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Episode 1
Starting Out

While foraging for food in the forest, Alk and Light run into Millet, a novice adventurer who wants to be like the character Patty from the Grindle Tales. Later, Alk and Light take Millet under their wing at the Guild's request.

Alk: Do you think this is enough for dinner? We shouldn't need too much since we'll make it to Palpebra tomorrow.

Light: Indeed. Let's set up camp before the sun sets-

???: Ahhhh!

Inexperienced Girl: I... I can do this! Ahhh!

Alk: Ragh!

Inexperienced Girl: W-wow, that was amazing! You swooped in just like Grindle would've!

Alk: Are you okay? Any injuries?

Millet: I-I'm all right! Thank you so much for rescuing me! I'm Millet, by the way!

Light: The monsters in this area aren't the most dangerous, but they are still formidable.

Light: A young child like you should take care not to wander here alone.

Millet: Oh... I'll be more careful in the future... But, um... I'm actually an adventurer...

Light: Y-you are? My apologies, I didn't mean to cause offense...

Millet: It's okay! I know I've still got a long ways to go.

Millet: That's why I came to this forest. I wanted to train and get stronger, but then I got lost...

Stomach: *growl*

Alk: Sounds to me like it's chow time. Want to join us for dinner?

Millet: This is delicious! I can't believe you're good at fighting AND cooking, Alk!

Alk: Oh, I'm only okay at it. Honestly, you're the good one. You moved like a pro while we were cooking.

Millet: I've just got experience under my belt. My family runs an inn, so I've been helping out since I was young.

Millet: I actually like doing household chores... Ehehe.

Light: Is that so? Why did you decide to become an adventurer, then?

Millet: Er, that's because... I was inspired by the Grindle Tales.

Alk: Ah, that's the book series about a party of adventurers, isn't it? Pretty popular too, from what Stella told me-

Millet: Yes, that's exactly the one! The main character is super cool, but I love the main heroine the most!

Millet: Her name's Patty, and she's good at fighting and support! I want to be an adventurer exactly like her!

Millet: Ah! I'm s-sorry, it's kind of lame to be inspired by stories, isn't it...

Alk: I don't think so. Lots of adventurers were inspired by something, and it's not my place to judge.

Light: Exactly. Everyone has one reason or another driving them, and yours is as valid as the rest.

Millet: You really think so? Ehehe... Thanks for saying as much.

Millet: I'm still new at all this, but... One day, I'll definitely become an awesome fighter and supporter like Patty!

Alk: She matters to you that much, huh?

Alk: I'm feeling a little inspired myself. I've gotta keep working hard too!

Millet: Oh, Alk! Light! Thanks again for the other day!

Alk: Hey, Millet. Getting a job from Lilie today?

Pur Lilie: She is, but... Would you mind partying up with her from today forward?

Alk: Of course we don't mind, but what brought this on?

Pur Lilie: It's part of a new system the Guild's trying out.

Pur Lilie: A lot of new adventurers don't make it back from the field, so we're trying to pair them up with more experienced people to show them the ropes.

Pur Lilie: Since this is an official request, you'll also be paid for your time. How about it?

Light: We have no issue taking this on. In fact, this is a wonderful idea- one I can tell you fight to implement.

Alk: Are you sure we're the best ones for the job though? There are plenty of experienced adventurers who could teach Millet more...

Millet: I asked specifically f-for you! Since we already knew each other, I figured it would be better...

Millet: I-I'll definitely listen to what you have to say! Please, teach me your ways! Throw me in the brig if I mess up!

Alk: Wh-whoa, there! We're adventurers, not a band of pirates!

Alk: If you're truly fine with us as mentors, then we'd be happy to help. Looking forward to working with you, Millet.

Millet: Oh... Thank you, thank you!

Millet: I'll do my best to back you up, no matter how hard I have to work! Ehehe...

Millet: I can't wait to head out!

Millet: Let's go!

Episode 2
Coming into Her Own

Though she excels at supporting her friends, Millet struggles to be like her favorite character Patty and fight in the frontlines. However, after saving a group of merchants from a monster, Millet finds her resolve to train harder and not give up on her dream.

Nimbus: Is that all of 'em? I swear the report we got said there'd be more.

Light: There might be other groups waiting out there. After we catch our breaths, we should have a look around.

Millet: Good work, everyone! I've got cold towels for you all!

Alk: Oh, thanks.

Alk: But, uh, Millet? You don't have to do this kinda stuff for us.

Millet: It's fine! I'm not much use in battle, so the least I can do is give you the best support possible!

Nimbus: Just support? Pretty sure that adventurer you look up to does more than that, doesn't she?

Millet: Huh? O-oh, that's...

Nimbus: ...Sorry, forget I said anything. I spoke outta line there.

Millet: No, it's f-fine...

Alk: You reading more Grindle Tales?

Millet: Oh, um, yeah!

Alk: Third volume? That's the one that has Patty fighting for the first time, right?

Millet: You've read it?!

Alk: Yep, the whole series. Started it out of curiosity, then got sucked in really quickly.

Light: The same goes for me. I was especially impressed with the depiction of the fight against the great dragon. It was very realistic.

Alk: Patty played a big role in that fight, huh? She didn't do much in the first half, but she totally stole the show in the second.

Millet: Yeah, that's right! She wasn't used to fighting, but she took up the sword anyway to protect her friends-

Millet: ...Oh.

Alk: Millet? What's wrong?

Millet: N-nothing, just...

Millet: I wanted so much to be like Patty, but I... I only...

Scream: Somebody, help!

Alk: Light! Go grab Nimbus!

Alk: Millet!

Millet: R-right!

Alk: I'll hold this position! You need to lead everyone else to safety!

Millet: N-no, stay back!

Millet: Agh...

Merchant: Aah... AAHHH!

Millet: I... I can...

Millet: I can do this... I'm an adventurer now!

Millet: And adventurers... fight!

Millet: Raaagh!

Merchant: We were all saved, thanks to you. Truly, from the bottom of our hearts... Thank you!

Nimbus: See? You've got some fight in you after all. Great job back there.

Millet: I-I guess I do... I really did it, huh?

Millet: U-um, could we spend more time doing combat training?

Millet: I... I really want to get better at fighting!

Alk: You don't even need to ask!

Millet: Th-thank you!

Millet: ...Ah, Alk, the ends of your shirt are frayed.

Alk: Huh? I totally didn't notice. I'll have to fix that later.

Millet: That's okay, I can take care of it right now! I always carry around my sewing kit.

Nimbus: Some things never change...

Millet: Well, like I said from the very beginning...

Millet: I want to be an adventurer who can fight AND support the party!