Oath to the Dawn Event/At Odds

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At Odds

Unable to reconcile their different visions for a new borderlands, Haridal and Rashid clash, but are interrupted by a timely arrival from Nimbus and co.

Light: It has been a pleasure, but it's time for us to go.

Rashid: It's probably been more of a pleasure for us than it's been for you. Seriously, thanks for helping us out.

Alk: Hopefully the next time we drop by, things'll have calmed down... We'll bring Nephtim with us too.

Sotieth: I suspect meeting again will be difficult. We will be abandoning this hideout in the near future.

Rashid: Since we stirred up too much of a fuss, we're gonna lie low for a while.

Stella: You two, take care.

Rashid: Yeah, we'll see each other again somehow. Just gotta weather this storm and make it out the other side.

Nimbus: Watch your backs, you hear?

Sonia: Sotieth, remember what I said! Live your life without regrets, okay?

Nimbus: What's up?

Alk: Just can't help wondering if Rashid and the others will be okay...

Nimbus: I get where you're coming from-

Stella: Is something wrong?

Nimbus: Shh! Everyone, hide!

Alk: Are... Are those the kingdom's soldiers?!

Light: This doesn't bode well... They're headed straight for the Golden Dawn's base!

Alk: We have to warn them!

Light: Wait. I think it's better if we...

Denah: Hahaha... An excellent proposal. Very well, I agree to this plan!

Denah: Leave the sanctuary of our comrades to me. I shall unleash the depths of my darkest abilities on our unsuspecting foes!

Sonia: You guys be careful too, okay?

Stella: We will. Let's go.

Sotieth: Go! I shall attack with you!

Rashid: Sheesh... I can't believe they found us so fast!

GD Member: Rashid, bad news! More of them are pouring in from the west entrance!

Rashid: Blow up the western passageways and seal them out! Once you've done that, find another entrance and run!

Rashid: How did they even find us in the first place?

Haridal: Searching hiding spots one by one would definitely take a while.

Haridal: It's much easier to use all hands at your disposal to clear out every hiding hole at once.

Haridal: The kingdom has enough man power to do so.

Rashid: Haridal!

Sotieth: Threat detected. Eliminating threat.

Haridal: This power... It's as I suspected. You're no mere human.

Haridal: I thought it was just a myth that the ancients built human-like super weapons... But I'm not surprised to see this is how Rashid finally obtained power.

Rashid: Why, Haridal... Why are you doing this?

Haridal: To fulfill the oath we made together that day.

Haridal: I'll carve a future for the borderlands.. I'm just doing so from inside the kingdom.

Rashid: What...

Rashid: Are you blind? Look at all this bloodshed! How can you claim this is for anyone's future!

Haridal: You're the one who's blind!

Haridal: After what the Golden Dawn did, the kingdom will treat the borderlands even worse from now on.

Haridal: The only way to placate them is to make an example of you and yourself.

Rashid: You did this... just to please your masters?

Haridal: This is your own doing. You raised your weapon first... Something I thought you'd never do.

Haridal: You've changed for the worse, Rashid. Not me. I've stayed true to my ideals.

Rashid: What was I supposed to have done?! Just accept that the kingdom was enslaving our people? Turn a blind eye and let my brothers and sister suffer?

Haridal: ...Yes, exactly that.

Rashid: Maybe you can do that... But not me.

Haridal: I know. That's the kind of guy you are. You'd never leave a single person behind to suffer.

Haridal: That's exactly why you're unfit to wield any power...

Haridal: Especially her.

Nimbus: Over my dead body!

Rashid: Nimbus? Everyone! What are you doing here?

Nimbus: My guilty conscience would've eaten me alive if I'd abandoned you guys.

Haridal: So you're the Hellcat of the Dunes. Finally, a worthy opponent.

Haridal: I'll do my duty as a kingdom soldier... Take out the Golden Dawn and your weapon of the ancients...

Haridal: Then I'll be one step closer to fulfilling the oath I made with you!