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Episode 1
Girl with the Magic Sword

Alk and co. tends to an unconscious Nasir. When soldiers come attacking, Nasir fends them off with her blazing sword. Afraid that she may be a danger to herself and others, the group takes her to Starview Village.

Commander: After her! She's just a girl- she couldn't have gotten far!

Commander: She's going to learn firsthand what happens to slaves who bite the hand that feeds them!

Shabby Girl: ...!

Light: Are you okay?!

Nimbus: A runaway slave, eh? Looks like she's still breathing.

Light: Could this sword be hers?

Alk: More importantly, we need to find her a place to rest!

Shabby Girl: Mng... Where am I?

Shabby Girl: Eep!

Light: Relax. We're here to help.

Alk: I'm Alk. This is Light and Nimbus. And your name is...?

Nasir: ... I'm Nasir.

Nimbus: So I take it this sword's yours? We picked it up when we found you.

Nasir: Keep your hands off it!

Nimbus: Wasn't exactly plannin' on stealing it.

Alk: You should rest some more. Let me ask the owner if they serve any food-

Sentry: Hand the girl over.

Nimbus: Heh, how 'bout we teach you some manners?

Sentry: A talking beast? My, my, you're going to make quite the souvenir.

Nimbus: Try me.

Alk: *huff huff* What was that all about?

Light: I caught sight of this wanted poster when we ran out of the inn.

Light: "A slave girl attacked her master and knocked out the guards with her sword before escaping," it said.

Alk: "Knocked out the guards"... Did you really do that?

Nasir: I don't know... I was given a sword during a banquet and told to fight monsters...

Nasir: I was so scared... And all of a sudden...

Nasir: I heard a voice...

Nimbus: A voice?

Nasir: Please, just leave me be...

Nimbus: Heh. Try telling that to THEM.

Commander: You've caused me quite a bit of trouble, Nasir.

Commander: Every tear you shed, every scream that escapes your lips- they all belong to your master. Don't expect an easy death. Nimbus: You disgusting piece of-

Nasir: Ah... I can hear that voice again...

Nasir: If I'm going to lose everything, then...


Commander: What in the hell-



Commander: Aah?! AAAAAGH!

Light: This is bad! We have to stop her!

Alk: Stop this right now, Nasir!



Nimbus: Alk!

Nasir: Ngh...

Light: Fortunately she's alive. The burns aren't too bad either.

Commander: Aah... AIIIEEE!

Light: It's almost like she was possessed. This sword must've been the culprit.

Nimbus: It's more than that. She did that of her won free will.

Alk: Either way, we can't just leave her.

Light: Agreed. The potential risk is far too great.

Light: Let's bring her back to Starview Village with us.

Nimbus: Yeah look terrible... Come on now, there's no need to cry like that...

Nasir: Completely... unforgivable...

Episode 2
Spiral of Hatred

Nasir awakens from a nightmare and visits her former master's palace without telling anyone. She makes quick work of the guards and is about to finish off the slave merchant when Nimbus stops her. On her way out, freed slaves thank Nasir for saving them.

Nasir: Hrgh... Aaagh!

Nasir: Why... Why did it have to come to this...

Nasir: They keep taking and taking from me...

Nasir: I've had enough... If I can't have it all back, then-

STella: Nasir!

Nasir: Stella?

Stella: Yes. I'm Stella, and we're in Starview Village.

Stella: It's safe here. You have nothing to be afraid of.

Nasir: I must've been dreaming... I'm sorry.

Stella: Nasir...

Nasir: I don't mean to be rude, but I'd like to be alone...

Alk: Nasir still won't come out of her room, huh?

Light: Even so, we cannot simply leave her alone. There's no telling when she may go on her next rampage.

Nimbus: We oughta at least take that sword away from her.

Alk: Except she gets extremely defensive whenever we try to do that.

Light: I would advise against it. Taking away something she's so attached to might only do more harm-

Stella: Alk!

Stella: Nasir's not in her room or anywhere in the village!

Nimbus: Tch... Let's move! There's only one place she'd go off to!

Sentry: I-it's you, Nasir! Why have you returned?!

Nasir: Step aside...

Sentry: Damn you! Forget about detaining her! Kill the girl!

Nasir: I told you to step aside...


Nasir: This is unforgivable... You all deserve to burn!

Nasir: Burn until you're nothing but ashes!

Slave Merchant: N-no! Stop this, Nasir! I admit I was wrong!

Slave Merchant: I can set you free! Please, just spare me!

Slave Merchant: Freedom's what you want, right? You can be free if you become my wife! I'll even give you your own slaves! What do you say?!


Nasir: Is that the price to pay for freedom? Is that what it takes to live?

Nasir: No, I don't think so... I don't need anything and neither do you!


Nasir: This will be the end...

Alk: Nasir!

Nimbus: I know it's not my place to butt in, but you'd best stop right there, Nasir.

Nimbus: Offing that filth ain't gonna bring you any satisfaction.

Nasir: What would you know?

Nimbus: I don't. What I DO know is that I'm not gonna just stand by and watch while you kill yourself along with those bastards.

Nimbus: You're better at this, Stella. I'll leave you to do the talkin'.

Nasir: Stella...

Stella: Let's go home, Nasir.

Stella: To Starview Village.

Nasir: *sob* Waaah!

???: Wait!

???: Thank you so much! You've saved us...

Nasir: Huh?

Nimbus: They're former slaves like yourself. I guess those in regions opposing the royal family make for easy targets.

Nimbus: Heh. Good thing you didn't burn the whole place down, eh?

???: Um... Could you tell us your name?

Nasir: Nasir...

Elisha: I'm Elisha. Nasir, I'll never forget what you've done for us. Thank you!

Nasir: I... Why am I...

Episode 3
Voices of Flame

While Nasir is lost in thought at the desert, Alk and co. spot a runaway slave girl and help her up. Bandits come to retrieve her, only for Nasir to fight them off with her magic sword. After delivering the girl to her mother, Nasir comes to accept her powers.

Nasir: ...

Nimbus: Geez... Here we are in the middle of nowhere, and she keeps spacing out...

Alk: I guess Nasir just needs to clear her head.

Nimbus: There's better place to do that, y'know? A tavern, for instance.

Light: This is the place she chose. Let's try to respect that.

Nimbus: I thought she had her issues sorted out, but here we are in this hellhole of a kingdom again... I'll never figure her out.

Nasir: An empty desert... As empty as myself... Existing only to...

Nasir: I don't know... Why am I still alive-

Girl: Ngh...

Light: Alk! She needs water!

Girl: Thank you for saving me...

Alk: You're not carrying much on you, so I take it you're not a traveler. How did you end up collapsed here?

Girl: I... don't know... I was attacked by a group of strangers. Then they brought me somewhere

Girl: When the man standing watch this afternoon dozed off, I really wanted to go home, and...

Light: Kidnappers, huh?

Nimbus: Not exactly a rare occurrence around these parts. Anyone who opposes the royal family is considered less than human.

Nasir: Is that what happened to you?

Nimbus: Nuh-uh. I was never human to begin with.

Nasir: ...Where is your home?

Girl: I'm from Storm Eagle Hamlet... It's by the small oasis on the sand dunes.

Nimbus: Oasis on the dunes? I've been there before.

Nasir: Understood.

Nimbus: You planning on escorting her home?

Nasir: Sorry...

Nimbus: No one's askin' you to apologize. Eh, whatever...

Girl: Th-thank you...

Girl: Wow! Are you some kind of warrior, miss?

Nasir: A warrior?

Nasir: No... I'm just...

Flustered Bandit: Damn brat who got away's come back to us trouble, huh...

Flustered Bandit: Uh-oh, it's that monster... The Hellcat of the Dunes! And the one in front's the girl with the magic sword!

Flustered Bandit: We're in luck! Forking her over to the royal family's gonna rake in a ton more cash than the brat.

Nasir: I am no warrior.

Nasir: I am... flame incarnate!

Flustered Bandit: Y-you freak!

Flustered Bandit: Stop right there or she's a goner!

Girl: Hrgh! Mmf!

Flustered Bandit: Hah... Hahaha! Some monster you are, eh?! Drop the sword at once-

Alk: Nasir!

Nasir: I can hear the voices. It's telling me to feed the fire with my anger and soul...

Flustered Bandit: The heck are you-

Nasir: I will consume the flame...

Nimbus: Do it, Nasir!

Nasir: No one will ever be taken again from my watch!

Flustered Bandit: GYAAAAAH!

Girl: Huh? I don't feel hot at all...

Nasir: Let's go, everyone....

Nimbus: You got it!

Girl: Mommy!

Mother: Nagella! Thank goodness you're safe!

Nasir: I am in your debt, everyone.

Nasir: I'll never lose my way again. This sword, the flame, the voice...

Nasir: I've made it all mine.

Nasir: Truly... thank you.