Mia (Summer)/Stories

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Episode 1
Beach Treasure Hunt!

On a resort island, Mia finds a bottle with a treasure map inside. She drags Alk and co. all over before finding the prize. To everyone else's surprise, the treasure map was created by resort staff as a fun activity, with the prize being a free ticket to a marine leisure tour.

Mia: Woohooooo! Look at all this ocean!

Mia: And there are millions of starfish out here! Ahahaha!

Nimbus: Someone's got a bad case of the zoomies.

Mia: Come on! This is my first time at a beach with friends and swimming gear! Can you blame me?

Mia: Oho? My treasure senses are tingling!

Mia: Hey, take a look at this bottle!

Nimbus: Ugh, people should really throw away their own trash.

Mia: It's not trash—it's treasure! Don't you see what's inside?

Light: A map? An old one, at that...

Alk: Wonder if it's a treasure map.

Nimbus: No way. Real life's not that convenient.

Alk: You think? But there's some kind of special symbol on it.

Mia: I'm pawsitive this leads to a prize! Trust my treasure hunter instincts!

Nimbus: You've gotta be yanking my chain...

Light: Why not indulge her? This could prove to be a fun vacation activity.

Mia: Hehe, I can't wait to see what we find!

Mia: There's NOTHING here!

Stella: What a shame...

Nimbus: Do you believe me now? Real treasure maps don't just pop up when you want them to.

Alk: Are you sure we're in the right place?

Mia: Hmm... I'm pretty sure this is where X marks the spot...

Nimbus: All right, you've satisfied your curiosity, yeah? Let's head back.

Alk: Uh, Mia?

Mia: I've got it!

Mia: This map has a cipher!

Alk: So... the symbol was a false lead?

Mia: No, no! It's part of the map!

Mia: See, it's meant to be the starting point, but figuring out the cipher will lead you to the rest of the path! So, um...

Nimbus: Don't forget to breathe.

Mia: J-just follow me! This way!

Mia: Over here!

Light: Are you certain this way is safe? I swear there was a sign saying this area is still undeveloped.

Mia: Hehehe, nobody's getting in the way of my treasure hunt!

Nimbus: You could've told us this was a shortcut. Well, whatever, at least it keeps things interesting.

Alk: You're right about that. Never know what's just around the corner!

Light: Having fun is fine... But we should take care not to let our guard down.

Mia: There it is!

Nimbus: For real?

Stella: Let's open it. Right now.

Light: Wait, it could be trapped. We should inspect it first.

Mia: Good call! Guess a hero like you would know a thing or two about adventuring!

Mia: Seems like we're good! Time to see what we got our paws on!

Mia: Drum roll, please! Dun, dun, dun...

Mia: Ta-daaa! It's paper!

Alk: Huh? Come again?

Light: "Congratulations! Please come to the main office to pick up your prize."

Guild Staff: Thanks for waiting. Here you go—one ticket redeemable for a free marine leisure tour.

Mia: Woo! Thank you! We did it, guys!

Light: H-hold on... Did you know this was the prize all along?

Mia: Allow me to explain!

Alk: So the whole thing was a game.

Mia: Hey! I said I was going to explain!

Mia: But yeah. This whole treasure hunt was planned by the staff working here.

Stella: How did you know?

Mia: That map was altered to look old, but the paper was actually super new.

Mia: And the terrain on the map was way too detailed to be hiding a special treasure.

Mia: It's like it was screaming for its prize to be found, you know? A real map wouldn't be like that at all!

Alk: Ah. I see. You can, uh, stop now, otherwise the staff might just burst into tears.

Mia: I had a lot of fun today! Thanks for setting this up!

Mia: Can't wait to see what you come up with next!

Guild Staff: R-right, we'll be doing our best!

Mia: Okay, guys, how about we go use this ticket?

Episode 2
Ocean Treasure Hunt!

Mia and friends decide to use the glamping equipment on the beach to have a barbecue. Mia and Nimbus compete to see who can hunt the most seafood, and Mia fishes up a truly rare treat. She shares it with everyone, as treasure is always better when enjoyed with friends.

Alk: They even have a section reserved for glamping, huh? That's some nice equipment!

Mia: We've got permission to barbecue so long as we get our own ingredients!

Light: A more than agreeable deal. Should we head to the nearest market—

Mia: Now where's the fun in that?

Mia: We've got the whole ocean to pick from!

Light: Are you saying we should catch our own fish?

Alk: If only we brought rods. Oh, but isn't there a rental shop around these parts?

Mia: Heh, an amateur might need equipment like that...

Mia: But a real pro has this!

Alk: ...Are you going to dive for fish?!

Mia: Heck yeah I am! Watch me hunt a feast for us!

Nimbus: Sounds like a good time. I'd be down to sink my claws into some prey too.

Mia: Oho? Why don't we see who can catch the most food?

Nimbus: You're on.

Alk: Stella, Light. What do you guys wanna do?

Stella: I can fish too!

Light: Even if I went for a rental, I doubt they have rods my size...

Alk: Okay, you're with me, then. We can go pick up other ingredients from the market.

Mia: If you're going there anyways, mind picking up some durian? I wanna eat some grilled durian for dessert!

Alk: Uh, sure? Who grills durians...

Nimbus: Not half bad, Mia.

Mia: Right back at you! But if you think I'm done, you've got another thing coming!

Stella: I have acquired a Neptune element.

Nimbus: Uh, congrats?

Mia: Why's she fishing up elements?

Nimbus: Beats me...

Mia: ...Eh, so long as she's having fun, what's it matter?

Mia: Let's dive, Nimbus! Our competition ain't over yet!

Nimbus: You bet it isn't!

Mia: Mm! This is so GOOD! Barbecue is just the best!

Nimbus: Kinda weird, ain't it? When you hunt the food yourself, it tastes even better!

Light: Haha... Everything tastes all the better when you're surrounded by good company.

Stella: Delicious.

Alk: It's just roasted fish. If you want it prepped any other way, just lemme know.

Mia: Thanks, Alk! Mmm, we should eat this one next!

Alk: Wha... M-Mia, how'd you get that fish?!

Mia: Caught it myself! Looks good, doesn't it?

Alk: This... This is...

Alk: A Diamondfish!

Mia: Whazzat? You telling me this thing has gems in it?!

Nimbus: This fish pukes up diamonds?

Alk: No, no, that's not what I meant! I've seen this fish once before!

Alk: It's a super rare species that is known as the Diamond of the Ocean!

Mia: Ohhh! A real treasure of the sea, huh? That's some big loot!

Nimbus: Rare or whatever, can we still eat it?

Alk: Can you eat it, he asks... Are you serious, Nimbus?!

Alk: Food fanatics have resorted to piracy just to get a single taste of this legendary fish, y'know?!

Mia: Whoa, for real? We should sell it then!

Alk: NO! We're eating it! Just need to decide how to serve it up...

Mia: Hmm... I'll leave that up to you, chef extraordinaire!

Alk: You got it!

Stella: This will be tasty.

Nimbus: You sure about this? You're the one who caught it, so it's your right to keep it.

Mia: Don't be like that Nimbus! A fortune's best enjoyed with friends!

Light: That's right.

Stella: Especially a tasty one.

Alk: Okay, I think I've got it. I'll use one fillet for sashimi and the other for grilling. Anything leftover will be used for fish head soup.

Mia: Sounds like a great plan to me! I'm already drooling!

Mia: The best part of treasure hunting is enjoying all the spoils!

Episode 3
Ghost Ship Treasure Hunt!

On a request to recover treasure from a ghost ship, Mia and friends manage to grab a music box before the ship sinks. Inside it is a picture of the little girl who asked them to search the ship, as the box belonged to her deceased father. After handing it to the little girl, Mia wishes that she could see her grandmother one more time, even if she was a ghost.

Mia: Hey there, what are you doing here all by your lonesome?

Mia: It's about to get dark soon. Want me to help you find your parents?

Nimbus: A ghost ship carrying treasure? Sounds fishy to me.

Mia: But that little girl on the beach told me it's true, so it has to be!

Nimbus: Yeah? Where's your proof?

Mia: Just trusting my good ol' treasure hunting instincts!

Nimbus: So we're just going on a wild goose chase...

Alk: Look! Is that...

Nimbus: Someone pinch me...

Mia: See, what'd I say? Time for some treasure!

Light: Tread cautiously. We have no idea what could be lurking around.

Alk: How are we supposed to fight a ghost if we ran into one anyway?

Light: Back in my day, they fell to normal attacks.

Alk: Stella, what'd you find?

Stella: Ghosts.

Light: They don't seem pleased to see us!

Mia: Ugh, we're getting nowhere like this!

Nimbus: You can search all you want once this place is ghost-free!

Mia: Hnngghh...

Mia: Whoa, is that...

Alk: Mia! What are you doing?!

Mia: Isn't it obvious?

Mia: Just gonna flick my wrist...

Mia: And get that treasure!

Mia: Wait, what...

Nimbus: What are you spacing out for? Grab the goods and go!

Mia: Thanks for the concern, but I think we're good now.

Nimbus: Say what?

Mia: I'll get this where it needs to go, so don't worry.

Mia: You can count on me!

Alk: Mia?

Mia: Gah! Wh-what...

Stella: The ship is sinking.

Nimbus: We need to get outta here NOW!

Light: *sigh* For a moment, I thought we were done for...

Stella: That was a fun adventure.

Alk: The only treasure we managed to snag was that box. What is it exactly?

Mia: A music box with a picture inside.

Stella: Is it valuable?

Mia: Yep, beyond priceless.

Mia: Sorry to keep you waiting!

Light: You're the girl in the picture...

Mia: Here you go! One present from a ghost ship!

Girl: ...Did any of the ghosts speak to you?

Mia: Sorry, but... I couldn't tell.

Mia: But a sage once told me... Only people with strong, lingering emotions stay in our world as spirits.

Mia: So... You know what?

Mia: None of the ghosts needed to say a word. Your father held out for so long because he loved you a ton!

Girl: *sniffle* Waaaah!

Mia: There, there... Let it all out...

Mia: Gramps used to tell me that ghosts are just fragments of the souls they used to be. The people we miss are already gone.

Mia: But... it'd still be nice to see my Grandma again even if she was a ghost.

Mia: Ugh... Anyone else having a hard time watching the sunset, or is it just me?

Alk: Mia...

Mia: Okay! That's enough sad time for me!

Mia: We've still got plenty of vacation left to enjoy! So let's enjoy it!

Stella: ...Sounds good to us.