Nimbus (Holiday)/Stories

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Episode 1
The White-Tailed Reindeer

While incapacitated after a night of drinking, Nimbus is dressed up in a new outfit for the holidays. After being thoroughly scolded for not doing chores by an angry Alk, Nimbus is forced to do some actual work for once. Later, he meets Claw and Albert, and ropes Albert into helping him with his work, so he can finish early and go out for drinks.

Nimbus: Gah... My head won't stop pounding...

Nimbus: Doing a bit of stargazing might actually sober me up...

Light: Oh, not again! How many times is he going to do this?!

Alk: He said he was keeping other adventurers company during the holiday festivities...

Light: That's EXACTLY what he said during the anniversary celebration as well!

Alk: That he did.

Alk: But hey, it's Nimbus. What can you do?

???: Huh? The hell am I? The infirmary?

???: Those two really don't know the meaning of "let sleeping tigers lie." What a pain...

???: What the- what's that awful jingling noise?

Nimbus: Wait, what?

Nimbus: HUH?!


Nimbus: Alk! You mind telling me what this is all about?!

Alk: Oh.

Nimbus: Just "oh" ain't gonna cut it! Explain yourself- and don't even try denying it, I know it was you!

Challua: Actually, Challua helped too!

Nimbus: You WHAT?

Stella: Nimbus.

Stella: There, that's much better.

Nimbus: What am I, a tree? Don't decorate me! No more ornaments, all right?!

Light: Now, now Nimbus. Remember it was your own shameful behavior that landed you in this position!

Alk: All right, no more beating around the bush-

Alk: Nimbus the white-tailed reindeer, won't you work for us tonight?

Nimbus: Say what?

Alk: Work! You know, labor?

Alk: Like how you promised you'd help us around the house with chores and whatever? Except you went off drinking the whole time.

Alk: It's like that, but this time without the slacking off! We've got the perfect job lined up for you during the holidays!

Alk: Sounds good, huh? Doesn't it?

Nimbus: F-fine. I'll do it, so just... calm the hell down. You're scarin' me.

Challua: Yay! Work, work, work!

Claw: *wheeze*

Albert: Th-that's enough, Claudius! It would be disrespectful to laugh at him any further.

Claw: Pfft, no way! Are you kidding me? Look at him!

Claw: But, no seriously... Are you supposed to be a reindeer? Or Santa? It's like you couldn't make up your mind! Bwahaha!

Nimbus: I don't even know what I'm supposed to be! So shut your damn mouth!

Nimbus: GAH! You no-good brats, get the hell away from me! Hands off the tail!

Nimbus: What are you two even doing here anyway? You got time to waste faffing about in Palpebra?

Claw: Not at all. This IS work! Festivals like this bring out all sorts of interesting folks- the sort that we'd want to keep an eye on, if you catch my drift.

Claw: Buuut, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking to party it up too! Heh.

Challua: Claw! The tree is very beautiful!

Claw: Ooh! I'll go and give it a look- see right away!

Nimbus: ...Trouble afoot again?

Albert: Oh, just the usual. That being said, Claudius has been a bit apprehensive lately. He's likely concerned about the former chief.

Albert: Were we still in the midst of a heated rebellion, I would hardly pay this matter any head... But the revolution is over, and we must work to maintain the peace.

Albert: That will entail improving our relations with the aforementioned deposed chief... A time-consuming affair, no doubt.

Nimbus: What about the king of yours? The chunky one?

Albert: There's nothing to be said. I have no love for the man.

Nimbus: Heh. It's easier that way, ain't it.

Nimbus: Okay, enough of this... Albert!

Nimbus: You're gonna help me out/ Then you, me, and that chatty panther are going out for a drink.

Nimbus: And while we're at it, we're gonna eat some proper food. You ever try roasted salamander?

Albert: How could I ever turn down an invitation from Lord Whitetail himself?

Nimbus: Yeah, yeah. Cut it with the formalities. You were laughing earlier too.

Albert: My dear lady... Could I trouble you for a moment of your time?

Nimbus: Hey, you. Guild's offering new Adventurer's Insurance. Need some? Too bad, you're signing up. Don't worry, there's no up-front fees.

Episode 2
Good King Whitetail

Going along with Claw's plan, Nimbus- acting in an official capacity as Lord Whitetail- hands out presents to beastfolk. The dull ceremony isn't to his liking, however, so he changes into his holiday grab and starts a livelier party. Later, Nimbus meets Claw's grandfather and receives a necklace made of fangs from him, promising the old man to one day give it to the "real" Selenius.

Nimbus: ...Season's greetings.

Catfolk Youth: Th-thank you so much!

Claw: NEXT.

Nimbus: Happy... Holidays...

Burly Canid: Lord Whitetail! I am humbled and grateful to be in your presence...

Nimbus: Say, Claw... Don't you think this is a bit... messed up?

Claw: Huh? Whaddya mean? I DID have to improvise in a few places, but it should be no biggie! Just think about it:

Claw: The original festival is about a celebrated old guy giving out presents, yeah? People respect you, so I figured you'd be the best person to do the gifting.

Nimbus: Uh-huh. Well, it's depressing. God dammit. This must be why Alk insisted I take that stuff with me.

Nimbus: *sigh* Hold on.

???: Sorry for the wait...

Claw: What a minute, what-

Claw: What are you DOING, bro? You can't just go and put on your strange reindeer Santa outfit! People are gonna freak out!

Nimbus: Can it. This is a hundred times better than the weird gloomy ceremony you came up with!

Nimbus: All right, everyone, drink up! Eat up! And no more bowing and groveling. It's weird.

Nimbus: This place has the vibe of a funeral. Let's get those energy levels up and have ourselves a celebration!

Nimbus: Happy freakin' holidays!

Catfolk & Dogfolk Youths: I-in that case, I will have some of this food, Lord Whitetail.

Nimbus: I told you, I ain't no lord!! And I'm not Whitetail-

Nimbus: I'm SANTA, damn it!

Claw: Um, bro... Did you already pour yourself a strong one before this, or what? Your nose is all red.

Albert: I can imagine it would be difficult to do something like this sober.

Claw: *sigh* I just wanted to add on to the Legend of Whitetail, you know? Write a new, grand chapter- something to go down in history!

Albert: Frankly, I'm surprised at you, Claudius. You should have known Lord Nimbus was never going to behave in a stiff ceremony like this.

Claw: Yeah, not sure what I was thinking.

Claw: Oh man, this party is really getting wild. So much for the reverent, respectful event I envisioned!

Nimbus: Pfft, reverence, shmeverence... Spare me the formal crap!

Claw: Bro... Are you sure you haven't had a but much to drink? I really don't want Light to go off on me again...

Feline Shaman: Um...

Feline Shaman: Excuse me, could we please try some of this food?

Nimbus: Huh? Yeah, sure, take whatever you like.

Feline Shaman: Thanks. By the way, Mister, are you actually Whitetail?

Nimbus: I'm no "mister", and I'm sure as hell not Whitetail. I'm SANTA, kid! You got that?

Claw: More like a weird Santa/reindeer/tiger hybrid, but okay.

Feline Shaman: Oh man. That guy's wasted...

Canid Page: Y-you idiot! You can't say something like that! Isn't he like some sort of catfolk royalty?!

Feline Shaman: Yeah, but like... I can't keep up with people who party that hard, you know?

Nimbus: Damn, kids these days are cheeky. Were you like that when you were a cub, Claw? I feel like you were.

Claw: Uh, no way! I was a way more charming, loveable, and all-around adorable kid! Heh.

Albert: High praise for yourself, eh. Might I suggest adding "humble" to that list?

Nimbus: Hard to believe that their people were at war not too long ago...

Nimbus: It's amazing. Everything you guys did... is freaking amazing!

Claw: Oh boy. You know nimbus has had a few too many drinks when he starts complimenting other people!

Nimbus: Shut up! Come on, at least let me say that much.

Nimbus: Hey. Long time no see.

Claw's Grandfather: Why exactly are you wearing that preposterous outfit?

Nimbus: ...It's complicated.

Claw's Grandfather: So? What is it you want from me?

Nimbus: Nothing, really. Just came by to see if you were still causin' trouble for Claw, that's all.

Claw's Grandfather: And what exactly could I possibly do, in my current state? You took everything away from me!

Nimbus: All right. If you haven't been doing anything, I suppose that's all I have to say. Sorry to waste your time.

Claw's Grandfather: Wait.

Nimbus: A necklace made of fangs.

Claw's Grandfather: Listen here, imposter who dares to wear the name Whitetail. I have a favor to ask of you. You said you were on a journey, yes?

Claw's Grandfather: If you were to ever come across Lord Selenius on your travels... Please give him this.

Claw's Grandfather: And tell him...

Claw's Grandfather: That I greatly regret I could no be by his side.

Nimbus: ...All right.

Nimbus: I'll let him know. I promise.

Episode 3
The Promise

While selling insurance for the Guild, Nimbus is propositioned by an arrogant young boy named Nick who wants Nimbus to kidnap him. While Nimbus is away, Nick is actually kidnapped by another group. Nimbus rescuers the boy, who is upset that his real dad didn't help him/ Nimbus gives some vague words of consolation and makes a promise to the boy/ The two then departs for Starview Village.

Young Whitetail: Father... Grandpa... Anybody?

Young Whitetail: Father...

???: ...But not a single person answered my cries for help.

???: At least, not until I met him.

Nimbus: Hey there, buddy. What's the deal? Can't even look me in the eyes? What are you skittering off to?

Adventurer: I, uh, Nimbus... Um... I just... I really don't need insurance right now! I don't have any money!

Nimbus: You idiot! It's exactly people like you who don't have their act together that need insurance MOST!

Nimbus: Look here. We're running a promotion- zero enrollment fees if you start now. Plus, we'll recommend you other adventurers to pair up with. It's a great deal. You'll love it.

Pur Lilie: We're well on our way to meeting our quota, and it's all thanks to Nimbus! We're one step closer to ensuring all adventurers in Palpebra are well looked-after!

Pur Lilie: Keep up the pace! We're counting on you!

Alk: Yeah, Nimbus, good job!

Arrogant Boy: Hey, you. Beastman.

Nimbus: Scuse me?

Arrogant Boy: Ooh. I was worried at first, since your clothes are so weird and cheerful, but that mean-looking scowl really sold me.

Arrogant Boy: You're perfect for the job! Okay: I hereby give you permission to kidnap me!

Arrogant Boy: How dare you! I didn't say you could toss me like that!

Nimbus: I'm on the job, kid. Bug off.

Arrogant Boy: Uh-huh... So you're struggling for money, eh? Then our interest are perfectly aligned!

Arrogant Boy: Kidnap me! You know, for a ransom! I'm the son of a very wealthy and powerful merchant affiliated with the Guild.

Arrogant Boy: W-wait a minute! Put me down! LISTEN, damn you! I'm not talking about a real kidnapping here!

Arrogant Boy: I'm talking about staging it! It'll be a bug ruse!

Nimbus: And for what exactly?

Arrogant Boy: What do you mean "for what"? Isn't it obvious? To get back at my dad, duh!

Arrogant Boy: He's a grade-A scumbag! If you only knew the terrible things he's done to people... He's got more enemies than I can count.

Arrogant Boy: And ever since mom left, the house has been empty. He never comes home- he's always "working"...

Nimbus: Scamming people out of their money, huh? I wonder where you learned that tactic.

Arrogant Boy: I... But, he...

Nimbus: *sigh* What's your name, kid?

Nick: Huh? My name is Nick...

Nimbus: Listen here, Nick. There are plenty other ways to hit your dad where it hurts.

Nimbus: If you're set on going through with this, at least let me teach you a better way to do it. How's that sound?

Nick: O-okay! Yeah, please teach me!

Nimbus: Tch... I guess I've gotta get Alk involved in this mess too.

Nick: Hey, mister... You never told me your name!

Nimbus: Hmm? It's Nimbus.

Nick: Nimbus? Like the cloud? That's actually kind of cute, haha!

Nimbus: Oy, shut the hell up! Hey, Alk.

Nimbus: Kid? Where'd he go?

???: Three days have passed since I last saw the brat.

Light: Still no leads of any kind. It's hard to believe that his family hasn't put out any sort of information about his disappearance. Isn't that odd?

Alk: Very. I suppose the big shots at the Guild want to keep things on the down-low? They've got lots to hide, no doubt.

Light: Where's Nimbus?

Alk: He's been outside the whole time. Says he should be able to catch the boy's scent. His nose is rarely wrong...

Light: Is that so...

Hooded Man: I've got bad news for you, kid. Daddy doesn't seem to want to pay up!

Hooded Man: Don't worry, though. You're no use to us dead. We'll find a way to wring some money out of you.

Hooded Man: What? No waterworks like before? Heh.

Nick: Dad...

Nimbus: I knew I smelled something rotten this way.

Nimbus: End of the line, scumbags!

Kidnapper: Gaaah!

Nick: N-Nimbus? Is that you?

Nimbus: It is. Happy holidays, Nick.

Nick: My dad... didn't come...

Nimbus: That's right.

Nimbus: You know, I consider myself to be lucky.

Nimbus: Lucky that nobody came for me. I was all alone too, stranded there in the desert. I really though I was done for.

Nimbus: But you know what? I found a new home, made new friends- hell, I even found you in time. I might be the luckiest damn person that's ever lived.

Nimbus: And I'm gonna make sure that you can say the same thing one day. You can count on that.

Nick: I... don't get it...

Nimbus: And you don't have to. Don't mind me, I'm just talking to myself.

Nimbus: All right, you remember when I told you I'd show you how to get back at your old man? I know just how to do it.

Nimbus: I'm taking you to this one village you can see the stars. It's filled with the absolute craziest bunch of people you've ever seen. They'll teach you what to do.

Nimbus: I promise.

Nick: Okay...