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Episode 1
She'll Rock Your World

Alk and Nimbus investigate the cause of recent tremors in the Kaleidoscope and find a horned girl. She looks ready to attack, but collapses before anything happens. When Alk offers her some food, she recovers and takes a liking to him.

Alk: Just one more to go...

Nimbus: Heh! Is this thing seriously supposed to be our target? It's barely puttin' up a fight!

Alk: Here comes its breath!

Nimbus: Way ahead of ya!

Alk: Wait. Who's there?

Horned Hell-raiser: Grr... Raaaaugh!

Alk: What the... Talk about quick work!

Alk: Uh. hi there. Are you here on a Guild quest too?

Horned Hell-raiser: Grr... Raaaaugh!

Alk: Whoa, hey!

Nimbus: What's her deal?!

Nimbus: Wait a sec, Alk. I think she's supposed to be our target!

Alk: You mean SHE'S the one rampaging all over the Kaleidoscope? I thought it was supposed to be a monster!

Nimbus: She might as well be—look at that destruction!

Alk: You think we could talk it out?

Horned Hell-raiser: Grr...

Alk: Do you... understand me? I'm... not your enemy. So please—

Horned Hell-raiser: Raaaaaugh!

Alk: Y-yikes! Looks like talking's a no-go.

Nimbus: That's what I've... *sigh* Anyway, let's put a stop to her!

Alk: Wait, no!

Nimbus: It's now or never, Alk!

Horned Hell-raiser: Grr... Raaaaugh!

Horned Hell-raiser: Augh... Ah...

Alk: What's wrong with her?

Nimbus: Is she... worn out?

Mino: I can't go on... like this...

Mino's Tummy: *growl*

Nimbus: Don't tell me... is she just hungry?

Alk: Um... Here. Do you want some of this?

Nimbus: Careful, Alk! It might be a trap!

Alk: Maybe... But she seems really hungry.

Mino: Smells... good!

Mino: Tastes... yummy!

Mino: Yummy, yummy!

Alk: Phew.

Guild Staff: So you mean to say it wasn't a monster, but Mino here causing all the destruction in the Kaleidoscope?

Alk: Probably... When we followed the tremors, she was waiting for us there.

Guild Staff: Hmm... There's been a lot of that lately.

Guild Staff: But why all the rampaging then?

Mino: I rampage when angry. Rampaging makes me feel good.

Nimbus: What in the feral animal...

Guild Staff: Understood. What do you plan on doing here on out?

Mino: I'm joining Alk!

Alk: Wha?

Mino: Alk cooks good food! I wanna eat more! So I'll go with him!

Guild Staff: So to be clear, Alk and his friends will act as your guardians then?

Mino: Yeah! I'll Join Alk and friends! And get more yummy food!

Alk: Wait, uh... Seriously?

Nimbus: Great... Now she's our problem.

Mino: Thanks, Alk!

Episode 2
Seafood Scramble

Mino joins Alk for a fishing trip, but hunger is causing her patience to wear thin. When she jumps into the water to catch her own fish, a Kraken appears, scaring all the fish away. In a fury, Mino manages to fight it off. Although they weren't able to procure any fish for dinner, Alk uses a Kraken tentacle to cook up a stew.

Mino: *yawn* So... hungry.

Alk: Sorry, Mino. They'll start nibbling soon.

Mino: When you catch one, can I eat it?

Alk: Not right now, no. These are for dinner.

Mino: What about extras?

Alk: Hmm... I dunno. I think we'll dry and preserve those.

Mino: Why not eat right away? It'll taste better! I wanna eat now!

Alk: Well, it's important to have spare food to bring with us on quests.

Mino: I don't get it! I'm tired of waiting! I'll catch my own fish!

Alk: Wait, stop!

Alk: If you do that, the fish will all swim away.

Alk: I'll make us a tasty dinner after this, so have a little patience, okay?

Mino: If you say so. I'll wait.

Alk: Thanks, Mino. I appreciate that.


Alk: Welp.

Mino: Look, Alk! I caught one!

Alk: M-Mino! Behind you!

Mino: Who are you? Wait your turn.

Mino: My... My fish!

Alk: Forget the fish, Mino! Get out of there, quickly!

Mino: I said to wait your turn... But you didn't listen...

Mino: Alk always says... to be patient!

Mino: You... You need to learn some manners!

Alk: Hold on, Mino, I'll help you!

Mino: I'll wait for food, but not this! Graaaaugh!

Light: So you took on the Kraken all by yourself? Impressive.

Mino: But... I only cut one tentacle.

Nimbus: Not a lot of people could pull that off, you know. What's got you so down?

Mino: It's my fault... all the fish swam off. There's no food for tonight.

Nimbus: Always about food with you, isn't it?

Mino: Not only that... I couldn't wait. Alk told me to be patient.

Alk: Food's on, guys!

Mino: Alk... What's this?

Alk: I present to you my latest culinary creation... Kraken and radish stew!

Nimbus: The very same one Mino took on? Is this stuff even edible?

Stella: It's fine. Quite springy, actually.

Light: Huh... This is rather tasty. And it seems we have enough to last a good while too.

Alk: Yep. All thanks to Mino.

Mino: Thanks to... me?

Alk: That's right! You did good, Mino.

Mino: R-really? I did good?

Alk: You sure did! So what are you waiting for? Dig in!

Mino: Okay! Thanks, Alk!

Episode 3
A Place to Call Home

Mino returns to her native forest, having spent far too long away from the wilderness. Although she is able to hunt and eat to her heart's content, something feels missing. The next morning, Alk and the others find her asleep in his room. It seems that nothing makes a place feel more like home than family.

Mino: Yaaaay! The foreeest!

Mino: I've got you noooow!

Mino: Food! Food!

Mino: Is it ready yet? Is it ready yet?

Mino: *nom* Mmm... Yummy!

Mino: ...Alk? Everybody?

Mino: Oh, right... I came here to hunt...

Alk: *yawn* Mmm... Okay. Time to make breakfast and—

Alk: Whoa! Who's there!

Alk: Wait, Mino?

Nimbus: Why's she sleeping in your room?

Alk: I don't know... She was here when I woke up.

Alk: She said she wanted to go on a hunt for a few days, so I sent her off with the World Flipper yesterday.

Nimbus: And she's back already?

Alk: Maybe something happened out there.

Mino: Zzz... I can't... eat another bite...

Nimbus: Heh. Even her dreams are about food.

Mino: Zzz... Alk... Another one, please...

Alk: Didn't you just say you couldn't eat another bite?

Stella: Shh. Alk.

Alk: Sorry.

Light: All by herself out there, I'm sure she must've noticed it.

Light: I thought you of all people would've realized, Alk.

Stella: She must have gotten lonely.

Alk: Oh... Homesick, huh?

Alk: I guess she feels like this is her true home now, right? That makes me kinda happy.

Stella: I couldn't agree more, Alk.

Nimbus: Still... She looks so damn content right now, huh?

Mino: Zzz... I love... you guys...