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Episode 1
The Gambler

Alk and co. encounter a woman named Naska, who exposes a street gambler to be a swindler. After the incident, she invites the group for a drink before deciding to join them on a whim.

Light: What's going on here?

Alk: It looks like a show of sorts.

Naska: You thought you could deceive THE Naska Etranger? Tsk, tsk... That was your first mistake, my friend!

Naska: Not to mention your sleight of hand was WAY too sloppy. What is this, amateur hour?

Swindler: Grr...

Naska: Don't tell me you're about to tuck tail and run—the REAL game's only just begun!

Naska: ...Isn't that right, folks?!

Crowd: Yeah! You tell him, Naska!

Naska: If you TRULY fancy yourself a gambler, you won't run, will you? Or are you too chicken to play without your lousy cheats?

Swindler: Hmph... Fine! You're on!

Naska: That's the spirit!

Naska: Hmm... Let's see. You there! Catch!

Stella: A coin?

Naska: Yup! If the goddess is on top, that's heads. If it's a number, that's tails.

Naska: That's all there is to it! So... heads or tails?

Swindler: Are you nuts, lady?! There's no strategy involved here whatsoever— it's 100 percent luck!

Naska: EXACTLY. That's what makes it all so THRILLING, right?

Naska: I think it's gonna be tails, by the way. I'll let you choose first though. Well? What's it gonna be?

Naska: I'll even go all in with my money too! The bigger the stakes, the greater the thrill!

Swindler: You're goin' all in... on a fifty-fifty?!

Swindler: You must be out of your mind if you think I'd participate in your crazy games!

Naska: Folding already?

Naska: That's fine—it's no fun unless both of us are into it, you know what I mean?

Crowd: Aww, seriously? Boo that man! Booooo!

Naska: Now, now, everyone. And what was the verdict, by the way?

Stella: The goddess. Tails.

Naska: Nice.

Naska: Say, you folks wanna grab some lunch? Us otherworlders gotta stick together, right?

Naska: To new friends!

Light: Why did things end up like this?

Naska: It's all thanks to lady luck, of course!

Alk: I'm impressed. How did you figure we were from a different world?

Naska: Call it a hunch. You guys just had a different vibe, you know?

Naska: But I seriously can't believe this rabbit used to be some kinda hero! And your whole journey sounds like it's been full of thrills so far!

Light: You believe me?

Naska: Of course! I mean, this makes things way more fun, doesn't it?

Naska: Say... Do you think I could join you guys on your journey too?

Stella: You're more than welcome to join us.

Naska: All right!

Alk: You sure you don't need some time to think about it?

Naska: Nope. Lady Luck hasn't let me down so far!

Naska: And you can count on me—Naska Etranger's a safe bet every time!

Episode 2
Pirate Eater

When Naska sees Alk and the others having a hard time reaching the underwater World Flipper, she decides to take matters into her own hands. After a series of bets with an unruly pirate crew, Naska manages to procure a ship for the party.

Naska: We're finally here!

Naska: Seriously though, what are the odds I'd find a way home like this?

Grandpa: Hngh... My back!

Grandpa: You may have saved Amelia's life, but don't expect these old fins to help you every time!

Naska: Sorry, Mister Mermaid! We'll be going by ship from here and out of your gills in no time!

Grandpa: You'd better! I'll send one of the younguns for you... but pack light!

Alk: Having a World Flipper completely submerged underwater sure is inconvenient...

Stella: I'm worried about his back.

Naska: *sigh* If only they had a ship...

Naska: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Alk: No?

Naska: Yoohoo! You boys wanna play a game?

Pirate: Huh?

Naska: If you win, I'll do ANYTHING you say! How about it?

Pirate: ...We're listening.

Pirate Captain: Tails!

Naska: Heads.

Stella: Heads.

Pirate: Aaargh!

Pirate Captain: Grr... What foul beast have you brought upon me ship?!

Pirate: Y-you're the one who said you'd take her on for us, Captain!

Naska: Sounds like it's time to up the ante! Double or nothing—what do you say?

Naska: Seeing as you lost, I'll even let you choose what we play next. Surely you're over cards and dice by now.

Naska: Well, what's it gonna be? Another coin toss? I'm game for anything!

Pirate Captain: Grr... GREE... GRAAAAAAH!

Pirate Captain: Enough games—draw yer swords, men! Don't let 'em leave this ship alive!

Naska: Hmm... So THIS is how you wanna play, huh?

Alk: That's our cue, guys!

Pirate Captain: Huh?

Grandpa: So THIS is the crew of scallywags that captured my Amelia, eh?

Naska: Can you guess why I wanted to play out at sea now?

Naska: One. Last. Game. Your call.

Pirate Captain: *gulp* H-how about a coin toss?

Naska: A little late for that.

Alk: Did we really just get a boat?

Stella: You're incredible, Naska.

Naska: Eh. It was pretty obvious we'd win about halfway through.

Naska: The thrill of a REAL gamble is so much more—the thrilling highs, the risk of losing it ALL! You know?

Grandpa: Naska! Is it really okay for me to sail this thing? The ship will move if I use the rudder, right?

Grandpa: ...I've always wanted to sail a human ship! You must teach me the ways! Come, come! Quickly!

Naska: Calm your gills, Gramps. This ship isn't going anywhere.

Grandpa: Oho! That must be the mast! It's what carries the sails! Did you know that?

Naska: Yeah, yeah.

Naska: I play my cards right with you guys... maybe I'll find something ACTUALLY worth going all in on someday!

Naska: ...And you can trust me to put my money where my mouth is!