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Episode 1
Solitary Warrior

Alk and co. confront of a den of racketeers who are threatening to shut down a bar. After a mysterious swordsmaster named Mormia saves Alk from a deadly blow, the Starview Villagers agree to help seek out her half-forgotten homeland: the Elven Woods.

Alk: Hi. Is this place still taking orders?

Barkeep: We sure are. What can I get for you?

Light: Three servings of your most popular dish.

Barkeep: Coming right up!

Alk: What's up?

Stella: I don't know. It's just that she seems... familiar.

Alk: Hm...

Barkeep: Enjoy!

Canid Thug: What in the world? This place is still open?

Light: What do you think you're doing?

Stella: I fail to comprehend the logic behind your actions.

Canid Thug: Logic? I knocked that hog swill off the table 'cause I wanted to. How's that for logic?

Bladesmaster: Think you could keep it down? Your noise is spoiling the wine.

Canid Thug: What'd you say to me?

Bladesmaster: I said I want to drink in peace.

Canid Thug: What's with the ears, huh? I never seen anything like them.

Canid Thug: You wanted to drink? ...There. Lap it up like the mutt you are.

Light: Alk, you need not draw your sword.

Alk: What?

Light: You'll see.

Bladesmaster: Let me give you a warning.

Bladesmaster: Not a soul alive will heed the cries of the wicked. The only thing that will answer... is death.

Canid Thug: The hell is that supposed to—

Bladesmaster: Get lost.

Alk: That was awesome!

Barkeep: What have you done?!

Barkeep: You've painted crosshairs on this place! All those times I turned the other cheek... They don't mean anything now!

Light: Has that man been here before? Who was he?

Barkeep: There's a whole group of them—failed adventurers from Palpebra. They've formed a kind of gang, and claimed this whole area as their turf.

Barkeep: Dammit! I don't have the money to hire one of those Guild bodyguards!

Light: There is no need for that. We will go speak with this "gang."

Light: Will you come with us—er... What shall I call you?

Mormia: Mormia. And I'm going to have to turn you down.

Mormia: I'll put out fires that are near me, but I don't go running into them.

Light: Then I will not press you. Alk, will you lend me your strength?

Alk: Of course! Our dinner's on the line here.

Alk: Something wrong?

Light: No... It seems she was not so callous after all.

Alk: For the last time, we're here to TALK!

Canid Thug: Shut your mouth, kid!

Alk: Phew... That should teach them...


Canid Thug: DIE!

Alk: Thanks! You really saved my hide.

Light: You came after all.

Mormia: I'm not here to save you. I'm here because I have questions.

Alk: About what?

Mormia: You're not from this world, are you?

Barkeep: We're celebrating! Free meals on me ALL DAY!

Light: Then you too are a wanderer in strange lands...

Mormia: I was apparently born in a place called the Elven Woods.

Light: Apparently?

Mormia: Everything I know about those woods, I learned from my dad. He's human. And that was grounds for getting us banished when I was too young to even understand what was going on.

Mormia: But I can still faintly remember silver trees...

Stella: Do you want to live in the Elven Woods again?

Mormia: I don't know about that... But I'd like to see it one more time.

Stella: Then come with us. I am certain we'll find your home again.

Mormia: ...I never could've guessed you were traveling between worlds. I still find it hard to believe.

Mormia: But thank you. As long as we're together, I'll keep you safe. This sword isn't just for show.

Alk: That would be super appreciated. Welcome to the team, Mormia!

Mormia: Thanks for having me.

Episode 2
The Strongest Technique

Alk and co. meet Neo, a young catboy being bullied because of his species. Nimbus initially agrees to teach the kid to street fight, but eventually Mormia steps in and shows Neo that the ideal path to victory lies in befriending your enemies.

Light: The village isn't much farther. We can finally have a draft to soothe our throats.

Light: Stella?

Stella: Why are you crying?

Kitten: Marco... *hic* Marco won't let me play with them... *sniff* He says it's 'cause they're dogs and I'm a cat...

Light: So at long last, the cat and dogfolk have begun to live alongside one another...

Light: But I see they have not yet learned to love their neighbors.

Nimbus: Come on. It's just kids being kids.

Kitten: If... If I was stronger, they wouldn't be able to hurt me no more...

Alk: Hey, Nimbus. Why don't you teach him some of your cool moves?

Nimbus: What? Why the hell would I do that?

Light: At the very least, it will be a way to pass the time. We mean to lodge here tonight.

Nimbus: All right, fine... Hey, kid. What's your name?

Neo: N-Neo...

Nimbus: If I hear one mewl outta you, I'm sending you home. That clear, Neo?

Nimbus: You've got guts, but your form's all over the place...

Nimbus: Hey... The hell are you doing here? If you've got something to say, just say it.

Mormia: I'd better not. If we give the kid conflicting advice, it's only going to confuse him.

Nimbus: Talk. I don't need you there silently judging me.

Mormia: ...You're teaching the kid to street fight.

Nimbus: Yeah. And?

Mormia: Do you really think that's what's best for him? Street fighting is about devastating your opponent as quickly and brutally as possible.

Mormia: It's a sure way of making enemies for life.

Nimbus: I've heard all this before...

Mormia: Sorry. I didn't mean to waste your time.

Nimbus: Wait. You can't just say your piece and leave.

Mormia: You're the one who made me say it.

Nimbus: I'm asking for your help, Mormia. You've got something better to offer Neo, right?

Mormia: No, I...

Nimbus: Save your breath. I can see it written all over your face.

Mormia: Fine.

Nimbus: Hey, kid. You don't suck anymore.

Nimbus: Guess your advice worked. You use to be an instructor or something?

Mormia: No, but... Watching him reminded me of my past.

Nimbus: I heard you were from another world.

Mormia: ...I don't remember much about my birthplace.

Mormia: But there's one sensation from childhood that haunts me even now.

Mormia: I was always alone. So I told myself I needed to get stronger fast, to protect myself.

Mormia: I was so desperate for power, I lost sight of some important things. And now I know better. That's all.

Pup: What do you want?

Neo: Can we talk?

Pup: You here for a fight? Let's go then!

Neo: Why won't you let me be your friend?

Nimbus: Looks like you were right, Mormia.

Light: There is no surer way to victory than befriending the enemy.

Mormia: It doesn't always work. But with these kids, there was hope.

Mormia: Well, let's get going. We've got nothing left to do here, right?

Neo: You're leaving already?

Neo: Take me with you! I wanna grow up to be strong like Nimbus and Mormia!

Nimbus: You can't come, kid.

Neo: Mormia! Pleeease?!

Mormia: Is this the kind of power you want?

Mormia: That wasn't true strength. That was violence. And it creates more problems than it solves. No one should have to rely on it—least of all you.

Neo: But I...

Mormia: You've got family, right?

Mormia: And now you have friends. Wherever they are... that's your place of strength.

Mormia: You're not alone anymore.

Neo: Mormia...

Mormia: Sorry we have to say goodbye so soon. But I'm glad we met.

Episode 3
Home Away From Home

At a dying old man's behest, Alk and co. guide three children to a farm filled with villagers forced from their homes. Soon after, a group of washed-up adventurers attempt to raid the place, and in facing them, Mormia realizes that her true purpose lies in defending those with no one else to turn to.

Alk: *sigh* Nothing, nothing, and more nothing as far as the eye can see.

Nimbus: We've been trekking since morning, and I'm starting to get hungry... *sniff* Huh?

Alk: What that smell? Is someone having a barbecue?

Light: No... This is the stench of burnt land and wood. Come, we must hurry!

Mormia: Stella, wait! Don't stray too far from us!

Stella: Mister... Mister! Are you all right?

Old Man: *gasp* *wheeze* The... children!

Alk: Children? You weren't traveling alone?

Old Man: Please... I have a favor to ask of you... There's a farm... where all the other survivors have gone... Take the children there...

Old Man: I know we're perfect strangers... But I've no one else to rely on... Please... I beg of you...

Mormia: Don't worry. I'll make sure they reach safety.

Old Man: Thank... you...

Stella: Mister!

Mormia: He's still breathing, but it's faint...

Mormia: ...Sorry. I should've consulted with the group before making any promises. I'll understand if you don't want to come with me.

Stella: I'm going.

Light: We are ALL going. Nimbus, can you carry that man?

Nimbus: Got it.

Mormia: Thank you...

Mormia: Don't be afraid. I won't let anything happen to you.

Alk: This the farm? Looks more like a fortress.

Mormia: Around here, it's not easy to survive.

Mormia: Looks like they don't trust us...

Lookout: Who are you?!

Mormia: Let us in. We have children with us.

Light: They were with an old man next to a burning carriage. Does that sound familiar?

Lookout: I... I can't believe it!\n Wait just a moment! I'm opening up the gates!

Mother: Thank the stars you darlings are safe... You must've been so scared... Mommy's sorry... Mommy's sorry she couldn't go back for you!

Village Head: On behalf of everyone living in this village, I wanted to say thank you. We owe you everything.

Mormia: You owe us nothing. We were only keeping a promise.

Mormia: I just wish we'd made it in time to save your father...

Village Head: I'm grateful he was able to pass among his own people. I'm sure he feels the same.

Village Head: Now, it's starting to get dark. Why don't you put up your weary feet and stay here for the night?

Nimbus: Finally, some rest.

Alk: I'm glad we could reunite the kids with their families.

Stella: Why do you think their carriage was the only one attacked?

Mormia: Apparently, it was the last in the caravan. They were hit by washed-up adventurers. It's just like those cowards to go after stragglers.

Alk: Come to think of it, we've dealt with "washed-up adventurers" before. When we first met Mormia.

Mormia: We're a long way from Palpebra. There's no Kaleidoscope here, which means barely any money and barely any people.

Mormia: It's the perfect place for a group of armed failures to run wild.

Mormia: When that carriage was attacked, I'm sure the rest of the caravan wanted to help—but with what firepower? Turning back would've just invited more tragedy.

Alk: ...Is there no hope for this village?

Mormia: Since I was young, I've seen plenty of places like this. And all of them have fallen.

Mormia: That's why I—

Bandit: You really think a few sticks was gonna keep us out? I'd have more trouble raidin' an anthill!

Bandit: I wouldn't run if I were you... Fun's about to start now.

Mormia: Were you the ones who attacked that carriage?

Bandit: Carriage? ...Oh, she means that little wagon—the one that didn't have no valuables in it! Hell, it wasn't even worth remembering!

Bandit: What? You here for revenge? I'm always ready to dance with a pretty—

Bandit: Who... Who are you?

Mormia: Funny you should ask that. Thanks to you, it feels like I've found myself again.

Mormia: I finally understand why I spent all those years training... and why I came back to this place.

Bandit: What's someone like you doing on this run-down farm?

Bandit: With skills like yours, you could be guardin' manors for five—no, ten times the pay!

Mormia: Maybe. But I'm not in it for the money.

Bandit: Then why the hell are you...

Mormia: I fight to defend people who have no one else.

Village Head: Looks like we owe you everything and more now! I won't ever forget what you did for us!

Mormia: I did what I felt was right. That's all.

Mormia: ...Let me give you some advice. You're living in lawless territory. You'd better get out as soon as you can.

Mormia: And even then, if you ever find yourself in trouble, know you can rely on my sword.

Mormia: Doesn't matter when. I'll come running.

Village Head: Thank you... Thank you!

Nimbus: Hey, Mormia. You still planning on traveling with us?

Nimbus: You've found purpose, right? I'm guessing you don't really care about going home anymore.

Mormia: You guessed right. But your adventures take you to far-flung places—and that's where my sword is needed most.

Mormia: ...Are you trying to hint you don't want me around?

Nimbus: You know I'm not.

Mormia: Good. Because I'm here to stay. Just like you.