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Episode 1
A Moth to the Flame

A moth girl named Mora spots a fire started by Alk and friends, and approaches them, brimming with curiosity about humans. Alk offers her some of the food he cooked up, and Mora decides to join the party so she can learn more about humans.

Stella: That smells wonderful.

Alk: All harvested from around this area! I figured we could try living off the land- at least for tonight!

Light: You really do love cooking, don't you, Alk?

Light: I'm all for some camping, but let's make sure we stay alert. Not many humans come this way, and or good reason.

???: So red... Snap and pop... What is?

Light: A monster?!

Monster Girl: Sway... Back, forward... Very beautiful!

Alk: Hey! Careful!

Monster Girl: Oh goodness.

Alk: Are you okay? You didn't get burned, did you?

Mora: Mora okay! Just surprise.

Stella: That is fire. You must not touch it.

Mora: Must not touch! Okay! I learn!

Stella: Please don't forget.

Light: I know your kind hearts compel you to help everyone you see, but I do wish you would be a little more careful!

Alk: I think this one's okay! We're even able to communicate with her.

Mora: I know! Hear from spirit.

Mora: You are... human!

Alk: That's right! I'm Alk, and this is Stella. The flurry one is Light. It's nice to meet you!

Mora: Human! Hyoo-man! I meet human, finally.

Mora: I have a question for human! Want ask!

Mora: Human... What eat? Where live?

Mora: Uh, well...

Mora: How make eggs? No can fly? And... and...

Alk: Hold on, hold on! One question at a time, please!

Mora: Wow! Human no can see in dark! Very surprise!

Stela: That's right. That is why we use fire.

Alk: ...And then we have the topic of food. Maybe it's best to try some for yourself!

Mora: Delicious!

Alk: Glad you like it! There's seconds if you want more!

Light: The sun's almost up. We should head home soon, Alk.

Alk: Mora, we're gonna get going, okay? Thanks for keeping us company!

Stella: Take care.

Mora: I go with! Together! Want know... human!

Stella: Okay. Welcome to-

Light: Hold on a second! That was a bit too fast- are we really just letting anybody in now?!

Alk: You might have a point. She could still be a child moth, for all we know, and we don't exactly go on kid-friendly adventures.

Mora: I no scared!

Alk: What is this powder>

Alk: Wait a minute, wh-what?!

Stella: Many Moras. Wow.

Mora: Well? Me amazing, right? Can take me! Very useful!

Mora: Plus, can use scales! For hunting.

Alk: I guess she's a lot tougher than we thought!

Stella: Light. I think we can take her along. May I welcome her?

Light: Well... I suppose if she's aware that coming with us might be dangerous, then I have no objections.

Mora: Aware! I awear! I want know human!

Mora: Please teach me human, Alk!

Episode 2
The Moth's Trap

Mora gives the party a cocoon as a thank-you gift. Mora speaks to a tailor in town who she's well acquainted with, and finds out his supplies were robbed. The party cooperates with him to catch the criminals. Mora gives Alk a silky scarf, but then also offers to make him equally silky underwear. Flustered, Alk runs away, but Mora follows after him to get his measurements.

Light: What is this, exactly?

Stella: A present from Mora. It's a cocoon.

Mora: Yes! For say thank you!

Alk: Wait a minute. If that's her cocoon, then inside there must be... Oh, it's rather heavy.

Mora: Heavy? No heavy! Very light cocoon!

Alk: Well, um, thanks either way, Mora!

Light: Hmmm. Could we possibly use this to make silk thread? Mora, what do you intend to do now?

Mora: I got to market! Come with!

Mora: Hello, Mr. Tailor!

Tailor: Well if it isn't Mora! You're looking lovely as usual today.

Light: When did she get so familiar with the locals, exactly?

Mora: Mr. Tailor, I bring cocoon! Please use make something!

Tailor: For you, my dear, anytime!

Tailor: ...Is what I'd like to say, but the truth is I can't.

Tailor: Unfortunately...

Tailor: A bunch of thieves got in and ransacked the place, as you can see.

Alk: This is terrible...

Tailor: That's what I get for using a cheap warehouse. They can't afford to post security here every day, so... we get break-ins.

Mora: I help Mr. Tailor!

Mora: Catch human! Bind up with silk!

Mora: Alk, will help?

Alk: Of course I will, Mora!

Alk: In that case, let's go start a rumor about how easy this place is to rob...

Flustered Bandit: Heh, these damn amateurs. No guards tonight either! Can you believe this?

Flustered Bandit: I guess it's all-you-can-steal night!

Flustered Bandit: Hey, what're you doing slackin' off?

???: Prepare to die.

Flustered Bandit: H-h-huh?! What the hell was that?

???: Prepare to die!

Flustered Bandit: Ghooooost! Ahh!

Flustered Bandit: Ahhhhh!

Mora: Mr. Tailor, very happy! I happy too!

Mora: Make this. Please take present!

Alk: A scarf! Wow, it's... incredibly soft. That texture!

Light: This type of silk is usually reserved for royalty!

Stella: Velvety smooth...

Mora: Alk, thanks for helping me! One more thing!

Alk: Huh? You really didn't need to go through all that trouble, Mora!

Mora: Alk, like texture?

Alk: Y-yes, I do.

Mora: Okay. Now make same for underpant.

Alk: I'm sorry what?

Mora: Me measure Alk underpant size.

Alk: Now HOLD ON a minute there!

Mora: No problem. I monster. No understand.

Mora: I have a feeling you DEFINITELY understand!

Mora: Alk, no escape.

Light: I guess we should let her get it out of her system. Best of luck Alk.

Mora: Alk, come back!