Oath to the Dawn Event/End of the World

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End of the World

Pushed into a corner by Haridal's attack, members of the Golden Dawn take Rashid hostage and force Sotieth to activate the Titan.

Sotieth: Rgh...

Haridal: Your power is beyond what a human should possess.

Sotieth: Perhaps... But even still...

Sotieth: I wish to remain by Rashid's side!

Nimbus: Now's our chance! Let's get outta here!

Rashid: Haridal... I'm sorry.

Haridal: Hate me if you want... It doesn't matter.

Sonia: Guess he's not going to follow us.

Sotieth: Rashid, my apologies. This is my fault...

Rashid: No, it isn't. I chose this, so you don't need to apologize.

Tired GD Member: Rashid! You managed to get out too, huh?

Rashid: Hey! It's nice to see you guys are safe!

Tired GD Member: Yeah, but... no one else made it. We're all that's left.

Rashid: I see...

Furious GD Member: Damn it... Damn it all! Why did it come to this? What else were we supposed to do?

Rashid: It's true that we've suffered great losses.

Rashid: But we're not done for yet. So long as we're alive, we can start over-

Furious GD Member: Are you crazy? If we don't fight back, they're going to wipe us all out!

Furious GD Member: Come on, Rashid, now's the time to put her godly powers to the test...

Furious GD Member: Get her to activate the Titan!

Nimbus: ...What?

Furious GD Member: So long as we have that, we won't lose to the kingdom!

Rashid: ...Absolutely not. Our goal isn't to destroy our enemies.

Rashid: If we do that, we'll be no better than them. We'll have given up on our dreams.

Furious GD Member: Enough with the naive crap! We either do this, or we all die!

Rashid: ...Even still, I refuse.

Furious GD Member: Forget you then! Sotieth!

Sotieth: I also refuse. You have no jurisdiction over me.

Furious GD Member: Y-you... bastards...

Furious GD Member: FINE! I tried to play nice, but I'm DONE bending over for ANY OF YOU!

Rashid: Argh... Ngh!

Sotieth: NO!

Furious GD Member: Don't move!

Nimbus: Why, you little...

Rashid: Don't... listen to him... Sotieth!

Furious GD Member: Shut up! This is your fault! We wouldn't have had to go this far if you'd just LISTENED to us!

Furious GD Member: Sotieth, you're activating the Titan. Come here!

Furious GD Member: The rest of you better not try anything funny. Not if you want to live.

Nimbus: Sonia...

Rashid: Sotieth....

Furious GD Member: Do it.

Nimbus: Rashid!

???: Genome Code authentication confirmed.

Rashid: So...tieth...

Nimbus: You moron, what've you done?!

Denah: Ohhhh my gooosh!

Nimbus: What the hell IS that thing?

Sonia: Is that... the Titan?!