that much of a bigshot, huh? That you're the ONLY one who could've caused a large-scale disaster like this.

Haridal: Whatever... Not like any of that matters. It's all over for us.

Rashid: Haridal... Really? You're gonna give up, just like that?

Rashid: After everything you've done... and everything you still have to do?!

Haridal: It's not like I WANT to give up!

Haridal: I didn't cut my brothers and sisters down for everything to end up like this...

Haridal: But... what else can I do?

Rashid: ...Well, I'm going.

Haridal: How can you carry on, despite it all...

Haridal: Wait.

Haridal: Rest at least for a little bit. I'm going to prepare us a ride.

Rashid: Does that mean you're coming with me?

Haridal: If I let you out of my sight again, who knows what'll happen next?

Rashid: Haha! You know me so well.

Rashid: As expected of my best friend.

Rashid: Wait up, guys!

Sonia: Rashid? Should you be here? What about your wound?

Rashid: ...In all honesty, I'm not doing too great.

Rashid: But this whole situation is my fault. I have a responsibility to put an end to it.

Rashid: So please.. Let me join you!

Nimbus: Let me get this straight: you're willing to risk your life outta a sense of responsibility?

Rashid: Well, not only that, of course.

Rashid: Mostly, I want to save Sotieth. She doesn't deserve to be used as a weapon to hurt other people!

Sonia: You know, you should've led with that reason!

Rashid: Right... She matters to me... Maybe more than I realized...

Nimbus: Yeah? Then we better get her back before you start gushing about your feelings.

Rashid: I owe you more than I can ever repay!

Haridal: I brought enough for all of us. Hop on.

Haridal: Not good. That thing's going to fire again!

Rashid: No! Not after we managed to get this far!

???: Activating Alter Device.

Haridal: Wh-what was that?!

Nimbus: Haha... She made it in time!

Nephtim: Nephtim exists to crush the stars, and shatter the night.

Nephtim: Nephtim will protect everyone!