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Episode 1
What Makes a Knight

Stella is confronted by an angry street peddler while running errands in Palpebra. Miles, a self-proclaimed knight, arrives to her rescue. For some reason, though, he keeps referring to her as his little sister, Kiara.

Miles: Sun shining, birds singing, and not a cloud in sight! I can just feel it... Today's the day!

Little Boy: HEEEELP!

Miles: A hopeless child in need!

Tiny Dog: Yip! Yip yip yip!

Miles: Never fear! HYAH!

Little Boy: Wow! You sent it flying!

Miles: Are you okay?

Little Boy: Yeah! Thanks for helping me!

Miles: No need to thank me. Saving citizens in distress is what knights are for!

Little Boy: Huh? You're a knight?

Miles: But of course!

Miles: For every ounce of my heroic might; Is born to defend the defenseless from plight!

Miles: That, indeed, is what makes a Knight!

Little Boy: W-Wow! That's awesome!

Tiny Dog: YIP!

Stella: Oh no!

Miles: A damsel in distress!

Miles: We meet again, mongrel!

Merchant: Missy, I hope you're prepared to pay for all the wares your dumb dog trashed!

Stella: No, I am not obliged to pay. That wasn't my dog.

Stella: Moreover, the prices on your sign are roughly three times the market price...

Merchant: Details, details! Someone's gotta pay for all this! Help a poor widdle street peddler out, wouldya?

Miles: Stop right there!

Miles: You! Unhand her!

Stella: He isn't touching me.

Miles: Leave this to me! My strength comes from defending the defenseless, so the worse the odds, the stronger I... get...

Miles: (Wait. The stars wink with her every blink...)

Stella: I do not require defense.

Miles: (A will forged in solitude's fires!)

Miles: She's perfect! She's just like the sister in the story!

Merchant: Uh... Am I interrupting something weird?

Miles: Bestill thine heart, dearest Kiara! For I have arrived, in this darkest of hours!

Stella: My name is Stella.

Miles: You always acted distant around your brother, but it turned out you were just shy and didn't know what to say.

Miles: That was in the playbill!

Stella: We aren't related...

Miles: That doesn't matter! A little sister to protect will make me stronger!

Merchant: Look, I don't know what this weirdass reunion of yours is and I don't care. I just want my money!

Miles: Begone!

Merchant: WHOOOA!

Miles: What do you think? Having a big brother isn't half bad, right?

Stella: I don't need a brother.

Light: Stella, there you are! I was worried about you.

Light: You should have been back by now. Is everything all right?

Miles: A talking toy? Hey there, little bunny. You must be Kiara's best friend! You're perfect to play up the little sister setting.

Light: T-toy? I am the champion Light. While I am Stella's companion, I am not a toy or a bunny.

Miles: Ooh! So Kiara's toy bunny houses the spirit of a legendary hero named Light... Yeah, I'll write that in! That'll add some flair!

Light: Flair?

Miles: Aren't you glad we're finally reunited, Kiara? Now we'll always, aaalways have each other.

Light: Wait. I don't know who he thinks you are, but does this child mean to follow us home, Stella?

Miles: You mean Kiara? I need a frail little sister to save— Just like in the story!

Light: Frail? Sister? Stella, what is he talking about?

Stella: I don't know. I appear to be his younger sister, Kiara.

Miles: "Stella" even sounds pretty similar to Kiara, doesn't it? Kinda? It's close enough!

Light: They sound nothing alike!

Miles: Come on Kiar— No! I almost revealed your secret identity. You can be in hiding under the fake name "Stella."

Miles: All right, "Stella," let's head back to your hideout. Don't worry—your brother Miles is here now!

Stella: I'm not worried so much as confused.

Light: Sigh... Another odd addition to the party. Are we misfit magnets?

Episode 2
The Will to Defend

Stella and Miles go to gather herbs, but are attacked by a wild boar. Remembering the reason he originally took up knighthood, Miles is able to defend Stella from the boar's charges.

Miles: Stella, wait for me! I heard you're going out to gather herbs. As your big brother, I'll tag along and protect you!

Light: Miles! I could hear you all the way from the World Flipper! Sounds like you're still playing pretend...

Stella: I'm supposed to be your frail little sister, right?

Miles: Exactly! I'm glad you remembered. Knights unleash their true power to defend the defenseless!

Miles: That means I need someone to protect if I wanna look the part!

Stella: I see. There's more to being a knight than I thought.

Light: H-he's not a REAL knight, Stella.

Stella: Either way, I'm going to go collect those herbs. You are welcome to accompany me.

Light: Those two worry me... But I suppose he'll only listen to Stella anyhow.

Light: Keep an eye on him, Stella.

Miles: Look! I found some! There are a whole bunch!

Miles: Hmm? Whew, that's a strong scent.

Stella: Why did you decide to become a knight, Miles? Does it have to do with your made-up sister?

Miles: Oh, that's all from a play. It's about a knight who fights to rescue his frail, sickly sister. The lead is a big inspiration!

Miles: His name's Geralt Dawnshield, and when he comes on stage there's a bright flash as he raises his shield like THIS.

Stella: I'm not your sister, though.

Miles: You don't have to be Kiara, but you DO have to be my little sister! Without a little sister to protect, I... I'd...

Stella: You would what?

Miles: That'll have to wait! Stella, stand back! I'll defend you!

Miles: You won't get by me!

Stella: The shield... It cracked! Miles, we should flee.

Miles: Never fear! I'll protect you! I swear it!

Stella: Miles...

Miles: Uh oh! It's winding up for a charge! What did we do to make it so mad?

Stella: All we've done is gather some—

Stella: Oh!

Stella: Just as I thought.

Miles: Huh?

Stella: The herbs. I believe the scent drew the boar to us.

Miles: Oh, that makes sense!

Miles: Take that! And THAT!

Miles: You don't stand a chance against the two of us! Let's toss herbs everywhere and confuse it!

Stella: That appears to have had the opposite effect.

Miles: Oops...

Miles: But it won't get past me!

Stella: Your shield!

Miles: I've still got plenty where that came from, fiend!

Miles: Pant... Pant...

Stella: Miles, the shield is barely holding itself together. We MUST flee!

Miles: No. No, no, NO!

Miles: I'll protect you!


Stella: Miles!

Miles' Father: Did he get in ANOTHER fight?

Miles' Mother: Not Miles, it was the other kids—They ganged up on him, the poor thing. I'm going to go give that USELESS teacher a piece of my mind!

Miles' Father: I'll go too. I'll make sure they hold ALL of those brats responsible for this! They'll never touch another hair on his sweet head!

Young Miles: N-no, don't. Mommy, Daddy, stop...

Miles' Father: Shh, don't worry, Miles. You'll always be Daddy's special boy. Let us grown ups handle the scary stuff, okay?

Miles' Mother: Poor baby... You're our one and only sunshine. Everything's okay now.

Young Miles: Don't... Don't tell the teacher... No!

Angry Boy: Hmph! What do you think YOU'RE doing here? You told on us!

Angry Girl: Yeah! Now the teacher's mad! I don't want to play with a tattle-tale!

Angry Boy: Me either! You can't be our friend anymore! Tattle-tales don't deserve friends!

Young Miles: Wait! No, come back!

Geralt Dawnshield: Alone, alone, woe was I! Alone I traversed the lonely tides, Alone—Lo! But for yonder light!

Geralt Dawnshield: Kiara! My sister, starlight twinkling in her dewy eyes—

Geralt Dawnshield: The power I lost, by that light tethered! My shield stronger than 'twere ever— For the knowledge, we are together!

Geralt Dawnshield: A slash! A flash! Kiara! My sister, plagued by daemons nevermore! Her gentle smile spared by mine knightly sword!

Young Miles: At last, long last I understood— The will to defend is the power of Knighthood!

Young Miles: I'm not alone!

Miles: As long as I've got someone to protect, my shield will NEVER break!

Stella: Miles?!

Miles: Huh? W-what did I just—?

Stella: That was a perfect shield bash, Miles. Thank you for saving me.

Miles: Uh, y-yeah, you're welcome.

Light: Oh, you two are finally back. Did it take you a while to find the herbs?

Miles: We were attacked by a wild boar, and...

Stella: And Miles fended it off with his shield. The shield shattered, though.

Miles: That's all right, shields can be fixed. Your safety is what matters.

Light: Sounds like you had a REAL adventure. Welcome back.

Miles: And so Miles the Knight was reunited with his companions, and all were merry!