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Episode 1

Stella awakens a mysterious girl deep in the ruins. Taken aback by how robotic she is, Alk and co. resolve to bring her back to Starview so she can lead her own life.

Stella: It's true. There IS another level.

Alk: Whoa... Who would've thought that under ruins, there'd be MORE ruins? How'd you even find this place, Nimbus?

Nimbus: By chance, when I was escaping with Nadir. Saw it through a huge crack in the floor.

Nimbus: Anyways, I'd heard rumors about this place. From Rolan.

Alk: What kind of rumors?

Nimbus: There's supposed to be a weapon in here—powerful enough to overthrow the whole kingdom. Rebels from the borderlands have been itchin' to get their hands on it.

Nimbus: Rolan never chased those rumors though. Said it was a pain and that the weapon should stay buried.

Alk: He, uh, wasn't worried or anything? Wait. Where's Stella?

Stella: There is a light over there.

Nimbus: You can't go wandering off alone. You don't know what's lurking in here!

Nimbus: The hell is this?

Alk: She's not a doll... She's alive!

Stella: Is she... asleep?

Nimbus: Watch out!

Stella: Nimbus!

Nimbus: Damn... Didn't think there'd be more of THESE things around!

Nimbus: There's too many. We have to make a run—

Stella: No. We are not leaving without her.

Nimbus: What? Then hurry and grab her! I can't hold 'em for too long!

Stella: Can you hear me? It is dangerous here. Please, return to your senses.

Slumbering Girl: ...

Stella: There must be a way to deactivate the barrier...

Stella: Wake up... Please. Wake up.


Nephtim: Processing command... Activating Nephtim.

Nephtim: Threat to Keeper detected. Commencing termination.

Nephtim: All enemies terminated.

Alk: Wha... She took them out... just like that...

Nephtim: Nephtim was victorious. Awaiting next command from Keeper.

Stella: What? Command?

Nephtim: Nephtim exists to crush the stars, and shatter the night. Awaiting next command from Keeper.

Stella: I will not command you.

Nephtim: ...? Then Nephtim cannot act.

Nephtim: Nephtim has long waited. For one who would give me life. Alone... in this place...

Stella: Let us leave, Nephtim. Together.

Nephtim: Is that a command?

Stella: No, it isn't.

Nephtim: Error. Unable to process—

Nimbus: How long are you two gonna keep talkin' in circles?!

Alk: You could call it a command, just for now... Though it's technically a request. What I'm trying to say is, we really should get going...

Stella: Yes. A request. That's what it is.

Stella: Please come with us, Nephtim.

Nimbus: Hey, sleepy head. If I were you, I'd stop waiting for that command. Stella doesn't change her mind once it's made up.

Nimbus: Now, we'd better get out of here.

Alk: Talk to you outside, Nephtim!

Nephtim: Attempting to define new word. Request: equivalent to command?

Nephtim: Nephtim will follow Keeper.

Episode 2

Nephtim plays catch for the first time with a young girl. When enemies threaten her new friend, Nephtim learns what it is to protect not because you were ordered to, but because you care.

Stella: Have you learned anything?

Alk: Not yet. No one I asked had even heard of Nephtim.

Alk: I'll keep sniffing around though. Come on, Nephtim—

Alk: Huh?

Girl: Oh...

Girl: Um... Y-you have... my ball...

Nephtim: Awaiting command.

Girl: Can I... have it back?

Nephtim: Command processed. Returning ball.

Nephtim: ...?

Girl: One more time?

Nephtim: Repeating act of "return ball."

Girl: Again!

Nephtim: ...

Girl: Don't you wanna?

Nephtim: Repeat act of "return ball"... indefinitely?

Girl: Hehe. Go long!

Villager: What are THEY doing here?

Villager: Hurry! Run!

Girl: Eep!

Nephtim: Awaiting command.

Girl: No... Please... Stay away...

Nephtim: Awaiting command!

Girl: AHHH!

Nephtim: Targets defeated. But why...

Nephtim: Ball identified as unnecessary object. Returning to owner.

Alk: Nephtim! There you are!

Stella: Are you hurt?

Nephtim: No external damage sustained. However, Nephtim...

Nephtim: Nephtim may have detected... an internal malfunction...

Villager: How... how did she? She's not human, is she?

Villager: ...The weapon in the ruins... I thought that was just a myth, but...

Alk: Huh? What do you what?

Villager: Firepower. Hand the weapon over.

Alk: Excuse me?

Stella: Impossible. Nephtim is our companion.

Alk: Let's go. I don't feel like sticking around any longer.

Villager: Wait! Please...

Alk: Well, THAT sure happened. Are you okay, Nephtim?

Nephtim: No parts were damaged during battle.

Alk: That's not what I meant. I mean, I'm glad you're not hurt, but...

Alk: I think you'll feel better once we find out who you are.

Nephtim: Third party approaching.

Girl: Wait!

Girl: Um...

Girl: Here.

Girl: That's for you. I, um... had fun playing catch.

Nephtim: ...Fun?

Girl: Uh-huh. Let's play again, okay? Bye! And thanks for saving me!

Nephtim: Let's play... again?

Episode 3

In town, Nephtim's superhuman ball tricks attract a crowd of onlookers. After putting on a show, she gifts her ball to a small lonely girl and, through that act, comes to understand the joy of giving.

Light: Huh!

Light: Hah!

Light: Ugh.

Light: *pant* Wait! We're continuing?

Nephtim: Awaiting return of ball. Nephtim wants to keep playing.

Alk: I think it's time for a break. Papa Light's looking pretty tired.

Light: What?! No, I can go on. No matter what world I'm in or what form I take, I am a champion!

Nephtim: I am sorry. "Papa."

Light: I...

Alk: Hey, Nephtim. If you're looking for something to do, want to come shopping with me?

Nephtim: Requesting permission to purchase chocolate.

Alk: If you promise to brush your teeth.

Light: Levitation?!

Alk: Hm... We've got tomatoes and chicken and ginger... Think that's it.

Nephtim: Deducing... Dinner will be red soup.

Alk: Yep. Chicken and tomato stew. You're sharp as a tack, detective.

Nephtim: You have forgotten the pumpkin. Stella's favorite part.

Alk: You're right! Thanks, Nephtim. Let me go grab one real quick.

Alk: Wait here, okay?

Nephtim: Understood. Nephtim, on standby.

Nephtim: Nephtim... still on standby.

Nephtim: Nephtim... has nothing to do.

Bright-Eyed Child: Whoa... How'd you do that?

Rosy-Faced Child: Whatcha doing?

Nephtim: Tossing a ball.

Jug-Eared Child: It's floating!

Nephtim: This is not the full extent of my abilities. Observe.

Bright-Eyed Child: Yo! That's lit!

Nephtim: This is... lit.

Alk: Sorry! That took longer than expect... ed....

Alk: Uh... What's going on here?

Nephtim: Nephtim is the bee's knees. And the cat's pajamas.

Alk: Okay, who's been teaching you weird slang?!

Man: Don't forget the fox's socks! Man, I've never seen moves like yours!

Man: A star like you shouldn't be out here performing on the streets! What do you say to joining my troupe?

Nephtim: Are you scouting me?

Alk: Whoa, now hold your horses! That's enough excitement for one day. Show's over—go back to where you were!

Alk: Phew... Finally got rid of that crowd. You ready to head back, Nephtim?

Nephtim: Why are you still here?

Girl: I don't wanna leave.

Nephtim: This is for you.

Girl: Huh? Really?

Nephtim: Play catch with your companions. It will bring you closer.

Girl: Yeah, okay... Thank you! Bye!

Alk: Didn't that ball mean a lot to you?

Nephtim: Playing catch has already brought us together. It will now do the same for the girl and her friends.

Nephtim: ...I wanted to do it. I wanted to "give."

Alk: You're a good person, Nephtim... Now let's go home, okay? I need to get dinner on the stove!

Light: ...So she gave it away.

Light: She's grown... It brings me joy, as well as sorrow.

Alk: You really are a dad...

Stella: You have come a long way, Nephtim.

Stella: ...Nephtim?

Nimbus: What do you think you're doin'?

Nephtim: Performing acts of selflessness drains high amounts of energy. Consuming protein restores energy.

Nephtim: It is therefore necessary that Nephtim's carrots be exchanged for your chicken.

Stella: Nephtim.

Stella: Eat your carrots.

Nephtim: Carrots are to be feared. And at times... so is Stella.