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Episode 1
Magical Lecture

Thinking she's captured the interest of Alk and co., Nellie launches into a lecture about magic theory. Her inability to actually use magic comes to light when asked for a demonstration, which leads to a discussion about magic in other worlds- where elements and ether behave differently.

Nimbus: Get a load of these crowds. Bazaars are really something else.

Stella: What are they selling over there?

Fancy Gentleman: But why?!

Young Girl: I'm not about to give up this item to someone who doesn't even know the first thing about magic. Shoo.

Alk: What a strange merchant to chase off a customer like that...

Nellie: You guys looking in my direction... You must be interested in the great Nellie's magic theory.

Alk: Magic theory?

Nellie: Blindly relying on your senses to weave spells is a thing of the past! Practical theory is where it's at these days!

Light: Oh? I'd love to hear more.

Nellie: Haha, that's the attitude I like to see! Let me make this simple!

Nellie: For starters... To-da! Take a good look at this ether-detection staff!

Nellie: It allows us to analysis otherwise untraceable ether by splitting it into two disparate elements!

Nellie: Your average spirit or wizard does their thing by bending their will to one of the six elemental forces. Well, ether detections the step which comes right before that.

Nellie: Grasping the very nature of ether is something that all high-level spellcasters must do in their mind. This staff allows for a more systematic approach to that!

Nellie: Meaning theoretically, anyone should be capable of reaching the highest echelons of dimensional sorcery and rewrite reality.

Alk: Whoa, give me a sec. I need a moment to process all that...

Alk: Actually, I think you completely lost me...

Nellie: What's so hard to understand? I've only covered the most basic step so far!

Nellie: How about the theoretical model of simultaneous existence of multiple crystal sizes in some spaces-

Nellie: *head spins*

Nimbus: Hey! You all right there?

Nellie: *yawn* I'm just drowsy after all that talking...

Nellie: One moment... I need a little pick-me-up!

Nellie: There, much better! Nothing like a bit sugar to revitalize of the brain!

Nimbus: What's with this little lady...

Nellie: Now that my brain's fully functional again, let's get back on track-

Nimbus: Pretty sure you'd get your point across faster if we just WATCH you cast a spell.

Light: Indeed. If you are knowledgeable about magic as you claim to be, a little demonstration should not be too difficult.

Nellie: Er, well... How should I put this... You need a base level of mana before you can use magic...

Nellie: Not to mention magic theory isn't a game of show and tell; I wouldn't be going to such lengths if it were so easy to grasp!

Stella: You cannot use magic, Nellie?

Nellie: Let's just I say I prefer to be careful! And magic is definitely something to be cautious with!

Nimbus: Nice way of sugarcoatin' it. Your smart are the real deal at least, but is there any point to this?

Nellie: You bet there is! Magic theory is a real thing regardless of whether I can fling spells or not!

Nellie: I could even use high-level spells if I just had mana... Everything matches up in theory!

Light: Hm... I do find this rather fascinating.

Light: No one would make a such a claim based off a fanciful whim. You must have done a considerable amount of research.

Nellie: Indeed, I have! By the way, I personally crafted every item you see here!

Alk: Wow, that's impressive-

Alk: Wait... Where have I seen that pattern before?

Nellie: You're kidding! I should be the only person in the world who's ever laid eyes on this conceptual theory diagram before today!

Alk: I'm sure I saw it at some desert ruins- oh, don't mind me! We should get going now.

Nellie: Wait, I'm not done talking to you! Where can I find these ruins you speak of?!

Stella: We saw the pattern in the desert ruins of another world.

Nellie: Wha... Another world?

Nellie: Please, you have to take me there! I must see it for myself!

Stella: Certainly. We welcome you, Nellie.

Nellie: I can't believe such a world exists...

Nimbus: Hope you know that just goin' there's not gonna turn you into some almighty sorceress, if that's what you're hoping for.

Nellie: We'll see about that, Nimbus! In a different world, there's a good chance the elements and ether behave in a completely different manner!

Nellie: There's so many thing I'll have to try out!

Nellie: I'd better make sure to have lots of sweets on hand!

Episode 2
Mage Nellie

Nellie activates a stela found in ancient ruins, causing a golem to attack Alk and friends. In a moment of desperation, Nellie manages to cast a spell and save everyone.

Nellie: *sigh* Just how far is this place? I'm about to pass out already...

Light: Did you not say you wished to come here no matter what? You certainly do tire easily...

Nellie: Give me a break, I'm an intellect... I can't do much unless I'm drowning in sweets...

Stella: Here, I happened to have a piece of candy.

Nellie: C'mon, we need to get a move on! Hurry it up!

Alk: Here it is- the pattern I mentioned having seen before!

Nellie: Ooh, show me!

Nellie: Just as I thought... Magic theory is written on it.

Stella: You're capable of reading it, Nellie?

Nellie: Not all of it. And the parts I CAN make out are a bit vague, but I can get the basic gist of it.

Nimbus: Not bad... So tell us what it says.

Nellie: It basically explains the concept behind summoning familiars, but...

Alk: What's wrong, Nellie?

Nellie: It's usable only by someone with access permissions.

Stella: You mean it's not something you would be able to use?

Nellie: Tsk-tsk. You underestimate me, Stella!

Nimbus: Psh, now you're just leaving us hanging.

Nellie: Like I said, I can get the gist of it. And if we add what I know about magic theory...

Nellie: There!

Nimbus: Wh-what the heck did you just do?!

Nellie: The spell seemed doable with a bit of modification...

Nellie: So I went ahead and did just that!

Alk: Nellie... Please tell me you can stop that thing.

Nellie: Stop it? Er, I don't know about that...

Nimbus: Cripes...

Nellie: I might be a genius, but I can only do so much without full access permissions. if I could just research this for a few years-

Nellie: Uh-oh, my body's out of sugar...

Nimbus: You've gotta be tanking my tail!

Nellie: Um... Things don't look too good, do they?

Nimbus: Stella, get Nellie out of here. We'll deal with the golem.

Nellie: I-I'm not leaving just yet! I'M the one who activated the thing, and I have to take responsibility!

Nellie: Don't count my magic theory out just yet! I might not be able to take full control of the golem, but I can at least delay its action.

Nimbus: Oh yeah? DO your thing then!

Nellie: Um, let's see... Given the conceptual theory behind automaton familiar types-

Nellie: No, wait! I only have to DELAY the thing, so there's no need to overtake its central control system! If I can just disrupt its driving mechanisms-

Nellie: Crud, I'd need mana to do that! There must be some other way!

Stella: Nellie.

Stella: I believe in you. Here's a piece of candy.

Nellie: *nom nom* Much better!

Nellie: Thankfully, I'm not COMPLETELY mana-less! With a bit of magic theory, sophistication, gut...

Nellie: And sugar, I've got this covered!

Nellie: Eheh... I did it... I actually used magic...

Nimbus: Phew... We're gonna have it rough if Nellie's gonna need forty winks after every spell she casts.

Alk: You have to admit that was a huge jump from not being able to use magic at all though.

Nimbus: Yeah, I've give her credit where credit's due.

Nellie: Ehehe... Magic...

Nimbus: Heh... No stopping that one-track mind of hers.