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Episode 1
Professor Perfect's Score

Alk and the others find Nicola, a renowned professor at Voluntas Academy, in the middle of failing an experiment. In exchange for their help maintaining her image, she offers to assist them in the Kaleidoscope.

Dignified Professor: ...And thus, depending on its application, even the smallest of elemental power can greatly enhance the effects of a spell.

Dignified Professor: That concludes today's lesson. Please make sure to submit your research on time.

Nerdy Student: Professor Nicola, I was wondering about the effects elemental force fields could have on casters, and...

Spellbound Student: Ah, Professor Nicola really is wonderful... We truly are blessed to have such a gorgeous and brilliant instructor...

Drooling Student: I do love a woman who can dish out knowledge AND discipline. Ah, what I wouldn't do for a private lesson...

Nicola: Magic isn't something mastered in a single day. Just remember to stay diligent in your studies. Now then, if you'll excuse me.

Light: So this is Professor Nicola's lab?

Alk: Rumor has it she's one of the best magic professors at this school. The students really seem to be fond of her too.

Alk: Guild delivery for Ms. Nicola! Is anybody home?

Nicola: *cough* *hack* Ptooey! Ngh... Why didn't it work?

Nicola: EEEEEUGH! Wh-who are you people? How did you get in here without permission?

Alk: Oh, uh, sorry about that. We thought you might've been in danger, so...

Nicola: Seriously? After all the soundproofing and wall reinforcing I added so people wouldn't come in here...

Stella: Are you... Professor Nicola?

Nicola: ...Er, nope! Never heard of her!

Nicola: ...Well, it was worth a shot. Please... I'm begging you... Don't tell anyone about this mess!

Alk: Oh, so the explosion was from a failed magic experiment?

Nicola: Ngh... It's not my fault I was haphazardly chosen to replace a teacher who got hospitalized...

Light: If you aren't careful, you might just be next...

Nicola: Shut your face! I'm just... no good when it comes to experiments!

Nicola: And how am I supposed to cast spells while simultaneously observing them and recording data and ensuring safety precautions all at the same time?!

Nicola: I've only got two hands and two eyes! And they expect one teacher to teach an entire class of students to do this stuff?

Light: Then... why don't you simply ask another teacher for help?

Nicola: Are you crazy? The public persona I've worked so hard to build would be shattered!

Stella: Your public persona?

Nicola: I know it's all fake, but... It feels good to have people look up to and respect you, you know?

Nicola: Now everyone expects me to be the perfect teacher everywhere I go- I can't disappoint them now...

Stella: We'll help.

Alk: Well, now that we know your whole... situation here, we'd be glad to help you out. I'm sure we can do something about all this.

Nicola: Perhaps, yes, but... This is my job, and it's my responsibility to do something about it!

Alk: Just think of it as an added insurance service of your delivery.

Alk: If your next experiment blows up on us, that puts your delivery at risk- and Lilie's definitely not gonna like the sound of that.

Nicola: I'm not sure how I feel about the assumption that my next experiment will explode, but...

Nicola: ...Fine. I suppose for this time around I'll employ your help.

Nicola: While combining separate elements together like this, the effects are often greater than the sum of their parts.

Nicola: Elemental synthesis can be very dangerous if you're not careful- one slipup can lead to a deadly explosion.

Nicola: Just like that. See?

Alk: Phew... I'm just glad we made it through all that in one piece.

Nicola: Of course! And it's all thanks to your help!

Chariman: Ah, Professor Nicola! I just came by to let you know what a wonderful job you've been doing.

Chairman: To think I was worried when we heard Professor Robert's hospitalization had been extended! I can rest easy knowing his students are in your capable hands!

Nicola: ...Extended?

Chairman: We'll be counting on you from now on! Hahaha!

Nicola: The jig is up... I can't do this anymore!

Alk: Um... We could help you out again if you'd like.

Nicola: Would you?!

Nicola: *ahem* I mean, I really appreciate the offer, but it would be terribly rude to continue relying on you guys.

Alk: Then how about you help us out as well? We can help each other.

Nicola: You want me to lead you in the Kaleidoscope as a teacher?

Alk: Er, not exactly, but yeah. Something like that.

Nicola: Understood. I think we have ourselves a deal then, don't we?

Alk: Sounds like it! Just try not to blow yourself up again before then.

Nicola: You don't have to tell me twice!

Episode 2
Professor Perfect's Helpers

Nicola accidentally destroys the precious catalysts she needs for a presentation in three days. With Alk's help, they're able to obtain the catalysts for her by the way of the World Flipper.

Alk: Guild delivery for Ms. Nicola! You in there, or-

Alk: Are you okay?!

Nicola: *cough* *hack* Yeah, nothing I haven't seen before...

Alk: Another failure, huh?

Nicola: Failure? N-not this time...

Nicola: I mean, you can't make an omelet without cracking a few eggs, am I right?!

Alk: I suppose that's true, but at this rate I'm worried that you're gonna hurt yourself one of these days...

Nicola: No need to worry about that- I always make sure to cast protective magic on myself before every experiment!

Nicola: And on my precious notes as well, as you can see-

Nicola: Wait... No... You're kidding me!


Light: All of my preparations for the open campus happening in three days... gone... just like that...

Nicola: Heh. Hehehe... It's really over this time, isn't it? Ahh... I suppose it was all bound to come crashing down on me one day.

Alk: Couldn't you just prepare for it again?

Nicola: Would you like to know how many days it took me to stabilize the catalysts?

Alk: Ah... Sorry for asking.

Nicola: But you're right. I still need to try and do SOMETHING about this, I suppose.

Nicola: Okay! It's not totally over... yet!

Nicola: Having you here always gives me the bit of perspective I need. Thanks.

Nicola: But what am I gonna do about those catalysts? It'll be a nightmare finding new ones in time.

Stella: I think we can do something about that.

Alk: Yeah, it'll be faster if we all work together.

Nicola: Now hold on a second!

Nicola: I mean... I'm glad you two wish to help, really.

Nicola: But it was completely my failure this time.

Nicola: It would be wrong of me to take advantage of your generosity like this.

Stella: Will you make it on time for the open campus?

Nicola: Er... Probably not, to be honest.

Nicola: B-but you've already helped me before! I can't keep relying on you forever!

Alk: You'll be able to pay us back in time, I'm sure.

Nicola: ...Fine. This is hardly the time to be turning down help.

Nicola: Our institute has been researching the correlation between mana and elements at a higher level.

Nicola: This information will prove useful for adventurers too- this research will improve mana efficiency for spellcasters around the world.

Alk: Neat... I don't know much about magic, but I'm really interested in learning more about this!

Stella: Yes. And it was very easy to understand.

Light: The other students took great interest in your lecture as well.

Nicola: Thank you... I couldn't have done it without your help.

Nicola: Who would've guessed that the catalysts I needed could be so easily obtained on other worlds?

Alk: Yeah, Shroombo and the others really came through for us.

Light: I must give my thanks to Lord Regitare for his guidance as well.

Nicola: I really do owe you all a great deal for this.

Nicola: And I think I've finally come to understand the importance of relying on others.

Nicola: Until now, I'd always been so focused on creating a perfect image for myself, by myself.

Alk: That's great and all, but...

Alk: I think it's great we were able to help contribute to your class more than anything.

Nicola: Hehe. I can't argue with you there, Alk.

Nicola: I'll try to be a little more open-minded about asking others for help in the future.

Episode 3
Professor Perfect's Guidance

In order to make up for always relying on Alk and the others, Nicola joins them in the Kaleidoscope, lending Alk and Nimbus her knowledge to help improve their synergy.

Alk: Sheesh, what a mess. Another exploded experiment, I'm assuming?

Nicola: Who's there?! Oh. Welcome, Alk!

Alk: Hold on a second... There's no debris.

Alk: So this is just... a regular old mess?

Nicola: No, er, this is just... You see, I have this big report due soon and so I've been too focused on my work to notice any sort of mess you speak of.

Nicola: Although you'd sure be doing me a solid by helping me clean all this up though... Just kidding. Unless...

Alk: I feel like you've actually started to regress since we first met.

Nicola: N-not at all! I j-just learned how to depend on others, remember? This is character development!

Alk: What kind of character arc is this supposed to be?!

Alk: I can't be there to clean up your messes every time, you know.

Nicola: No, Alk! I'd be totally helpless here without you!

Nicola: Oh, I totally forgot! I still need to pay you back, right?

Nicola: Planning a trip to the Kaleidoscope anytime soon? You'll need an intelligent and charming professor to lead the way, right?

Nicola: See? This way both parties win. Right? ... Right?

Alk: ...And so joining us today will be Professor Nicola.

Nimbus: I mean, I'm good with that, but why now all of a sudden?

Nicola: B-because you'll need my magical knowledge and, er, guidance along the way, of course! You know what they say: knowledge is power! Right?

Nicola: I'll show you what I can do soon enough, so let's get a move on!

Nicola: Yes, yes... You two are the real deal, aren't you?

Nicola: Especially you, Nimbus! But if you could just pay a but more attention to your surroundings, you'd get an A+.

Nimbus: My surroundings?

Nicola: Just a minor thing to note- occasionally your movements clash with Alk's.

Nimbus: Yeah, well, I've been fighin' on my own for a long time now. Old habits die hard.

Nicola: Oh, of course! No need to change immediately, but just even having that awareness in the back of your mind can make a huge difference!

Nicola: And you, Alk, should be more loss with your movement!

Nicola: It's important to follow others in the flow of battle, but if you're too rigid in your movement you'll never reach your full potential.

Alk: Too rigid, you say?

Nicola: Right! Sometimes it's best to let others take charge- just like me!

Alk: Um, okay! If you say so!

Nicola: Wonderful! You two truly are impressive- you were able to adapt to my advice almost immediately!

Nimbus: Nah, that could've been better. Let's try a few more formations.

Alk: You got it! I'll move to the front line this time.

Light: Is it just me, or were both of you looking a lot more in sync today?

Alk: No, yeah, I think I felt it too!

Nicola: Hehe. You two both get an A+ for your efforts today!

Nicola: You two learned something worthwhile, and more importantly, I was once again able to maintain my image!

Alk: It hasn't even been a week! What the heck happened here?!

Nicola: S-sorry...

Alk: Yeah, well... I guess I should've seen this coming.

Nicola: Um... Since you're here, do you think you could...

Alk: Yeah, yeah. You've still got work to do, don't you? Let me handle the cleaning.

Nicola: You're a lifesaver, Alk!

Nicola: Ngh... *sigh*

Alk: How's your work coming along?

Nicola: Well, thanks to your help, I actually managed to get it done early!

Nicola: And whoa! I... I can actually see the floor again!

Alk: Yup. Cleaning's basically done. I've made some food for you too!

Nicola: What did I ever do to deserve you?

Alk: I mean, it's just a snack.

Nicola: You're an angel, Alk. Thank you.

Nicola: Ah, I wish you'd come and cook for me every day...

Alk: Yeah, I know. But you'd better finish up soon if you want to get your work done on time.

Nicola: Hehe... Yes, sir!

Nicola: Just remember, Alk... My office hours are always open for you!

Alk: What's that supposed to mean?!