Naska (Summer)/Stories

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Episode 1
Sunny-side Gambler

Naska takes Alk and co. to the resort's casino. While everyone splits up to enjoy different gambling activities, Naska finds Stella being conned by another gambler. She points out the man's cheating, challenges him to a round of poker, and puts him in his place.

Naska: Wooo! Look at this beach!

Alk: Shouldn't you be used to these sandy sights, considering you're from these parts?

Naska: Tsk, tsk, Alk! It's all about the thrill of the moment, you know? I'm not here on business for once!

Naska: Plus I'm rocking a brand new swimsuit! It'd be weirder if I wasn't over the moon!

Stella: You're wearing a different swimsuit than the one you showed me in Starview.

Naska: Oh, nice of you to notice! I won this in an amusement park game!

Naska: I knew I had to have it the moment I laid eyes on it! Picked it up for myself just yesterday.

Stella: I believe I saw a similar game in the resort. I would like to try it sometime.

Light: Hold it, Stella! You'd better be prepared to lose EVERYTHING if you start down that path!

Alk: Yeah, the risk is definitely not worth the reward in this case...

Naska: Oh, come on... I promise not everyone's out to scam the newbies!

Nimbus: You expect us to trust the word of someone who takes bets off the street?

Naska: What's there to worry about? Are you really going to crush Stella's dreams? She's raring to go, so I say we go!

Naska: Okay, so I know I said there wasn't anything to worry about, but there ARE a couple rules to keep in mind.

Naska: Don't go head-to-head with other patrons. Only play against official staff.

Naska: If you encounter anything fishy, report it to the staff. Sometimes some real shady stuff happens while nobody's looking.

Alk: Uh, hello? What part of that screams "nothing to worry about"?!

Naska: Like I said, you can relax! Just get the employees to handle any trouble that comes up.

Naska: Oh yeah, one last thing! This is the most important part—don't tunnel vision!

Naska: Take your loss with grace and back out before you lose everything. Nimbus, I want you especially to watch yourself.

Nimbus: That's rich comin' from the likes of you.

Naska: Listen. I promise I'll bail you guys out if you get into a pickle.

Naska: Oh come on, Alk! You're more adventurous than this! Have some fun, go all in!

Naska: Nimbus? Niiiimbus? Okay, that's enough for you.

Stella: ...I call.

Suspicious Man: Hehe, are you quite sure? I hope you're prepared for a challenge.

Stella: I lost.

Suspicious Man: Onto the next round. You'll be joining me, yes?

Stella: Of course. I won't lose this time.

Naska: Stella! What'd I say about losing?!

Naska: Hey, mister. Mind if I sub in for my girl here?

Suspicious Man: A friend, I gather? Go right ahead.

Naska: Thanks! Before we get started though—

Naska: No more of that pathetic cheating, okay? It's embarrassing!

Suspicious Man: Damn... You're no amateur, huh.

Naska: What? Planning on hightailing it? You're no fun.

Naska: Bet that works out nicely for YOU, dealer.

Naska: Imagine what would happen if word got out that you didn't notice such blatant cheating.

Dealer: I... That's...

Naska: I'm all in next round. You can add my friend's chips to mine.

Naska: If you win, you get everything, plus I'll let your cheating slide. How about it? Still going to scamper away?

Suspicious Man: Oh, you're going to regret this!

Naska: All or nothing. How do you like our odds, Stella?

Stella: I believe in you.

Naska: What about you? Last chance to back out.

Suspicious Man: ...I'm all in too!

Naska: That's what I like to hear! Life's too short not to have some fun!

Suspicious Man: Four of a kind! Read 'em and weep! Did you really think I only had one trick—

Naska: Is that all? Enjoy this royal straight flush.

Suspicious Man: Huh?

Naska: You know, those tricks of yours work better in a circus than a casino.

Stella: Naska, that last hand—

Naska: Shhh. Not here.

Naska: By the way, you had one heck of a poker face. Maybe we can make a gambler out of you yet.

Naska: How about it? Want to learn?

Stella: I would love to.

Episode 2

Twin brothers challenge Naska to a game of blackjack, seeking to topple the legendary gambler and carve out a name for themselves— but are soundly defeated. That evening, Nimbus points out that Naska isn't enjoying herself because she's trying to stay out of trouble and encourages the gambler to seek out a few thrills without holding back.

Alk: Peace and quiet... Finally feels like we're getting a well deserved rest.

Light: I could do with more days like this one... Yesterday was complete chaos.

Alk: Naska's behaving today, so we're probably safe for now.

Light: ...That is what one would hope.

Shady Figure: There you are, Naska Etranger...

???: You! You're Naska Etranger!

Naska: Yeah, I am. Who are you?

???: We are Double Up—twins of fiery passion, gamblers extraordinaire!

Lil Bro: By the way, I'm the younger one.

Big Bro: And I'm the older one!

Alk: Not like we can tell the difference...

Stella: Why have you approached us?

Big Bro: Do you even need to ask? When gamblers meet, there can only be one outcome!

Lil Bro: Naska Etranger, gambler of legend! Today is the day we defeat you and carve out our own legacy!

Light: ...What exactly have you done in this world to be hailed as a legend?

Naska: You could say I've had a colorful career. All right, I'll throw down if you're willing.

Alk: Whoa, let's not go rushing into things here. You sure you should be taking the BOTH of them on at once?

Nimbus: Why not? Seems fun. Stop fussin' over her, Alk.

Big Bro: Our challenge has been accepted! Excellent!

Lil Bro: We will face off with a classic—blackjack. You find this agreeable, yes?

Naska: Haha, that's your angle, huh? Sure, I'll deal.

Big Bro: Dealers have the disadvantage in blackjack!

Lil Bro: But she had to take that position, or risk tarnishing her reputation!

Alk: Not afraid to be underhanded, huh...

Lil Bro: Silence! Every bit of prior preparation counts for these bouts!

Big Bro: Exactly! We racked our brains for this perfect strategy—

Naska: That's a 10 and an ace for me. Blackjack.

Big Bro: No way! How did you...

Naska: Eh, your strategy was on the right track. The more times you play blackjack, the more likely the dealer is to lose.

Naska: But you should've made it a best out of 5 or something before we started. That's where you messed up.

Lil Bro: I underestimated the legend... I'm sorry, brother!

Alk: Huh... You'd think they would've been more of a challenge with the way they swaggered around.

Light: Perhaps Naska was simply beyond their level.

Alk: What's up, Nimbus?

Nimbus: Sheesh, is that all you've got...

Nimbus: Trouble falling asleep?

Naska: Hmm, more like I'm still buzzing from that challenge earlier.

Nimbus: Your poker face is real lousy.

Naska: ...Saw through me, huh?

Naska: I just figured since we're on vacation, I should take it a little easy...

Naska: But that sad bit of blackjack during lunch made me crave a real throw down even harder!

Nimbus: So stop holding back and go scratch that itch. Hell, take all the crazy bets you want too.

Naska: I'm here to relax with everyone, not go running off by myself like I know Marina would do. I can be considerate!

Nimbus: Sure you can...

Naska: Anyway, it's all right. I'm having plenty of fun just hanging out with you guys.

Nimbus: Fine. If that's really how you feel, then I won't complain.

Nimbus: Doesn't make it any less of a boring way to pass the time though.

Naska: Hey, no one said you could sass me!

Nimbus: Like you said, you're here to relax and have fun.

Nimbus: Fun can be whatever you want it to be. You get to choose.

Naska: What the heck was that about...

Naska: My poker face must really be slipping, huh...

Shady Figure: Not good enough, as expected.

Shady Figure: I suppose I'll have to show my real hand soon.

Episode 3
Big Blind

Nimbus is kidnapped by an old acquaintance of Naska's. The man forces Naska to bet her and Nimbus's freedom in a series of seven games. Naska loses the first three rounds, but the thrill of a challenge proves to be exactly what she needed, letting her turn the entire match around.

Alk: Morning... Where's Nimbus?

Stella: Still resting, I think.

Alk: Didn't know the guy had it in him to oversleep. I'll go get him.

Alk: Huh?! Wait, WHAT?!

Alk: Guys, we've got a situation! Nimbus has been KIDNAPPED! I... I THINK?!

Light: What are you going on about?

Alk: I know it sounds crazy, but I found this letter in his room... Just look at it!

Light: "The tiger lost his gamble, and now he's mine. Bring me Naska Etranger if you want to see him again."

Stella: It is a kidnapping then.

Alk: Sh-should we alert the authorities? But then Nimbus might—

Light: Take a deep breath. Judging by what's written, Nimbus should be safe, because the real target is...

Naska: Hmm... Never expected them to pull this.

Light: You know who did this?

Naska: Not the exact identity of this particular perpetrator, but I've got a good guess as to the motive of whoever's pulling the strings.

Naska: I'll play their game. I'm all in!

???: Been a while, Naska. To think that you were alive this whole time.

Naska: So it's you and yours that are behind this. I'm starting to see the picture here.

Alk: Recognize him?

Naska: We used to work together back in the day. Every time we meet up now, he keeps pestering me to go back.

The Gambler: ...I take it from your tone that you'll be rejecting me today too.

Naska: Sorry, but I'm in the middle of the biggest gamble of my life. I don't have time to revisit old haunts.

The Gambler: I'll keep this simple for you.

The Gambler: You and I will compete against one another.

The Gambler: If you win, the tiger is yours. But if I win... both you and him are coming with me.

Naska: Fine by me.

Alk: You're actually just gonna gamble away both your lives without hesitating?!

Naska: Hm. Nimbus, you're down, right?

Nimbus: Do whatever you want.

Naska: Same rules we used to run with, I'm assuming? Seven rounds, loser decides the game for new rounds.

The Gambler: That works.

The Gambler: It is time...

Naska: To see what Lady Luck has in store!

The Gambler: Weak. Pathetic. Simply laughable!

The Gambler: How could you of all people lose three rounds in a row? Have you grown rusty in my absence?

Alk: This is not looking good! If we don't do something, our friends are gonna get dragged away!

Light: Lower your voice! We're not allowed to interfere with their match, but perhaps we can free Nimbus from his bindings...

Stella: Everything will be okay. Naska is smiling.

Naska: ...Heh... Hehehe... Ahahahaha!

Naska: Sorry, sorry, you're probably right that I'm a little rusty.

Naska: But isn't it so much more exciting when the stakes are high?

The Gambler: Cut the chatter and tell me what the next game is! I'll finish this once and for all!

The Gambler: You want to do a coin toss?!

Naska: Simple and clean, right?

Naska: So what will it be—heads or tails?

The Gambler: Tch... Whatever, victory will still be mine! Tails!

Naska: Stella!

Stella: The goddess faces us. Heads.

The Gambler: Damn it... One loss means nothing! This match isn't over yet!

Naska: Sure isn't! I'd be disappointed if we were done already!

Alk: I feel like I lost ten years off my life... You good, Nimbus?

Nimbus: Sure took your time. It was so boring trying to sit still.

Light: Hold on... Don't tell me you weren't actually...

The Gambler: ...I just want to know one thing—what is this "biggest gamble of your life" that you are so intent on seeing through?

Naska: It's these folks here with me. The lives of everyone in the world depend on them... but I'm confident I placed my bets on the right crowd.

The Gambler: Is that right... I suppose you were always one to go for the craziest gambles.