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Episode 1
Mizuchi, Drowning

Mizuchi recalls being sacrificed to a water deity and subsequently saved by Suizen. Since then, Suizen has taught her to bring the snake yokai under her control as her shikigami. Seeking to further master her powers, Mizuchi begins a sojourn at Starview Village.

Voices: Be at peace. Be at peace...

Voices: Quell your fury. Let go your rage.

Voices: O water deity. We beseech you...

Voices: We do not ask your forgiveness.

???: Stop!

???: Mizuchi! Awake!

Suizen: Bonds of water

Suizen: Phew... You're safe now.

Mizuchi: Mmph... Chairman? Was I... dreaming again?

Mizuchi: I'm sorry

Suizen: Be patient. Your shikigami is a mighty one. A few mishaps are only to be expected.

Suizen: You've barely begun speaking again. Don't push yourself.

Mizuchi: But at this rate

Suizen: Nonsense. You'll grow into your powers

Suizen: Ah. I've just come up with a rather ingenious idea.

Alk: Here? Like you want Mizuchi to stay at Starview?

Stella: You are welcome

Alk: There she goes again. Classic Stella.

Alk: I don't mind Mizuchi joining us for a while

Suizen: Personally

Suizen: But as for Mizuchi

Mizuchi: I'd like to learn to control my powers.

Nimbus: Huh? You could talk this whole time?

Mizuchi: I... S-sorry.

Alk: Nimbus. Would it kill you to have at least a LITTLE tact?

Nimbus: Shoot. My bad. I'm not accusing you of anything

Suizen: And

Light: How did she lose it?

Suizen: Mizuchi

Mizuchi: Yes

Mizuchi: This is my shikigami.

Suizen: It is also a yokai that's possessed her.

Stella: A yokai? Is it one of Inaho's friends?

Suizen: If only. This particular yokai is more... unruly.

Suizen: I'm teaching Mizuchi divination so she can keep it in check. If left to its own will...

Suizen: Well

Alk: Oof... Glad you broke free.

Mizuchi: A-as am I...

Mizuchi: When you defeated Orochi

Nimbus: So

Suizen: I believe battling beasts will teach Mizuchi to tame the one within her.

Suizen: It's why I ask you to accept her as a member of Starview.

Stella: I already welcomed her.

Mizuchi: U-um... I'm really grateful.

Mizuchi: I've always looked up to you

Suizen: Well

Stella: You'll get stronger. I promise.

Mizuchi: Thank you for believing in me.

Episode 2
Emotions Freed

In the Yamato of the East, Mizuchi and Shirano save a village from a rampaging yokai. But the yokai-hating villagers, upon seeing the foxes, begin slandering Mizuchi and the absent Suizen, infuriating the girl and causing her to lose control of her shikigami. She collapses, but after she awakens, Shirano urges her to acknowledge her grudge towards humans without being consumed by hate.

Townspeople: Someone... HEEELP!

Onyudo: Gr... GROOOAR!

Shirano: Well

Fox Kit: Bruuutes.

Shirano: Now

Mizuchi: The Commission is meeting tonight... So the Chair can't be here...

Mizuchi: Th-that's why I've come in his place.

Shirano: Oh my. Are you sure you can handle this

Mizuchi: Y-yes... It'll be over in an instant...

Shirano: Hehe. Very well then. Show us what you're made of!

Mizuchi: Yes

Mizuchi: Snake that slithers along ocean floor... Bind your foes so they move nevermore!

Shirano: Remarkable!

Fox Kit: Remarkable! Remarkable!

Shirano: Well

Townspeople: Wait... Those are yokai!

Townspeople: What's a diviner doing with yokai?

Shirano: Oh bother. I should've seen this coming. The East isn't quite accustomed to friendly yokai.

Mizuchi: U-um... You should run...

Townspeople: I recognize that girl... She works for the tengu boy!

Townspeople: You mean that diviner brat? So his parents really are yokai...

Townspeople: Have they been playing us for fools?!

Mizuchi: Agh... Gaaaah...

Stella: Mizuchi!

Mizuchi: AAAAAGH!

Shirano: Get a hold of yourself! You're stronger than this!

Shirano: Oh

Fox Kit: Aye-aye

Shirano: Are you ready to fly

Stella: Yes.

Mizuchi: Where... am I?

Shirano: Finally awake

Mizuchi: Sorry. I... I...

Shirano: No need to worry. There aren't any of your detested humans about.

Mizuchi: What?

Shirano: Well

Shirano: My

Shirano: If not

Shirano: Well. We REALLY need to get going now. Only the deities know what mess the kitchen will be in.

Mizuchi: Is that... it?

Mizuchi: You don't have anything to say about me... disliking humans?

Shirano: Don't let the negativity consume you. Intense hate can warp the spirit AND the body. Just give it a few hundred years.

Mizuchi: A few hundred... years?

Shirano: Anger

Shirano: And if you happen to have a slight... distaste for humans... I don't see much of a problem with that.

Stella: You'll be fine.

Stella: As Alk says... Everything in moderation.

Mizuchi: All right. Then I'll keep disliking them... in moderation.

Shirano: That's the spirit.

Shirano: Now

Mizuchi: Oh

Episode 3
Trust and Betrayal

When villagers arrive to heap disdain on Suizen and Mizuchi even after they drive away hostile yokai, Mizuchi loses her temper. She declares her hate for the bigots, but also acknowledges that they do not deserve to suffer. Suizen laughs, seeing much of himself in the girl, and the two determine to walk the path of divination together.

Mizuchi: B-but...

Mizuchi: No! I won't do it!

Suizen: Hah. Rare for you to put your foot down like this.

Suizen: But we don't have a choice. Trust in the Diviners' Commission is at an all-time low.

Suizen: I did foresee this coming to pass

Mizuchi: But... What about living in peace and harmony with the yokai?

Suizen: The people aren't interested in visions of an idealistic future. They want results.

Suizen: So we'll give them results. We'll show them what fearsome yokai hunters we can be!

Mizuchi: But Chairman

Suizen: Now!

Mizuchi: Yes

Suizen: Outstanding! You've really improved

Suizen: Your sojourns in Starview are working wonders.

Suizen: At this rate

Mizuchi: No...

Mizuchi: I want to stay in the Commission... With you!

Suizen: But

Townspeople: It's the tengu boy! And his lackey!

Townspeople: Filthy diviners... You can't pull the wool over OUR eyes! You were the ones who summoned the yokai in the first place!

Townspeople: You're working with the monsters! You're one of them!

Mizuchi: How dare you speak that way about the Chairman... You don't know anything!

Suizen: Mizuchi! Stop!

Mizuchi: I hate you... I HATE YOU ALL!

Mizuchi: But you don't deserve to suffer.

Suizen: Pfft... Hah! HAHAHA!

Suizen: Wonderful. Simply wonderful.

Suizen: Wouldn't you agree? It's the complete opposite of your shoddy disguise.

Suizen: Whoever you work for is crafty but otherwise

Mizuchi: Chairman... I'm sorry about what happened this afternoon.

Mizuchi: They were saying such terrible things... But I shouldn't have lost my temper.

Suizen: So you hate them.

Suizen: Well. That's one thing we have in common.

Mizuchi: What?

Suizen: Those people are foolish

Suizen: They must remind you of the villagers who offered you up as a sacrifice.

Suizen: And yet... You feel it is only right to protect them. Right?

Mizuchi: ...Right.

Suizen: I'd always believed that the day you were freed from the snake would be the day you were freed from me...

Suizen: But it seems we're more similar than I believed.

Mizuchi: ...We are.

Mizuchi: Chairman

Suizen: I'd agree

Suizen: If you wish to come with me on this journey

Mizuchi: Yes