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Episode 1
Dreams to Daily Life

Nate has become a workaholic to the point where she tries to cancel a day off with Alk and Stella. However, after some convincing from Themis and the others, Nate promises to take a vacation and enjoy herself.

Alk: Uh... I'm pretty sure this is where we're meeting Nate.

Stella: But she's not here.

Alk: Nate?!

Nate: Sorry, Alk, but could you lend me a hand?

Alk: Bootleg versions of the prosthetics you and Themis use have shown up in an underground gang?

Nate: Yup. You should see these bootlegs too. They make them look like stereotypical bad guys... It's embarrassing.

Alk: Seriously? Who would use something like that?

Nate: I mean, our gear is chock-full of that android tech... A lot of people are willing to pay the price for shiny new toys.

Nate: Not to mention everyone got a pretty good look at what this tech can do during that whole thing with Themis.

Nate: Sorry, guys. I wanted to hang out today, but unfortunately-

King Johnson: Hold that thought, my little hero. I hereby order you to take a break.

Nate: Huh? Why?!

King Johnson: Trivia time! Alk, did you know that Nate here has been working for thirty days straight?!

Nate: C-come on, it's kinda my fault that we're in this mess, so of course I've been-

Alk: Stella, you take the left arm, and I'll take the right.

Stella: Roger.

Alk: You know... heroes never break their promises.

Stella: And you promised to hang out with us. Therefore you must.

Nate: Urgh... I mean, that's true, but...

Nate: Mm... Zzz...

Alk: Someone was tired.

Stella: She's sleeping like a log.

Nate: Ah! Sorry, did I fall asleep?!

Stella: That you did. Good morning.

Alk: You okay? Maybe we should call it quits for today.

Nate: Urgh... Part of me wants to take you up on that offer, and the other part wants to make the most of my day off...

Alk: Yeah, I can understand that.

Alk: Can you really not take any time off right now? Are you that busy?

Nate: To be honest, it'd probably be fine. PBC's recovered pretty quickly from the hero incident.

Nate: And since I was pretty central to that whole shebang, I haven't exactly had a lot of jobs coming in.

Nate: The problem is that I can't stop myself from thinking about it when I do take a break. I just feel like I should be doing more...

Alk: Sounds like someone's a workaholic.

Nate: Yeah, probably.

Nate: *sigh* If only I magically transported to another world. Then I'd probably get some rest for once.

Stella: Then let's go.

Nate: Ah, right! You're both from another world!

Alk: Wait, you forgot?!

Nate: I mean, I was mostly talking hypothetically. I can't actually-

King Johnson: Surprise trivia time! Nate's got a lot of vacation days saved up, and with all the overtime she's been pulling, she can take a nice long vacation!

Nate: Why are you eavesdropping on our conversation?!

Nate: That's it! I'm blocking you! Don't peep in on my private time, you creep!

Themis: I can hear you screaming from the streets. What's going on?

Themis: Sounds like you need a break.

Nate: I... didn't expect you to say that.

Themis: A personal rule of mine is that I don't do more work than necessary.

Themis: And why are you on another date with him? I'm free too, you know.

Nate: How was I supposed to know?!

Themis: Pushing yourself to the brink of death doesn't make you a hero.

Themis: If you overdo it, you could lose your will to fight or forget the reason you fought in the first place.

Themis: Doing so is basically death for us heroes.

Nate: You're one to talk...

Themis: I'm doing plenty of self-reflection. What about you?

Nate: Come on, get off my case!

Themis: In any case, I understand the situation. If you're so worried, I'll take your place at PBC while you're gone.

Nate: Wait, what?!

Themis: Well, I am a freelance, and Lunus hasn't been giving me much work lately, so I'm on the lookout for a new contract.

Themis: You don't have a problem with that, do you, King Johnson?

King Johnson: No problem at all. Although your employment with us will only be for a short time. Will that work?

Themis: Sure. There. Now you're out of reasons to avoid taking a vacation.

Alk: Come on... We'll give you three full meals a day. No more SoyMate!

Stella: We have snacks as well.

Nate: Argh, fine! I get it! I'll take some time off!

Nate: But in return, I expect you two to do all sorts of stuff with me, got it? We're gonna have a blast!

Episode 2
Placing Our Hopes

After saving a boy in the Kaleidoscope and hearing about his desire to become an adventurer, Nate resolves to do everything she can to help.

Nate: This is TOO perfect.

Nate: I don't even have to say anything, and food just... APPEARS! There's always someone to hang out with! And I can go home whenever I want!

Nate: This is the BEST vacation spot ever! This is LITERALLY what I imagined living in another world would be like!

Stella: Is that bad?

Nate: No! It's AMAZING! I just feel like it's spoiling me...

Nate: Hey, Stella, I've got a question.

Nate: Is there anywhere I can go to let off some steam and earn some cash?

Nate: This is for yesterday's snacks!

Nate: This is for the training I skipped the day before that!

Nate: And... This is for the delicious dinner I'm gonna have tonight!

Alk: You, uh... counting calories or something?

Nate: No way. I've just been a bit too spoiled by you guys lately. This is my way of dealing with that.

Nate: If I don't, I'm gonna eat and drink myself outta house and home when I go back!

Nate: Seriously, don't underestimate my lack of self-control.

Nimbus: You almost sound like you're proud of that.

Nimbus: Didn't you come here to relax though? You're putting in a lot of hours for someone on vacation.

Nate: I AM relaxing. When am I gonna get another chance to explore a randomly generated dungeon like this?

Alk: Leave her be, Nimbus.

Nimbus: Come on, this isn't some virtual reality-

Boy's Voice: Waaah!

Nate: Hey, you all right? You hurt anywhere?

Boy: M-my leg!

Nate: Okay, okay, calm down. We'll get you out of here.

Nate: Nimbus, take the kid! I'll make a path!

Nimbus: ...Gotcha. Lead the way!

Nimbus: So you wanted to show off yo your friends, is that it?

Boy: They're always telling me I could never be an adventurer like them.

Boy: Sure, they can use magic and junk, but that doesn't give them the right to tell me what I can and can't do!

Nate: Well, what can you do?

Boy: ...You're agreeing with those jerks?

Nate: No... I wouldn't have any right to.

Nate: It's just... People die. You know what, don't you? And it happens a lot easier than you think.

Nate: But it's easier to not think about that. I mean... There isn't anything you can do about it, so why worry, right?

Boy: You went through this too?

Nate: Yep. But that just makes you even cooler in my book. Even without any powers, you're giving it your all, aren't yah?

Nate: That's why you need to figure out what you CAN do. Maybe learn to use a weapon or something. That way you can keep yourself safe AND prove the haters wrong.

Boy: Do you really think I can do it?

Nate: Yeah! I guarantee it!

Nate: And anyone who tells you hard work is for nerds is just jealous! So feel free to throw a few harsh words their way when that happens!

Nate: So all I gotta do is say this spell, and I'll perform magic? This looks like something out of those sketchy occult sites...

Nate: Let's see... First, you call on the elements, then define said element, and give a command... Got it.

Nate: O waters of life! The elixir that nourishes my brethren! I beckon you to my hand!

Nimbus: The hell are you doing?

Nate: Ahhh!

Nimbus: You're not thinking of holding that brat's hand until he makes something of himself, are you?

Nate: Of course not... But I do want to help if I can.

Nate: I get that I'm just doing this to make myself feel better, and I'm not gonna make a HUGE difference.

Nate: But I mean, if it worked for me, maybe that little push will work for that kid too.

Nimbus: What if he doesn't want your help?

Nate: That's just part of being a hero- helping out no matter who pushes back, even if you get a punch in the face as thanks.

Nimbus: Ha, that attitude of yours is gonna cost you one day.

Nimbus: Anyway, if there's something you can't do, just leave it to someone who can. You've got buttloads of allies here now.

Nate: Sounds like you can't leave well enough alone either.

Nimbus: Shut it. Now come on, let's see who's in the kitchen.

Episode 3
Hopes for the Future

Despite completing a job successfully, Nate still beats herself up over something small. Themis decides she must sing Nate's praises in order to raise her confidence, which casus an embarrassed Nate to run off with Alk and Nimbus.

King Johnson: Well, how was your extended vacation? Ready to be back on the clock 24/7?

Nate: Someone's a little too excited about working me to the bone...

Nate: But yeah, I'm recharged, refreshed, and raring to go. So let's get to work.

King Johnson: All right, then I've got something to show you.

Nate: Wait, is this a list of people in that underground gang? You know, the ones selling those bootleg prosthetics?

Nimbus: Whoa... You've got everyone from the top brass to the low-level grunts!

Alk: There's a lot of them...

King Johnson: Indeed there is. Which is why I asked you two to come along as well.

King Johnson: Pretty much everyone in this group is using those prosthetics, aside from the higher-ups.

Alk: What? All of them? Those prosthetics aren't exactly... subtle.

King Johnson: Agreed. They raise your firepower at the cost of your social life... You can't exactly go out in public looking like a sci-fi movie extra.

King Johnson: The plan is to infiltrate their base with the Lunus Civil Police Force at fourteen hundred hours tomorrow.

Nate: That means Themis will be there, right? Fine by me.

Nate: I better do all I can to finish these guys off.

Nate: Jeez, the boss wasn't kidding. Everyone we've run into is using those prosthetics...

Nimbus: Something tells me they didn't have a choice.

Nimbus: ...I don't like the look in their eyes.

Nate: We should finish this up quickly so we can help these guys... Even if they don't think they need it.

???: You? Help us? Please.

Gang Leader: Tell me, hero, just how are you planning to save us?

Nate: Those prosthetics!

Gang Leader: Perfect, right? We're practically twins now, Little Miss Original.

Alk: He's strong!

Gang Leader: Look at me! Even the highest grade artillery looks like a toy compared to me!

Gang Leader: With this tech, we can make any wimp into a first-rate soldier!

Gang Leader: Even the dullest of dimwits gets that you don't mess with power! You know what I'm talking about, don't you, hero?!

Gang Leader: All I did was give these grunts what they've wanted all along- power! You can't fault me for that!

Alk: How could you...

Nate: All right... Now you've done it.

Nate: You preyed on the wishes of these poor people. That's more than enough reason to kick your butt!

Gang Leader: How dare you-

Nate: ...Maybe if you'd taken a different path, you could've been a hero like me. And that just pisses me off more.

Nate: If you're going to trick people, fine, but at least have the decency to do it for their own sake! You're nothing but a third-rate bootleg!

Gang Leader: Shut your trap, brat!

Gang Leader: *huff* *huff* That annoying little pest! How dare she talk to ME like that!

Gang Leader: She thinks she's so smart with that naïve spiel of hers! I'll show her! Next time we see each other, I'll-

Cold Woman: I'll agree with you on the naïve part.

Themis: But that's what makes her a hero.

Nate: Themis! What about the other areas?

Themis: All clear. They were nothing but poor imitations anyway.

Themis: I swear... You're better at striking a nerve with crooks than anyone I know.

Nate: Urgh... That's not true...

Nimbus: You bet it is.

Alk: Yeah, it is...

Nate: Um... Thanks, guys.

Alk: Where'd that come from?

Nate: Their leader almost got away because I went off on him... I would've been in trouble on my own.

Nate: I went into this mission trying to be smarter about my fights, but I guess it wasn't enough...

Nate: Wh-what?

Alk: I mean, you still get the job done, right?

Nimbus: That little spiel of yours wasn't half-bad either. The fact that you got mad just shows you've given his situation some thought.

Themis: I can't exactly call your methods efficient or even logical...

Themis: But that personality of yours means you can save others that I can't.

Nate: I don't know... I should probably work on my temper a bit.

Themis: What you need to work on is that self-confidence of yours...

Themis: Perhaps I should give you a lecture on all the ways you're already a hero.

Nate: Uh... No thanks.

Themis: Don't be so modest. I have been meaning to express my gratitude to you for some time now anyway.

Nate: N-no, seriously, don't! I'm cringing just thinking about it!

Themis: Now, now, I won't hear any of it. I know, perhaps you could come over to my place and-

Nate: Alk, Nimbus! I'm staying with you guys tonight!

Alk: Okay. What do you want for dinner?

Nate: We'll talk about that later! Come on, let's get outta here!