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Episode 1
The Business of Peace

The diplomat Miguel hires Alk as an escort to accompany him to a party at Voluntas Arcane Arts Academy. After concluding his business, Miguel reveals that he knows Alk can travel between worlds, but he will keep this a secret from his superiors if he can join Alk on his adventures. Though suspicious, Alk agrees to the arrangement.

Elegant Fellow: What lovely weather... Quite suitable for taking tea outside.

Alk: So uh... You're the one who hired me, right?

Miguel: Yes. The name is Miguel. A pleasure to meet you.

Alk: Oh. You're a lot more easygoing than the Guild had me believe.

Miguel: I'm a simple diplomat, sent to do the Guild's bidding wherever and whenever they need me.

Alk: A diplomat... So you ARE someone famous!

Alk: Do you have a carriage waiting? I know I'm supposed to be guarding you, and I don't mind walking, but...

Miguel: Well, Alk. I don't have a carriage, no.

Miguel: But you can't get sent wherever, whenever, without an appropriate ride! Hop on, and I'll show you the world!

Miguel: Voluntas Arcane Arts Academy is a vital educational institution for Palpebra.

Miguel: The faculty values wisdom and skill as much as they respect decorum. Money isn't everything to them.

Miguel: Which is why I require an escort that can keep himself polite and discreet.

Alk: Now you're making me nervous...

Miguel: Most importantly, I need someone who is considerate of others. I think you'll do just fine.

Academy Professor: Well, well, if it isn't the Guild's wandering messenger. Did the good weather tempt you from your perch?

Miguel: My wings are always restless when there are sights to see.

Academy Professor: You are welcome to stay as long as you like, though I'm afraid the sights aren't as magnificent as you might be used to.

Academy Professor: By the way, did you happen to travel using a familiar?

Miguel: You are correct. Though my familiar may pale in comparison to the miracles of the academy...

Miguel: I am proud to call this one a friend.

Academy Staff: How marvelous! The engineering behind this is astounding! What did you use as a catalyst?!

Academy Staff: I can tell that a shape-shifting magical item was used as the base. Did you utilize a type of metal manipulation magic, or...

Miguel: Hahaha, I'd like to ask you to keep this a secret, but I utilized techniques from the Kaleidoscope...

Alk: Man, I'm so out of place... Why—

Miguel: Why did I choose you as my escort?

Alk: Oh, h-hey... Done already?

Miguel: It didn't take long to wrap up my business.

Alk: Huh?! But we only just got here!

Miguel: Never mind that. Tell me, have you ever wondered what it's like to work outside the spotlight?

Alk: What, like being a side character instead of a main one?

Miguel: Exactly. You see, a clever person should strive to operate undetected.

Miguel: There are countless options for escorts out there. But I wanted to observe YOU, speak with YOU—get to know who you are.

Miguel: And judging by my observations... you make a habit of hopping between worlds.

Miguel: Don't worry, I haven't told any of my superiors yet. I wanted to see if I could trust you first.

Alk: But why? What's the end goal here?

Miguel: I understand you're concerned, but I promise we're here to discuss business, not threats.

Miguel: I'm curious what kind of influence you'll have on Palpebra, which is why I'd like to remain by your side for the time being.

Alk: Just spy on me if you want to. You can do that from a distance, thanks.

Miguel: What, and miss the chance to get to know you and your companions better?

Miguel: I realize my presence is a risk for you and yours, but I can't stand idly by when I see a potential threat to our national interests.

Alk: Talk about a real convincing offer...

Miguel: You know I'm a man of business, Alk. My offers never disappoint.

Alk: Counteroffer: join us on our adventures as a FRIEND. Doesn't that sound much better?

Miguel: Well, if you're open to the idea. Do you host tea parties?

Alk: We can. I'll even throw in some homemade cookies to sweeten the deal.

Miguel: Then the choice has been made for me. I look forward to working with you, my friend.

Miguel: Why don't we look around? That magical cooling tool there looks interesting.

Miguel: A seasoned chef such as yourself should find it to your liking.

Alk: Wow, you've been spying on me for a while, huh...

Alk: But... you're not wrong. This thing is kinda cool!

Miguel: Mhmm, he is a fascinating one.

Episode 2
For the Future

Miguel brings Alk to the orphanage that raised him, which he now sponsors—hoping to pay forward the investments others made in him. When Alk professes he hasn't put much thought into his own future, Miguel offers his advice and support.

Miguel: Such good weather we're having. Why, it's perfect for...

Alk: Eating baked treats outside?

Miguel: Only accompanied by fine tea and even finer companions, of course.

Alk: Aren't you supposed to be doing some inspecting? Or did you come to the orphanage just to have tea?

Miguel: I can assure you that I'm conducting a thorough inspection.

Miguel: Everyone, gather around!

Children: Hello, Mister Miguel!

Miguel: It's good to see you all! The letters you send are always wonderful, but it's even better to greet you in person.

Miguel: We're joined today by my friend, Alk. Are you ready to show us how your minds have matured?

Miguel: Then let's start with a quiz. First question!

Miguel: You have been asked to complete an urgent errand, but you come across a child who has been separated from his mother. What do you do?

Children: I'd take him to a guard, and then finish the errand!

Miguel: An excellent response that addresses both problems. You'd be well suited for a job that aids others.

Miguel: Next question. You receive a delicious treat for a job well done, but on your way home, you meet someone who is starving. What do you do?

Children: Mister Miguel, can that person work?

Miguel: Maybe they can, maybe they can't. What would you do in either situation?

Children: I'd give it and ask the person who can work to help me earn more food.

Children: If the person can't work... I'd look for someone who can help them learn how to work!

Miguel: That plan is not without its risks, but there is merit in taking on a challenge.

Miguel: You would make an excellent merchant—one suited to running a large business. I have high hopes for you.

Miguel: Next question...

Miguel: This is the orphanage I sponsor. One day, when the children grow up, they shall be employed by the Guild.

Alk: So that whole quiz thing was figuring out what kinda jobs to give them?

Miguel: That, and to see how they've progressed in their studies. It's quite an entertaining experience for all involved.

Miguel: Raising children is a long-term investment that will only pay off if done right. If you want proof, you need not look further than me.

Miguel: I secured a future through my own efforts, but I would not have had the ability to do so without the ones who nurtured me.

Miguel: It is the duty of those who come before to pave the way for those who follow after.

Miguel: And now it is my turn to do the paving...

Miguel: I won't spare any effort to make their future worthwhile—not here, and not as a diplomat.

Alk: I've never thought that far ahead before, but I see your point.

Miguel: What kind of future have you pictured for yourself, Alk?

Alk: Me? Honestly, I'm so busy with the present, I haven't really considered anything past that.

Miguel: Really? Well, I suppose you are busy with your wild adventures.

Miguel: I have a proposal for you then.

Alk: What is it this time?

Miguel: I shall invest in you—do whatever I can to aid you until you can think of a future you'd like to work toward.

Alk: I hope you're not planning to collect interest on that.

Miguel: The only compensation I ask is that you do what you can to keep the world running. Any monetary rewards from jobs will still be yours.

Alk: So what you're saying is, we'll go on the same way we always have.

Miguel: The terms of service between us have been updated. That is all.

Alk: Now that sounds shady as heck...

Miguel: I appreciate the compliment.

Alk: Anyway, where are we headed next?

Miguel: There is a workplace that employs the youths who have left the orphanage...

Episode 3
Merits of Investing

Alk chaperones a group of Miguel's pupils to observe one of his business talks with wealthy merchants. The group work out a cryptic riddle, proving to Miguel's sceptic associates that his investment in the next generation promises great rewards.

Alk: I'm to head into that meeting room then?

Pur Lilie: Yes, please! Miguel is already inside with some of the Guild's most distinguished merchants.

Alk: Bigwigs everywhere, huh... Guess we'll have to watch our manners.

Pur Lilie: Here's the parchment detailing Miguel's request. It's a bit of a strange one...

Alk: A clever diplomat asks, but never answers....Is this the whole message?

Pur Lilie: Yeah, that's all we got. It's properly authorized too, since the official seal of approval's stamped on.

Children: Huh... Do you think it's a riddle?

Children: Maybe there's gonna be a quiz? But we're SUPPOSED to answer those, right? I don't get it.

Alk: I wouldn't put it past him to mess with us...

Alk: But I don't think he'd go through all this trouble for a prank. Which means...

Alk: Listen up, everyone. I've got an idea.

Miguel: The Academy has agreed to have a set number of graduates work for the Guild. We have a number of positions requiring magical aptitude to fill—

Wealthy Merchant: And they shall choose based on their personal preferences, yes? I would have preferred a more efficient approach, but alas.

Miguel: They should be given a choice that allows them to utilize their own insights.

Wealthy Merchant: We'll go with your plans, Miguel. But be warned the positions chosen will be carefully screened.

Miguel: Of course. Only the best will suffice for a mutually beneficial agreement.

Wealthy Merchant: I can only hope the students are wise enough to see it your way as well.

Wealthy Merchant: By the way, I've heard you've taken a recent interest in human resources investment.

Miguel: Yes, it tickles my fancy as much as tea.

Wealthy Merchant: Then you can tell me... What kind of business is the young man named Alk involved in?

Miguel: He's a simple adventurer who happens to be intelligent and skilled at serving tea. You can see why I like him.

Wealthy Merchant: he knows an awful lot of powerful people here in Palpebra—and our neighboring countries, if you catch my drift.

Miguel: Yes, he's quite fortunate, isn't he? Ah, to be a young boy again, unburdened by grown-ups' political allegiances. Fortunate, indeed...

Wealthy Merchant: ...Why are you going out of your way to protect him? You know we don't wish him harm.

Miguel: My reasoning is straightforward: it's not polite to throw a friend to the dogs.

Wealthy Merchant: I suppose if that's how you view the matter...

Miguel: Why not continue to keep the status quo? It'll be much more profitable to let him do what he likes.

Wealthy Merchant: Very well then. We'll tolerate this arrangement so long as there are profits.

Wealthy Merchant: Enter!

Wealthy Merchant: Well, well. You must be the orphans under Miguel's care.

Wealthy Merchant: Why do you fret so? And you, young man, there's no need to be so nervous.

Wealthy Merchant: Please, speak up! We haven't got all day!

Wealthy Merchant: Hahaha, excellent! They pass! Miguel, you can release them.

Miguel: Everyone, you now have permission to talk.

Alk: Wow, I can feel my heart pounding... Can't believe I guessed right...

Alk: Why couldn't you have given instructions like a normal person?

Miguel: I had every bit of confidence you'd figure it out. Thank you, everyone.

Alk: This another one of your investments?

Miguel: An astute observation. You'll be rewarded a hundred-fold for this one.

Miguel: Does this satisfy you, my fellows? This man and my children have yet to fall short of my expectations.

Miguel: They've proved that a capable person is worth more than a mountain of gold. Aren't they worth your investment too?

Wealthy Merchant: We'll support your plan. After all, education is crucial for any youth, isn't it?

Miguel: Indeed. Though it may cost time and money...

Miguel: The payoff is more valuable by far.