Oath to the Dawn Event/A Brief Breather

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A Brief Breather

While the rest of the hideout enjoys a rowdy party, Rashid worries over the Golden Dawn's future. Meanwhile, Haridal leads an army towards their hideout.

Rashid: We made it! We're finally in the clear!

Rashid: Allow me to officially welcome you to the headquarters of the Golden Dawn,

Light: ...I see you're using the ruins themselves as a base.

Rashid: It's convenient. There's so many of them around here, and they're connected to all sorts of places by tunnels.

Rashid: Makes it real easy to move right under the kingdom's nose.

Sonia: Did you meet Sotieth in one of these ruins?

Rashid: Y-yeah, how... Ah, right. You said you had a companion who's like her, didn't you?

Rashid: At any rate, you should take this chance to kick back and relax. We can't offer much in the way of gratitude, but you're welcome to anything we have.

GD Member: Heeey, Rashid! We can crack open the food stores, yeah?

Rashid: You sure can. Get ready to stuff yourselves until you can't move!

Sonia: You know, he seems like a pretty decent guy after all.

Alk: ...I'll go see if I can pitch in somehow.

Borderlands Woman: Oh gosh, she's so PRETTY ... Hnnng...

Nimbus: ...You sure you can afford to relax like this when the kingdom's after you?

Drunk GD Member: Don't worry about it! It'll be fine! We've got the power of a god and divine protection on our side!

Rashid: Ah, don't worry about them. They're a bit on the religious side.

Borderlands People: Wooohoooo! You're something else, lady!

Nimbus: You sure love dancing anywhere and everywhere, huh?

Sonia: You know me so well. How was I? Amazing, right?

Rashid: Definitely. I wouldn't be surprised if a few people fell for you after that.

Sonia: Ahaha, you're not very good at flattery. Besides, I noticed you weren't even paying attention for most of my performance.

Rashid: Err, sorry... Just have a lot on my mind...

Rashid: With the damages he just suffered, no way the lord's going to sit tight and let us go free. I'm trying to figure out what we do from here on out...

Nimbus: You telling me you picked a fight with the whole kingdom without a PLAN? Are you crazy?

Sotieth: ...Objection. The fault is mine.

Sotieth: Many people in the Golden Dawn called for direct conflict once they learned of my combat capabilities.

Rashid: That's enough, Sotieth.

Sotieth: However, Rashid remained opposed to their plans, even when he was outvoted.

Rashid: Still, I was the one who decided to go through with their decision. The fault lies with me, not you or them.

Sotieth: Then I have a proposal. You should utilize my full capabilities as a weapon.

Rashid: I'd really rather not...

Sonia: Even though Sotieth wants you to?

Rashid: Yeah. It just doesn't sit right with me.

Sotieth: Your reasoning is illogical.

Nimbus: ...This guy needs to sort his head out.

Alk: Are you worried about them?

Nimbus: ...Before I saw what other worlds were like, I used to think that kindness was a weakness.

Nimbus: Now that might not always be the case, but this particular world's a nasty one. I know that better than anyone.

Nimbus: ...Rashid and Sotieth don't seem to know who Stella is. We should take this chance and leave as soon as we can tomorrow.

Alk: All right...

Sonia: Sotieth? What're you doing here by yourself?

Sotieth: I was observing the world.

Sonia: Huh. Sounds like something Stella would do.

Sotieth: Did you need something from me?

Sonia: Hmm... I guess a chat right now wouldn't hurt.

Sonia: I was wondering... Do you WANT to be used as a weapon and fight more?

Sotieth: ...I do not desire conflict. In truth. I am extremely uncomfortable with the thought of fighting others.

Sotieth: But I must fight to protect my Keeper.

Sonia: I figured as much. You know, he's not gonna understand if you keep asking him to treat you as a weapon.

Sonia: With thick types like him, you gotta tell him "I love you" without mincing any words!

Sotieth: ...

Sotieth: ...Huh?!

Sonia: Ahaha, you're so cute! Don't tell me you didn't recognize how you felt about him until now!

Sotieth: I-I am merely concerned about my Keeper's well-being. A weapon such as I could not possibly possess that kind of frivolous emotion-

Sonia: Oh yeah? Then I guess you wouldn't mind if I invited Rashid to dance with me later.

Sotieth: ...I would... not.

Sonia: Ahahaha! I'm totally kidding! Sorry, just wanted to get a rise out of you.

Sonia: In all seriousness though, I think you should live the way you want to live.

Sonia: You don't need to keep your hopes and dreams bottled up inside.

Sotieth: I could never...

Sonia: That's a quitter's attitude! Here, I'll tell you how you can break out of your shell.

Sotieth: I... That... You...

Sonia: Ahaha! Maybe that's too much for you at the moment.

Sonia: Just promise me you won't lie to yourself about your own feelings, okay?

Sotieth: I do not completely comprehend what you are trying to say...

Sotieth: However, I will remember it.

Soldier: Commander, preparations are finished. We're ready to depart at any time.

Haridal: Very good. All troops, move out.

Haridal: The Golden Dawn rebels have breathed their last.