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Episode 1
The Whirlwind

While watching a match for a sport called ActFast, Light is sent flying into the field by a rogue explosion, Luckily, one athlete named Middy saves him, and he is able to reunite with his friends after the match. Middy mentions that she is looking for training spot recommendations, Light invites her to Starview Village.

Announcer: Whoa! Another bomb flies straight into the audience! The whole stadium shakes in the aftershock!

Announcer: We know this game's a real attention grabber, but keep your eyes peeled, ladies and gents! Or you might just lose your head!

Light: So this is the sport known as ActFast... I'd heard the stories, but doesn't this seem excessively dangerous?

Alk: Looks like it's pretty popular though. It's pretty intense, and those ticket prices can't be beat.

Nimbus: As usual, the people here are after the next big thing...

Announcer: Now that the ball's back in the field, time to restart the match! Can Tri Hurricane's Middy score a goal?!

Middy: All right, it's about time we finish this!

Rival Captain: Don't get cocky, Middy! I'm gonna crush you this round!

Light: Oh my... That Middy girl seems to know her way around the field...

Announcer: Uh-oh! Foreski's lobbed another bomb into the audience!

Light: ...Huh?

Light: Ahhh!

Middy: A-a mutant?! You okay, little guy?

Light: Y-yes... I think so...

Announcer: And Middy comes in clutch with a save for our unlucky spectator! A fine and compassionate play indeed!

Rival Captain: Ha! Playin' the hero now, Middy? You're such a goody two-shoes... I HATE that about you!

Middy: Uh-oh! Better hold on tight, little mutie!

Light: I-I'm not a mutant, I'm the Cha- AHHH!

Announcer: She's done it! True to her nickname, Whirlwind Middy rushes through the field at breakneck speeds to score the winning goal!

Middy: You'd have to be faster than the wind to catch me!

Alk: Light! Are you okay?!

Light: There you are! I apologize for making you worry. I am fine, thanks to this young lady.

Middy: Heya! You guys're Light's friends, right? I heard all about you.

Alk: And you must be Middy. Thanks for saving Light back there.

Middy: Don't sweat it. It was our match that sent him flying in the first place. My bad.

Middy: I didn't know Light could float around either. I probably did more harm than good holding onto him like that.

Light: No, with my current strength, I do not think I would have made it out of that field unscathed. I was incredibly lucky to fall into your hands.

Middy: Ahaha, well, I'm happy to hear it. But I think I was the lucky one here.

Middy: Once I had you in my hands, I didn't get hit at all! The other team's shots just whizzed by!

Middy: You sure you aren't a lucky rabbit, Light?

Light: N-no, your victory today was earned by your skills on the field. Your plays during that match were perfection.

Middy: Nah, that wasn't anything special. This was a pretty traditional match, after all.

Middy: If this had been a special match, that play wouldn't have worked nearly as well.

Light: Oh? Do they add obstacles and such to the field during those games?

Middy: Sometimes. Other times they turn the whole field into a forest, desert, or even a huge pool of water!

Alk: Wow, they can recreate all those with virtual reality devices? Sounds rough...

Middy: It definitely takes some getting used to. Training for those kinds of matches is tough too. Replicating those environments costs some serious coins.

Middy: If you happen to know any cheap training facilities, let me know, okay?

Alk: Actually, I think we might be able to help you there.

Light: Indeed. Consider it thanks for saving me.

Stella: Welcome to Starview Village, Middy.

Middy: Wh-whoa, you even brought out the welcome committee...

Middy: So, wait... Where the heck am I?

Light: This is Starview Village, a place connected to a number of different worlds.

Light: From here, you have access to any number of worlds with their own unique environments, including vast deserts, lush forests, and a deep blue sea.

Middy: No way! This is perfect for my training!

Middy: Ah, but... Is it really okay for me to know about this?

Alk: Of course. just don't tell anyone, okay?

Middy: You got it! My lips are sealed! I'll even sign a contract if I have to!

Middy: Hey, so how do we start this baby up?! If I wanna go to the forest, what do I do?

Light: You just- whoa, c-calm down!

Middy: Argh, I can't wait any longer! Come on, let's go, Light!

Episode 2
Taking on the Heat!

As Alk and the others help Middy train in the desert, she explains that she prefers to play fair over the dirty tricks ActFast is known for. At her next match, Middy's training pays off, and her team snatches a victory. Alk and the others make a toast to celebrate.

Middy: Haaah!

Middy: *huff* *puff* How was that?!

Alk: Great! That was your fastest time today!

Middy: I knew it! I'm finally starting to get the hang of moving in the sand!

Nimbus: You don't even know if your next match will be a desert field, though, right? And even if it is, how is a bunch of sand entertaining to the audience?

Middy: Well, special fields come with their own unique sets of challenges and mishaps. That alone makes them pretty popular.

Middy: Although dealing with those challenges IS hard on us athletes.

Alk: I think you'll be able to handle it though. You're pretty used to the desert now.

Middy: No way, I've got a looong ways to go! I need to feel the desert right down to my muscles, my very bones themselves!

Middy: The sand here really absorbs every movement I make, which is perfect for training! I need to do al I can to-

Middy: HOOOT!

Alk: Whoa! Middy, are you okay?!

Middy: Ahaha, looks like a few of my prosthetics overheated.

Light: I-is that not cause for concern ?

Middy: I'm fine, I'm fine! A little cool-down and a reboot is all they need.

Middy: Hope I didn't scare you guys too bad. Could you get me the water from my bag?

Middy: Ahhh, that's the stuff! I thought I'd prepare for the desert heat, but I guess not! Never underestimate the real deal!

Alk: You've only done virtual training before this, right? is it that different?

Middy: Well, if you use high-end tech that the stadiums use, you can get pretty close to reality...

Middy: But our team doesn't exactly have the budget for that...

Middy: Which is why I'm so thankful for you all! I never dreamed I'd be able to train like this!

Light: We're just happy to help. There's only so much you can learn from a replication, after all.

Middy: Exactly! From the heat to the sand itself, everything can be seen as a threat.

Middy: No matter how dustproof I make myself, all it takes is a few grains of sand to lock up my joints.

Alk: Ah... I suppose that would be a huge problem for machines.

Nimbus: In that case, why not just throw sand at your opponents? With any luck, they'll break down and you'll outnumber them.

Light: Th-that can't be considered fair play, can it?

Nimbus: And bombs and electric shocks are? Come on now.

Middy: Hmm... I suppose it wouldn't TECHNICALLY be against the rules, but I don't really want to play that way.

Middy: I totally see where you're coming from though. Dirty tactics like that are part of ActFast's appeal, and I'm sure lots of fans would love to see it.

Middy: But I want to compete using my own abilities. I just want to enjoy ActFast like any other sport.

Middy: Haha, look at me being all inspirational and junk. Sorry about that. Hope I didn't come off too corny.

Stella: Not at all. Such thought processes suit you, Middy.

Middy: Ehehe, thanks!

Middy: All right, I'm up and running, so let's get started again! I wanna practice dealing with an opponent, so Nimbus, you're up!

Nimbus: Yeah, yeah.

Announcer: This is it, folks. the match you've all been waiting for! Welcome to Special Match: Desert Mode!

Alk: Uhh... The other team's rackets look an awful lot like shovels...

Nimbus: They're definitely gonna use that sand to play dirty.

Light: Well, regardless, there's nothing to worry about. Middy's training in the desert made sure of that. Besides...

Light: Anyone who prioritizes handicapping their opponent over actual strategy can't possibly beat her.

Announcer: That's the signal! Let the match... begin!

Light: An overwhelming victory, as expected. Congratulations, Middy!

Middy: Come on, I didn't do much. The other team practically handed that win to us.

Nimbus: Haha, that was a riot! His leg got caught in the sand, and when he fell, he ended up eating it too!

Alk: Well, I don't think that alone got you the win. The way you were moving out there was incredible!

Middy: Hehe, thanks! I couldn't have done it without the training you guys helped me with.

Light: Our assistance mattered little. It was your diligence that won the day.

Middy: Well, in any case, I'm counting this win as a team effort!

Synthetic Waitress: Here are your orders.

Middy: Alright, this calls for a toast! three cheers to OUR victory!

All: Cheers!

Episode 3
A Team's Band

Due to the opposing team's meddling, Middy's teammates fall ill, so Alk and Nimbus decide to take their place in her upcoming match. In the finale of the match, Middy, filled with anger over what happened to her teammates, shoots the winning goal. In the following days, Middy comes to Starview to thank the others and let them know her teammates have recovered.

Announcer: Are you ready for some ActFast, folks? As usual, the focus of today's match is Middy, leader of Tri Hurricane!

Announcer: But what's this?! She's got some new teammates this time around. What kind pf match is in store for us?!

Alk: Urgh... I thought I was ready for this, but this really is nerve-racking!

Nimbus: Don't overthink it. Besides, all the spectators look like scarecrows from down here.

Middy: I'm so sorry to drag you two into this, but... thank you.

Middy: We'll win this for sure!

Rival Captain: Are the rumors true, Middy? I heard your teammates got taken down by a virus. Oh nooo, what a DISASTER!

Middy: You dirty-

Rival Captain: And now you're stuck with two amateurs on your team! This is gonna be a piece of SoyMate with cake AdTaste!

Nimbus: You think so, huh? Game on. Come and get it, punk!

Stella: Come on, guys... Let's show them what we've got!

Announcer: And now... Let the match begin!

Alk: Huh? What's up, Middy? I thought you were going to train.

Middy: Ah... Well... I was planning on it, but...

Light: Did something happen?

Middy: ...My teammates collapsed. It looks like they've been infected with some kind of virus. They still haven't regained consciousness...

Nimbus: That doesn't sound like a typical illness for bionics...

Alk: Don't tell me... Did the other team have something to do with this?!

Middy: I don't have any proof, but... that's what my gut is telling me!

Light: What of your next match? I don't believe it's that far off.

Middy: I'm playing. Even if I have to go in alone!

Alk: What?! No way, it's too dangerous!

Middy: I know that!

Middy: But I can't just let them win by default after they hurt my teammates!

Middy: They very idea of letting those cheaters get away unscathed makes me mad!

Stella: Middy...

Alk: When is the registration deadline for your next match?

Middy: Huh? I-I think it's tomorrow...

Nimbus: Ha, well, looks like we've got our work cut out for us, then.

Alk: Middy, Nimbus and I will take your teammates' places.

Middy: What?! Wait a minute! I can't ask you to do that!

Alk: I mean, I doubt we'll be much help.

Alk: But we want to lend you our support, even if it's just a little bit...

Middy: I appreciate the thought, but this is too dangerous...

Alk: More dangerous than going in alone?

Nimbus: We've both got plenty of experience on the battlefield.

Nimbus: Hell, the hardest part is gonna be learning all those rules.

Middy: You guys... Thank you so much!

Announcer: We're almost out of time, but neither team has managed to sore a single point! Who will sneak past the other team's defenses and score the winning point?!

Rival Captain: Dammit! I thought you bastards were just fill-ins for her stupid teammates. You're not supposed to be GOOD!

Middy: Don't talk to my teammates like that! They may only have joined me at the last minute, but that doesn't make us any less of a team!

Nimbus: Graaah!

Alk: Middy, the rest is up to you!

Rival Captain: You! Always with that stick up your ass, drooling over teamwork this and friendship that... Pisses me off. You're gonna eat those words!

Middy: I could say the same for you! Why won't you just take me on fair and square?! You scared or something?

Middy: YOU'RE the one who hurt MY teammates! I'll show you who's pissed off!

Middy: Yaaah! Injection Storm!

Announcer: Goooal! That's the game, folks! No one can defeat the Whirlwind!

Middy: Thanks again for playing that match. I just wanted to let you know that my teammates are recovered and back in action.

Alk: Thank goodness. I also heard the investigation into the other team found a lot of damning evidence, right?

Nimbus: Got themselves expelled from the league. Well, you reap what you saw.

Middy: Still... I'm sorry for putting you all in danger.

Alk: Don't sweat it. I actually had a lot of fun.

Nimbus: Yeah, although I won't be making a habit out of playing.

Stella: I would also like to give ActFast a try.

Light: I suppose it would be fine to play here in Starview... As long as we banned certain... explosive materials.

Light: Is something amiss, Middy?

Middy: No, I was just thinking... you really might be a lucky rabbit, Light.

Middy: Hehehe, forget I said anything. Thanks again, guys!