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Episode 1

Nimbus joins the party, but hasn't fully found his place. After Stella invites him to try Alk's homemade cooking, he shyly complies—in secret. Light catches him, and voices that Nimbus is less aloof than he pretends.

Alk: All right, who's hungry? For dinner, we've got chicken marinated in tomato sauce.

Light: Ooh! Another mouth-watering meal— and fancier than our usual fare.

Alk: Having access to Palpebra now makes it easy to buy all sorts of ingredients. It's nice having so many options!

Stella: Wait... Where is the tiger man—Nimbus?

Alk: Oh... He said he wasn't hungry.

Light: A lot happened. He has plenty of food for thought; give him time to stomach that first.

Stella: His stomach requires physical meals.

Alk: Hmm... I saw him eating some fruit earlier. You know, the really sour ones that grow around town?

Nimbus: To think that whole damn desert is just a puny little dot in the sky now...

Nimbus: And I'm... from one of those dots? Hmph, what's it even matter though? Not like I can call it "home."

Stella: Nimbus?

Nimbus: Oh, uh... Stella, was it? What do you want?

Stella: I brought you this. Here.

Nimbus: What? Oh, food? I already SAID I'm not—

Nimbus: Sigh. All right. Guess I could eat it...

Nimbus: NMPHH?!

Nimbus: ...The HELL is this?!

Nimbus: Didn't taste test it, did you? Try it.

Stella: ...Mmph?!

Nimbus: Hah! Serves you right.

Stella: I read that cooking fruit makes it sweeter. I wonder why it didn't work?

Nimbus: ...Fruit? Wait, that—that black lump of charcoal was FRUIT? You've gotta be kidding...

Stella: Yes. Please disregard it. Alk made dinner, so please eat that instead.

Nimbus: Huh?

Stella: Alk is a phenomenal cook. Please be assured, he doesn't make mistakes like this.

Nimbus: I already said I—

Stella: Alk is a PHENOMENAL cook. You should try his food!

Nimbus: ...Tch. I'm not REALLY doin' this, am I? Here goes nothing...

Nimbus: Actually, it's not bad...

Nimbus: This is REALLY good!

Light: What are you doing? Skulking around in the dark like that...

Light: If you were hungry, you could have eaten supper with everyone else.

Nimbus: I-It's not like I'm eatin' it cause I want to. That girl—Stella—she made me do it!

Light: Oh? My mistake, then. From the way you were gobbling everything down, it looked like you were enjoying yourself.

Nimbus: ...All right, you got me. Food like this was hard to come by in the desert.

Nimbus: It's just... I don't know. Home-made meals and a warm bed? That's not the kinda life I'm used to livin'.

Nimbus: I heard you used to be a hell of a warrior yourself... Don't you ever get restless playin' house with those two?

Nimbus: Are you really going off on their little adventure? Who knows what could happen to you—to them.

Light: ...Well, I have you to watch my back, do I not?

Nimbus: Hah, you're joking, right? I've got no reason to stick my neck out for you. If the goin gets tough, you're on your own.

Light: No, I believe you'll help.

Light: Would your pride allow you to abandon an ally in need? No, I think not.

Light: I'm trusting you with those two, Nimbus.

Nimbus: ...Tch. Speak for yourself.

Episode 2
Anchors Aweigh

Out at sea, Alk strikes up a chat about fish until a big catch reels him away. Marina swoops in to offer Nimbus a place in her crew, but he declines. In a quiet moment, he reminisces on his late friend Rolan.

Nimbus: ...Ugh. I can't get used to the floor swaying.

Nimbus: Hah... There's nothing to do. No pirates to fend off. No monsters to take down.

Alk: You're making it sound like you WANT something to attack us.

Nimbus: Yeah, I could go for a good brawl. So much for the high seas being full of danger and excitement... It's too quiet.

Alk: Oh, c'mon. It's nice having a little peace and quiet. If you're bored, you can come fish with me.

Alk: I bet you're a big fan of fish, right?

Nimbus: Huh? Why would I be?

Alk: I dunno. Cats like fish, so I thought maybe you would too.

Nimbus: I'm a TIGER, not a cat... Besides, the desert isn't exactly known for its seafood. I don't have much of an opinion on it.

Alk: That means you don't DISLIKE fish, though, right? Let's catch a whole bunch, then! You've got a whole ocean try!

Nimbus: I can't eat THAT much...

Nimbus: But... Heh, you're in a good mood. What's got you so fired up?

Alk: Haha, I still can't believe Marina offered me a job as chief steward. That's pretty big praise!

Nimbus: You sure you don't want to take her up on it? Takin' over the galley wouldn't be a bad gig for you.

Nimbus: Wouldn't you be better off gutting fish than baddies? No risk of getting gutted yourself.

Alk: I DID get banged up pretty bad earlier, huh? Thanks for looking after me.

Nimbus: I didn't look after you at all.

Alk: Stella said you were pretty worried about me though?

Nimbus: Stella, that—Hmph...

Alk: Well, I'm all right now, and that's what counts. Next time, I'll be sure to ask you if I need help, so...

Alk: You don't need to worry about me, okay?

Nimbus: I wasn't WORRIED about you or anything, just... Oh, whatever. Suit yourself.

Alk: Reeeally now? You can act tough, but I know you're just a big worrywar—

Alk: WHOA?! Th-there's something on the line! It feels like a big one!

Alk: Phew! ...Huh? Oh... Oh, WOW, Nimbus look! It's HUGE!

Alk: I bet it'll make great soup! That'd be easy on the people with hangovers too! I'll go get this guy drained and ready!

Nimbus: Man, he sure is enjoin' himself...

Marina: Ooh, is that—could it be? Do I see a SMILE? Cute little convo you had there, matey!

Nimbus: Q-quit flyin' in outta nowhere like that!

Marina: Ahaha! Gotta keep you landlubbers on yer toes.

Marina: Aaanywho, so like, you got any plans for the future? You know, aside from bein' a big fat softie?

Nimbus: A big fat WHAT, now?

Marina: Relaaax. Okay, so like, I was thinking you'd TOTALLY make a great pirate, huh? Y'know, once you get yer sea legs.

Marina: ALSO, there are other beastfolk here and stuff? You'd be right at home.

Nimbus: Hah! Nice try. Sorry, but I'm not interested.

Marina: Oh? Why not?

Nimbus: Our cook's better than yours.

Marina: Ahaha! You've got me there!

Marina: Don't worry, I'm not that serious about the recruiting stuff, but hey—I'm a pirate, matey! I say what I want!

Marina: You should try it. Like, quit the macho lone-wolf act and be honest with yourself—and yer crew!

Nimbus: Oh, shut it. ...If you want some of Alk's fish, you'd better get a move on.

Marina: Oh yeah! That thing was HUUUGE! Winner winner fishie dinner!

Nimbus: Never a quiet moment with these guys... What do you think of 'em, Rolan?

Nimbus: Ocean as far as the eye can see. Wish you could've seen it too...

Episode 3

Nimbus recollects his days as the Hellcat of the Dunes and his first meeting with Rolan. Inspired by memories of a roasted salamander they shared, Nimbus recreates the dish for his new friends.

Rugged Man: Get up, freak! Time for work!

Rugged Man: You should be GRATEFUL. You've got special opponents today. Should be more fun than monsters. Lucky you!

Rugged Man: Sounds like the lord himself is gonna be watching, so you better put up a DAMN GOOD FIGHT, got it?


Beastman: GRRAAAAH!

Rugged Man: Milord, you can't— That's a man-eating beast!

Young Lord: SILENCE! I came to speak with him, not YOU. Leave us!

Young Lord: So you're the Hellcat of the Dunes. Nice to finally meet you!

Beastman: ...The hell do you want?

Young Lord: Ooh, you really can speak! I had a hunch you could!

Rolan: Ah, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Rolan! The king appointed me as lord of this domain.

Rolan: What's your name?

Beastman: ...Don't have one. Just call me whatever.

Rolan: Okay! You're white and fluffy like a cloud, so let's go with Nimbus!

Beastman: Nim...bus?

Rolan: Hey, YOU'RE the one who said I could call you whatever I want... Anyways, I wanted to ask you something.

Rolan: Why did you spare your opponents?

Beastman: Why? 'Cause I'm not gonna play along with something like that.

Rolan: Oh?

Beastman: I wanted to see the scum up at the top sweat. See 'em squirm in their seats. That's all...

Rolan: Bahaha! What a sourpuss! You've got a sharp tongue, huh?

Rolan: Nimbus, how about you come with me?

Rolan: There are plenty of pompous fools out there in need of reality checks! What do you say? You don't belong in a cage!

Beastman: Heh. Hahaha! Go play hero somewhere else, kid.

Beastman: Doesn't make a difference whether I'm in a cage here or some brat's playroom... I'm not gonna be your widdle kitty cat.

Rolan: Widdle... Oh, please.

Rolan: Y'know, for a warrior that took down three foes at once, you're a big scaredy-cat.

Beastman: Scaredy-cat?! What would YOU know?!

Rolan: I said you don't belong in a cage! Don't you wanna see the world? Door's open—the rest is on you.

Rolan: What are you afraid of? You could lop my head off with the flick of a paw if you wanted. Come on out!

Beastman: Fine, you're on... But you better not forget those words!

Rolan: ...You're not getting away! Nimbus! It went that way!

Rolan: Ooh, nice one, Nimbus! I'll trade you for it! How's an IOU for thirty minutes of grooming from yours truly sound?

Nimbus: Brush your OWN hair. I'll keep my nice, juicy salamander.

Nimbus: Don't you have a meeting with the borderland reps soon? You sure you've got time to goof off here?

Rolan: Thaff's why I'mph—

Nimbus: All right, all right, finish chewing first!

Rolan: ...Gulp. I can't head out to a big important meeting on an empty stomach!

Rolan: It's plain as day who would win in a fight, so I have to keep them from butting heads with the crown!

Nimbus: ...Who would've thought the lord himself was conspiring with rebels. Imagine the looks on the other nobles' faces if they knew.

Rolan: I'm not "conspiring." It's my JOB to keep things here under control!

Rolan: Mark my words, Nimbus. Someday, my dreams—OUR dreams—will come true. We'll knock those jerks off their high horses!

Rolan: And then, once I figure out where the legendary village of stars is, we should be able to find your hom—

Nimbus: That old bedtime story of yours? Here we go again... You read too many fairy tales.

Rolan: The village of stars is REAL!

Alk: Wh-what is this?

Nimbus: Roasted salamander. Eat up!

Light: ...I-If you insist.

Light: ...Oh? Mmm?! I never would have thought salamander tasted like this.

Alk: Same... It sure is spicy, but it's not bad.

Stella: It tastes wonderful, Nimbus.

Nimbus: I was just remembering how I used to make this back in the desert. ...All I really did was roast it, though.

Stella: Cooking at high temperatures requires considerable skill.

Alk: So this is what you went off to the desert for... Were you okay out there on your own?

Nimbus: Course I was. I can take care of myself. Besides, despite everything, I have plenty of good memories there too...

Nimbus: Ahh. This stuff really hits the spot...