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Episode 1
Bad Romance

Alk and Light stumble upon a young man surrounded by monsters. However, they soon discover that the monsters would rather play with him than attack. After rescuing him, he introduces himself as Nochel and requests to join Alk and the others.

Young Adventurer: AIIIIIEEEEE!

Young Adventurer: S-stay back! Get away from me!

Light: That's our cue, Alk! Let's move!

Alk: If you ask me, I'd say they're... playing with each other?

Young Adventurer: Oh, great! Now there's another one!

Light: Wait, I... I'm no monster!

Young Adventurer: Sorry, I didn't mean to offend!

Alk: Nah, it's our bad for misunderstanding. I'll leave you alone with... whatever it is you're doing here.

Young Adventurer: W-wait! We're not playing!

Nochel: My name is Nochel. I came to Palpebra in hopes of becoming an esteemed adventurer, but...

Nochel: Geez! Can't you see I'm trying to have a serious conversation here?!

Nochel: *sigh* As you can see, ever since I was young, monsters have taken a strange liking to me for some reason...

Nochel: They just won't leave me alone no matter what I try to do!

Alk: So... you're not in any real danger?

Nochel: Danger? I guess I wouldn't call it that, but...

Light: In that case, we won't bother you for any longer. Best of luck with your monster situation here.

Nochel: Wait, before you go! Can I, er...

Nochel: Oof. Totally missed my chance there, didn't I?

Nochel: Ngh... Thanks. We'll get 'em next time, I guess...

Nochel: Wait, no! This was all your fault in the first place!

Alk: Someone with an affinity with monsters... Now I've seen everything.

Light: I imagine it could be a trait that comes in handy, especially with some of the more—


Nochel: I'm sorry if I said something wrong, just please calm down already!

Nochel: I... I'm gonna dieeeee!

Nochel: Oh, it's you again! Please, do something about this!

Alk: Uh... It still just looks like they're playing with you.

Nochel: Playing?! It's... It's out for blood!

Alk: Out for a good time, if you ask me. Heh.

Nochel: You've gotta believe me! I'm really gonna die here!

Alk: Wait, really?

Nochel: I'm begging you!

Nochel: Phew... Thank you so much!

Alk: Sorry, we should've done something earlier.

Alk: Anyway, we'll leave you be now...

Nochel: Hold on! Don't go just yet! I could really use someone like you to help me! Pleeeeease, let me join you!

Alk: Y-you don't have to cry!

Light: Let's hear him out at least.

Nochel: R-really? No one's ever done that for me!

Nochel: Usually people are too afraid of me to stick around... Thank you so much!

Alk: That's rough, buddy.

Light: Well, we've seen our fair share of strange characters, so...

Nochel: ...So please let me travel with you. I'm sure I can be of use somehow!

Light: Put your head up, Nochel. We'd be glad to have you.

Alk: Welcome to the party!

Nochel: You mean it? Oh, thank you so much!

Nochel: ...! Get off of me already!

Episode 2
I Choose You!

Upon successfully training his monsters to leave him be, Nochel gets a taste of life free from their burden. However, he soon begins to feel lonely without them. When a thug attempts to take out his monsters, he comes to their rescue and vows to never leave them again.

Nochel: ...! I've always wanted to eat one of these!

Nochel: Oh... so delicious... I'm in heaven...

Alk: No need to be so dramatic...

Nochel: You just don't get it, Alk. I've been on my own for so long—this is all like a dream come true for me!

Alk: Your little friends don't seem too happy about it.

Nochel: Yeah, well... It's all their fault I haven't been able to live my life properly in the first place! Right?

Alk: Yeah, I guess there's such a thing as TOO much love, huh?

Alk: But any healthy relationship needs to have some clear boundaries set, right? Like, who's in charge here, exactly?

Nochel: Are you saying I should train them? Like how to sit and stuff?

Alk: Yeah, something like that! I'll bet even a monster could learn a thing or two about obedience.

Nochel: You really think so?

Nochel: Okay... Now when I say stay, don't move. Got it?

Nochel: No! Staaaay. Stay!

Nochel: Good. Now—next corner.

Alk: Is it coming?

Nochel: All right! Thank you! It really worked, Alk!

Nochel: Wow... I never thought I'd be able to just take it easy like this. What a life, am I right?

Alk: Up for another day out? I was thinking of swinging by that one restaurant again...

Nochel: I'd be more than glad to accompany you!

Nochel: Mmm, mmm! It's absolutely DECADENT!

Nochel: Here, you guys have some—

Alk: What's up?

Nochel: Oh, um, nothing...

Nochel: I could just leave them, you know?

Nochel: It's funny, actually... For so long all I ever wanted was for them to get off my back.

Nochel: And now that they are, I...

Nochel: Wait, who's that?

Nochel: Stop right there!

Nochel: Please let them go! I can vouch for them!

Canid Thug: Vouch for them? What, don't tell me you actually own these things!

Canid Thug: You blind or something? These are MONSTERS, ya know.

Nochel: Y-yes, I know that, but... They're my friends!

Canid Thug: Friends with monsters, eh? You some sorta villain-in-training or somethin'?

Light: Wait just a second!

Light: He's no villain. And these monsters do not pose a threat to anyone. Understood?

Canid Thug: Light? Tch... Makes sense you would associate with these characters.

Canid Thug: I always knew you were one of 'em...

Canid Thug: Looks like I was worried for nothin'. You'd best watch where you bounce next, rabbit.

Light: What's that supposed to mean?!

Nochel: Light...

Light: Well done, Nochel.

Nochel: Sorry, you guys... I'll never leave you alone again!

Nochel: Ahaha! Stop that, you're tickling me!

Nochel: Aha... ha... Ow. Ouch! H-hey! You're hurting me! What, are you mad at me or something?