Oath to the Dawn Event/An Old Friend

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An Old Friend

On the way to the Golden Dawn's hideout, Rashid explains to everyone about his history with Haridal, his former best friend.

Haridal: Not bad...

Haridal: But still not good enough!

Sotieth: Rashid!

Rashid: Don't worry about me! Now's your chance!

Sotieth: ...Understood. Alter Device!

Haridal: They got away...

Haridal: What was that woman wielding... A magical device? At any rate...

Kingdom Soldier: Don't let those criminals get away! After them!

Soldier: Commander, should we move out as well?

Haridal: No, it's fine. We can leave the rest to the local troops.

Haridal: We should check on the citizens. Administer first aid to any injured and reestablish order in town.

Haridal: Rashid...

Sonia: Arax Nashwa!

Rashid: Take this chance to treat the wounded! We'll move out as soon as everyone's patched up!

Sotieth: Rashid. I object to your behavior earlier. Why did you protect me from the soldier?

Rashid: No particular reason. I just did what anyone else would do- stepped in when I saw one of my comrades in danger.

Sotieth: You are mistaken. I am a weapon. It it illogical to endanger yourself yo save a tool.

Rashid: Hey, now. It's true that I rely on your powers in a pinch, but there's no need to call yourself a tool.

Rashid: It just... rubs me the wrong way.

Sotieth: I do not understand.

Rashid: Haha, you can complain to me all you want later. First we have to get ourselves out of this mess.

Rashid: We'll head for our hideout while avoiding any pursuers. What will you folks do?

Alk: We'll stick with you until these people are safe.

Light: That solider- Haridal, I believe you called him... He was quite the handful.

Rashid: Yeah, he's always been really skilled with a blade...

Nimbus: He an old friend of yours then?

Rashid: My best friend, even... We grew up together.

Rashid: Did everything together. Swore we'd one day free the borderlands.

Rashid: He and I actually formed the Golden Dawn. Built it from the ground up.

Rashid: But in the end...

Rashid: Wait, Haridal! What do you mean you're leaving the Golden Dawn?

Haridal: ...I'm not like you. I don't have the patience to stop and help every person weaker than me.

Haridal: I'll free the borderlands my way.

Rashid: ...He left without another word.

Rashid: Still, I never thought he'd end up joining the kingdom.

Rashid: Maybe I didn't know him as well as I thought I did...

Sonia: You never know. Could be he's got a reason for it.

Rashid: Could be. But none of this changes anything. I still have to forge my own path ahead.

Rashid: Do what I can to make a difference... Including patching up our wounded!

Stella: I will also help.

Rashid: Appreciate it. The sooner we finish, the sooner we can get going.

Haridal: Excuse me. May I have a moment of your time?

Lord: Oh, Haridal! Of course, of course. You come at a good time. I was just thinking of sending for you to offer a word of thanks.

Lord: I heard you spared no effort in quelling the unrest earlier.

Haridal: I simlply did my duty as a commander in service of the kingdom.

Lord: Haha, an admirable devotion to duty. If only more of my people would follow your example. Truly, you act beyond what one would expect of a commoner.

Lord: Not that there aren't naysayers. Some of them even claim your true origins to be the borderlands... I hope they haven't given you too much trouble.

Haridal: No matter how I protest, there will always be those opposed to me.

Haridal: However, I shall prove my worth through actions instead.

Haridal: My troops and I will take care of the Golden Dawn and put an end to their crimes.